Improvements to Annexed Cherokee Lands
List of the improvements, with the proprietors’ names, on lands ceded by the Cherokees to the United States, by the treaty of the 6th of May, 1828, with the appraised value, &c. annexed.
List of the improvements, with the proprietors’ names, on lands ceded by the Cherokees to the United States, by the treaty of the 6th of May, 1828, with the appraised value, &c. annexed.
Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon T.A. Ratcliff, a former resident of Enterprise for many years, died last Friday, September 19, 1919, at his home in Salem. He was 77 years old and had been ill for many months. A message telling that the end had come reached his son, George I. Ratcliff, Friday forenoon and he left for Salem in the afternoon. Mr. Ratcliff was born in Indiana and came to Wallowa County in 1888. He remained until 1900 when he moved to Salem where he remained. He is survived by his widow and the following children: C.A. Ratcliff, and Mrs. … Read more
Abstract of disbursements and expenditures made by George Vashon, Indian Agent for the Cherokees west of the Mississippi, under the stipulations of the Treaty with said tribe of 6th May, 1828, between the 16th September, 1830, and the 31st December, 1833. In total this list represents 390 Cherokee families and 1835 individuals who each received 25.75 as part of their payment under the 5th article of the treaty of 6th May, 1828.
Wallowa county had been signally favored in having within her borders a generous quota of sturdy pioneers, but she is fortunate in having also some of the most enterprising men of younger years that are in northeastern Oregon, who brought into the veins of commerce quickened blood and vigorous methods that have placed them in the front ranks and have made their respective lines very successful. Such a one is the subject of this sketch, and to his credit be it said of him that not alone in the commercial world has he been eminently successful but also in the … Read more