The William Wade Hinshaw index to Pennsylvania Quaker meeting records

These monthly meeting records were abstracted from the original Pennsylvania Quaker Monthly Meeting records in the 1930’s by William Wade Hinshaw of Washington, D. C. They are a transcription of the microfilmed records containing birth, death, burial, and marriage records, as well as meeting minutes, removals and certificates.

After Hinshaw’s death, the unpublished material was deposited at the Friends Historical Library, Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania. This collection is known as the William Wade Hinshaw Index to Quaker Meeting Records.

The following record has been transcribed from a microfilm copy of this Index. As this copy is several generations removed from the original -doubtful entries should be verified by checking the original record books.

These books (or microfilm copies) may be found in the Friends Historical Library.

  1. Concord Monthly Meeting
    Established 1684 in Chester County (since 1789 in Delaware County), by Upland Monthly Meeting (later called Chester). Concord Monthly Meeting was known as Chichester until 1800, when the name was changed.
    1. Certificates granted 1765-1865
    2. Certificates of Removal 1827-1913
    3. Marriages 1679-1934
    4. Men’s Minutes 1684-1934
    5. Women’s Minutes 1715-1877
  2. Exeter Monthly Meeting
    Established 1737 near Stonersville, Berks County by Gwynned Mo. Mtg. First known as Oley Monthly Meeting, name changed in 1742.
    1. Births & Deaths 1715-1889
    2. Burials 1818-1934
    3. Marriages 1747-1887
    4. Removals 1755-1879
    5. Men’s Minutes 1737-1899
    6. Women’s Minutes 1737-1899
  3. Frankford Monthly Meeting
    Established 1815 by Abington Monthly Meeting at Unity and Waln Streets, Philadelphia.
    1. Births & Deaths 1792-1907
    2. Marriages 1828-1906
    3. Removals 1816-1907
    4. Men’s Minutes 1816-1839
    5. Men’s Minutes 1852-1923+
    6. Women’s Minutes 1815-1882
  4. Goshen Monthly Meeting
    Established 1722 by Chester Monthly Meeting, Chester County.
    1. Births & Deaths 1705-1881
    2. Removals 1828-1930
    3. Marriages 1722-1928
    4. Men’s Minutes 1722-1870
    5. Men’s Minutes 1877-1927
    6. Women’s Minutes 1752-1911
  5. Gwynedd Monthly Meeting
    Established in 1714 by Radnor Monthly Meeting, Montgomery County.
    1. Births & Deaths 1690-1933
    2. Marriages 1715-1930
    3. Men’s Minutes 1714-1801
    4. Men’s Minutes 1828-1936
    5. Women’s Minutes 1717-1792
    6. Women’s Minutes 1746-1771
  6. Kennett Monthly Meeting
    Established 1686 as Newark Monthly Meeting (named changed 1760) in Chester County. “These Friends were at first supposed to belong to the Concord Monthly Meeting.”
    1. Removals 1751-1895
    2. Marriages 1704-1937
    3. Membership Record
    4. Men’s Minutes 1686-1897
    5. Women’s Meetings 1699-1892
  7. Philadelphia Northern District
    Established 1772 by Philadelphia Monthly Meeting in Philadelphia at Sixth and Noble.
    1. Births, Deaths & Burials 1772-1914
    2. Marriages 1772-1907
    3. Removals 1773-1914
    4. Men’s Minutes 1772-1914
    5. Women’s Minutes 1772-1829
  8. Philadelphia Southern District
    Established 1772 in Philadelphia at the southwest corner of Washington Square on Seventh Street by Philadelphia Monthly Meeting. Meeting discontinued and attached to Philadelphia Monthly Meeting on 27 Nov 1872.
    1. Births & Deaths 1734-1872
    2. Removals 1773-1872
    3. Marriages 1773-1872
    4. Men’s Minutes 1772-1872
    5. Women’s Minutes 1772-1806
  9. London Grove Monthly Meeting
    Established 1792 by New Garden Monthly Meeting, Chester County.
    1. Borths & Deaths 1767-1884
    2. Minutes 1828-1847
  10. Stroudsburg Monthly Meeting
    Established 1815 by Richland Monthly Meeting, Monroe County. Meeting discontinued 22 Aug 1839.
    1. Births & Deaths 1758-1838
    2. Removals 1816-1828
    3. Marriages 1818-1838
    4. Men’s Minutes 1815-1839
  11. Chester Monthly Meeting – Not online
  12. Darby Monthly Meeting
    Established 1684 in Landsdown, Delaware County, by Chester Monthly Meeting.
    1. Marriages 1694-1937
    2. Mounted Certificates 1751-1924
    3. Births & Deaths 1682-1857
    4. Membership Book 1837-1891
    5. Men’s Minutes 1684-1891
    6. Women’s Minutes 1684-1891
    7. Records Orthodox Branch – Appendix 1
    8. Representatives to Quarterly Meeting – Appendix 2
  13. Millville-Muncy Monthly Meeting
    Hicksite from 1828 Columbia County
  14. New Garden Monthly Meeting
    Established 1718 in Chester County by Newark Monthly Meeting.
  15. Index – Not online

These manuscripts do not contain a table of contents, have irregular pagination, may be blurry at times, and the text can extend off the page. As imperfect as they are, however, they’re better than the alternative… 🙂


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