Mackinac Baptism Records 1755-1759

January 18, 1755, I, the undersigned, solemnly baptized Charle Louis Bourassa, legitimate son of René Bourassa and of Anne Charlotte Veronique Chevalier, his father and mother. The godfather was Mr. The Chevalier de Repentigni, the Officer Commanding for the King at the Sault; and the godmother Mde de L’anglade. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Louis Le Gardeur, Chevalier Repentigny; Bourassa D’anglade

March 30, 1755, I, the undersigned priest, missionary of the society of Jesus, solemnly administered holy Baptism to two adults: one about twelve or thirteen years old, called Piere François, a panis [slave] belonging to the Mr. Parent; whose godfather was Pierre Monbron; and whose godmother was Marianne Chaboiller Parent; the other Marie Charlotte, a panis belonging to Mr. Monbron, about fourteen or fifteen years old. The godfather was Louis Gervais; and the godmother Ciele Cousin et Monbron. Both were sufficiently instructed and well disposed. ***

M. L. Lefranc, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Marianne Chaboillez Parant; Pierre Monbron.

May 17, 1755, I, the undersigned missionary of the society of Jesus, solemnly administered holy Baptism to Joseph, legitimate son of Pierre Ketchinape and of Angelique Nekikkoue, his father and mother. The godfather was Monsieur Joseph Amable Hubert, merchant; and the godmother Charlotte Bourassa de L’anglade. ***

This child was born on the 29th December last.

M. L. Lefranc, of the society of Jesus.

J. A. M. Huber; Charlotte Bourassa Langlade.

May 27, 1755, I, the undersigned priest, missionary of the society of Jesus, solemnly administered holy Baptism to Ambroise, whom Nicolas Amiot acknowledged to be his son, and of Oukimakoue, a woman savage, his mother. The godfather was Mr. Amiot, father of Nicolas; and the godmother Josette Kiouittakigir la Fortune. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Amiot; la Fortune.

June 18, 1755, I solemnly administered holy Baptism to Pierre, son of Achaka Ouabeno and of Maouemkouens, his father and mother. The godfather was Mr. Nicolas du Fresne, merchant; and the godmother Angelique Ouechipoussé, the grandmother of the child. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Nicola Dufresne.

June 17, 1755, I, the undersigned, solemnly administered holy baptism to Jean Baptiste, legitimate son of Antoine le Tellier and of Charlotte Ouetokich, his father and mother, born on the tenth of September of the previous year. The godfather was René Bonaventure Angé; and the godmother Marie Joseph Farle. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Marie Josete Farley; Jean Telier dit la Fortune.

July 11, 1755, I solemnly administered holy Baptism to Marie Anne, legitimate daughter of François Brisbé and of Mariane Parent, her father and mother. 1 The godfather was Messire Augustin Moras de L’anglade, esquire; and the godmother Marie Anne Parent. ***

M. L. Lefranc, miss, of the society of Jesus.

Marianne Brisbé; Langlade; Marianne C. B. Parent; Lagrandeur.

July 13 [1755], I supplied the ceremonies of baptism to Catherine, a slave of Mr. la Fortune, about thirteen years old, whom I Baptized last autumn when in danger. The godfather was Mr. Giasson; and the godmother Mde de L’anglade. ***

M. L. Lefranc, of the society of Jesus.

Bourassa Langlade; Giasson. 2

July 21, 1755, I solemnly administered holy Baptism to Marie Anne, a slave of Mr. Caron, about sixteen or seventeen years old and sufficiently instructed. The godfather was Mr. Filé. Esquire; and the godmother Mde. Bourassa. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Jan Mari Filé: Marie Caterine Lerige.

July 27, 1755, I solemnly administered holy baptism to Anne, about eleven or twelve years old, a slave of Mr. St Omer. The godfather was Mr. du Fresne; and the godmother Mde. Monbrun. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Nicola Dufresne.

August 2, 1755, I solemnly administered holy baptism to Albert, legitimate son of Jacque Farley and of Josette Dumouchel, his father and mother residing at this post, born this morning. The godfather was Antoine Janis residing at this post; and the godmother Marie Josette Farly. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Janis; Mary Josete Farly; Jac Farly.

August 17, 1755, I solemnly administered holy Baptism to a Catechumen, about twenty-one years old, desiring that Sacrament and sufficiently instructed, who took the name of Susanna. The godfather was Mr. L’ami Hubert, trader; and the godmother Mde. Langlade, the elder. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Barthelemi Blondeau; J. Am. Huber.

Since married to Nicolas Amiot. 3

August 24, 1755, I solemnly administered holy Baptism to a child from a year and a half to two years old, daughter of a daughter of a savage called Misoumanitou, being a slave belonging to Mr. de Villebon. 4 The godfather was Mr. the Chevr. de Repentigny, lieutenant of infantry; and the godmother mde. L’anglade, the younger, who gave her the name of Charlotte. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Le Gardeur Chr. Repentigny; Charlotte Bourassa Langlade; Barthelemi Blondeau.

January 6, 1756, I solemnly administered holy Baptism to a catechumen about eighteen years old, sufficiently instructed and desiring holy baptism, who took the name of Charles. His godfather was Mr. Langlade; and his godmother the wife of Sieur Bourassa, the younger.

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Langlade; Nanette Chevalier Bourassa; Louis Portelence; Barthelemi Blondeau.

January 14, 1756, I solemnly Baptized a little girl born this morning whose father is Charles and whose mother is Marie, both slaves and lawfully married last year, 1754. 5 The godfather was Mr. Bourassa, the elder; and the godmother mde. Langlade, the elder, who gave her the name of Susanne. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Bourassa; Barthelemi Blondeau.

February 4, 1756, I solemnly baptized a little daughter of Sieur Cardin, notary at this post and of Coussante Chevalier, his lawful wife, born yesterday evening at four o’clock. The godfather was Mr. Langlade, church warden; and the godmother the wife of Sieur Blondeau dit Nanette, voyageur, who gave her the name of Marie. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Cardin; Blondeau.

April 17, 1756, I solemnly administered holy Baptism to three Catechumens, desiring the same and sufficiently instructed. The first is a slave of Sieur Bourassa, the younger, about fifteen years old, who took the name of Antoine. His godfather was Mr. Bourassa, the elder; and his godmother the wife of Sieur Chaboyer. The second is our slave, about eight years old, who took the name of Jean. His godfather was la Palme. The third is a slave of Sieur Farley, who took the name of Charlotte; she is about seventeen or eighteen years old. Her godfather was Mr. Langlade; and her godmother the eldest daughter of Sieur Farley. All of whom signed this act.

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Lapalme; Langlade; Bourassa; Blondeau; Josette Farly; Marie Anne Chevalier Chaboillez.

April 28, 1756, I, the undersigned, supplied the ceremonies of holy Baptism to Charlotte Catherine [daughter of Monsieur] de L’anglade, Esquire, and officer in the troops of the marine, and of Charlotte Ambroise Bourassa, 6 her father and mother, whom I had privately baptized on the twenty-ninth of January last at la Grande Rivière, where she was born. The godfather was Mr. de L’anglade, the elder; and the godmother Mde. Bourassa. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Langlade; Ctrinne Lerige.

May 9, 1756, I solemnly baptized an Outaouaise Catechumen, daughter of Neskes and granddaughter of Kinoncharnee, sufficiently instructed and desiring holy baptism, who took the name of Marie; 7 the godfather was Mr. L’anglade, the elder, and the godmother mde. Langlade, the younger. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Langlade; Charlotte Bourassa Langlade; Joseph Barthelemi Blondeau.

May 23, 1756, I, the undersigned priest, missionary of the society of Jesus, solemnly Baptized an Outaois Catechumen, about fourteen years old, son of the late Cardinal, sufficiently instructed and desiring holy Baptism. He took the name of George. The godfather was Pierre Migouanounjan; and the godmother Anne Villeneuve Blondeau, who signed with me.

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Anne Villeneuve Blondeau; Amable Chaboillez; Rene Bourassa.

June 5, 1756, I, the undersigned priest of the society of Jesus, solemnly baptized Pierre Antoine le Tellier, legitimate son of Antoine le Tellier and of Charlotte Ouetokis, his father and mother, 8 born on the thirteenth of December of the previous year. The godfather was Pierre le Duc; and the godmother Mde. and Mlle. Bourassa.

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Pierre le Duc; Caterinne Lerige Bourassa.

June 7, 1756, I, the undersigned priest, missionary of the society of Jesus, solemnly administered holy baptism to Magdelaine, a slave of Monsieur Chaboille, about forty-five years old, sufficiently instructed and desiring baptism. The godfather was Mr. René Bourassa; and the godmother Marianne Chevalier Chaboillez. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Réné Bourassa, fils; Marie Anne Chevalier Chaboillez.

June 19, 1756, I, the undersigned priest, missionary of the society of Jesus, supplied the ceremonies of baptism and baptized conditionally Marie Catherine Guillory, legitimate daughter of Joseph Guillory and of Marie Louise Bolon, her father and mother. 9 The godfather was Mr. Hertelle Beau Bassin, an Officer in the troops of the marine and commanding for the King at la Pointe 10 , where the child was born on the twenty-second of June of the previous year; the godmother was Mlle. Bourassa. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Joseph Guillory; Beaubassin; Ct. Lerige.

July 19, 1756, I, the undersigned priest, missionary of the society of Jesus, supplied the ceremonies and baptized conditionally, Jean Simon Personne, son of Charles Personne and of Suzanne Reaume, his father and mother; and Hubert Personne, son of the same above mentioned; Marie Josephe, daughter of Jean Baptiste Jourdain and of Marie Joseph Reaume, her father and mother, and Marie Magdelaine, daughter of the same – the first boy, six years old, born on the fourteenth of April, 1750; the second born on the 1st of December, 1753; the first girl born on the tenth of October, 1751, the second on the 25th of January, 1754. 11 The godfather of the first boy was Jean le Febvre; and the godmother Marie Josette Farley; the godfather of the second boy was Mr. Couterot, 12 Lieutenant of infantry; and the godmother Charlotte Bourassa; the godfather of the first girl was Jean Baptiste le Tellier; and the godmother Marie Anne Amiot; the godfather of the second girl was Antoine Janis; and the godmother Marie Angelique Taro.

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

H. Couterot; Bourassa Langlade; Jean Le Faibre; Josette Farly; Jean Telier; Antoine Janise; Mari Angelique Taro.

October 15, 1756, I, the undersigned priest, missionary of the society of Jesus, solemnly administered holy baptism to Marie Renée, daughter of Jean Baptiste Cadot and of Catherine, a girl of the Nepissing, whom they are to legitimize by their marriage to be performed shortly. 13 The child is about two-months old. The godfather was Mr. de Couagne; and the godmother Mde Bourassa. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

R. De Couagne, fils; M. C. Lerige.

I, the undersigned priest, miss. of the society of Jesus, solemnly administered holy Baptism to Charles Joseph, son of a female slave of Mr. the Chevalier de Repentigny, born yesterday evening. The godfather was Louis Joseph Ens [Ainse]; and the godmother Charlotte Bourassa. At Michilimakina January 3, 1757.

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

René Bourassa; Paul A. Chaboiller.

I, the undersigned priest, Miss. of the society of Jesus, administered holy baptism to Anne Agnes Bourassa, legitimate- daughter of René Bourassa and of Anne Chevalier, her father and mother. The godfather was Mr. de Langlade; and the godmother Mde. Blondeau. At Michilimakina, March 2, 1757, the day on which the baptized infant was born.

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Langlade; Anne Villeneuve Blondeau.

I, the undersigned priest, Miss. of the society of Jesus, solemnly baptized, on Holy Saturday of the present year, a young slave belonging to Sieur Amiot, armorer, at this post, about twelve years old, sufficiently instructed and desiring holy baptism. The sponsors were Sieur Amiot and his wife. Done at Michilimakina, the 9th of April, 1757.

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Barthelemi Blondeau; Bourassa.

May 16 [1757], I, the undersigned Miss, of the society of Jesus, solemnly baptized Augustin, legitimate son of Pierre Kitchinape and of Angelique, his wife, born on the last day of March of the previous year. The godfather was Mr. de L’anglade; and the godmother Mde. Sans Chagrin, the undersigned. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Langlade; Marie Taro.

May 20, 1757, I, the undersigned priest. Miss. of the society of Jesus, solemnly Baptized Marie Anne, legitimate daughter of Claude Pellé dit le Haie and of Marie Meghissens, her father and mother, 14 born on the tenth of March last. The godfather was Mr. Antoine St. Germain; and the godmother Mde. Anne Villeneuve Blondeau, undersigned. ***

M. L. Lefranc, of the society of Jesus.

Antoine St Germain; Anne Villeneuve Blondeu; Claude Pelle.

May 20, 1757, I supplied the ceremonies of baptism to Joseph, son of a female slave of Mr. Jean Baptiste le Febre, trader, born on the fifth of April last and privately baptized. The godfather was the aforesaid Mess. le Febvre; and the godmother Mlle. Marie Josephe Farly, undersigned.

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Jean Baptiste le Febvre; Marie Joseph Farly.

May 30, 1757, I supplied the ceremonies of holy baptism to and baptized conditionally Joseph, legitimate son of Jean Baptiste Reaume, interpreter at la Baye, and of Marie Joseph, his wife, born at the wintering place of the mississipi on the 7th of May, 1755. The godfather was Mr. Amiot, Armorer of this post; and the godmother Mde. Farley, who signed here. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Amiot; Marie Joseph Du Mouchelle Farley; Jean Baup- Tiste Reaume.

June 1, 1757, I solemnly administered holy Baptism to Marie Françoise, legitimate daughter of François Brisbé and of Marie Anne Parent, her father and mother, born yesterday evening. The godfather was Pierre Parent; and the godmother Mde. de L’anglade.

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Bourassa Langlade; Francoie [B]risbe; Pierre Parent.

June 22, 1757, I, the undersigned, solemnly administered Holy Baptism to Antoine, legitimate son of Joseph Guillory and of Marie Louise Bollon, his father and mother, born yesterday morning. The godfather was Mr. Antoine St Germain, trader; and the godmother Mariane Cecile Cousineau Monbron. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Antoine St Germain.

July 3, 1757, I, the undersigned, solemnly administered Holy Baptism to Antoine, a slave of Mr. St. germain, trader, about fifteen or sixteen years old, sufficiently instructed and demanding Baptism. The godfather was Mr. Francois Marie Hamelin, trader; and the godmother Mde. Bourassa. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

F. Hamelin; Marie Catherine Lerige; Antoine St Germain.

July 18, 1757, I, the undersigned, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Marie Catherine, a slave of Mr. Hamelin, seven or eight years old, whom I had privately baptized last winter while ill. The godfather was Mr. St. Germain; and the godmother Mde. Bourassa.

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Antoine St Germain; Marie Catherine Lerige; F. Hamelin.

I privately baptized a little girl who is thought to be the daughter of Rupalais and of a daughter of la Culote. This little girl was about six weeks and sick with small-pox. This 11th of October, 1757.

Lefranc, Jesuit

This day I privately baptized a little girl savage about a year old, who is called Outeskouiabano. This 15th of October, 1757.

This same day I privately baptized the son of Miskoumanitou who desired baptism and was dangerously ill with small-pox.

This day, the 15th of October, I privately baptized the son of Lou Ouicheina, whom I buried on Thursday, and Kininchioue, both dangerously ill. They eagerly asked for Baptism and promised to get themselves instructed and to live as Christians. Both are dead.

I, the undersigned priest. Miss, of the society of Jesus, solemnly baptized Marie Bichibichikoue (since dead), an adult about twenty-three or twenty-four years old, sufficiently instructed and desiring baptism. The godfather was Mr. Janis, trader; and the godmother Mde. Sans Chagrin. At Michilimakina the 18th of October, 1757.

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Angelique Taro.

I privately baptized the son of Neoukima, on the eighteenth. He was dangerously ill with small-pox.

On the 22nd of October I privately baptized a little boy (since dead) of la Pointe, about six months old, in danger of death.

On the 27th I privately baptized a female panis [slave] belonging to Mde. Blondeau.

On the 28th I privately baptized the daughter of Memanghiouinet.

On the 29th, the Sister-in-law of Mikisinensa, all dangerously ill.

Eight days previously I had privately baptized Sarasto, a panis [slave] belonging to Mr. Sans Chagrin.

On the 1st of November I privately baptized a case.

On the 31st of October, I privately baptized the brother-in-law of Mikisinensa, who died on the 2nd of November.

On the 2nd of November I privately baptized a little boy, a panis belonging to Mde. Blondeau.

On the 3rd a little boy Savage who is at Mr. the Commandant’s, who was abandoned and is said to belong to Chambele (since dead) [also] A little panis girl belonging to Mr. the Commandant.

On the 4th I privately baptized Ouabikeki, who died on the 5th and a girl panis of Mr. Langlade, the younger.

On the 5th I privately baptized two women Savages (since dead) in the Lodge of Nanchoukaché or in that of Kaouchimagan (dead); a woman abandoned under a bark shelter near the same place; the wife and a little son of Pitatchaouanon, both of whom died the same day.

On the 6th I privately baptized a daughter of Mikisinensa (since dead) the son of Memainghiouinet (since dead) and la Ronde, a panis of Mr. de Langlais, the elder.

On the 7th I privately baptized a little daughter of Pittachaouanon. (Since dead.) 15

On the 17th of November, I privately baptized two nephews (still living) of the wife of Mikisinensa; and a little boy called Kinonchamon (since dead); and a little boy in the Lodge of the late Ouabikiké.

On the 22nd of November I privately baptized the old mother-in-law of Nanchoukaché (since dead); and a young man about 17 or 18 years old in the same lodge (since dead); also a little child in an adjacent Lodge, all in great danger.

February 23, 1758, I solemnly administered holy Baptism to Louis Joseph, legitimate son of Jacques Farly and of Josette du Mouchel, his father and mother, born this morning. The godfather was Mr. de Beaujour, Captain, commandant; and the godmother. Mde. de Langlade. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss, of the society of Jesus.

Jacque Farly; Beaujeu.

Holy Saturday [March 25], 1758, I supplied the ceremonies of holy baptism to Thomas about twelve or thirteen years old, sufficiently instructed and privately baptized in the month of December last, being in danger of death, son of Hyppolite Kinonchamee dit Choumen, recently reconciled with the church. His godfather was Sieur Farly, interpreter; and his godmother Agathe Villeneuve, widow of the late Boisguilbert. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

April 12, 1758, I, the undersigned, solemnly administered holy Baptism to Joseph Laurent, legitimate son of Laurent du Charme and of Marguerite Metivier, his father and mother, born yesterday evening. The godfather was Mr. Nicolas du Fresne, trader; and the godmother Mde. Bourassa. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Marie Caterinne Lerige de Bourassa; Laurent Du Charme; Nicola Dufresny.

June 12 [1758], I supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to and Baptized conditionally, Marie Angelique, legitimate daughter of Joseph Couvret and of Charlotte, his wife, born about three months ago. The godfather was Mr. Amable de Rivière; and the godmother Mde. Angelique Metivier.

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Angelique Metivier; Amable Derivière.

June 29, 1758, I solemnly administered holy Baptism to Marie Jeanne, presented by Mr. Monbrun, who received her from a woman savage and who took her to bring her up as a Christian. The said Mr. Monbrun was godfather; and Madame his wife was godmother. At Michilimakina.

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.


June 29, 1758, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission a Catechumen of the Outaouas nation, the father of a family, over forty years of age, sufficiently instructed and desiring holy baptism; he is called Kiniouichatoun and took the name of Pierre at the sacred font. His godfather was Mr. de Beaujeu, Captain commanding here for the King; and the godmother Mde. langlade, the younger. ***

P. du Jaunay, Jesuit Miss.

Beaujeu; Bourassa Langlade.

I, the undersigned priest. Miss. of the society of Jesus, solemnly administered holy baptism to Charles, legitimate son of Antoine le Tellier and of Charlotte Ouetokis, his father and mother. The godfather was Mr. de l’Anglade, an officer of the troops and second in command at this post; 16 and the Godmother Mde. his wife. At Michilimakina July 2, 1758.

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Langlade fils; Bourassa Langlade.

July 13 [1758], I solemnly administered holy Baptism to Marianne, daughter of a female slave of Mr. L’anglade, born on the tenth of March last. The godfather was Mr. the Chevalier de Repentigny; the godmother Mde. Langlade. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Le Gardeur che. De Repentigne; Bourassa F. Langlade.

July 16, 1758, I solemnly baptized a catechumen of the Saulteux nation, sufficiently instructed and desiring holy Baptism. This catechumen is thirty years old and is called Tiennotte. 17 She took the name of Marie in Baptism. The godfather was Mr. de Beaujeu, Captain, the commandant of this post; and the godmother Mde. de Langlade. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss, of the society of Jesus.

Beaujeu; Bourassa Langlade.

July 16 [1758], I solemnly Baptized Jean Baptiste, born on the 8th of February, 1756, and Marie Joseph, about two months old, son and daughter of Michel Rocheveau and of Marie Tiennotte, who will this day receive the nuptial benediction and acknowledge the aforesaid Baptized children as legitimate. The godfather of the little boy was Jean Baptiste La Douceur; the godmother Mde. Metivier. The godfather of the little girl was Mr. Sans Chagrin; and the godmother Mde. Sans chagrin. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Sejourne; Angelique Taro.

September 10, 1758, I solemnly baptized a female Catechumen, about sixteen or seventeen years old, sufficiently instructed and desiring Baptism. The godfather was Mr. Janis, trader; and the godmother Mde. Metivier. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss, of the society of Jesus.

Janise; Mari Angeli Metivier.

October 1, 1758, I supplied the ceremonies of baptism to Charlotte, natural daughter of Pierre Souligni, the younger, about two years old. I had baptized her privately about three months previously. The godfather was Mr. de Langlade; and the godmother Mde. Souligni.

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Langlade; Agathe Villene[uve] Souline.

October 4, 1758, I solemnly baptized Marie Joseph, born this day of a panis [slave] woman residing with Mr. Souligni, who gave her to le Febvre, formerly a clerk at la Baie. The godfather was Mr. Souligni; and the godmother Mde. Farley.

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

J. Marie Joseph du Mouchelle Farly.

December 17, 1757 [1758], I solemnly Baptized Louis Francois Xavier, legitimate son of René Bourassa and of Anne Chevalier, his father and mother, born last night. The godfather was Mr. de Baujeu, Captain, Commandant of this post; and the godmother Marie Anne Chevalier, widow Chaboiller.

M. L. Lefranc, Miss, of the society of Jesus.

Beaujeu; veuve Chaboillez; René Bourassa fils.

January 30, 1759, I solemnly administered holy Baptism to Louis[e] Domitille, legitimate daughter 18 of Mr. Charles de Langlade and of Mde. Charlotte Bourassa, her father and mother. The godfather was Mr. de Beaujeu, Commanding for the King at this post; and the godmother Mde. Langlade. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss, of the society of Jesus.

Beaujeu; Langlade.

April 14, 1759, I supplied the ceremonies of holy baptism to Louise, about eleven or twelve years old, a slave of Mr. de Beaujeu, Commandant of this post, formerly baptized privately by Reverend Father Lefranc, when in danger of death. I also administered holy baptism to Caterinne, about seven years old, a slave of Mr. Langlade, the younger. The godfather and godmother of Louise were Mr. Langlade, the elder; and Mde. Langlade, the younger; those of Caterinne were Mr. Dufrêne, trader; and Mde. Langlade, the elder. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Langlade; Bourassa Langlade; Nicola Dufresne.

April 30, 1759, I administered holy Baptism to a little bastard girl, born this morning of the panis slave of Constant Villeneuve, who accuses herself of having become enceinte by her Master. The child received the name of Charlotte. The godfather Avas René Bourassa; the godmother Charlotte Bourassa. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

René Bourassa.

May 11, 1759, I supplied the ceremonies of holy baptism to Pierre François, legitimate son of François Brisbé and of Marianne Parent, his father and mother, born the day before yesterday at la Pointe au Sable where I baptized him privately yesterday. The godfather was Mr. Parent; and the godmother Mde. Farly.

M. L. Lefranc, Miss, of the society of Jesus.

Marie Joseph du Mouchelle Farly; Pierre Parant; Francoie [B]risbe.

May 30 [1759], I solemnly baptized Augustin, legitimate son of Hyppolite Kinonchamek and of Marianne, his wife, born on the l5th. The godfather was Mr. de L’anglade, and the godmother Mde. Soulignis. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Agathe Villeneuve Souligni; Langlade.

This day, the feast of pentecost, I supplied the ceremonies of holy baptism to Louis Joseph, a panis slave of Mr. Farly whom I had privately baptized in 1757 when dangerously ill with small-pox, about 15 or 16 years old. The godfather was Louis Desmouchells; the godmother Mde. Farly. I also solemnly baptized a panis woman, about 20 years old, sufficiently instructed and desiring baptism for a long while. She took the name of Marie Xavier. The godfather was Mr. Janis, trader; and the godmother Mde. Sans Chagrin. At Michilimakina June 3, 1759.

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Marie Joseph Du Mouchelle Farly; Janis; Angelique Taro.

On the same feast of pentecost, I baptized Catherine, daughter of Joseph Sans Peur and of Michelle, his wife, born last winter. The godfather was Barthelemi Janise; and the godmother Catherine Parent. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Battse; Janis.

June 14, 1759, I solemnly administered holy baptism to Antoine, son of Pierre Kinoncheton and of a pagan woman savage deceased, aged about five or six years. The godfather was Mr. Janis; and the godmother Mde. Bourassa. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

At Janise; Caterinne Lerige.

June 14, 1759, I solemnly administered holy baptism to Pierre, son of Pierre Kinonchaton and of a pagan woman savage, who died in paganism, about ten years old, sufficiently instructed and desiring Baptism. The godfather was Mr. Dufresne, trader; and the godmother Mde. Bourassa, the younger. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Nanette Bourassa; Nicola Dufresne.

I solemnly administered holy baptism to Nicolas, legitimate son of Antoine le Tellier dit la Fortune and of Charlotte Ouaboki, his wife, born at Matchidack on the sixth of March last. The godfather was Mr. du Fresne; and the godmother Mde. la Fortune. At Michilmackina, June 24, 1759.

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Nicola Dufresne.

August 7, 1759, I solemnly administered holy Baptism [to jean Baptiste born] yesterday, legitimate son of Jean Baptiste Metivier and of Josette Parent, his father and mother. 19 The godfather was Pierre Parent; and the godmother Angelique Metivier. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Pierre Parent; Marie Angelique Metivier.

August 17, 1759, I solemnly administered holy baptism to Louis François, legitimate son of Francois Louis Cardin and of Constante Chevalier, his father and mother, born last night. The godfather was Mr. janis; and the godmother Mll. Chaboiller. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Cardin; At. Janis; Manette Chaboiller.

September 30, 1759, I supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Marie, privately baptized by Reverend Father du Jaunay, born on the 8th of the present month, legitimate daughter of Jean Baptiste Marcot and of Marie Amighissen, her father and mother. The godfather was Mr. de Langlade; and the godmother Mde. Souligni.

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Langlade; Agathe la Souligni.

November 6, 1759, I administered holy Baptism to Louis Jacques, legitimate son of Jacques Gaillard and of Marie Jbeau, 20 born last night. The godfather was Mr. de Beaujeu, Commanding for the King at this post; and the godmother Mde. de langlade. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Beaujeu; J. Galliord.

December 4, 1759, I solemnly baptized Francois Xavier, born yesterday, natural son of Catherine, a panis slave of Mr. Lafortune. The godfather was René Le Tallier; and the godmother Marie Anne Marthe Chaboiller. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Manette Chaboiller; René Letellier.


  1. For the marriage of these parents see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 482.[↩]
  2. Jacques Giasson was a lessee of the Green Bay post in 1757. Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, pp. 197-199.[↩]
  3. For this marriage see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 482.[↩]
  4. Charles René Desjordy, Sieur de Villebon, was king’s officer at Green Bay in 1749-50. See Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 64, note 7.[↩]
  5. See Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 481.[↩]
  6. This child, known as Lalotte, was afterwards married to a M. Barcellou, dying the following year. See Wisconsin Historical Collections, iii, p. 235.[↩]
  7. Afterwards the wife of Jean Baptiste Marcot. See Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 484.[↩]
  8. For their marriage see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 480.[↩]
  9. The parents of this child were married at Mackinac on Sept. 5, 1747. Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 474.[↩]
  10. This officer, Pierre Joseph Hertel, Sieur de Beaubassin, was the last French commandant at Chequamegon. A brief biographical sketch is given in Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 163.[↩]
  11. These children were brought from Green Bay to Mackinac for baptism. For the marriages of their parents – the mothers were sisters – see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, pp. 473, 474.[↩]
  12. Hubert Couterot was the last French commandant at La Baye; see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 184, note 28.[↩]
  13. For a sketch of this early settler of Sault Ste. Marie, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 103, note 47. His marriage is registered on p. 483.[↩]
  14. For their marriage see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 483.[↩]
  15. Here follows an entry crossed out in the original: “On the 8th I privately baptized a little child (since dead) of Neoukima.”[↩]
  16. For Langlade’s appointment as second in command, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, viii, p. 213.[↩]
  17. For her marriage to Michel Rocheveau, the same day, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 484.[↩]
  18. For her marriage to Pierre Grignon see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 493.[↩]
  19. For their marriage see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 483.[↩]
  20. For their marriage entry see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 484.[↩]

Baptism Records,

Translation from a copy of the original in possession of the parish church of Ste. Anne at Mackinac.

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