September 29, 1792, was born and privately baptized by me, the undersigned, on the Thirtieth, Michel, son of Mr. Daniel Bourassa and of Dame Marguerite Bertrand his father and mother, born in lawful marriage. ***
C. Gauthier.
October 21, 1792, by me the undersigned, was privately baptized Therese Victoire, born this day, of the lawful Marriage of Mr. Jean Baptiste Barthe and of Dame Genevieve Beaubien. ***
Adhemar St Martin.
February 7, 1793, I, the Undersigned, privately baptized Etienne, son of a woman savage called Veronique, belonging td Mde. J. Bte. Barthe. The said child was born this day. ***
Adhemar St Martin J. P.
August 12, 1793, by Mr. Etienne Campion, was privatcdy baptized Alexis, born this day, at half-past one o’clock in the morning, of the lawful Marriage of Sieur Alexis Laframboise and of Dame Josette Adhemar, his wife. 1 In the presence of the said Sieur Laframboise and of Dame Adhémar St Martin, who have signed.
Alexis Laframboise; Blondeau Adhémar.
February 6, 1794, I, the Undersigned, privately baptized Marguerite, about twenty years old, belonging to Monsieur Alexis Laframboise, In the presence of the witnesses who have signed. ***
Adhemar St Martin J. P.
G. Young; Alexis Laframboise; T. Pothier; Angelique Adhemar; Adhemar Laframboise.
April 7, 1794, I, the undersigned, privately baptized Alexandre, born March 19, last, of the lawful marriage of Sieur Daniel Bourassa and of Madame Marguerite Bertrand, his wife; In the presence of the witnesses who have signed with us. ***
Adhemar St Martin J. P.
Dl. Bourassa; Alexis Laframboise.
April 7, 1794, I, the Undersigned, privately baptized Regis, born on the [blank in MS] of the month of March last, of a panis woman belonging to Mr. Daniel Bourassa, In the presence of the witnesses who signed with us. ***
Adhemar St Martin J. P.
May 4, 1794, I, the undersigned priest, apostolic Missionary, Religious of the order of St Dominic, supplied the ceremonies of Holy Baptism to Charlotte, a free negress, eight years old, legitimate daughter of Jean Bonga and of Janne, her father and mother, privately baptized by the Midwife. The godfather was Alexis Laframboise; and the godmother Genevieve Blondeau who signed below in testimony thereof.
Le Dru, 2 apostolic Miss.
Bd. Adhemar.
May 11, 1794, I, the undersigned priest, apostolic Missionary, French Dominican religious, supplied the ceremonies of holy Baptism to Therese Victoire, born October 21, 1792, of the lawful marriage of Mr. Jean Bte. Barthe and of Genevieve Beaubien, her father and mother, privately baptized by Mr. Antoine Adhemar. The godfather was the aforesaid Mr. Antoine Adhemar, royal Notary at this post of Michilimakina; and the godmother dame Genevieve Blondeau, wife of Mr. Ant. Adhemar, who have signed beneath in testimony thereof.
Le Dru, apostolic Miss.
Adhemar St Martin; Blondeau Adhemar.
May 11, 1794, I, the undersigned priest, apostolic Missionary, French Dominican religious, baptized Marie Anne, born in The Woods of an Outhawa woman savage and of George Cown, an american, 3 about nine years old. The godfather was Mr. Antoine Adhémar; and the godmother Marie Felicité Carignan. ***
Le Dru, apostolic Miss.
Adhemar St Martin; Marie Felicité Carignan.
On the day and in the year above written, I supplied the ceremonies of holy Baptism to Ursule, six years old, born in The Woods, natural daughter of a woman Savage of the nation of the Sotteurs and of Joseph Marie Mercier, privately baptized at La Baie Des Renards. The godfather was Philippe François Souligny; and the godmother Suzanne Hirbourg who signed beneath in testimony thereof.
Le Dru, apostolic Miss.
S. Hirbour; Fr. Souligny.
June 1, 1794, I, the undersigned, supplied the ceremonies of holy Baptism to Marie Magdaleine, two and a half years old, natural daughter of a woman savage of the nation of the Sotteurs and of Jerome Blot, privately baptized by Mr. Charles Gauthier. The godfather was Louis Amelin; and the godmother Marie Felicité Carignant. ***
Le Dru, apostolic Miss.
L. Hamelin; Marie Felicité Carignant.
June 15, 1794, I, the undersigned, supplied the ceremonies of holy Baptism to Jean antoine, born in The Woods, of a woman savage and of George Cown. The said natural child, about twelve years old, had been privately baptized by Sieur Daniel Bourassa. The godfather was Toussaint antoine adhemar, royal Notary and justice of the peace; and the godmother genevieve Blondeau. ***
Le Dru, apostolic Miss.
Adhemar St Martin; Blondeau Adhemar.
June 15, 1794, I, the undersigned. Baptized Antoine and Marie Magdelaine, natural children of a woman savage of the nation of the Sotteurs and of Antoine Soud, a Canadian. The boy is two and a half years old and the girl twenty-three days. The godfather of Antoine was Philippe Soud dit Martin; and the godmother Marie Felicite Carignan. The godfather of Marie Magdelaine was Jean Baptiste Laborde; [and the godmother Marguerite Chevalier], only one of whom signed; the others, being unable to write, made their usual mark in testimony thereof.
Le Dru, apostolic Miss.
Marie Felicité Carignan; Philippe Soud + his mark; J. Bapt Bertrand + his mark; Marguerite Chevalier + her mark.
June 18, 1794, I, the undersigned, supplied the ceremonies of holy Baptism to Pierre, natural son of a woman savage of the nation of the Courtes Oreilles, and of Joseph Roy, who had been privately baptized by Mr. Gautier. The godfather of the child, who is a year old, was Phillippe Soud dit Martin; and the godmother Marguerite Sans Regret who declared that they could not sign their names when thereunto requested by me.
Le Dru, apostolic Miss.
June 18, 1794, I, the undersigned, supplied the ceremonies of holy Baptism to Angelique, five years old, natural daughter of a woman savage of the nation of the Courtes Oreilles, and of Joseph Roy, who had been privately baptized by Mr. Gautier. The godfather Was Nicolas Loisel; and the godmother Magdelaine Chevalier, wife of Mr. Charles Gauthier de Vierville, who declared that they could not sign their names when thereunto requested by me.
Le Dru, apostolic Miss.
June 22, 1794, I, the undersigned, baptized conditionally Marie, five years old, natural daughter of a woman savage, nation unknown, and of Andre Roy. The godfather was Nicolas Frerot; and the godmother Marie Josephte Poitrat. ***
Le Dru, apostolic Miss.
Nicolas Freraut; M. Joseph Poitra.
June 25, 1794, I, the undersigned, baptized Marie Josephte and Henry, the former a woman Savage of the nation of the Courtes Oreilles, about thirty years old; and the latter, twelve years old, the natural son of the said Marie Josephte and of Monsieur Henry Bostick [Bostwick]. 4 The godfather of Marie Josephte was Antoine Adhemar; [and the godmother madame Adhemar] wife of Monsieur Alexis Laframboise. The godfather of the boy called Henry was Monsieur Louis Hamelin; and the godmother Barbe Felicité Pillet, widow Carignan, ***
Le Dru, apostolic Miss.
Adhemar St Martin; veuve Carignan; Adhemar Laframboise; L. Hamelin.
June 29, 1794, I, the undersigned, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Eloy, Magdelaine, and Alexandre, all three born of the lawful marriage of Daniel Bourassa and of Marguerite Bertrand, their father and mother, privately baptized by Mr.’s Campion, Carignant, and Adhemar. The godfather of the 1st, that is of Eloy, was Etienne Campion; and the godmother Angelique Adhemar. The godfather of the second, that is of Madeleine was Dominique Ducharme; and the godmother Magdelaine Gautier. The godfather of the third, that is of Alexandre, was Nicolas Frerot; and the godmother Josephte Poitra, some of whom signed and the others, being unable to write, made their usual marks.
Le Dru, apostolic Miss. Etne. Campion; Angelique Adhemar; Dq. Ducharme; Magdeleine Gautier + her mark; Nicolas Frerau; M. Josph Poitra.
June [July] 5, 1794, I, the undersigned. Baptized Alexandre, natural son of a woman savage of the nation of the Courtes Oreilles and of George Couwn. The godfather was Alexandre Colbert; and the godmother Marianne Cown. ***
Le Dru.
Alex. Cuthbert.
July 6, 1794, I, the undersigned. Baptized apoline, four years old, natural daughter of a woman of the nation of the Courtes Oreilles and of François Souligny. The godfather was Monsieur Maurice Mougrain; and the godmother Louise Dubois, who signed beneath in testimony thereof.
Le Dru, Miss.
Maue. Mougrain; D. B. Solomon.
July 6, 1794, I, the undersigned, supplied the ceremonies of holy Baptism to Charlotte, eighteen months old, natural daughter of Marguerite Marcotté and of Charles Wagacoucher, privately baptized by Mr. Charles Chandonnet. The godfather was the aforesaid Charles Chandonnet; and the godmother Elizabeth Solomon. ***
Le Dru, Miss.
Charles Chandonett; Elizbeth Solomons.
July 9, 1794, I, the undersigned, supplied the ceremonies of holy Baptism to Marie Louise, legitimate daughter of Amable Chevalier and of Catherine, a woman savage, privately baptized by Mr. Louis Carignan, Royal Notary at this post. The godfather was Mr. Etienne Campion; and the godmother Mlle. Felicité Carignan. ***
Le Dru, Miss.
Etne. Campion; Marie Felicite Carignant.
August 24, 1794, I, the undersigned pierre Gamelin, privately baptized Genevieve, daughter, issue of the lawful marriage of Sieur Alexis Laframboise and of madame Josephte Adhemar. *** The said girl was born yesterday, the 23rd instant.
Pierre Gamelin, J. P„
G. Cotti J. P.; Alexis Laframboise; Dn Cameron; Adhemar St Martin; Joseph La Framboise; Bd Adhemar; François La Framboise; Angelique Adhemar.
October 26, 1794, I, the undersigned, privately baptized Charlotte, 5 a female Sauteux savage, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses. The said girl is seventeen years old.
Adhemar St Martin J. P.
Witness: Robt. Campbell; Egbert McKenzie; Alex Shaw.
October 27, 1794, I, the undersigned, privately baptized Josette, legitimate daughter issue of the lawful marriage of Sieur Nicolas Freraux and of Dame Josephte Poitras, his wife, born this day half an hour after midnight. ***
Adhemar St Martin
Nicolas Frerau.
September 23, 1795, I, the undersigned, privately baptized a girl named Angelique, born of the lawful marriage of Joseph Vaillancourt and of Marie Elizabeth Bourgoin, born this day.
Adhemar St Martin J. P.
February 16, 1796, I, the undersigned, privately baptized a girl born the day before yesterday of the lawful marriage of Jean Baptiste La Borde dit Sans Regret and of Marguerite Machar Chevalier. 6 ***
Adhemar St Martin J. P.
March 25, 1796, I, the undersigned, one of his Majesty’s Justices of the Peace, privately baptized a girl born yesterday about half past ten in the evening, of the lawful marriage of Sieur Alexis La Framboise and of madame Marie Josephte Adhemar. In the presence of the undersigned witnesses. ***
Adhemar St Martin
Alexis Laframboise; Guillaume La Mothe; Bd. Adhemar.
July 26, 1796, I, the undersigned, supplied the holy ceremonies to her [Angelique Vaillancourt]. The godfather was Sieur Antoine Reithe, trader, 7 of St Louis; and the godmother Mde. Angelique Adhemar, who signed with us.
Levadoux, Vic.-General. 8
A. Reithe; Angelique Adhemar.
July 27, 1796, we, the Undersigned, grand Vicar of Mon- seigneur the bishop of baltimore, baptized Louis, about four years old; Angelique, about nine years old; Genevieve, eighteen months old, all children of Louis Roi and of a Sauteux woman savage. The godfather of Louis was M. Alexis Laframboise; and the godmother Mr. Louise Dubois Solomon: the godfather of Angelique was M. François Laframboise; and the godmother Josephe Adhemar Laframboise: the godfather of Genevieve was M. Jean Rives; and the godmother Genevieve Blondeau Adhemar, all of whom Signed with us.
Levadoux, V. G.
François Laframboise; Alexis Laframboise; Jean Reeves; A. Laframboise; D. B. Solomon; Bd Adhemar.
July 27, 1796, We, the Undersigned, grand Vicar of Mon- seigneur the bishop of Baltimore, Baptized Marie Anne, natural daughter of [blank in MS.] and of a woman Savage. The godfather was François Bouthiller; 9 and the godmother Me. Angelique Adhemar, who Signed with us.
Levadoux, V. g.
F. Bouthiller; Ag Adhemar.
July 28, 1796, We, the Undersigned Vicar-general of Monseigneur the bishop of Baltimore, Baptized Alexandre Clark, about Six years old, and Julienne Clark, about four years old, and supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Louise Clark, about two years old, all born of Jacques Clark and of a Sauteux woman Savage. The godfather of Alexandre was Charles Mayet; and the godmother Sophie Solomon: the godfather of Julienne was Toussaint Pothier; and the godmother Angelique Adhemar: the godfather of Louise was Guillaume la Mothe; and the godmother Louise [Dubois Solomon] all of whom signed with us.
Levadoux, Vic-gen.
Gutilaume La Mothe; Chr. Maitte; James Clark; T. Pothier; Sophie Solomon; Angelique Adhemar; D. Solomon.
July 28, 1796, We, the Undersigned, vicar-general of Monseigueur the bishop of Baltimore, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Sophie, natural daughter of Guillaume Solomon and of a Sauteux woman Savage. The godfather was Elias Petit; and the godmother Louise Dubois who signed with us.
Levadoux, Vic.-gen.
D. Solomon; E. Petit.
July 28, 1796, We, the Undersigned, Vicar-general of Monseigneur the bishop of Baltimore, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Rose, 10 born of the lawful marriage of Jean Baptiste Laborde and of Marguerite Chevalier. The godfather was Gabriel Cerré; 11 and the godmother Josephte Adhemar.
Levadoux, Vic.-gen.
Ad. Laframboise; Cerré.
July 29, 1796, We, grand Vicar of Monseigneur the bishop of Baltimore, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Alexis, about three years old; Genevieve, about two years old; and Josephte, four and a half months old, all born of the lawful marriage of Alexis Laframboise and Josephe Adhemar, already privately baptized after their birth As recorded in the present register. The godfather of Alexis was François Laframboise; and the godmother Genevieve Adhemar; the godfather of Genevieve was Joseph la Framboise; and the godmother Angelique Adhemar: the godfather of Joseph was Antoine Adhemar; and the godmother Louise Dubois, all of whom signed with us.
Levadoux, Vic.-gen.
Joseph Laframboise; François La Framboise; Angelique Adhemar; Bd. Adhemar; Db Solomon; Adhemar St Martin.
July 29, 1796, We, the Under Signed, Vic. general of the bishop of Baltimore, Supplied the ceremonies of Baptism According to the rite of the roman church to Jean Baptiste, about eight years old, and Joseph about six, both children of Alexis Laframboise and of a Sauteux woman Savage. The godfather of Jean Baptiste was M. Pierre Isidore la Croix; and the godmother Josephe Adhemar: the godfather of Joseph was Patrice Adhemar; and the godmother Louise Dubois. They were privately baptized, according to the evidence and in the presence of their father, by Mr Campion. ***
Levadoux, Vic.-gen.
Isidore Lacroix; Alexis Laframboise; Ad Laframboise; Patrice Adhemar; Sophia Solomon.
Marie Madelaine, about three years old, natural daughter of Joseph Courtois and of a Sauteux Savage mother, was baptized by us August 1, 1796. The godfather was Joseph Laurant Bertrand; and the godmother Barbe Felicité Pilette, who signed with us.
Levadoux, Vic.-gen.
Barbe Felicité Pillett; Laurant Bertrand.
Magdaleine, about Seven years old, born of Louis de Bouriess and of a Sauteux woman Savage, was by us, the Under Signed, baptized August 1, 1796. The godfather was Antoine Brisbois; and the godmother Magdelaine Gautier who declared that she could not Sign her name, on being thereunto requested.
Levadoux, Vic.-gen.
L. D Bouriece; Antoine Brisbois.
August 2, 1796, We the Undersigned, Vic.-gen. of the bishop of Baltimore, supplied the ceremonies of baptism to a girl, about two years old, born of the lawful marriage of Nicolas Frerot and Josephine Poitras, already privately baptized by Monsieur Adhemar. The godfather was Nicolas Marchenaux; and the godmother Genevieve Blondeau Adhemar, who signed with us. I approve the addition.
Levadoux, Vic.-gen.
Marchenau; Bd. Adhemar.
August 3, 1796, We the Under Signed, Vicar-general of Monseigneur the bishop of Baltimore. Supplied the ceremonies of baptism to François Regis, about two and a half years old, son of an unknown father and of a woman Savage belonging to M. Bourassa, already privately baptized by Mr. Adhemar. The godfather was Joseph Laurent Bertrand; and the godmother Barbe Felicité Pillet, who signed with us. I approve the addition.
Levadoux, Vic-gen.
L. Bertrand; Pillet Bertrand.
August 8, 1796, We the Under Signed, vicar-general of Monseigneur the bishop of Baltimore, administered baptism to Françoise, about six years old, born of Joseph Lafortune and of a Sauteux woman Savage. The godfather was Patrik Adhemar; and the godmother Marianne Cowen, who Signed with us.
Levadoux, Vic-gen.
Patrice Adhemar; Nancy Cowen.
August 8, 1796, We, the Undersigned vicar-general of Monseigneur the bishop of baltimore, baptized Catherine, born of antoine martin and of a Sauteux woman Savage. The godfather was patrik adhemar; and the godmother marie anne Cowen who signed with us. 12
Patrice Adhemar; Nancy Cowen.
October 4, 1796, was privately baptized Angelique, about seventeen months old, natural daughter of Hypolite Vaudette and of a woman savage.
Adhemar St Martin J. P.
August 8, 1797, I, the undersigned privately baptized a boy, born on the third Instant of the lawful marriage of Joseph Vaillancourt and of Marie Elizabeth.
Adhemar St Martin.
October 18, 1797, I, the Undersigned, privately baptized a boy, about four years old, and a girl about sixteen or seventeen months old, natural son and daughter of Sieur fr. La Framboise.
Adhemar St Martin J. P.
November 7, 1797, I, the Undersigned, one of the justices of the Peace of the United States, privately baptized a girl Savage, of the Sauteux nation, called Inaououoiskamoquoy, 13 about seventeen years old, at Michilimakinac, on the day and in the year above written. The Godfather was Mr. Alexis Laframboise; and the godmother Madme. Mitchel 14 who declared that she could not sign her name and made her mark. The godfather signed with us.
Adhemar St Martin J. P.
Alexis Laframboise; Madme. Mitchell + her mark; F. Bouthellier, witness; G. E. Young; E. Moith; Dl. Bourassa.
November 19, 1797, I, the Undersigned, one of the justices of the peace of the United States, privately baptized a girl, born this day about two o’clock in the morning, of the lawful marriage of Sieur Alexis Laframboise.
G. E. Young J. P.
September 2, 1798 I the Undersigned, one of the justices of the peace, privately baptized a girl about a year old, daughter of the female panis of Mr. D. Bourassa. ***
Adhemar St Martin J. P.
June 30, 1799, Jean Baptiste, born October 16, 1797 of an Outawas woman called Minanaconaton and of Jean Baptiste Desfonts, who acknowledged the child and signed with us, having been privately baptized by Olivier – was solemnly baptized and received the ceremonies of baptism from us the undersigned priest. 15 The godfather was Antoine Adhemar St Martin, Justice of the peace; and the godmother Genevieve Blondeau, who signed with us.
Adhemar St Martin.
Bd. Adhemar; J Bst. Defond
July 7, 1799, the ceremonies of baptism were supplied to Josette, 16 born on September 24, 1795 of Joseph Laframboise and of Madelaine, of the nation of the Courtes Oreilles. The godfather was Isidore Lacroix; and the godmother Josette Adhemar, wife of Alexis Laframboise, who signed with us.
Gabriel Kichard, priest.
A. Laframboise; Joseph Laframboise; Isidore Lacroix.
July 7, 1799, the ceremonies of baptism were supplied by us, the undersigned priest, to Marguerite, born November 8, 1797, of the lawful marriage of Alexis Laframboise and of Josette Adhemar. The godfather was Claude Laframboise; and the godmother Angelique Adhemar, who signed with us.
Gabriel Richard, priest
Angelique Adhemar; Alexis Laframboise; Claude Laframboise.
July 8, 1799, by us the undersigned priest, the ceremonies of baptism were supplied to Josette – about five years old, born of Joachim L’Agacé and of Elizabeth, a Courte Oreille – privately baptized by Antoine Martin. The godfather was François Bouthilier; and the godmother Josette Adhemar, wife of Alexis Laframboise, who signed with us.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
F. Bouthillier; A. Laframboise.
July 8, 1799 by us the undersigned priest, the ceremonies of baptism were supplied to Henri, born October 23, 1797, of Guillaume Solomon and of Agibicocona of the Sauteux nation, and privately baptized by Antoine Adhemar St. Martin. The godfather was Ezechiel Solomon; and the godmother Marie Anne Cowen, who signed with us as did also the father.
Gabriel Richard, priest,
Guillaume Solomon; Ezekl. Solomon; Nancy Coun.
July 8, 1799, by us the undersigned priest, the ceremonies of baptism were supplied to Marie Louise, born April 7, of the same year of Guillaume Solomon and of Agibicocona, a Sauteux woman, privately baptized by Louise Dubois. The godfather was Joseph Baily; 17 and the godmother Louise Dubois, wife of Ezechiel Solomon, who signed with us.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
D. Solomon; Jh. Bailly.
July 9, 1799, by us the undersigned priest, the ceremonies of baptism were supplied to marie judith, born October 10, 1790, of the lawful marriage of Daniel Bourassa and of Marguerite Bertrand, residents of this parish of Ste Anne. The Godfather was Joseph Bailly; and the godmother Marie Anne Cown, who signed with’ us.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
Nancy Cown; Jh. Bailly.
July 9, 1799, by us, the undersigned priest, the ceremonies of baptism were supplied to Joseph, born August 27, 1797, of the lawful marriage of Joseph Vaillancourt and of Marie Elizabeth Bourgouin, residents of this parish. The godfather was François Bouthilier; and the godmother Angelique Adhemar, who signed with us.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
Joseph Vaillancour; F. Bouthilier,
July 9, 1799, by us the undersigned priest, the ceremonies of baptism were supplied to Nicolas, born August 20, of the previous year of the lawful marriage of Nicolas Frereau and of Josette Poitras, residents of this parish. The godfather was François Bouthilier; and the godmother Angelique Adhemar, who signed with us, as did also the father.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
Nicolas Frereau; Angelique Adhemar; F. Bouthilier.
July 9, 1799, by us, the undersigned priest, the ceremonies of baptism were supplied to Leon, born October 9, of the previous year of the lawful marriage of Daniel Bourassa and of Marguerite Bertrand, residents of this parish. The godfather was Antoine Guillory, who signed with us; and the godmother Marguerite Bourassa, 18 sister of the child, who declared that she could not sign her name when thereunto requested. The father signed with us.
Dl Bourassa; Antoine Guillory.
July 9, 1799, by us the undersigned priest, the ceremonies of baptism were supplied to Jean Baptiste, born December 27, of the previous year of the lawful marriage of Joseph Vaillancourt and of Marie Elizabeth Bourgouin, residents of this parish. The godfather was Jean Baptiste Gatien; and the godmother Archange Bourassa who declared that she could not sign her name when thereunto requested. The father signed with us.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
Jn. Bte. Gatien; Joseph Vaillancourt.
July 9, 1799, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized marie Louise, born of a woman savage of the Sauteux nation called Manitowa and of an unknown father. The child is about two years old. The godmother was Louise Dubois, wife of Ezechiel Solomon, who signed with us.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
D. Solomon.
July 10, 1799, by us, the undersigned priest, was baptized conditionally Michel, born on September 6, 1787, of Michel Cadot and of a Sauteux woman. The Godfather was Hubert Lacroix; and the godmother Louise Dubois, wife of Ezechiel Solomon, who signed with us.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
D. Solomon; H. la Croix, fils.
July 10, 1799, by us, the undersigned priest was baptized conditionally Marguerite, born December 15, 1788, of Michel Cadot and of a Sauteux woman. The Godfather was Nicolas Frereau; and the godmother Geneviève Blondeau, wife of Antoine Adhemar, who signed with us.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
Nicolas Frereau; Bd Adhémar.
July 14, 1799, by us, the undersigned priest, was baptized Louis, born December 29, of the previous year, of Antoine Martin and of Kinicona, a Sauteux woman. The Godfather was Jean Baptiste Gautier, who signed with us; and the Godmother Marguerite Bourassa, who declared that she could not sign her name when thereunto requested.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
Jn. Bte. Gautier.
July 26, 1799, by us, the undersigned priest, the ceremonies of baptism were supplied to Alexis, born May 23, 1797, of Samuel Solomon and of Marie of the Sauteux nation. The father, who was present, signed. The godfather was Alexis Laframboise; and the godmother Elizabeth Dubois, who signed with us.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
Du Solomon; Alexis Laframboise; Saml. Solomon.
July 26, 1799, by us, the undersigned priest, the ceremonies of Baptism were supplied to Joseph, born August 8, 1797, of Jacques Le Vasseur and of Madelaine of the Courte Oreille nation. The father was present and signed. The godfather was André La Chêne; and the godmother Susanne Hirebour, who declared that they could not sign their names when thereunto requested.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
Andre La Chêne mark +; Susanne Hirebour mark +; Jac. Vasseur.
Joseph Le Vasseur was legitimized and acknowledged by his father and mother on the day of their marriage before the church August 5, 1799. 19
Gabriel Richard, priest.
July 20, 1799, by us, the undersigned priest, the ceremonies of Baptism were supplied to Henry, born June 10, 1797, of the lawful marriage of Patrice McGulpin and of Madeline Creque, residents of this parish. The Godfather was Simon Champagne; and the godmother Marguerite Chevalier, who declared that they could not sign their names. The father was present and signed.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
Patt. M:Gulpin; mark of + Simon Champagne; mark of + Marguerite Chevalier.
July 28, 1799, by us, the undersigned priest, the ceremonietj of Baptism were supplied to Elizabeth, born February 12, 1798, of the lawful marriage of Patrice McGulpin and of Madeleine Crequé, residents of this parish. The father was present and signed with us. The Godfather was Pierre Lacroix; and the godmother Marie McGulpin, wife of the aforesaid Pierre Lacroix, 20 who declared that they could not sign their names.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
Patt. McGulpin; mark of + Pierre Lacroix; mark of + Marie McGulpin.
July 28, 1799, by us, the undersigned priest, the ceremonies of baptism were supplied to Giles, born April 7, of the same year of the lawful marriage of Patrice McGulpin and of Madeleine Crequé, residents of this parish. The father was present and signed with us. The godfather was Jean Baptiste Gautier; and the godmother Marie Anne Cowen. ***
Gabriel Richard.
Patt. M:Gulpin; Nancy Cown; Jn Bte Gautier.
August 1, 1799, by us, the undersigned priest, the ceremonies of baptism were supplied to Catherine, born in May, 1792, of Louise, a Panis [slave] of Daniel Bourassa and of an unknown father. The Godfather was Patrice Adhemar, who signed with us; and the godmother Marguerite Chevalier, wife of Jean Baptiste Laborde, who declared that she could not sign her name.
Gabriel Richard, priest,
Patrice Adhemar; mark of + Marguerite Chevalier,
August 3, 1799, by us, the undersigned priest, the ceremonies of baptism were supplied to Josette, born November 18, 1797, of the lawful marriage of André Charlebois and of Josette Ammelain, residents of this Parish. 21 The Godfather was Alexis Laframboise, who signed with us. The godmother 22 declared that she could not sign her name, when thereunto requested.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
Alexis Laframboise.
August 5, 1799, by us, the undersigned priest, was solemnly baptized Madeleine of the Outawas nation, about thirty years old. 23 The godfather was Pierre Quéri[sic], and the godmother Genevieve Blondeau, wife of Antoine Adhémar, who signed with us.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
P. Thiery; Bd Adhemar.
August 11, 1799, by us the undersigned priest, the ceremonies of Baptism were supplied to Marie, privately baptized by Louis Carignan about the age of eight years when in danger of death, born April 15, 1787, of Joseph Taillefer and of the late Louise of the Sauteux nation. The father was present. The Godfather was Augustin Hamelin; and the godmother Angelique Adhemar, who signed with us.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
Angelique Adhemar; Augustin Hamelin.
August 11, 1799, by us the undersigned priest, the ceremonies of baptism were supplied to Louise Taillefer, privately baptized by Louis Carignan when about three months old, born April 17, 1790, of Joseph Taillefer and of the late Louise of the Sauteux nation. The father was present. The Godfather was Patrice Adhemar, who signed with us. The godmother was Archange Bourassa, who declared that she could not sign her name when thereunto requested.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
Patrice Adhémar; mark of + Archange Bourassa.
August 15, 1799, by us, the undersigned priest, the ceremonies of baptism were supplied to Jacques, privately baptized by Monsieur Cattillan a month after his birth, born January 8, 1799, of Jacques Vasseur and of Madeleine, an Outawas woman, his lawful wife. The father was present and signed. The godfather was Alexis Laframboise; and the godmother Josette Adhemar, his wife, who signed with us.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
Jac Vasseur; Alexis Laframboise; A. Laframboise.
August 15, 1799, by us, the undersigned priest, the ceremonies of Baptism were supplied to Louis, privately baptized by Louis Duquet, born June 15, 1790, of Jacques Vasseur and of Madeleine, an Outawas, his lawful wife. The Godfather was Nicolas Freraut; and the godmother Josette Poitras, who signed with us.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
Nicol Frereau; Jac Vasseur.
August 15, 1799, by us the undersigned priest, the ceremonies of Baptism were supplied to Genevieve, privately baptized by Laurent Bertrand, born July 2, 1792, of Jacques Vasseur and of Madeleine, an Outawa, his lawful wife. The father was present and signed with us. The godfather was Antoine Adhemar St Martin; and the godmother Genevieve Blondeau, his wife, who signed with us.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
Jac Vasseur; Bd. Adhemar; Adhemar St Martin
August 18, 1799, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized Jean Baptiste, ten years old, born of the late Charles Agacouchin of the Potowatowmis nation, and of Marguerite of the Outawas nation, the mother being, present. The Godfather was Michel La Croix; and the godmother Marianne Cown, who signed with us.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
Nancy Cown; M. Lacroix.
August 18, 1799, by us the undersigned priest, the ceremonies of Baptism were supplied to Marie Anne, 24 about nine years old, privately baptized by Jean Baptiste La Douceur, born of Pierre La Saliere and of Therese of the Outawas nation, married before witnesses at St Joseph, the mother being present. The Godfather was Jacques Giason; and the godmother Angelique Adhemar, who signed with us.
Gabriel Richard, priest
Angelique Adhemar; J. Giasson.
August 18, 1799, by us the undersigned priest, the ceremonies of baptism were supplied to Louis Joseph, fourteen months old, privately baptized by Charles Chandonnet, born of Louis of the Potowatowmis nation and of Marguerite of the Outawas nation, the mother being present. The Godfather was Jean Baptiste Le Moine; and the godmother Josette Adhemar, wife of Alexis Laframboise, who signed with us.
Gabriel Richard, priest.
J. Bte Limoine; A. Laframboise.
September 23, 1799, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized Antoine of the nation of the Mandanes 25 – in the service of Charles Langlade, who signed with us – about twenty years old. The Godfather was Jacques Giasson; and the godmother signed with us. ***
Gabriel Richard.
A. Laframboise; Charles Langlade; J. Giasson.
- For a reminiscence of these people see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xiv, p. 20.[
- For this priest see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 497, note 32.[
- For a letter of this trader, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, pp. 435, 436.[
- For this trader, see a sketch in Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 238, note 22.[
- Married the same day; Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 497.[
- For the marriage of these persons see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 494.[
- The name is commonly spelled Reilhe. He was a resident of St. Louis for many years; see Illinois Historical Collections, ii, index.[
- For this priest see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 498, note 33.[
- For this early Wisconsin resident, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 463.[
- Probably Rosalie Laborde, who became Mrs. John Dousman; Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 512. About 1824 the family removed to Green Bay, where Mrs. Dousman was placed in charge of the Catholic school for Indian girls. This school was removed to the Menominee reservation at Keshena, and there for many years Mrs. Rosalie Dousman and her daughters labored to instruct the Menominee children. The school was finally broken up, between 1869 and 1871, and Mrs. Dousman died during the interval.[
- Gabriel Cerré was a prominent resident of the Illinois country; see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 415, note 20.[
- The vicar-general’s signature is lacking in the register.[
- For her marriage to Michel La Bruyere, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 500.[
- For an account of Madame Mitchell, a prominent resident of early Mackinac, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xiv, pp. 35-38.[
- The signature of the priest is lacking. The baptism was performed by Father Gabriel Richard, who in 1799 visited the island; see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 302, note 40.[
- The father of this child was killed in 1809 near Grand Rapids, Michigan. His wife continued his business of trading with the Indians, in which she was very successful. She sent her daughter to Montreal to be educated. Upon her return she met and married Capt. Benjamin K. Pierce of the American garrison, brother of the future president of the United States. The wedding occurred in 1817. The bride dying four years later, was buried in the Mackinac Church. See Wisconsin Historical Collections, xiv, pp. 36-43.[
- For this Mackinac trader see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, pp. 43-45.[
- For her marriage see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 511.[
- See Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 503.[
- Their marriage had occurred on July 22, 1799; Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 502.[
- See their marriage record. Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 499.[
- The godmother’s name is not given in the original.[
- Married the same day to Jacques Vasseur; Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 503.[
- Marienne Lasalière, daughter of Thérèse Marcot Lasalière-Schindler, became the wife of Henry Monroe Fisher of Prairie du Chien, and mother of Mrs. Henry S. Baird, an early settler at Green Bay.[
- For the Mandan Indians, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 450, note 72. This is probably the earliest recorded baptism of any of that nation.[