1892-2008 Quincy High School Yearbooks – Golden Rod

Last Updated on July 18, 2022 by Dennis

1892 Quincy High School Yearbook - Golden Rod
1892 Quincy High School Yearbook – Golden Rod

The Thomas Crane Public Library in Quincy Massachusetts has digitized their copies of the Quincy High School yearbooks for the years of 1892 through 2008 and placed them online for free reading and download. Their collection spans the years of 1892 through 2008 but does not contain a complete run of all volumes of the early journal which was printed monthly.

The Golden Rod commenced publishments in September 1891 as a student-led literary journal of Quincy High School and in 1940 morphed into the style of yearbooks our generation has grown accustomed to. You can find photographs in the years of 1831-1939 in the June issue (considered the Senior number). Prior to that only lists of names and an occasional class, officer, sport photograph appeared.

Starting in 1895 and lasting through 1900 published editions of the yearbook of the Golden Rod hyphenated the name as Golden-Rod. Early years of the yearbook have been bound together as volumes encompassing the entire years publication of the Golden-Rod journal. Make sure you view and search all editions during a year.

The following advertisement shown in the image is presented in it’s text form with links to the books mentioned if they could be found online for free. This advertisement was directed at boys who attended the Quincy High School in 1896 as at that time girls gained citizenship in the United States through their husband, not individually.

1896 advertisement in the Quincy, MA Golden-Rod journal
1896 advertisement in the Quincy, MA Golden-Rod journal

Quincy H. S. Boys!

Are you fortifying yourself with that sort of education that is
requisite for citizenship? Are you reading the works of men
who are acknowledged as master minds in statecraft?

In History, Civics, and Political Science we have a list of books for your especial requirements. Beginning with SHELDON’S GENERAL HISTORY, you will be enabled to get’ a clear idea of the development of monarchial forms as they rose one from another in the Orient.

THOMAS’S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES is the best type of a constitutional history for students ever published. It is a history of the people, showing the development of a strongly nationalized government; it is also a manual of citizenship and a work of scholarship.

DOLE’s “THE AMERICAN CITIZEN” is a proper sequel to Thomas’s History of the United States.” The whole aim and object of this book is the true object of education — citizenship. For the higher studies in this line we have WILSON’S “THE STATE,” a book that exhibits the actual organization and administrative practice of modern governments, and “THE STATE AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS OF THE UNITED STATES,” by the same author. GIDE’S “THE PRINCIPLES OF POLITICAL ECONOMY,” is a guide book for students who are feeling their way beyond the elementary stage in political economy. In WENZEL’S “COMPARATIVE VIEW OF THE EXECUTIVE AND LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENTS OE GOVERNMENT,” are parallel the outlines of the four great constitutional governments of the world—The United States, England, France and Germany. For students of political economy, and for the law school, LAWRENCE’S “GUIDE TO INTERNATIONAL LAW,” is now in press. Still another professional work is the “CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES AT THE END OF THE FIRST CENTURY,” by ex-Senator Boutwell of Massachusetts, a source of authority that cannot be questioned. These books follow the laboratory plan, and are adapted to use of high and secondary schools as well as the individual student.

Catalogue, prices and other information cheerfully given.
D. C. HEATH & COMPANY, Boston. New York, Chicago.



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