Tishcohan A Delaware Chief

Delaware Indian Allotments

Last Updated on March 24, 2013 by Dennis

Tishcohan A Delaware Chief
A Delaware Chief

This collection provides the names of Delaware and Cherokee Indians involved in the segregation and allotment of lands in the Cherokee Nation to the Delaware Indians. It also provides a comprehensive history with supporting documentation of the actions taken. For those researchers attempting to identify their ancestor in the Final Rolls, this may help identify the card number for your ancestor. After you find your ancestor listed on these pages, make a note of the Card Number, and go to the Final Roll Database and search there. Put OS (Old Settler or Old Series) in front of the Card Number and search.

In compliance with resolution of the Senate of January 11, 1904 (Resolution No. 77. 58th Cong., 2nd sess. copy enclosed), directing me to transmit to it copies of the reports of the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes of November 11, 1903, and “January ___, 1904.” relative to the allotment of lands and the segregation of lands in the Cherokee Nation to the Delaware Indians, and all other papers relating to such allotments and segregation.  I have the honor to transmit herewith copy of said report of November 11, 1903 and a copy of a report of the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes of December 31, 1903, which is doubtless the one referred to in the resolution as of “January ___, 1904;” also copies of letters received by the Department or written by it, and copies of papers in the files of the Department which appear to fall within the scope of said resolution.  A schedule of papers is attached thereto.

The report of the Commission of December 31, 1903, and the report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs thereon, are under consideration by the Department, and when a decision is reached a supplemental report thereof will be made to the Senate.

Very Respectfully
E. A. Hitchcock, Secretary
The President Pro Tempore United States Senate

List of papers.

NOTE: Number 173, A-H contains the names of the Delaware and Cherokee involved in the Segregation

Delaware Indian Allotments – TOC


Allotment of Lands to Delaware Indians, 58th Congress, 2nd Session, Senate, No.104, 1904

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