[Translation from a transcript of the original, which latter is kept in the parish church of Ste. Anne, at Mackinac.]
In nomine patris & filii & Spiritus sancti.
Lacunæ are indicated by leaders (……). Asterisks (***) indicate that the Editor has, for sake of space, omitted portions of the entry. These omissions are mere repetitions of formal phrases, conveying no specific information concerning the event of the persons interested, and are the same for each entry. Liberty has also been taken with the form of the date – the spelled-out style of the original being reduced to briefer numerical form. Further, in our need of saving space in so bulky and repetitious a document, we have eliminated the name of the holy day, where occasionally given in the register.
Register of Baptisms of the Mission of St. Ignace de Michilimakinak 1695-1741
The following list of baptisms, giving mere date and name was copied from an older register into the new one, which latter was apparently begun in 1741. The transcriber, probably a clerical, seems to have freely added remarks of his own, indicating the status of the persons at the time of the copying – e.g., “now madame l’anglage.” The few appended dates of deaths were obviously added later.
Extracts from the ancients Registers beginning the 28th of April 1695.
Antoine Mainard, son of the late Maurice Mainard.
27 September 1712, Daniel, son of Daniel Villeneuve and of Domitille, now madame l’Anglade.
12 July 1713, Jean l’Espéperance, then 7 years of age; now become a Savage at la pointe; and Antoine, then 4 years old.
8 December 1713, Ignace, son of Ignace du Rivage.
23 March 1714, Coussant, son of Ignace Vieu and of Angélique du Sable.
8 March 1716, Anne, daughter of Daniel Villeneuve and of Mde l’Anglade, the said Anne 1 being now the wife of Sieur Guiori.
2 August 1716, Michael du Rivage, son of old du Rivage.
3 April 1719, Coussante [Chevalier], now wife of Sieur Hins. 2
10 January 1720, Marie Louise Therese [Villeneuve], now wife of Sieur Gautier. 3
30 November 1720, Louis Therese, son of J. B. Chevalier, etc.
17 May 1721, Louis Therese, son of Ignace Vieu – died at Detroit in 1743.
13 May 1722, Jean Baptiste Villeneuve, son of madame l’Anglade.
18 March 1723, Joseph Marguerite, daughter of J. B. Chevalier, etc.
5 February 1724, Agathe [Villeneuve], daughter of madame l’Anglade, now wife of Boishile [Boisguilbert]. 4
12 October 1724, Marie (Manon) daughter of J. B. Chevalier.
20 October 1724, Marie Judith, now wife of Gendren – died at St. Joseph in 1744.
29 October 1724, Marie Ursule, daughter of J. B. Amiot, etc.
27 June 1725, Judith, daughter of J. B. Reaume, etc.
14 November 1725, coussant Stanislas, son of madame l’Anglade.
1 March 1726, Anne Charlotte Veronique (Nannette) daughter of J. B. Chevalier. 5
22 April 1726, Anne Domitille (Nanette) daughter of P. Parent 6, etc.
5 June 1726 Catherine Angelique, daughter of Ignace Vieu, etc.
10 October 1727, Charles (l’Avoine) son of J. B. Chevalier.
13 May 1728, Joseph Maurice, son of J. B. Chevalier, etc.
9 May 1729, Charles Michel, son of monsieur l’Anglade, 7, etc.
1 October 1729, Charlotte, daughter of P. Parent 8, etc.
2 May 1730, Nicolas, son of J. B. Amiot, born on the 7th of April.
22 July 1730, Louis pascal, son of J. B. Chevalier.
15 October 1730, Claude, natural son of Claude Caron.
29 September 1731, Rene Michel, son of Marie, a slave of Menard.
28 March 1732, Anne Therese Esther, daughter of J. B. Chevalier 9.
20 March 1732, Mary Louise, daughter of J. B. Amiot.
9 October 1732, Pierre Coussant, son of P. Parent.
14 January 1733, Philippe Bolon, son of Gabriel Bolon.
11 July 1733, Angelique, daughter of J. B. Chevalier.
2 August 1733, Antoine, then 5 years of age, son of one la Fortune.
5 April 1733, Charles Dominique, 4 years old, son of P. du Plassy, etc.
4 August 1733, Maurice, son of Pierre du Plasse, etc.
16 October 1733, Marie Anne, daughter of Thomas Blondeau.
1 January 1734, François Renard, two years old, slave of Mr. du Braise.
1 January 1734, Marie Esther, daughter of Augustin l’Arche, then one year old. 10
5 April 1734, Marie Anne, daughter of J. B. Amiot, etc.
19 September 1734, Marie Catherine, daughter of Sieur des Hetres, then two years old.
19 April 1735, Pierre Louis, a slave of Mr. de Clignancourt 11, 20 years of age. (Rocambole, now an apostate and become a Savage at Chicagou).
18 October 1734, Joseph, son of P. Parent.
14 May 1735, Marie Madeleine, 4 years old, slave of Mr. l’Anglade.
22 May 1735, Luc, son of J. B. Chevalier.
27 May 1735, Jean Louis, son of Gabriel Bolon.
9 July 1736, Charles Jean Baptiste, son of Charles Chabyer. 12
28 September 1736, Michel, natural son of T. Blondeau.
7 October 1736, Marie Françoise, slave of Menard, 40 years old.
26 November 1736, Marie Anne, daughter of P. Parent. 13
30 November 1736, Louis Josué, about 2 years old, son of Sieur do Lignon, since legitimized.
5 January 1737, Françoise, then about 20 years old, now the lawful wife of Sieur Rocheveau – died at Sault Ste Marie in January 1742.
29 September 1737, Marie Angelique, about 20 years old, now the lawful wife of Sieur de Lignon; died here on the 4th of September 1748.
29 September 1737, François Michelle, about one year old, daughter of Sieur du Lignon.
13 October 1737, Marianne, about 20 years old, now the lawful wife of Jean Baptiste, formerly a slave.
21 November 1737, Marie, born of a slave of Sieur Chevalier.
3 February 1738, Claude Charles, son of Sieur Gauthier. 14
29 April 1738, Françoise Veronique, two months old, daughter of Sieur Rocheveau.
3 August 1738, Ignace, son of Pierre Parent.
16 August 1738, Augustin, son of a negress, then belonging to Sieur Marin Urtubize. 15
23 November 1738, Pierre Pascal, legitimate son of Sieur Hamelin, born on the 21st of February, 1735 – died at Montvert in 1743.
24 November 1738, Louis Charles, legitimate son of Sieur Hamelin, born in the month of March, 1737.
25 November 1738, Jacques, legitimate son of Sieur Hamelin, etc. born on the 22nd of January, 1733.
26 November 1738, Marianne, legitimate daughter of Sieur Hamelin, born on the 10th of January, 1731.
27 November 1738, Marie Athanase, about 30 years old, now the lawful wife of Sieur Hamelin; died at Pointe St. Ignace in 1745.
27 December 1738, Ursule, daughter of J. B. Amiot, etc.
13 July 1739, Anne, daughter of Sieur François Menard, born on the 18th of November, 1738.
14 July 1739, Therese, daughter of Sieur de Lignon, etc; born on the 19th of November, 1738.
26 July 1739, Augustin, son of Charles Chaboyer, etc.
31 July 1739, Ignace, from 3 to 4 years of age, given to this church.
27 September 1739, Michel, son of a female slave of Mde Chevalier.
27 March 1740, Jean Baptiste, son of Sieur Gautier, etc.
13 May 1740, Jean Baptiste, born the previous 11th of January, son of Sieur Rocheveau.
19 May 1940, Angelique, born on the previous 25th of April, daughter of Sieur du Lignon.
4 June 1740, Anne Josephe, born on the 11th of the previous month, daughter of Sieur Parent. 16
2 October 1740, Marie Françoise, born on the 4th of November 1739, daughter of Sieur Hamelin.
20 May 1741, Marie Madelaine, about 5 or 6 years old, slave of Sieur C. Gautier.
2 June 1741, Louis, son of J. B. Amiot, born on the 3rd of November 1740.
27 August 1741, Jean Baptiste, son of Sieur Hamelin. 17
The register from which the above summary is taken, remains in the archives of this mission.
Register of Baptisms of the Mission of St. Ignace de Michilimakinak 1742-1821
Here follows the new Register.
- Mackinac Baptism Records 1742-1744
- Mackinac Baptism Records 1745-1749
- Mackinac Baptism Records 1750-1754
- Mackinac Baptism Records 1755-1759
- Mackinac Baptism Records 1760-1769
- Mackinac Baptism Records 1770-1779
- Mackinac Baptism Records 1780-1789
- Mackinac Baptism Records 1790-1799
- Mackinac Baptism Records 1800-1809
- Mackinac Baptism Records 1810-1821
- See Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 136, note 74; also her marriage entry, p. 472, and her death in 1757, post.[
- The mother of Joseph Louis Ainse (Hins); for her second marriage, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 478.[
- The mother of Charles Gautier; see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii,, p. 136, note 77.[
- For this person see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 135, note 75.[
- For these persons, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 136, note 80.[
- For her marriage record, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 472.[
- For a brief biographical sketch of Charles Langlade, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 130, note 68.[
- Her marriage record is in Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 478.[
- For her marriage to Etienne Chesnier, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 479.[
- Apparently from St. Joseph’s – the full name is L’Archevêque, Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 476.[
- A lessee of the fort at La Baye, 1747-1749. Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, pp. 7-10.[
- For this family, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 255, note 51.[
- For the marriages of this person, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, pp. 480, 482.[
- For this nephew of Charles Langlade, and his assistant in commanding the Indians in time of war, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, index.[
- This man was killed by a Sioux. Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 78.[
- Her marriage is recorded in Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 483.[
- Possibly the Cahokia trader of 1780. See Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 416.[