White Mountain Apache. Formerly the Sierra Blanca Apache, a part of the Coyoteros, so called on account of their mountain home. The name is now applied to all the Apache under Ft Apache agency, Arizona, consisting of Arivaipa, Tsiltaden or Chilion, Chiricahua, Coyotero, Mimbreño, and Mogollon. In 1910 they numbered 2,269. Capt. Bourke in 1881-82 obtained at Fort Apache and San Carlos agencies the following names of bands or clans:
- Akonye
- Chilchadilkloge
- Chiltneyadnaye
- Destchin
- Gontiel
- Indelchidnti
- Inoschuhochen
- Iyaaye
- Kaihatin
- Kaynaguntl
- Kiyahani
- Klokadakaydn
- Mayndeshkish
- Natatladiltin
- Natootzuzn
- Peiltzun
- Satchin
- Tizsessenaye
- Tseskadin
- Tuakay
- Tudisishn
- Tushtun
- Tutonashkisd
- Tutzone
- Tzaedelkay
- Tzebinaste
- Tzecheschinne
- Tzetseskadn
- Tzintzilchutzikadn
- Tziseketzillan
- Tzlanapah
- Tzolgan
- Yachin
- Yagoyekaydn
There are also the foreign clans Tzekinne and Nakaydi, partly Piman.