Township 23-28 North, Range 15 East, Indian Meridian

Last Updated on October 4, 2013 by Dennis

Exhibit D

The list of land filed with the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes, December 16, 1902, and amended January 23, 1903, by Walter S. Logon, claiming to be the attorney for the Delaware Indians, is found as indicated below, from the Commission’s records, to be claimed and occupied by Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation, as per Commission’s citizenship cards, and to this land there has not appeared any adverse claimant.

NOTE: After you find your ancestor listed on this page, you should take the the Card Number, and go to the Final Roll Database and search there.

Township 23 North, Range 15 East, Indian Meridian
Delaware 104973Section 18AdamsRichardC.162.09
Delaware 104973Section 18AdamsRichardC.122.31
Township 25 North, Range 15 East, Indian Meridian
Delaware 260203Section 7SmithSallieO.60.00
Delaware 260203Section 8SmithSallieO.160.00
Delaware 260203Section 17SmithSallieO.80.00
Delaware 260203Section 18SmithSallieO.60.00
Township 26 North, Range 15 East, Indian Meridian
Delaware 310896Section 1SecondineSimon290.04
Delaware 270602Section 1ArmstrongSolomonF.50.05
Delaware 308601Section 1BezionMaryC.280.00
Delaware 294879Section 1SmithGeorgeF.20.07
Delaware 294879Section 2SmithGeorgeF.80.28
Delaware 308601Section 2BezionMaryC.240.00
Delaware 268732Section 2WilsonAmanda120.00
Delaware 268732Section 3WilsonAmanda340.00
Delaware 268732Section 4WilsonAmanda321.42
Delaware 268732Section 9WilsonAmanda130.00
Delaware 268732Section 10WilsonAmanda320.00
Delaware 265742Section 10BrownJulia100.00
Delaware 271460Section 10StoutJohnR.10.00
Delaware 271460Section 11StoutJohnR.320.00
Delaware 268732Section 11WilsonAmanda320.00
Delaware 268732Section 12WilsonAmanda280.00
Delaware 271460Section 14StoutJohnR.220.00
Delaware 271460Section 15StoutJohnR.20.00
Delaware 265742Section 15BrownJulia320.00
Delaware 271460Section 26StoutJohnR.120.00
Delaware 271460Section 27StoutJohnR.470.00
Delaware 271460Section 34StoutJohnR.160.00
Delaware 271460Section 35StoutJohnR.160.00
Delaware 268732Section 33WilsonAmanda110.00
Delaware 294879Section 35SmithGeorgeF.160.00
Delaware 294879Section 36SmithGeorgeF.90.00
Delaware 163545Section 36StoutJohnW.220.00
Township 28 North, Range 15 East, Indian Meridian
Delaware 274515Section 17LucasFrank80.00
Delaware 274515Section 18LucasFrank50.00
Delaware 274515Section 19LucasFrank290.00
Delaware 274515Section 20LucasFrank130.00
Delaware 274515Section 30LucasFrank233.41

Allotment of Lands to Delaware Indians, 58th Congress, 2nd Session, Senate, No.104, 1904

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