
Descendants of Nicholas Snow of Eastham, MA

Last Updated on May 1, 2021 by Dennis

Nicholas Snow, a native of England, came to this country in 1623 in the ship “Ann,” locating in Plymouth, where he had a share in the division of land in 1624.

In 1634 he removed to Eastham, where he became a prominent citizen. His home was on the road from Plymouth to Eel river, on the Westerly side. He was admitted a freeman in 1633, and was elected town clerk at the first meeting of the town of Eastham, holding that office sixteen years. He was deputy to the General Court from 1648, three years; selectman from 1663, seven years. He and his son Mark signed the call to Rev. John Mayo to settle as their minister in 1655. He was one of Gov. Thomas Prence’s associates. He married at Plymouth, Constance, daughter of Stephen Hopkins, who came over in the “Mayflower.” Constance herself came in the “Mayflower.” She died in October, 1677. Mr. Snow died Nov. 15, 1676, in Eastham, Mass. Their children were:

  1. Mark, born May 9, 1628
  2. Mary, born about 1630
  3. Sarah, born about 1632
  4. Joseph, born about 1634
  5. Stephen, born in 1636
  6. John, born about 1638
  7. Elizabeth, born about 1642
  8. Ruth, born about 1644
  9. Hannah, born probably at Eastham, about 1646
  10. Rebecca, born about 1648

Stephen Snow, son of Nicholas, born about 1636, probably in Plymouth, married (first) Dec. 13, 1663, in Eastham, Susanna (Deane) Rogers, daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth (Ring) Deane. She was born before 1634 in Plymouth; married (first) Joseph Rogers, Jr., son of Lieut. Joseph Rogers, who came as a boy in the “Mayflower.” Susanna died before 1701, and Stephen married (second) April 9, 1701, Mary Bigford. He resided in what is now East Orleans, Mass. He died Dec. 17, 1705, in Eastham. Children, born in Eastham:

  1. Bathsheba, born July 25, 1664
  2. Hannah, born Jan. 2, 1666
  3. Mieajah, born Dec. 22, 1669
  4. Bethiah, born July 1, 1672
  5. Mehetabel, born about 1674
  6. Ebenezer, born about 1677

Mieajah Snow, son of Stephen, born Dec. 22, 1669, married Nov. 21, 1697, Mary Young, daughter of John and Ruth (Cole) Young. He died in 1753-54, and by will, dated Dec. 5, 1753, and proved in 1754, gives to Jonathan Snow, grandson, and to grandsons Moses and Heman; to sons Mieajah, John, Jesse, David, and daughters Phebe Paine, Mary Sears and Ruth Arey. Their children were:

  1. John, born May 26, 1700
  2. Stephen, born May 19, 1702
  3. Jonathan, born Jan. 16, 1704
  4. Phebe, born July 17, 1707
  5. Jesse, born Oct. 27, 1709
  6. David, born Oct. 30, 1711
  7. Mary or Mercy, born Sept. 16, 1713
  8. Mieajah, born in December, 1716
  9. Ruth, born March 11, 1718

Jesse Snow, son of Mieajah, born Oct. 27, 1709, married Louisa Freeman. Among their children was Edmund, born in 1752.


Edmund Snow, son of Jesse, born in 1752, lived in the south parish of the town of Eastham, which in 1797 became the town of Orleans, Mass., of which he was one of the founders. He married Mary Clark, of Brewster, Mass. Among their children was Joel, born March 17, 1788.

Mai. Joel Snow, son of Edmund and Mary (Clark) Snow, born March 17, 1788, in that part of Eastham that became the town of Orleans, married (intentions of marrying published April 6, 1811) Phebe Snow, born April 17, 1788, in Eastham, daughter of Joseph and Susanna (Horton) Snow. He was both a farmer and carpenter. He died Jan. 12, 1861, his wife, who survived him several years, passing away Dec. 20, 1869. Their children, all of Eastham town record, were:

  1. Harvey, born Sept. 22., 1811, who died in Brockton, married (first) Thankful Knowles and (second) Katherine Shepardson
  2. Joel, born April 30, 1814, married (first) Ruth Collins, (second) Harriet Clark and (third) Sarah Jane Hickman
  3. Betsey F., born Sept. 10, 1815, died Aug. 18, 1816
  4. Barnabas, born June 8, 1817, is mentioned below
  5. Betsey F. (2), born Feb. 12, 1819, married Solomon Doane
  6. Jesse W., born Oct. 10, 1820, who died in Boston, Mass., married Sarah
  7. Rozilla, born Dec. 17, 1821, married Dean Sparrow
  8. Phebe A., born July 22, 1823, married Robert Jennison
  9. Joshua, born July 9, 1825, married Rebecca K. Collins
  10. Joseph, born June 13, 1827, who died in California, married Sarah P. Snow
  11. Susan, born July 25, 1830, who died Dec. 20, 1851, married Josiah M. Knowles

Barnabas Snow, son of Joel, born June 8, 1817, in Eastham, Mass., there acquired his educational training, and for some years afterward he was engaged in teaching school. He eventually learned the carpenter’s trade under his father’s instruction, and removing to Boston after his marriage followed his trade there for some years. In about 1852 he removed to North Bridgewater (now Brockton), Mass., where for a short time he continued to follow his trade, until he became engaged in business as a contractor and builder, in which line he met with marked success for a number of years. He erected many houses and factories, among the latter being the Warren A. Howard shoe factory, on Crescent street, now occupied by the Brockton Welting Company, which at that time was considered a wonderful piece of work, as it was one of the first of the large shoe factories of the town. He also erected the original Methodist Episcopal church on Church street, since remodeled into a business block, the Winthrop school building and the F. E. White shoe factory. Mr. Snow carried on the building business for many years, retiring to private life only about five years before his death, which occurred Jan. 2, 1898, when he was eighty years, six months, twenty-four days old. During his long residence in North Bridgewater, covering a period of nearly fifty years, he was an honored and respected citizen. He was long connected with the Central Methodist Episcopal Church, and after the Franklin Methodist Episcopal Church was organized he became active in that congregation, doing much for the society, of which his widow is one of the active workers and oldest members. In political faith Mr. Snow was a firm believer in the principles of the Republican party, but being of a quiet and retiring nature never cared to assume the duties of public office.

On March 6, 1842, Mr. Snow was united in marriage to Isabella Lydia Dunham, who was born April 13, 1822, in Belfast, Maine, daughter of Isaac and Abigail (Cary) Dunham, of Eastham, Mass. Mrs. Snow survives her husband, residing at the old homestead in Brockton. To this union were born children as follows:

  1. George Granville, born March 30, 1843, is mentioned below
  2. Herbert Eugene, born Feb. 28, 1845, is mentioned below
  3. Mary Isabel, born Jan. 26, 1848, in East Cambridge, Mass., died July 17, 1849
  4. Mary Isabel (2), born Nov. 20, 1850, in East Cambridge, died April 13, 1859
  5. Josie Waldo, born April 9, 1855, in North Bridgewater, is the wife of Benjamin S. Kingman, of Brockton, where for a number of years he has been engaged in the grocery and provision business.

George Granville Snow, the eldest son of Barnabas and Isabella Lydia (Dunham) Snow, was born March 30, 1843, in Boston, his parents removing to North Bridgewater (now Brockton) when he was about ten years of age. The educational training he received while attending the public schools was supplemented by a course at Hunt’s Academy, of North Bridgewater, which he left when he was about eighteen years of age. He then entered the shoe factory of the late Daniel S. Howard, who was at that time the. leading shoe manufacturer of the community. After acquiring a comprehensive knowledge of the art of shoemaking he was made foreman of this factory, remaining with Mr. Howard for a period of about fifteen years, during which time he mastered thoroughly every detail of the shoe business. There are many examples in Brockton of men who started in the business of manufacturing shoes with comparatively nothing except pluck and brains and who have become prosperous and wealthy, and among these Mr. Snow was notable. On Oct. 5, 1874, with a capital of but $3,600, he began the manufacture of shoes in three or four rooms of one floor of the old “Marble Works” building, on Main street, where the Crescent block now stands. From a small beginning his business increased year by year, until it became one of the largest in the city; and the “Snow” shoe became known throughout the United States and in many foreign lands. In 1878 Mr. Snow purchased the Calkins building on Lincoln street, and remodeled the same, later erecting the present large brick factory building which has since been used in conjunction with the former, in the manufacture of the “Snow” shoe. During his entire business career, up to January, 1903, Mr. Snow had no partner, his success being brought about by his own personal attention, supplemented by energy and ability and a thorough technical knowledge of his line. In January, 1903, George H. Snow, his nephew, was given a working interest in the business, Mr. Snow then turning over a greater part of the active management of the business to him.

Although a stanch supporter of the principles of the Republican party, Mr. Snow cared little for political life, but in 1882, at the earnest solicitation of the citizens of Ward Five, he consented to accept the nomination for alderman, and was elected, serving as such in 1883 and again in 1884, with honor to himself and to the satisfaction of his constituents. Fraternally Mr. Snow was a member of the Masons, holding membership in Paul Revere Lodge, A. F. & A. M., and was also a member of the first Elks Lodge in the city. Socially he was a member of the Commercial Club and of the Merchants’ and Manufacturers’ Club, both of Brockton.

Mr. Snow stood among the foremost and most public-spirited business men in the city and had long been identified with its best interests. He was fond of good horses and for many years was the owner of several well bred animals, the driving of which was his favorite pastime. He was one of the most prominent and active members of the Brockton Agricultural Society, which he served as vice president and director for a number of years, as well as being a member of the track committee of the same. He was free-hearted, and charitable in his impulses, and in his death, which occurred May 22, 1904, in the sixty-second year of his age, the poor and needy lost a most generous and sympathetic friend. He had erected and donated to the city the fountain which stands in front of his old home on Winthrop Square; and as well donated the money for the purchase of the bell which was given in his mother’s name to the Franklin Methodist Episcopal Church, and for the organ which was also given to the same church.

On Jan. 10, 1872, Mr. Snow was married to Clara Hunt, daughter of John W. and Eliza G. (Jackson) Hunt, of North Bridgewater. Mrs. Snow survived her husband, passing away in Brockton Oct. 5, 1909. No children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Snow.

Mr. Snow, by his will, left the major portion of his large fortune to his widow, and upon the death of Mrs. Snow she, in fulfillment of his expressed wishes and suggestions, perpetuated Mr. Snow’s memory by including among her numerous public bequests the sum of $75,000 to the city of Brockton, to be known as the George G. Snow funds, divided as follows: To the city of Brockton, $25,000, the income to be used annually for giving summer excursions to worthy poor children; to the city of Brockton, $25,000, the income to be expended annually through the mayor and police department for Christmas dinners for the worthy poor of the city; to the city of Brockton, $25,000, the income to be used annually under the direction of the mayor and police department for Christmas presents for worthy poor children.

Herbert Eugene Snow, youngest son of Barnabas and Isabella Lydia (Dunham) Snow, was born Feb. 28, 1845, in Boston. When he was only about eight years of age his parents removed to North Bridgewater (now Brockton), where he acquired his early training in the public schools. After leaving school he took up the trade of shoemaking, and for several years was in the employ of the late Charles R. Ford, who was then engaged in the manufacture of shoes. Later he entered the employ of the firm of C. F. Porter & Co., shoe manufacturers, and was soon made a member of the firm, continuing his active association therewith until his death, which occurred Aug. 9, 1875, in the thirty-first year of his age. His untimely taking away removed him from the threshold of a promising and successful business life. Although of an affable and cordial nature Mr. Snow was of a retiring disposition, devoted to his home and domestic surroundings. In political faith he was a Republican, while in religious matters he was identified with the Porter Congregational Church.

On May 7, 1868, Mr. Snow was united in marriage, at Braintree, Mass., to Annie Elizabeth Mies, daughter of Daniel H. and Sarah A. (Hollis) Mies, of Braintree, and to this union came one son, George Herbert, born June 5, 1871. On June 17, 1884, Mrs. Snow married (second) Caleb Copeland, of West Bridgewater, where he was engaged in the manufacture of shoes, and to this marriage was born one son, Caleb, Jr., who died when eighteen months old. Mr. Copeland passed away in Brockton in September, 1894. He is survived by Mrs. Copeland, who resides in Brockton.

George Herbert Snow, only child of the late Herbert Eugene Snow and his wife Annie Elizabeth (Mies), was born June 5, 1871, in North Bridgewater (now Brockton), and received his education in the common schools of his native town and the Brockton high school, from which he was graduated in the class of 1889. His school days over, he entered the shoe factory of his uncle, the late George G. Snow, where he acquired a comprehensive knowledge of all that pertains to shoemaking, beginning at the bench and working his way through the various departments. He finally entered the office, and in January, 1903, was given a working interest in the business, which then became the George G. Snow Company. Upon the death of his uncle (who was the founder of the business), which occurred on May 22, 1904, the business was incorporated under the laws of Massachusetts as the George G. Snow Company, with a capital stock of $200,000, George H. Snow becoming president and treasurer. It was continued under this name until 1909, when it was reorganized under the name of the George H. Snow Company, under which it is now conducted. The output of this concern is what is known as the medium fine-grade shoe, which retails at from $3 to $5, and the product, popularly known as the “Snow” shoe, has an extensive sale through-out this country as well as in several foreign countries. The factory has a capacity of about 3,600 pairs of shoes per day, employment being given to about eight hundred skilled hands. On July 5, 1911, Mr. Snow rounded out a continuous service covering a period of twenty-two years in connection with this business, having passed through all its various stages ó from workman at the bench to head of the concern.

Fraternally Mr. Snow is a member of various Masonic bodies, holding membership in Paul Revere Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; Satucket Chapter, R. A. M.; and Bay State Commandery, Knights Templar, of Brockton. Socially he is a member of the Commercial Club, the Merchants’ and Manufacturers’ Club, all of Brockton, and of the Algonquin Club and the Boot and Shoe Club of Boston. He is an active member of the Brockton Shoe Manufacturers’ Association, serving at present on the executive committee of that organization, and is also an incorporator of the People’s Savings Bank, of Brockton.

In political faith Mr. Snow is a firm believer in protection and a stanch supporter of the principles of the Republican party, in city affairs, however, taking an independent stand. He and his family attend the Porter Congregational Church, to which he gives support.

On June 5, 1896, Mr. Snow was united in marriage to Ellen Maria Lewis, daughter of Benjamin F. and Emeline J. (Keith) Lewis, of Brockton, where she was born. This union has been blessed with six children, as follows:

  1. Richard Lewis
  2. Isabel Lewis
  3. Burton Lewis
  4. George Herbert, Jr.
  5. Granville Lewis (who died in infancy)
  6. Janet Lewis

Mrs. George H. Snow is also descended from numerous historic old New England families, numbered among whom may be mentioned the Lewis, White, Keith, Packard, Alden, Howard, Sampson and Bradford families. The ancestral line of the Lewis family through which she is descended is given in chronological order from the first American ancestor.

George Lewis (or Lewes), clothier, and his brother John, came from East Greenwich, in Kent, England, to America some time between the years 1633 and 1635. He married Sarah Jenkins, in England, and brought over four children with him

  1. George
  2. Thomas
  3. Edward
  4. James, and with his family settled at Scituate, in the Plymouth Colony.

When the Rev. Mr. Lothrop moved to Barnstable with his church he went with him, and died there. He had two sons and two daughters born to him after he came to

  1. America
  2. John
  3. Jabez
  4. Mary
  5. Sarah

James Lewis, fourth son of George, was born about the year 1633, and married in 1655 Sarah Lane, daughter of George Lane. She was born in 1638, at Hingham, being the first white female born in that town. Their children were:

  1. John
  2. Samuel
  3. Sarah
  4. James
  5. Susanna
  6. Ebenezer
  7. Mary
  8. George
  9. Joseph
  10. Hannah, all of whom lived to marry.

John Lewis, eldest son of James, was born Sept. 29, 1656. In April, 1675, he went to Hingham to live. He married Nov. 17, 1682, Hannah Lincoln, daughter of Daniel Lincoln, of Hingham, and their children were:

  1. John
  2. Daniel
  3. Hannah
  4. Sarah
  5. Susanna
  6. Rachel
  7. Susanna (2)
  8. Mary
  9. Isaiah

Rev. Daniel Lewis, second son of John, was born Sept. 29, 1685. He was graduated from Harvard University in 1707, and after his graduation taught the grammar school at Hingham until 1712, when he was invited to settle in the ministry at Pembroke, where he was ordained Dec. 3, 1712. He married Dec. 11, 1712, Elizabeth Hawkes, daughter of Capt. James Hawkes, of Hingham, and they had children:

  1. Daniel
  2. Elizabeth
  3. William, the latter dying in infancy

He died June 29, 1753, aged sixty-seven years, in the forty-first year of his ministry, and with his wife, who died June 11, 1753, is buried in Pembroke.

Daniel Lewis, Esq., son of Rev. Daniel, was born May 9, 1714, and lived and died in the same house where his father had lived, passing away June 26, 1759, aged forty-five years. He married Sarah Bisbee, daughter of Elisha Bisbee, Esq., who was called “the honest lawyer.” His children were:

  1. A daughter who died in infancy
  2. Sarah
  3. Daniel
  4. Elizabeth
  5. William

William Lewis, son of Daniel, was born April 26, 1746, and settled in Marshfield, where he married Feb. 4, 1773, Christiana White, daughter of Capt. Jesse White, of Marshfield. She was a direct descendant in the sixth generation through

  1. Capt. Jesse White and his wife Catherine Charlotte Wilhelmina Phillippina Sybilline, widow of Capt. George Warner
  2. John White, who married Susanna Sherman
  3. Daniel and Hannah White
  4. Peregrine White, the first white child born in New England (who entered life on board the “Mayflower,” in Cape Cod harbor, Nov. 11, 1620), who married Sarah Bassett
  5. William White and Susanna Fuller, who came over in the “Mayflower” in 1620, he dying Feb. 21, 1621, and his widow marrying (second) Edward Winslow.

To William and Christiana (White) Lewis were born the following children:

  1. Christiana
  2. Hawkes, who died in infancy
  3. William
  4. Catherine
  5. Sarah
  6. Daniel
  7. James
  8. Samuel
  9. Jesse
  10. Elizabeth

The father of the above children died in Marshfield Oct. 11, 1821, aged seventy-five years, and the mother died Aug. 5, 1818.

William Lewis, son of William, was born Feb. 27, 1777, in Marshfield. He married Nov. 4, 1801, Welthia Sampson, daughter of Elijah and Ruth (Bradford) Sampson, of Duxbury, the former of whom was a descendant of Abraham Sampson, who was one of the early settlers of Duxbury, and one of the original fifty-four grantees of the ancient town of Bridgewater, and from whom also descended the illustrious Deborah Sampson, who in male attire served in the Revolutionary war; and the latter a direct descendant of Gov. William Bradford, who came over in the “Mayflower” and was governor of Plymouth Colony for thirty-one years. To William and Welthia (Sampson) Lewis were born the following children:

  1. William, born Aug. 10, 1802
  2. Welthia, born Jan. 9, 1804
  3. Ruth Bradford, born Feb. 19, 1805
  4. Benjamin, born Sept. 25, 1806

William Lewis, the father, died in Plymouth, Mass., July 15, 1806, in the thirtieth year of his age, of a fever.

William Lewis, son of William, was born Aug. 10, 1802, in Duxbury, Mass. He came from Marshfield to North Bridgewater in 1819, and married on May 28, 1830, Mary Perkins Packard, who was born May 8, 1808, daughter of Deacon Zenas and Deborah (Thayer) Packard, and a direct descendant in the sixth generation through

  1. Simeon Packard and his wife Mary Perkins
  2. Zaccheus Packard and his wife Mercy Alden (great-granddaughter of John Alden and Priscilla Mullins, of the “Mayflower”)
  3. Zaccheus Packard and his wife Sarah Howard (daughter of John Howard, of Duxbury, who later became one of the first settlers of Bridgewater)
  4. Samuel Packard, who with his wife and child came from Windham, England, in the ship “Diligence” to America, settling first at Hingham, and later becoming one of the first settlers of the ancient town of Bridgewater.

To William and Mary Perkins (Packard) Lewis were born the following children:

  1. Mary Elizabeth
  2. William Bradford
  3. Horatio Packard
  4. Benjamin Franklin
  5. John Edward
  6. Abigail Carver, who died young
  7. Welthia Abigail, who died young
  8. Charles Winslow, who died in infancy
  9. Sarah Ellen

Benjamin Franklin Lewis, son of William, was born April 20, 1839, in North Bridgewater, and married Jan. 24, 1863, Emeline Josephine Keith, daughter of William and Roavana Randall (Dickerman) Keith, the former of whom served in the war of 1812. Mrs. Emeline J. (Keith) Lewis was a direct descendant, in the sixth generation, through

  1. William and Eunice (Leach) Keith
  2. Ephraim Keith (who was a graduate of Harvard University in 1729) and his wife Sarah Washburn
  3. Joseph Keith and his wife Elizabeth Fobes
  4. Rev. James Keith, who came from Aberdeen, Scotland, to America in 1662, at the age of eighteen years, and became the first ordained minister of Bridgewater, and his wife, Susanna Edson, daughter of Deacon Samuel Edson.

To Benjamin F. and Emeline J. (Keith) Lewis were born three daughters, namely:

  1. Mary Emma, who is the wife of Thomas S. Baylies, of Fall River, Mass.
  2. Ellen Maria, who is the wife of George H. Snow, of Brockton
  3. Gertrude May, who is unmarried

Representative Men and Old Families of Southeastern Massachusetts: containing historical sketches of prominent and representative citizens and genealogical records of many of the old families. 3 Volumes. Beers & Chicago. 1912.

10 thoughts on “Descendants of Nicholas Snow of Eastham, MA”

  1. Why isn’t Jabez Snow listed as a child of Nicholas and Constance Snow? Is there something you dispute? He is listed as their child so many other places. Thanks

    1. It’s likely that the author of the manuscript either didn’t know of Jabez, or more probable, accidentally left him out. I don’t want to make changes to the actual record since it reflects an accurate portrayal of the manuscript. I did however, add a link to wikitree which provides a more complete portrayal of the family, including Jabez.

  2. I am a descendant of Constance Hopkins Snow. My line is through Stephen and his son Ebenezer. You have done a lot of research, I appreciate all you have done. You make it a little easier and have given us great insight to our heritage.

    1. I have found the following string to my relation to Candace and Nicholas Snow:
      My Father’s Mother was Gertrude Snow Barnett
      Daughter of Adrian and Rofena Snow, 1886
      Adrian son of Willard and Martha Snow, 1848
      Willard son of Henry and Polly Snow, 1827
      Henry son of Ivory and Eunice, 1805
      Ivory son of Joshua and Ruth Snow, 1762
      Joshua son of Joshua and Bashua Snow, 1729
      Joshua son of Nicholas and Lydia Snow, 1700
      Nicholas son of Mark and Jane Snow, 1663
      Mark son of Nicholas and Constance Hopkins Snow, 1628

  3. There’s no mention of Constance Snow, daughter of Nicholas and Constance (Hopkins) Snow, who is believed to have married John Doane. Does anyone have further information on John and Constance (Snow) Doane?

    1. My mothers side is related to Nicholas Snow. She was born in Winthrop and my grandmother Doris Snow Adams in Marblehead. I had the family tree paperwork that was handed down to me before my mother passed and one of my sisters took it so I have no way of posting a list of relatives.

    2. From what I found today, Constance married Daniel Doane Sr. Son of Ann and John Doane.
      Nicholas Snow (Father of Constance) and John Doane (Father of Daniel) were among 7 freemen who left Plymouth and settled Eastham MA, also Orleans, with their families. A total of 49 people. It is likely that Constance Snow Married Daniel Doane Sr. in Eastham. See below:

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