January 19, 1800, by us the Undersigned, one of the justices of the peace of the United States, was privately baptized Marie Louise of the Saulteux nation.1 The godfather was Sieur Fr Catin; and the godmother Genevieve Plessey, wife of Mr. Bourdon. The godmother signed with us in the presence of the undersigned witnesses.
Adehemar St Martin J. P.
J. Giasson, witness; genevieve plaissee; Alexis Laframboise, witness.
March 21, 1800, by me the Under signed, was privately baptized Marie, born yesterday evening of the lawful Marriage of Sieur Alexis Laframboise and of Dame Joseph Adhemar, In the presence of Adhemar St Martin and of the said Sieur Laframboise, who signed with me. ***
Adhemar St Martin.
Alexis Laframboise; J. Giasson.
April 20, 1800, I, the undersigned, one of the justices of the Peace of the United States privately baptized angelique, an adult woman of the Sauteux nation. 2 The Godfather was MR. Jacques Giasson; and the godmother W^^’ Mitchell, who signed with us. ***
Adhemar St Martin J. P.
J. Giasson; Mad””® Mitchell her mark +,
October 21, 1800, I the Undersigned, one of the justices of the Peace, privately baptized Charles, son of Charles Maillet, issue of his lawful Marriage with Elizabeth McDonald, 3 born this day about one o’clock in the afternoon. ***
Adhemar St Martin J. P.
October 21, 1800, I the undersigned, one of the Justices of the Peace of the United States, privately baptized a natural daughter born of Mr. Wheley and of Genevieve McDonald. ***
Adhemar St Martin, J. P,
October 11, 1801, I the undersigned, one of the justices of the peace of the United States, privately baptized a boy, the natural son of Simon Champagne and of a woman savage of the Sehiouse nation, born yesterday about six o’clock in the evening. ***
Adhemar St Martin J. P.
June 9, 1804, we the Undersigned Roman Catholic priest and missionary. Baptized conditionally Joseph, about five years old, and born of Jean Baptiste Flamand and of a woman Savage called Marie. The father was present. The godfather was Joseph Letard; and the godmother Louise Vasseur, who declared that they could not sign their names, when thereunto requested.
J. Dilhet, Miss. Priest. 4
June 12, 1804, we, the undersigned, supplied the ceremonies of baptism to hubert Solomon – son of Guillaume Solomon 5 and of a woman savage who are not married – born December 5, 1800, and privately baptized the same day. The godfather was Hubert Lacroix; and the godmother Louise Dubois. The father being present, all of whom signed with us.
Dilhet, Miss. Priest.
William Solomons; J. H. Lacroix.
June 13, 1804, we, the undersigned, baptized conditionally, Joseph, born March 20, 1802, of Joseph Gauthier dit Caron and of Louise Vasseur, married according to the law of the state. 6 The father who was present, was unable to sign his name. The godfather was Patrice Adhemar; and the godmother Josephe Adhemar, who signed with us.
J. Dilhet, miss. Priest,
P. Adhemar; Josehpte Adhemar Laframboise.
June 16, 1804, we the undersigned priest, miss at Michilimakina, supplied the ceremonies of baptism to Marie Marguerite, daughter of Alexis Laframboise and of Joseph Adhemar, about five years old. She was privately baptized after her birth. Her godfather was Gabriel Coté the younger; and the godmother Marguerite Adhemar, the mother being present; who all signed with us.
J. Dilhet, miss. priest.
Josette Adhemar; Gab. Cotté; Marguerite Adhemar.
On the same day and at the same time we, the undersigned,. Baptized according to the rite of the holy Roman Church,, Mathilde, born August 28, of the previous year of Benjamin Lockwood and of Marianne Pelletier. The Godfather was Jacques Giasson; and the godmother Josephe Adhemar, the father and mother being present; who signed with us.
J. Dilhet.
Marian Lockwood; B. Lockwood; J. Giasson.
June 17, 1804, we the undersigned priest, miss. at Michilimakina, supplied the ceremonies of baptism to Marie, born April 18, of the previous year of Joseph Gautier dit Caron and of Louise Vasseur, the father being present. The godfather was Pierre Thyerri; and the godmother Marie Angelique Adhemar, who signed with us.
Dilhet, miss. priest.
P. Thierry; Marguerite Adhemar.
June 17, 1804, we, the Undersigned priest, miss. at Michilimakina, supplied the ceremonies of baptism to Agathe, born May 16, 1802 of Daniel Bourassa and of Marguerite Bertrand, married, the father and mother being present. The godfather was Augustin Hamelin; and the godmother Agathe Dubois, who signed with us.
J. Dilhet, priest.
D. Solomon; Dl. Bourassa; Augt Hamelin.
June 17, 1804, we the undersigned, at Mikilimakina, baptized conditionally Charles Michel, born October 10, 1801, of Simon Champagne and of a woman savage. The father was present. The godfather was Charles Marley; and the godmother Josephe Vaillancour, who signed or declared that they could not sign their names.
J. Dilhet, miss. priest.
On the same day and in the same year, 1804, we, the undersigned. Baptized conditionally Marguerite Louise, born October 6, 1803, of Simon Champagne and of a woman savage. The father was present. The godfather was Pierre Lacroix; and the godmother Louise Vasseur, who declared that they could not sign their names.
J. Dilhet, miss. priest.
June 17, 1804, we, the undersigned, baptized conditionally Jean Baptiste, 7 four years old, born of Jean Baptiste Laborde dit Sangrais [Sans Regret] and of Marguerite Machard. The father and mother were present. The godfather was Jean Baptiste Toussaint Pothier; and the godmother Angelique Adhemar who signed with us.
J. Dilhet, miss. priest.
T. Pothier; Angelique Adhemar; J. Bte la Borde,
On the same day, in the same year and at the same hour, we, the Undersigned, Baptized conditionally, Elizabeth, three years old on June 4, born of Jean Baptiste Laborde Sangrais and of Marguerite Machard, both present. The godfather was Monsieur Hubert Lacroix; and the godmother Louise Dubois, who signed with us.
J. Dilhet, miss. priest.
J. H. Lacroix; D. Solomon; J. Bt la Borde.
On the same day and in the same year, we, the Undersigned, baptized Catherine, born on May 12 previous, of Jean Baptiste Laborde, Sangrais and of Marguerite Machard, both present. The godfather was Antoine Dupres; and the godmother Magdaleine Mongolpine, who signed or declared that they could mot sign their names.
J. Dilhet, miss. priest.
Antoine Dupré; J. Bte la Borde.
June 19, 1804, we the undersigned, parish priest and miss. at Michilimakina, baptized conditionally Pierre, born February 10, 1802, of Pierre La Croix and of Marie Mongolpine, married. 8 The father and mother were present. The godfather was Andre La Chaine; and the godmother, Josephe Vaillancourt, who declared that they could not sign their names when thereunto requested.
J. Dilhet, missionary priest.
On the same day, in the same year and at the same hour, we the undersigned priest at Michilimakina, baptized conditionally Andre, born November 28, 1803, of Pierre La Croix and of Marie Mongolpine, married. The father and mother were present. The godfather was Pierre Thieri; and the godmother, Josephe Adhemar who signed with us.
J. Dilhet, miss. priest.
P. Thierry; Josette Adhemar.
On the same day and in the same year, 1804, we, the undersigned priest, missionary at Michilimakina, baptized conditionally, Magdelaine, born April 16, 1800, of Pierre Lacroix and of Marie Mongolpine, married. The father and mother were present. The godfather was Isidore Lacroix; and the godmother Magdaleine Mongolpine, who signed or declared that they could not sign, when thereunto requested.
J. Dilhet, miss. priest.
Isidore Lacroix.
June 20, 1804, we the Undersigned priest, missionary at Michilimakina, Baptized According to the rite of the holy Roman Church our mother, Jacques, about seven years old, born of Joseph Mercier and of a Sioux woman. The godfather was Jacques Giasson; and the godmother Marguerite Adhemar, the father being present; who signed with us.
J. Dilhet, miss. priest.
J. Giasson; Marguerite Adhemar; Joseph Mercier.
On the same day, and in the same year, we, the undersigned missionary priest, baptized According to the rite of the holy Roman Church our mother, Marie Angelique, about five years old, born of Joseph Mercier and of a Sioux woman. The father was present. The godfather was Etienne Lamorandiere; and the godmother Marie Angelique Adhemar, who signed with us.
J. Dilhet, miss. priest.
Etienne Lamorandiere; Angelique Adhemar; Joseph Mercier.
June 20, 1804, we, the Undersigned parish priest and missionary at Michilimakina, baptized conditionally Jean Baptiste, born March 15, 1803, of Louis Chevalier and of a Sauteux woman. The father was present. The godfather was Isidore Lacroix; and the godmother Marguerite Bourassa, who signed with us.
J. Dilhet, missionary priest.
Marguerite Borassa; Isidore Lacroix.
On the same day and in the same year, we, the Undersigned, baptized, Archange, born May 15, 1800, of Louis Chevalier and of a Sauteux woman. Her father was present. The godfather was Jean Baptiste Le Moine; and the godmother Archange Bourassa, all of whom signed with us.
J. Dilhet, miss. priest.
Archange Bourassa; J. Bte Lamoine.
June 23, 1804, we the Undersigned priest, missionary at Michilimakina, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Alexandre, fifteen years old, privately baptized two years ago, born of Pierre Laurent and of a woman Savage. The father was present. The godfather was Nöel Rocheblave; and the godmother Marguerite Adhemar, who signed with us.
J. Dilhet, missionary priest.
N. Rocheblave; 9 Marguerite Adhemar.
June 24, 1804, we the Undersigned priest, missionary at Michilimakina. Baptized conditionally Michel, about six years old, born of Michel Detrainville and of a woman Savage. The father was present. The godfather was Patrice Adhemar; and the godmother Louise Dubois, who signed with us.
J. Dilhet, missionary priest.
P. Adhemar; D. Solomon.
On the same day, and in the same year, we the Undersigned priest, missionary at Michilimakina. Baptized conditionally Julie Nadau, about six years old, born of René Nadau and of a woman Savage. The father was present. The godfather was André Lachaine; and the godmother Louise Dubois, who signed with us.
J. Dilhet, missionary priest.
René Nadeau; Du Solomon.
On the same day and in the same year, we the Undersigned priest, missionary at Michilimakina, baptized according to the rite of the Holy Roman Church our mother, Joseph Numainville, born the day before yesterday of Jean Baptiste Numainville and of a woman Savage. The father was present. The godfather was Joseph Ricard; and the godmother Marie Taillefer, who declared that they could not sign their names when thereunto requested.
J. Dilhet, missionary priest.
On the same day and in the same year, we the undersigned priest, missionary at Michilimakina. Baptized according to the rite of the Holy Roman Church our mother, Marie, about four years old, born of Jean Baptiste Numainville and of a Woman Savage. The father was present. The godfather was François Laventure; and the godmother Marie Mongolpin, who declared that they could not sign their names when thereunto requested.
J. Dilhet, missionary priest.
June 29, 1804, we the undersigned priest, missionary at Michilimakina. Baptized conditionally Paul, born on January 16 previous of Jacques Jauvan and of angelique Roi. 10 The father was present. The godfather was Pierre Lacroix; and the godmother Genevieve Blondeau, who signed witih us.
J. Dilhet, missionary priest.
Ad Blondeau Adhemar.
June 29, 1804, we the undersigned priest, missionary at Michilimakina. Baptized Conditionally Magdeleine, born on April 1, 1802, of Jacques Jauvan and of Angelique Roi. The father was present. The godfather was Joseph Couzineau; and the godmother Josephe Vaillancourt, who declared that they could not sign their names when thereunto requested.
J. Dilhet, missionary priest.
On the same day and in the same year, we the undersigned priest, missionary at Michilimakina, Baptized Conditionally Marguerite, 11 born on December 26, 1802. The godfather was Ezechiel Solomon; and the godmother Louise Dubois, who signed with us.
J. Dilhet, missionary priest.
Ezechiel Solomon Jr.; D. Solomon.
June 30, 1804, we the Undersigned priest, missionary at Michilimakina. Baptized Conditionally Charles, born August 10, 1802, of Antoine Martin and of a Sauteux woman. The father was present. The godfather was Pierre Gausselin; and the godmother Magdelaine Mongolpine, who declared that they could not sign their names when thereunto requested.
J. Dilhet, missionary priest.
July 7, 1804, we the undersigned priest, missionary at Michilimakina, Baptized Conditionally Angelique Roi, twenty years old, daughter of Joseph Roi and of Marguerite, a folle avoine. 12 The godfather was Hubert Lacroix; and the godmother Louise Dubois, who signed with us.
J. Dilhet, miss. priest.
H. Lacroix; D. Solomon.
On the same day and in the same year, we the undersigned missionary priest. Baptized Conditionally Charlotte Roi, nineteen years old, daughter of Joseph Roi and of Marguerite, a folle avoine. The godfather was Jean Coursol; and the godmother Louise Dubois, who signed with us.
J. Dilhet, miss. priest.
Jean Coursoll; D. Solomon.
July 8, 1804, we the Undersigned priest, missionary at Michilimakina, Supplied the ceremonies of baptism to Ignace Chichet, privately baptized a year ago, eight years old, and born of Jacques Plomondone and of a woman Savage. The godfather was Charles Chadonnet; and the godmother Mariane la Valiere [Salière]. The adopted father was present. They signed with us.
J. Dilhet, miss. priest.
C. Chandonnett; Ignace Chichett. 13
July 9, 1804, we, the undersigned priest, missionary at Michilimakinac, Baptized Conditionally Elizabeth, eight years old, born of George Cowens and of Marianne Kinonchamut, an Outaouais. The father was present. The godfather was Jacques Portier [Porlier]; 14 and the godmother Angelique Adhemar, all of whom signed with us.
J. Dilhet, missionary priest,
Jcq. Portiere; Geo, Cown.
On the same day and in the same year, we, the undersigned priest, missionary at Michilimakina, supplied the Ceremonies of Baptism to Marie, two years old, born of Augustin Bonneterre and of a woman Savage. The father was present. The godfather was Patrice Adhemar; and the godmother Marianne Cowen, who signed with us.
J. Dilhet, miss. priest.
Ann. Cown; P. Adhemar; William J. Pichet,
On the same day and in the same year, we, the undersigned, Baptized Julie, born thirteen days ago of Augustin Bonneterre and of a woman Savage. The father was present. The godfather was Jean Baptiste Barthelot; and the godmother Josephe Adhemar, who signed with us.
J. Dilhet, miss. priest.
Josette Adhemar; J. Bte Berthelot; Piere Lacrox; J, Pichet.
July 14, 1804, we the Undersigned priest, missionary at Michilimakina. Baptized Marguerite Kodeckoi (le soleil) daughter of Manitou Koursseur of the Sauteux nation, who was sufficiently instructed and preparing to be married, according to the rite of the Church, to Jean Baptiste Bertrand. 15 The godfather was Charles Chandonnet; and the godmother Josephe Adhemar, who signed with us.
J. Dilhet, miss. priest.
Josette Adhemar; C. Chandonnette; Jean Baptiste Bertrand.
On the same day and in the same year, we the undersigned priest, missionary at Michilimakina. Baptized Conditionally Marie Angelique Gravelle, 16 seventeen years old, daughter of Joseph Gravelle, deceased, and of Josette Saint Raisin. The godfather was Charles Chandonnet; and the godmother Marie Angelique Adhemar, who signed with us.
J. Dilhet, miss. priest.
Angelique Adhemar; C. Chandonnett.
July 14, 1804, we, the undersigned priest at Michilimakina, Baptized conditionally Marie Archange, fifteen months old, daughter of François Grignon 17 and of Marie Angelique Gravelle. The godfather was Jean Baptiste Maranda; and the godmother Charlotte Roi, who signed with us.
J. Dilhet, miss. priest.
B. Maranda.
On the same day and in the same year, we the undersigned priest, missionary at Michilimakina. Baptized conditionally Charlotte, about three years old, born of Noel Rocheblave and of an Otawas woman. The godfather was Pierre Thierry; and the godmother Anne Cowen, who signed with us.
J. Dilhet.
Anne Cown; Thierry.
July 16, 1804, we, the undersigned priest, missionary at Michilimakina, Baptized conditionally Thomas, son of Stephen Hogan and of Josette Hamelin, about three years old. The godfather was Michel Lacroix; and the godmother Anne Cowen, who signed with us.
J. Dilhet, miss. priest.
M. Lacroix; Nancy Cown.
On the same day and in the same year, we, the undersigned priest, missionary at Mikilimakina supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Josette, 18 about forty years old, daughter of an unknown father and mother. The godfather was Noel Rocheblave; and the godmother Josette Adhemar, who signed with us.
J. Dilhet.
Josette Adhemar; N. Rocheblave.
On the same day and in the same year, we the undersigned missionary priest, Baptized Louis, four months and a half old, born of Isidore Lacroix and of a woman savage. The godfather was Michel Lacroix; and the godmother Marianne La Saliere, who signed with us.
J. Dilhet, miss. priest.
M. Lacroix.
July 16, 1804, we the undersigned priest, missionary at Michilimakina, Baptized François, about three years old, of an unknown father and of a woman Savage. The godfather was Jean Baptiste Le Moine; and the godmother Magdelene Maiculpin.
J. Dilhet, priest.
J. Bt Lemoine.
On the same day and in the same year we, the undersigned priest. Baptized according to the rite of the Holy Roman Church our mother, Jean Baptiste, son of Letourneau, son of Kiminoucam (La Pluie) and of Ouassimigueso (La Porcelaine Claire) an Otawais woman, about twenty years old, sufficiently instructed. The godfather was Jean Baptiste Bertrand; and the godmother Louise Vasseur, who signed with us.
J. Dilhet, priest.
Jean Baptis Bertrand.
July 18, 1804, we the undersigTied priest, missionary at Michilimakina, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Marie Angelique Vaudet, eight years old, born of Hyppolite Vaudet and of a Sauteux woman. The godfather was Pierre Jolifour; and the godmother Marie Maiculpin who declared that they could not sign their names when thereunto requested.
J. Dilhet, priest.
On the same day and in the same year, we the undersigned priest at Michilimakina, baptized conditionally Andre, two years old, born of Jacques Vasseur and of Madeleine Ouiouiskoin (Vessie), married. 19 The father was present. The godfather was François Grignon; and the godmother Angelique Roi, who signed with us or declared that they could not sign their names when thereunto requested.
J. Dilhet, priest.
Jac Vasseuer.
On the same day and in the same year, we, the undersigned missionary priest. Baptized conditionally Jean Baptiste, three years old, born of Jacques Vaisseur and of Magdeleine Ouiouiskoin, married. The father was present. The godfather was Joseph Caron; and the godmother Louise Vasseur, who signed or declared that they could not sign their names when thereunto requested.
J. Dilhet, priest.
Jac Vasseuer.
- Married the same day to Louis Hamelin; Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 503.[
- Became the wife of Jacques Chauvin; Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 504.[
- For their marriage entry see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 502.[
- For a brief biography of this priest see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 506, note 43.[
- William Solomon was the son of Ezekiel, for whom see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 254, note 50. He afterwards married a daughter of John Johnston of Sault Ste. Marie, by whom he had ten children. William Solomon was government interpreter for the British during the War of 1812-15; at its close he removed to Drummond Island, and thence in 1828 to Penetanguishene, Ontario. His youngest son Louis, was living at the latter place in 1900. See Ontario Historical Society Papers and Records, iii, pp. 126-137.[
- For their civil marriage, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 504; July 1, 1804, they had the religious ceremony performed by Dilhet.[
- Jean Baptiste Laborde afterwards became a resident of Green Bay, where he had a farm on the southwest side of Fox River.[
- For their marriage record, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 502.[
- On this trader see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 462, note 84.[
- They were later married by the same priest; Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 508.[
- On the margin is written “Marguerite Solomon,” which is a probable indication of the identity of this person.[
- This was a well-known Green Bay family, the father Joseph Roy having settled there before 1785. He was still living in 1818, and by his marriage with the Menominee woman Marguerite had two sons and four daughters. One son, François, settled at the Fox-Wisconsin portage, and became well-known to early Wisconsin travellers. This daughter Angelique was married nine days later to Jacques Jauvan; see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 508.[
- Editor: We do not understand this signature, as the only Ignace Chichett mentioned in the baptismal record is the subject, only 8 years old. While I’ve seen a 14 year old sign, I have not seen one this young. Either Brown erred in his original translation, and placed Ignace where he meant to place Jacques Plomondone or there was an unmentioned witness named the same as the child.[
- For this well-known resident of early Wisconsin see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 462, and his letters, post.[
- Their marriage record is found in Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 510.[
- Married two days later to François Grignon, Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 509.[
- Not of the Grignon family of Green Bay; probably a nephew of the elder Pierre Grignon.[
- Probably the mother of Marie Taillefer, married June 30, 1804; Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 506.[
- For their marriage see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 503. Andre was younger than the children there legitimized. The Vasseur family removed to Drummond Island, and later to Penetanguishene. Andrew was a land-owner at the latter place, and died at Bruce Mines. See Ontario Historical Society Papers, iii, p. 165.[