March 2 [1760], I privately baptized a young girl Savage called Kioueiatchiouenoukoue, to whom I gave the name of Charlotte. She is about 14 or 15 years old. Since she has been with Antoine la Fortune she has always been very assiduous at catechism. She seems to be in danger of death from an abscess in the side.
May 22, I supplied the ceremonies of baptism to and baptized conditionally Charlotte, born at Sault Ste. Marie at the beginning of last October, legitimate daughter of Jean Baptists Cadot and of Athanasi, her father and mother. The godfather was Mr. Janise; and the godmother Mde. de Langlade. ***
M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.
Bourassa Langlade; At Janise.
May 25, 1760, I solemnly administered holy Baptism to Alexandre Louis, a panis, about 14 years old, of Mr. de Beaujeu; and to Genevieve, 9 or 10 years old, a panis of Mr. Janis; the two adults being sufficiently instructed and asking for baptism. Monsieur de Beaujeu was godfather and Mde. Blondeau godmother of the first; Bartholomée Janis was godfather, and Mlle. Blondeau godmother of the second. ***
M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.
Beaujeu; Barthelemi Janise; Marguerite Blondeau.
May 26, I supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Josette, a slave of Mde. Bourassa, the elder, about 13 or 14 years old, whom I had privately baptized two years ago when in danger of death. The godfather was Mr. Janis, trader; and the godmother Mde. de Langlade.
M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.
Marie Angelique Metivier; At. Janise.
June 8, 1760, I administered holy baptism to Josette, about 6 months old. She is the daughter of the granddaughter of the old Nipissing and of Jacques Hamelin. As she is always sick, I deemed it advisable to Baptize her. The godfather was René le Tellier; and the godmother Josette Dulignon. ***
M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.
René Letellier.
July 16, 1760, I supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Marie Angelique, legitimate daughter of Jean Baptiste Jourdin and of Marie Josephe Réaume, her father and mother. She was born on the last day of February, 1759. The godfather was Mr. de Souligni; and the Godmother Mde. de Langlade.
M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.
Charlotte Bourassa Langlade.
On the day and in the year above written I solemnly baptized Marie, daughter of Jean Baptiste Cotténoire and of Marie Josephe Ouagakouat, her father and mother, 1 born at the beginning of November, 1759. The godfather was Mr. Giasson; and the godmother Mde. de Soulignis.
M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.
Jaque Giasson; Agathe Soulinie.
September 6, 1760, I administered holy Baptism to Louis and Pierre Augustin, legitimate sons of Laurent du Charme and of Marguerite Metivier, his wife, born this morning. The godfather of the first was Mr. de Beaujeu, Commandant; and the godmother Mde. de Langlade, the younger. The godfather of the second was Augustin Chaboiller; and the godmother Angelique Metivier. ***
M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.
Beaujeu; Bourassa Langlade; Angelique Chaboiller; Marie Angelique Metivier.
I solemnly baptized Jacques, natural son of jean Baptiste Sans Crainte by a slave belonging to him, born the day before yesterday. The godfather was Jacques Gaillard; and the godmother, his wife. At Michilimakina October 9, 1760.
M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.
Jaque Galliard; Jean Baptiste Sans Crainte; Madelaine Mgulpin. 2
November 23, 1760, I solemnly administered holy baptism to André Vital, legitimate son of Charles Farly and of Josette Demouchel, his father and mother, born last night. The godfather was Mr. Boiser, the elder; and the godmother Mdlle. Metivier ***
M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.
Marie Angelique Meteviez; Jac Farly.
April 4, 1760 [1761], I solemnly administered holy Baptism to Josette Catherinne, legitimate daughter of François Brisbé and of Marianne Parent, her father and mother, born the day before yesterday. The godfather was Joseph Saint Aubin; and the godmother Catherine parent. ***
M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.
Francoie [B]risbé.
May 13, 1761, I solemnly administered holy baptism to Joseph, legitimate son of Antoine le Tellier dit La Fortune and of Charlotte Ouetoukis, his father and mother. The godfather was Pierre Dugast; and the godmother Mlle. Chaboiller. This child was born at the wintering place on the second of March last.
M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.
P. Dugast; Manette Chaboillez; Antoine la Fortune.
June 1, 1761, I solemnly administered holy Baptism to Charles jean Baptiste, legitimate son of René Bourassa and of Anne Veronique Chevalier, his father and mother. The godfather was Mde. de langlade, the younger; and the godmother Mde. Cardin. This child was born last night. ***
M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.
Langlade fils; René Bourassa, fils.
I, the undersigned priest, Miss. of the society of Jesus, solemnly administered holy Baptism to an adult, the natural daughter of Francois Duclos dit Carignan, sufficiently instructed and desiring holy Baptism. She is 23 years old. She took the name of Marie Josephe. The godfather was Mr. Provanche; and the godmother Mde. la Fortune. At Michilimakina this 12th of July, 1761.
M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.
François Carignant; Rne Provanche.
September 3, 1761, I solemnly administered holy Baptism to Charles Louis, legitimate son of Louis Cardin, notary at this post, and of Coussante Chevalier, his wife, born on the twentieth of August last. The godfather was Charles Boyer, voyageur; and the godmother Marthe Chaboyer. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Manette Chaboillez; Cardin.
September 4, 1761, I solemnly administered holy Baptism to Charles, legitimate son of Sieur Michel Boyer, trader at this post and of Josephe Marguerite du Lignon, his wife; 3 the said child born on the twelfth [second] of this month. The godfather was Sieur Alexis Sejourné, trader, of this post; and the godmother Mde. Langlade, the younger. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Alexis Sejourné; Bourassa Langlade; Michele Boyez.
October 28, 1761, I supplied the ceremonies of holy Baptism to Joseph Jean Baptiste, legitimate son of Jean Baptiste Metivier and of Josette Parent, his wife, born on the seventh of this same month and privately baptized the same day, being in danger of death. The godfather was Jean Baptiste Marchetteau, voyageur; and the godmother Catherine Parant. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Marchetaux; Denoye.
January 27, 1762, I baptized a girl born yesterday of a slave of Amiot. The mother says that the father of the little girl is a savage. The godfather was René Bourassa; and the godmother Charlotte Langlade who gave the child the name of Joseph. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
René Bourassa.
March 8, 1762, I baptized a young female slave belonging to Mr. Parent, who is ill and, from all appearances will soon die. The godfather was Sieur Michel Boyer; and the godmother Mde. Parent, the latter undertook to supply what is wanting in the instruction of the girl who may be about twelve years old. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Michele Boyer; Marie C. B. Parent.
April 10, 1762, I solemnly baptized a young negro about twenty years old, belonging to this mission since the day before yesterday, sufficiently instructed to even serve at the holy mass following the baptism, at which mass he made his first communion. He took the name of Pierre in holy Baptism. His godfather was Mr. Jean Baptiste dit Noyer, voyageur; and his godmother Mlle. Marthe Chaboyer. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Desnoye; Manette Chaboillez.
April 25, 1762, I baptized in the church of this mission a child born a few hours ago of a slave belonging to Sieur Cardin the younger, being the son of Constant Villeneuve according to what that slave said. The godfather was Pierre la Joye, at present residing with us; and the godmother Constante Chevalier, wife of Sieur Cardin, who gave the child the name of Pierre Louis. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
May 30 [1762], I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission two children; one the legitimate son of Pierre Kiniouichattouin and of Marie, his wife, born at la Grande Rivière about two months ago; the other the son of Elizabeth Nattamanisset, daughter of the said Kiniouichattouin, and of one Bissonet, a voyageur, born at la Grande Rivière on the 6th of January last, the feast of the Epiphany. The godfather of the first was Mr. Pierre Parent; and the godmother his wife, who gave him the name of Pierre Ignace. The godfather of the other was Mr. Michel Boyer; and the godmother his wife, who gave him the name of michel. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Pier Parent; Marianne C. B. Parant; Michel Boyer.
June 13, 1762, I baptized conditionally Jean Baptiste, legitimate son of Jean Baptiste Marcot and of Marie, his wife, born in the winter quarters at la Pointe de Chagouamigoun on the twelfth of January last. The godfather was Joseph St Germain; and the godmother Angelique Sejourné. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Joseph St Germain; Angelique Sejourné.
June 29, 1762, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission Jean Baptiste, legitimate son of Jean Baptiste Cadot and of Athanasie his wife, born at Sault Ste. Marie on the 25th of October last. The godfather was Mr. jean baptiste adhemar; and the godmother Josephe, wife of Sieur Boyer, voyageur. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Adhemar; Michel Boyer.
July 11, 1762, I baptized conditionally, Hyppolite, son of Sieur Hyppolite de Rivières and of Marie, his wife, the said child having been born at Alimipigon on the 19th of December of last year. The godfather was Amable des Rivières, uncle of the child; and the godmother Marthe Cheboiller. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Amable de Rivière; Hyppolite de Rivière.
July 17 [1762], I privately baptized a little girl, about two years old, in danger of death, daughter of Ouindigouich, brother of Oulaoue, and of a daughter of the late Ouiskentcha called Teleiprieoue. I gave the little girl the name of Christine L’esperance, who held her while she was being baptized.
July 17, 1762, I baptized a child born last spring while they were returning from the winter quarters in the direction of la Baye, of a young Christian woman called Charlotte, who lived with Antoine La fortune, and of a father not yet named. The godfather was Mr. Lafortune, the elder; and the godmother his wife, who gave him the name of Joseph. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
La Fortune.
August 15, 1762, I solemnly baptized a young catechumen about 18 years old, a slave of old Angelique Ouechibisse residing at the mission of St Ignace, sufficiently instructed and desiring holy Baptism at which he took the name of Antoine. His godfather was Antoine la Fortune; and his godmother Charlotte, wife of the said Antoine la Fortune. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
October 16, 1762, I supplied the ceremonies of holy Baptism to René, son of Madelaine, a slave of Sieur Laurent du Charme and of an unknown father, whom I had privately baptized this morning because he seemed in danger of death. The godfather was Sieur René Bonaventure Auger, voyageur; and the godmother Charlotte Bourassa. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
B. Auger.
January 12, 1763, I solemnly administered holy baptism in the church of this mission to Gabriel, legitimate son of Jean Baptiste Metivier and of Josette Parent, his wife; the said child was born last night. The godfather was Sieur Sejourné dit Sans Chagrin, residing at this post; and the godmother Marianne Parent, wife of Sieur [B]risbé dit le Grandeur. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Alexis Sejourné; Marianne Parant Lagrandeur.
May 23, 1763, I administered holy Baptism to two children both born last winter; one at Sault Ste. Marie, the other at Saghinau. The first is a son of a woman named Chopin, formerly a slave of Mr. le Chevalier and afterward sold to an English trader called Henneri, 4 who, although not yet baptized, protested, when she offered her child for holy Baptism, that she had never had any other faith than that of the holy Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church and that her new master had promised her never to force her with regard to her Religious belief. She also declared that the father of the child was one la Mothe, a voyageur, now at la Pointe. The second is the legitimate daughter of Joseph dit Sans Peur and of Michelle, his wife. The godfather of the first was Alexis Chapoton; and the godmother Catherine Parent, who gave him the name of Joseph. The godfather of the little girl was Paul Thomas; and the godmother Therese Parent, who gave her the name of Therese. None of all these can sign their names. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
June 30, 1763, I solemnly baptized, with the ceremonies prescribed by the holy Roman Church, Ignace, legitimate son of Antoine Tellier dit la Fortune and of Charlotte Outoukis, his wife, born last winter in the upper Ouisconsin, 5 on the 5th of January of the present year. The godfather was Sieur Ignace Bourassa dit la Ronde; and the godmother Charlotte Bourassa. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Ig Bourassa.
August 22, 1763, I solemnly baptized with the ceremonies prescribed by the holy Roman Church, Marie Marguerite, daughter of Sieur Laurent de Charm and of Marguerite Metivier, his lawful wife, born on the 19th of this month. The godfather was Mr. Kerigoufili and the godmother Angelique Metivier, his wife. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Constant Quierigoufili; Angelique Metiviez; Laurent Ducharme.
November 29, 1763, I Solemnly baptized in the church of this mission with the ceremonies prescribed by the holy Roman Church, Angelique, daughter of Sieur René Bourassa and of Anne Chevalier, his lawful wife, born on the 18th of this month here at Michilimakina. The godfather was René Bourassa, the younger; and the godmother Angelique Sejourné, daughter of Sieur Sejourné, who signed here with me. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Renée Bourassa; René Bourassa; Angelique Sejournelle.
June 23, 1764, I Solemnly baptized in the church of this mission, with the ceremonies prescribed by the holy Roman Church, Marie Anne, legitimate daughter of Michel Joseph Marchetau dit des Noyet and of Therese Parent, his wife, born on the same day of this month here at Michilimakina. The godfather was Mr. Pierre Parent, acting commandant of this post; 6 and the godmother Marie Anne Chaboiller, his wife. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Pierre Parant; Marie C. B. Parant.
August 13, 1764, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission, michel, 7 legitimate son of Jean Baptiste Cadot and of Athanasie, his wife, born at Sault Ste Marie on the 22nd of July last. The godfather was Jean Baptiste Cauchois; and the godmother Angelique Sejournée, his wife. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Jean Bte Cauchoid; Angelique Sejourné Cauchoid.
September 13, 1764, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission Laurant Constant, 8 legitimate son of Monsieur Constant Kerigoufili and of Angelique Metivier, 9 his wife, born on the 8th of this month. The godfather was Laurant du Charme, voyageur; and the godmother Marguerite Metivier, his wife. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Laurent Ducharme; Marguerite Mettevier du Charme; Constant Quieriguefili.
On the same day I administered holy baptism to a little girl, born on the tenth of this month of a panise [woman slave] belonging to Sieur Cardin, who declared that the father was Sieur la Joye. The godfather was Pierre Amable Roy; and the godmother Charlotte Bourassa, who gave her the name of Marie. Done at Michilimakina, September 13, 1764.
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Amable Roy.
Died the following autumn.
April 26, 1765, having privately baptized in the morning, because he was considered in danger of death, a child born yesterday, legitimate son of Jean Baptiste Cauchois and of Angelique Sejourné, his wife, 10 I supplied to him the ceremonies prescribed by the holy Roman Church. His godfather was Mr. Sejourné dit Sans Chagrin; and his godmother the wife of Sieur Sejourné, the Grandfather and Grandmother of the child, who gave him the name of jean Baptiste George. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Sejourné; Angelique Taro.
June 29, 1765, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission Marie Charlotte, born on the 27th of the same month of Catherine, a slave of Mr. Sans Chagrin, the said Catherine having declared that the said child belonged to Mr Pierre Claire. The godfather was Sieur Etienne Campion, voyageur; and the godmother the wife of Sieur Sans Chagrin. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Campion; Angelique Taro.
June 13 [30], 1765, I supplied the ceremonies of holy baptism to Antoine, legitimate son of Antoine La Fortune and of Charles Outoukis, his wife, born on the 23rd of January last on the mississipi, above the mouth of the Ouisconsin. The godfather was Sieur Nicolas Marchesseau; and the godmother Angelique Sejournée, wife of Sieur Cauchois. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Marchessau; Angelique Sejourné.
This child had been privately baptized by Amable Roi.
July 1, 1765, I supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Jean Baptiste, born about the month of February, of the widow of the late Hyppolite Kinonchame, and I baptized him conditionally because he who had privately baptized him declared that he had not assured himself of the validity of his action. The godfather was Sieur J. B. Charles Chaboyer, voyageur; and the godmother the wife of Sieur Michel Boyer. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
July 3, 1765, I supplied the ceremonies of holy Baptism to and baptized conditionally François, born at la Grande Rivière on the 1st of January, 1764, the natural son of René la Fortune and a woman savage called Maccatemicoueoue, daughter of Missoussicoue. The godfather was Sieur Chaboiller, trader; and the godmother the wife of Sieur la Grandeur. ***
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus. 11
La Fortune; Chaboillez; Marianne Parant.
July 29, 1768, by us, Vicar-General of Louisiana, was Baptized Joseph Marie, born in the Course of the month of October, 1767 of the Lawful marriage of Jean Baptiste Cadot And of Marie Mouet his Wife. The godfather was Sieur Jean Baptiste Chaboiller, trader; And the godmother Marie Anne Vigor, wife of Sieur Antoine Beauvais, Who signed with us. The mother who was present. Declared that she could not sign her name. The father Was absent.
Gibault, Vicar-General. 12
Chaboillez; Marianne Vige Bauxves.
July 24, 1768, by us, Vicar-General of Louisiana, the undersigned, was Baptized Angelique, born on the [blank in Ms.] 29, 1767 of a slave of Mr. Cardin. The godfather was Sieur Pierre Grignon, trader; And the godmother Demelle Veronique Cardin. The godfather signed with us.
Gibault, Vic-Gen.
Pierre Grignon.
July 24, 1768, by us, the undersigned, Vicar-General of Louisiana, was Baptized Marie Louise, born about nine months ago. Of the lawful marriage Of Joseph Kakigiguam and of Marie Nanjoiquoy, his Wife. The godfather was Sieur Bazile Mador; and the godmother Marie Louise Gibault. The godfather signed with us. The godmother Declared that she could not sign her name; so did the mother, who was present as well as the father.
Gibault, Vic-gen.
Basile Mador.
July 25, 1768, by us the undersigned, Vicar-General of Illinois, was baptized Marianne, born on February 28, 1767, of the lawful marriage of Gabriel Cotté and Of Agate Desjardins, his Wife. 13 The godfather was Sieur Nicolas Catin, trader; and the godmother Dame Therese Campion, wife of Sieur Pierre Ignace Du Bois, all of whom signed with us as did also the father who was present. The mother, who was also present, declared that she could not sign her name.
Gibault, Vic-gen.
Cotté; Catin; Therese Campion Dubois.
July 26, 1768, by us, Vicar-general of Illinois, Was baptized, Marie Joseph, born about a year ago. Of the lawful marriage of Joseph Kakigiguam and Of Marie Nanjoiquoy, his wife. The godfather was Jean Baptiste Cauchois; and the godmother Marie Anne Vigor, wife of Antoine Beauvais, who signed with us. The father and mother, who were present, Declared that they could not sign their names.
Gibault, Vic-gen.
Marianne Vige Bauves; Jean Bte Cauchoid.
July 26, 1768, by us, the undersigned Vicar-General of Illinois, was baptized Marie, born about five years ago Of the lawful marriage Of Joseph Kakigiguam And of Marie Nanjoyquoy, his Wife. The godfather was Sieur Joseph Ains; and the godmother Dlle Marie Therese Cardin. The godfather signed with us. The godmother, father and mother who were present, declared that they could not sign their names.
Gibault, Vic-gen.
Joseph Ains.
July 27, 1768, by us, the undersigned Vicar-general of Illinois, was Baptized Marie Louise, born about two years ago Of the lawful marriage of Jean Baptiste Pacoacona and of François Marie Megonojan, his wife. The godfather was Pierre Grignon; and the godmother Marie Louise Gibault. The godfather signed with us, as did also the father. The godmother and mother declared that they could not sign their names.
Gibault, Vic. G.
Pierre Grignon; Jan Baptiste Pacoacona.
July 28, 1768, by us, the. undersigned Vicar-general of illinois, was solemnly Baptized Marie Josephe about twenty-two years old. The godfather was Sieur Charles Chaboillez, trader; and the godmother Demelle Therese Campion, wife of Sieur Du Bois who signed with us.
Gibault, V. G.
Chaboillez; Therese Campion Dubois.
- Their marriage was solemnized Aug. 6, 1758. Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 485.[
- This name was written twice in the original, and both times crossed out.[
- Their marriage entry is given in Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 485.[
- Alexander Henry, for whom see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 277, note 88. He appears to be the first Englishman mentioned in the register.[
- It is to be noted that this is the first recorded baptism after the Pontiac conspiracy at Mackinac, which broke out June 2, 1763. The English troops, with the traders and escorting Indians, arrived from Green Bay at L’Arbre Croche, July 1. The French traders had doubtless hastened on to Mackinac, where no Frenchmen were molested, and this child, born in Wisconsin, was there baptized. La Fortune (Lafortain) was again trading in Wisconsin the following year; see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 267.[
- This is an interesting side-light on conditions at Mackinac, and would lead to the belief that the Langlades had removed to Green Bay in the spring of this year, 1764. Capt. George Ethrington, when obliged to abandon his post at Mackinac in June, 1763, had placed it in charge of Lieut. Charles Langlade; see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, pp. 253, 258. The English garrison did not return until September, 1764; Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, pp. 270, 271. If the Langlades removed to Green Bay in the spring of 1764, Parent must have held command until the arrival of Capt. William Howard.[
- Michel Cadotte became an important Wisconsin trader. With his elder brother, Jean Baptiste, he was early upon the Grand Portage of Lake Superior. By 1784 he was wintering with the Indians at the head of Chippewa River, and had posts on the St. Croix tributaries and upper Mississippi, advancing with the Chippewa, his mother’s tribe, in their progress into former Sioux territory. About 1792 he located at La Pointe village, Madelaine Island, whence he frequently went to winter at Lac du Flambeau and Lac Court Oreille, where he had posts. Cadotte was agent for the North West, and later for the American Fur Company. The Chippewa over whom he had great influence, called him Kichemeshane (Great Michel). In 1818 two New England traders named Warren arrived at La Pointe, and in 1821 they married two of Cadotte’s daughters. Two years later he sold his trading post to his sons-in-law, and retired from active life, dying at La Pointe village in 1836. He married the daughter of White Crane, hereditary chief of the tribe at this place. His wife survived him for some years.[
- Laurent Fily was well-known to early Wisconsin settlers. His grandfather, Michel Fily de Kerrigou, was a sergeant in the troops, coming to Canada from Brittany. His father Constant was born (1710) in Montreal. Laurent Fily first traded with the Sauk and Foxes on the Mississippi and in Iowa. Later he married into the De Kauray family, among the Winnebago, and was for some time clerk for Jean l’Ecuyer at the Fox-Wisconsin Portage. He was trading at Milwaukee in 1804-05. Having entered the employ of Augustin Grignon, he finally died in 1846 at the latter’s home at Grand Kaukaulin (the present Kaukauna).[
- Their marriage is recorded in Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 486.[
- This marriage is found Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 486.[
- This is the last entry in the register, by Father Du Jaunay, who went back to Quebec, where he spent the remainder of his life.[
- See sketch of Gibault in Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 292, note 14. Some newly-discovered material on Gibault’s connection with George Rogers Clark is published in American Historical Review, xiv, pp. 544-557.[
- Their marriage ceremony was performed the same day; see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, pp. 487, 488.[