Newtonville Massachusetts High School Yearbooks 1910-2012

The Newton Public Library has uploaded all of the Newtonville High School Yearbooks from 1910 through 2012 to Internet Archive. We provide quick links to each edition in chronological order below. Each link takes you to the volume for that year (some years had 2 volumes) enabling you to peruse and read the yearbook. If you want to download a copy there is a link at the top that enables you to do so for free.

The links below enable you to read, download, and search each book. The search was created by OCR and not edited; as such, mistakes in names occur. To insure you don’t miss your ancestor, we suggest searching for them directly, based upon their class and year of high school. The students are listed in alphabetical order.



3 thoughts on “Newtonville Massachusetts High School Yearbooks 1910-2012”

  1. Looking for Newton South High School Yearbook named Regulus for 1961. Can you supply a link to access THAT particular yearbook?


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