I, the Undersigned Royal Notary, the Justice of the peace at Michilimakina, Certify that, in the absence Of the Missionary of the said post, the daughter of Charles Sanguinet and of Veronique Cardin, Born on the twenty-seventh of September of this year, was privately Baptized by Sieur Pierre Chaboille.
In testimony whereof we have signed these presents on the day and in the year aforesaid at michilimakina September 27, 1770.
Cabdin. 1
Chle. Sanguined.
June 27, 1775, by us, missionary Priest, the Ceremonies Of holy Baptism were supplied to Laurent, 2 born June 8, 1771, Of the Lawful marriage of Joseph Laurent Bertrand And Of Marie Therese Du Lignon, his Wife. The Godfather was Sr Joseph Perinault, merchant; And the Godmother Dme Archange Barthe who signed with us, as did also the Father who was present.
P. Gibault, missionary Priest.
Perinault; Archange Barthe Askin; 3 Laurent Bertrand.
June 27, 1775, by us, priest and missionary, the Ceremonies of Holy Baptism were supplied to Jean Baptiste, 4 born on June 24, 1774, of the lawful marriage of Joseph Laurent Bertrand and of Marie Therese Dulignon, his Wife. The godfather was Sieur Pierre Foretier, merchant; and The godmother Dame Marianne Cardin, Who signed with us as did also the father, who was present.
P. Gibault, Miss. Priest.
Marianne Cardin; Pre Foretier; Laurent Bertrand.
July 9, 1775, by us, priest and missionary, the ceremonies of holy Baptism were supplied to Bernard, born March 22, 1770, of the lawful marriage of Louis Demouchelle and of Françoise, a savage, his wife. The godfather was Sieur François La Fontaine; and the godmother Dme Marianne Cardin, who signed with us. The father, who was present, could not sign his name.
P. Gibault, miss. Priest.
Marianna Cardin la Fantasi. 5
July 9, 1775, by us, priest and missionary, the ceremonies of holy Baptism were supplied to Jean, born January 12, 1772, of the lawful marriage of Louis du Mouchelle and of Françoise a savage, his wife. The godfather was Sieur Pierre Foretier; and the godmother Angelique Sejourné who signed with us.
P. Gibault, miss. Priest.
Angelique Sejourné; Pre Foretier.
July 9, 1775, by us, the undersigned missionary priest, was Baptized Françoise, born May 12, 1774, of the lawful marriage of Louis Dumouchelle and of Francoise, a savage, his wife. The godfather was Sieur Joseph Perinault, merchant; and the godmother Demoiselle Felicité Barthe. The godfather signed with us. The father, who was present, declared that he could not sign his name.
P. Gibault, miss. Priest.
July 10, 1775, by us, Priest and missionary, was Baptized Conditionally Marianne Marcotte, born in the month of September, 1769, Of the lawful Marriage of Jean Baptiste marcotte and of Marianne Weskeek, a savage, his wife. The godfather was Hypolitte Campeau, who declared that he could not sign his name; and the godmother Marie Angelique Sejourné, who signed with us.
P. Gibault, miss. Priest.
Marie Angelique Sejourné.
July 10, 1775, by us, priest and missionary, was Baptized Conditionally Marguerite, born in the month of August, 1771 Of the Lawful Marriage of Jean Baptiste marcotte and Of Marianne Neskeek, his wife. The Godfather was Hyppolite Janis, merchant; and the godmother Agathe, wife of Sieur Coté, who declared that she could not sign her name. The godfather signed with us.
P. Gibault, Priest.
H Janis.
October 3, 1775, by us, the undersigned Priest and missionary in the Illinois Country, was Baptized Archange, born the same day Of the Lawful Marriage Of Sieur Jean Askin, King’s Commissioner at this post, and Of Dame Archange Berthe, his Wife. The godfather was Sieur Hypolite Chaboyer, merchant; and the godmother Dlle Felicité Berthe who declared that she could not sign her name. The godfather signed with us.
P. Gibault, miss. Priest.
H. Chaboillez.
In 1776, Marianne Cardin, wife of Fransoi Morisse Le Fantesie, gave birth to a boy on the 15th of March. He was privately baptized by his uncle, Joseph Ainsse, at six o’clock in the evening.
In the year 1778, Marianne Cardin, wife of François Morise dit La fantizie, gave birth to a boy on June 18. He was privately baptized by his uncle, Joseph Ainsse.
- For a sketch of this functionary see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 140, note 83.[
- For the marriage of this person see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 498.[
- Wife of John Askin from Detroit, for whom see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 309, note 29.[
- Jean Baptiste Bertrand married at Mackinac in 1804. Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 510.[
- For her marriage see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, pp. 488, 489.[