1912-1943 Mississippi Death Index

Christopher Smothers, a college student, and professional genealogist who specializes in Deep South research, always wondered to himself why the Mississippi Death index for 1912-1943 was hidden at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History in Jackson Mississippi. Why wasn’t this more widely available? Fast forward a few years, and multiple conversations, and the cog wheels at the archives have finally relented to allow these weathered and cracked microfilms to be digitally re-scanned and released to the public. Props to Christopher for making this happen!

With assistance from Reclaim the Records, who fronted the cost for the microfilm, and from FamilySearch who digitized the records, these microfilms have been placed online at the InternetArchive for free public perusal and download. So without further delay from misled bureaucrats who thought a death record shouldn’t be released because it violated the privacy rights… of dead people; I present to you, in a neat list, ordered by date, the 1912-1943 Mississippi Death Index!

Death Records,

AccessGenealogy.com United States Vital Records.

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