Indian Chiefs and Leaders

This is not a complete list of Indian Chiefs.  As we build more pages, they will be added also, or others are submitted by readers they will be added to these pages.

Chiefs, Leaders, and Sachem

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

1 thought on “Indian Chiefs and Leaders”

  1. Hello, My Great-Great Grandfather was a war Chief/ Leader with the Chiracua Apache White Mountain Indians. He rode with Cochise and Geronimo during the Apache Wars. I found him mentioned in some history books. I am trying to find out what tribe he belongs to. His name is on this list as Francisco as a Leader. When I contact the San Carlos Indian Reservation and White Mountain Apache Reservations to get verification he belonged to this tribe the tell me they have no information. He was beaten, torched , scalped and shot at Fort Goodwin in 1865 according to an article. I am trying to find out which Apache tribe he belongs to so I can apply for my CDIB card. Any help or direction you can provide is much appreciated. Thank you!
    Lupe Edmiston


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