Indian Tribal Histories: Abenaki – Awatobi. Our tribal history pages represent a cross-index of specific pages on our site relevant to a tribe. These pages are not meant to replace our search, which should be used to find a much larger number of mentions for each tribe, but to provide a quick reference point for researchers to find a larger quantity of material for a specific tribe. Beside some links are an author’s name or book title. To find more information about each author or book please view our main Indian Tribes of the United States page.
Ababco Indians
- Ababco Tribe – Hodge
Aberginian Indians
- Aberginian Tribe – Hodge
Abenaki Indians
- Abenaki Tribe – Hodge
- Abenaki Indians
- Abenaki Tribes in the Merrimac Valley
- Maine Indian Tribes
- Indian Missions of New England
- The Last Abenaqui Chief at Bellows Falls, Vermont
- Moxux, Abenaki Chief
- Deerfield Massacre, 1704
- King William’s War
- Founders of Acadia
- Appalachian Highland
Abihka Indians
- Muskogee Indians – Swanton
Abittibi Indians
- Abittibi Tribe – Hodge
Absentee Shawnee Indians
- Absentee Shawnee Tribe – Hodge
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Absentee Shawnee Agency
- 1904-1906 Absentee Shawnee Agency Census
- 1915-1919 Absentee Shawnee Agency Census
- 1920-1923 Absentee Shawnee Agency Census
- 1924-1929 Absentee Shawnee Agency Census
- 1930-1931 Absentee Shawnee Agency Census
- 1932-1933 Absentee Shawnee Agency Census
- 1934-1936 Absentee Shawnee Agency Census
- 1937-1939 Absentee Shawnee Agency Census
- Mexican Kickapoo Agency
- Big Jim Band of Absentee Shawnee Indians
- Absentee Shawnee Agency
Accohanoc Indians
- Accohanoc Tribe – Hodge
Accominta Indians
- Accominta Tribe – Hodge
Achiligonan Indians
- Achiligonan Tribe – Hodge
Achomawi Indians
- Achomawi Tribe – Hodge
Acolapissa Indians
- Acolapissa Tribe – Hodge
- Acolapissa Indians – Swanton
- Choctaw Indian Dialect
- Mississippi Indian Tribes
- Choctaw of Bayou Lacomb, St. Tammay Parish, Louisiana – Bushnell
- Natchitoches Confederacy
- Cha’hta Tribes of the Gulf Coast
Acquintanacsnak Indians
- Acquintanacsnak Tribe – Hodge
Acuera Indians
- Acuera Indians – Swanton
Adai Indians
- Adai Tribe – Hodge
- Adai Indians – Swanton
- Hasinai Confederacy
Adamstown Indians
Adirondack Indians
- Adirondack Tribe – Hodge
- The Adirondack – Smith
- Earliest Indian Residents Indians of Middlesex Canada
Adshusheer Indians
- Adshusheer Tribe – Hodge
Agawam Indians
Agua Caliente Indians
- Agua Caliente Tribe – Hodge
Aionai Indians
- Aionai Treaties
Ais Indians
- Ais Indians – Swanton
Akonapi Indians
- Akonapi Tribe – Hodge
Alabama Indians
- Alibamu Tribe – Hodge
- Alabama Indians – Swanton
- Creek Confederacy – Swanton
- Alabama Indian Tribes
- Florida Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Louisiana Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Oklahoma Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Alabama Indians in Texas
Alchedoma Indians
- Alchedoma Tribe – Hodge
Algonquian Indians
- Algonquian Indians– Hodge
- Villages of the Algonquian, Siouan and Caddoan Tribes West of Mississippi
- Indian Missions of the Middle Atlantic States
- Algonquian Family – Descriptive Catalogue, Photographs Of North American Indians
- Pennacook Tribe
- Algonquian Online Records
Alibamu Indians
- Alibamu Tribe – Hodge
- Alibamu Indians – Gatschet
Allakaweah Indians
- Allakaweah Tribe – Hodge
Allikikk Indians
Alsea Indians
- Alsea Tribe – Hodge
- Oregon Indian Tribes
Amacano Indians
- Amacano Indians – Swanton
Amacapiras Indians
- Macapiras Indians – Swanton
Amikwa Indians
- Amikwa Tribe – Hodge
Anadarko Indians
- Anadarko Tribe – Hodge
- Anadarko Treaties
Aondironon Indians
- Aondironon Tribe – Hodge
Apache Indians
- Apache Tribe – Hodge
- Apache Indians – Swanton
- Apache Tribal Locations
- Oklahoma Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Apache Treaties
- Apache Chiefs
- Famous Indian Chiefs I Have Known
- Cochise – Swanton
- Apache Divisions
- Indian Missions of New Mexico and Arizona
- Indian Chiefs and Leaders
- The Apache Indian – Full length Book
- Apache Online Records
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Camp Verde Agency
- Fort Apache Agency
- White Mountain Apache Indians
- Jicarilla Apache Agency
- Kiowa Agency
- Apache Indians
- 1895-1899 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1900-1904 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1905-1906 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1909-1913 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1914-1917 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1918-1921 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1922-1925 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1926-1929 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1930 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1931 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1932 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1933 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1934-1936 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1937-1939 Kiowa Agency Census
- Apache Indians
- Mescalero Agency
- Mescalero and Jicarilla Apache Indians
- Phoenix Agency
- Apache and Mohave-Apache Indians
- Pima Agency
- San Carlos Agency
- 1887-1890 San Carlos Agency Census
- 1892 San Carlos Agency Census
- 1893-1896 San Carlos Agency Census
- 1897-1902 San Carlos Agency Census
- 1904-1912 San Carlos Agency Census
- 1914-1915 San Carlos Agency Census
- 1916-1919 San Carlos Agency Census
- 1920-1924 San Carlos Agency Census
- 1925-1929 San Carlos Agency Census
- 1930-1933 San Carlos Agency Census
- 1934-1939 San Carlos Agency Census
- Southern Ute Agency
- Jicarilla Apache Indians
Apalachee Indians
- Apalachee Tribe – Hodge
- Apalachee Indians – Swanton
- Apalachee Tribal Locations
- Alabama Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Georgia Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Louisiana Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Oklahoma Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Indian Missions of Southern States
- Indian Races of North and South America
Apalachicola Indians
- Apalachicola Tribe – Hodge
- Apalachicola Indians – Swanton
- Creek Confederacy – Swanton
- Alabama Indian Tribes
- Florida Indian Tribes
- Appalachicola Treaties
Appomattoc Indians
- Appomattoc Tribe – Hodge
- Powhatan Indians
Aquackanonk Indians
- Aquackanonk Tribe – Hodge
Aranama Indians
- Aranama Tribe – Hodge
Arapaho Indians
- Arapaho Tribe – Hodge
- Arapaho Indians – Swanton
- Arapaho Tribal Locations
- Kansas Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Minnesota Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Montana Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Nebraska Indian Tribes – Swanton
- North Dakota Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Oklahoma Indian Tribes – Swanton
- South Dakota Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Houses of the Arapaho Tribe
- Arapaho Treaties
- Arapaho Tribal Divisions
- Arapaho Chiefs and Leaders
- Cheyenne- Arapaho Indian Online Records
- Indians of the Pike’s Peak Region
- Indian Missions of the Middle Atlantic States
- Wyoming Arapahoe Land Patents
- Arapaho and Cheyenne Indians – Kansas
- Arapaho Indian Tribe Photos
- Algonquian Family
- The Battle of Sand Creek
- Indian Wars of 1868
- Sharp Nose
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Cantonment Agency
- Cheyenne and Arapahoe Reservation
- 1887-1888 Cheyenne and Arapahoe Reservation Census
- 1891-1894 Cheyenne and Arapahoe Reservation Census
- 1895-1904 Cheyenne and Arapahoe Reservation Census
- 1905-1920 Cheyenne and Arapahoe Reservation Census
- 1921-1930 Cheyenne and Arapahoe Reservation Census
- 1931-1933 Cheyenne and Arapahoe Reservation Census
- 1934-1939 Cheyenne and Arapahoe Reservation Census
- Seger Agency
- Shoshoni Agency
- Wind River Agency (Supplemental Rolls)
Arawak Indians
Arendahronon Indians
Arikara Indians
- Arikara Tribe – Hodge
- Arikara Indians – Swanton
- Caddoan Indians – Linguistic Family
- Arikara Indian Clans, Bands and Gens
- 1837 Smallpox Epidemic
- Arikara Tribal Locations
- Nebraska Indian Tribes – Swanton
- South Dakota Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Houses of the Arikara Tribe
- Religion and Ceremonies of the Plains Tribes
- Arikara Treaties
- Arikara Indian Chiefs and Leaders
- Sign Language
- Tribal Signs – Absaroka to Assinaboin – Sign Language
- Proper Names – Sign Language
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
Arivapa Apache Indians
- Arivapa Apache Tribe – Hodge
Arkokisa Indians
- Arkokisa Tribe – Hodge
Armouchiquois Indians
- Armouchiquois Tribe – Hodge
Arosaguntacook Indians
- Arosaguntacook Tribe – Hodge
- Algonquian Indians– Hodge
- Maine Indian Tribes
- Biographies of Indian Chiefs and Leaders
- Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. Isabella M’coy – Indian Captivities
Asa Indians
- Asa Tribe – Hodge
- Hopi Social Organization
Ascahcutoner Indians
- Ascahcutoner Tribe – Hodge
Assegun Indians
- Assegun Tribe – Hodge
Assiniboin Indians
- Assiniboin Tribe – Hodge
- The Siouan Indians – McGee
- Houses of the Assiniboin Tribe
- Assiniboine Treaties
- Montana Indian Tribes
- Cree Indians of Canada
- Use of Rawhide
- Montana Assiniboine Land Patents
- Assiniboin Online Records
- Assiniboin of the Plains History
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Fort Belknap Agency
- Fort Peck Agency
- 1885-1896 Fort Peck Agency Census
- 1897-1905 Fort Peck Agency Census
- 1906-1912 Fort Peck Agency Census
- 1913-1919 Fort Peck Agency Census
- 1920-1925 Fort Peck Agency Census
- 1926-1929 Fort Peck Agency Census
- 1930-1931 Fort Peck Agency Census
- 1932-1933 Fort Peck Agency Census
- 1934-1936 Fort Peck Agency Census
- 1937-1939 Fort Peck Agency Census
Astouregamigoukh Indians
- Astouregamigoukh Tribe – Hodge
Atakapa Indians
- Atakapa Indians – Swanton
Atanumlema Indians
- Atanumlema Tribe – Hodge
- Shahaptian Indians – Swanton
Atasi Indians
- Muskogee Indians – Swanton
Atchatchakangouen Indians
- Atchaterakangouen Tribe – Hodge
- Miami Tribe – Hodge
Atfalati Indians
- Atfalati Tribe – Hodge
- Kalapooian Indians – Swanton
- Oregon Indian Tribes
Athapascan Indians
- Athapascan Family – Hodge
- Hupa Indians – Swanton
- Lassik Tribe – Hodge
- Tututni Tribe – Hodge
- Wailaki Tribe – Hodge
Atquanachuke Indians
- Atquanachuke Tribe – Hodge
Atsina Indians
- Atsina Tribe – Hodge
- Montana Indian Tribes
Atsugewi Indians
- California Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Achomawi Tribe – Hodge
Attacapa Indians
- Attacapa Tribe – Hodge
- Attacapan Linguistic Family – Hodge
- Indian Captives
Avavares Indians
- Avavares Tribe – Hodge
- Texas Indian Tribes
Avoyel Indians
- Avoyel Tribe – Avoyelles Tribe – Hodge
- Avoyel Indians – Swanton
Awani Indians
- Awani Tribe – Hodge
Axion Indians
- Axion Tribe – Hodge