Letters, Telegrams, Petitions 61-70

No. 61

Muscogee, Ind. T., April 16, 1903.

The Secretary of the Interior

Sir: We have the honor to respectfully submit herewith the following statement of the work of the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes for the month of March 1903:

Cherokee Allotment Division

During the month of March, 1903, 1,204 tickets of admission to the Cherokee land office were issued, making a total of 6,690 tickets issued since the office was opened on January 1, 1903. Approximately 3,000 tickets have been called. Of this number only 1,705 have responded.

Six hundred and thirty-one citizenship certificates, embracing 1,521 applicants, and 332 reservation certificates, embracing 659 applicants, were issued during the month of March.

Applications for 2,642 allotments and homesteads were received during March. Of this number 1,775 were approved. The approval of 707 was withheld because the enrollment of the applicants as citizens of the Cherokee Nation had not been finally approved by the Secretary of the Interior; 103 because the land applied for had already been allotted, and 57 because the land applied for was embraced in the 157,600 acres of land which the Commission caused to be segregated for the Delaware Indians pending the determination of the suit now pending in the Court of Claims.

Nine hundred and ninety-one certificates of allotment and 958 homestead certificates have been written, and as soon as the allotments are entered thereon in color they will be submitted to the Commission for signature.

During the month, 1,250 allotment certificates and an equal number of homestead certificates were submitted to the Commission for signature. Two hundred and fifty allotments and 250 homestead certificates were executed during the month, and in cages where no contest has been entered the certificates have been forwarded to the allottees.

Allotment Contest Division

The progress of the work in the allotment contest division during the month of March and the condition of contested allotment cases at the close of the month, as indicated by the records of that division, are shown by the following detailed statement:

Contests instituted prior to March 16
Complaints filed during March43
Complaints returned for correction during March27
Contests instituted during March16
Contests disposed of prior to March 10
Contests disposed of during March1
Contests pending before the Commission March 3121
Contests pending an appeal March 310
The condition of the 21 cases pending before the Commission March was as follows:
Awaiting final determination of citizenship2
Set for trial9
Awaiting final hearing in companion case2
Awaiting issuance of notice of contest and summons8

Respectfully submitted.
TAMS BIXBY, Chairman
T. B. NEEDLES, Commissioner.
C. R. BRECKINRIDGE, Commissioner.
(Through the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.)

No. 62

Department of the Interior,
Washington, May 5, 1903.

Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes,
Muscogee, Ind. T.

Gentlemen: The Department is in receipt of your monthly report dated April 16, 1903, showing the work of your Commission for the month of March 1903.

The Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs forwarded your said report on April 30, and calls attention to the fact that the copy purporting to have been enclosed is not a copy of the report for March, but apparently for February 1903. He suggests that a copy of the March report be forwarded for the files of the Indian Office.

A copy of the report is returned herewith, and you will forward a copy of the March report for the files of the Indian Office.

Your report relative to the segregation of land for the Delaware has been referred to the Assistant Attorney-General for this Department for his opinion relative to the authority and duty of the Department in the premises. As soon as an opinion is received you will be duly advised thereof.

THOS. RYAN, Acting Secretary.

No. 63

Dewey, Ind. T., May 11, 1908.

Hon. Thos. Ryan,

Interior Department, Washington, D. C: Have you been able to consider the matter of Delaware segregated lands? If so, with what result?


No. 64

Washington, May 11, 1903.

Richard C. Adams,
Dewey, Ind. T.:
Answering telegram 11th instant, awaiting opinion of Assistant Attorney-General.

THOS. RYAN, Acting Secretary.

No. 65

Fort Scott, Kans.
May 14, 1903.

Thos. Ryan,
Assistant Secretary Interior, Washington, D. C:

Please wire me Coates House, Kansas City, full particulars Delaware segregated land matter; Indians anxious.


No. 66

Washington, D. C, May 14, 1903.

George L. Chase,
Fort Scott, Kans

Answering telegram 14th instant, matter referred to Assistant Attorney-General for opinion. Not yet received.

THOS. RYAN, Acting Secretary

No. 67

Kansas City, May 15, 1903.

Thomas Ryan,
Acting Secretary Interior, Washington

Can yon inform me today concerning Delaware lands? Answer courthouse.


No. 68

Washington, May 15, 1903.

R. C. Adams,
Care Courthouse, Kansas City, Kans:

Answering telegram 15th, opinion Assistant Attorney-General, to whom matter was referred, has not yet been rendered.

THOS. RYAN, Acting Secretary

No. 69

St. Louis, Mo., May 18, 1903.

Hon. Thomas Ryan,

Acting Secretary of Interior, Washington, D. C:

Many Cherokees filing on Delaware lands. Delaware greatly excited and insist on court proceedings being brought. I prefer friendly action by Department, if possible. Wire me situation Monday forenoon. Southern Hotel, St. Louis, so I can advise Chase in Territory immediately.


No. 70

Washington, May 18, 1903. Richard C. Adams,

Southern Hotel, St. Louis, Mo.:

Replying to telegraphic inquiry 18th instant, the question as to validity of segregation by Commission of claimed Delaware lands is under immediate consideration by Department.

THOS. RYAN, Acting Secretary


Allotment of Lands to Delaware Indians, 58th Congress, 2nd Session, Senate, No.104, 1904

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