Mackinac Baptism Records 1750-1754

March 17, 1750, I administered holy baptism to Basile, born this month, son of Marianne, a slave of Sieur Bourassa, voyageur, whom she declared to belong to Sieur Jasmin, also a voyageur. The godfather was the said Sieur Bourassa; and the godmother Mde Langlade. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.


March 24, 1750, I administered holy baptism to Ignace François Xavier, son of Agathe Villeneuve Amiot, daughter of Sieur Amiot, born this day, whom she declared to belong to Sieur Ignace Bourassa dit la Ronde, son of Sieur René Bourassa now wintering at la Grande Rivière. The godfather was Mr du Plessis Faber, Captain, Knight of St Louis, first Captain and Commanding his majesty’s infantry in Canada, Commandant of this post; 1 and the godmother Mlle Bourassa. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Marie Caterinne la Plante Bourassa; Duplessis Faber; Amiot.

Died on the l7th of July following.

March 28, 1750, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission Charles, a young man about eighteen years old, a slave of Sieur René Bourassa, sufficiently instructed and desiring holy baptism. The godfather was Sieur Charles Langlade, a Cadet in the troops; and the godmother Mlle Bourassa. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

April 6, 1750, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission, Jean François Regis, a young slave about seven years old, given to this mission last year out of gratitude by Mr. the Chevalier de la Verendreye on his return from the extreme West 2 – the said child being well instructed and demanding holy Baptism. His godfather was the Sieur Etienne Chenier, and his godmother Charlotte Parent. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Etienne Chenier; Pierre Demais; Baktelemi Blondeau.

May 10, 1750, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission antoine, son of a panise [slave woman] of Sieur Chaboyer, voyageur, and of an unknown father. The said child was born this day. The godfather was Sieur la guerse; and the godmother the wife of the said Chaboyer. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Antoine la Guereche; Marie Anne Chevalier; Bartelemi Blondeau.

May 26, 1750, I baptized in the church of this mission Marie Françoise, born about two months ago of a Scioux female slave, whom she declares to belong to a Frenchman called Chevreaux now in the north. The godfather was Joseph la Croix dit Marantot; and the godmother Marie Françoise, his sister, wife of Sieur Jasmin. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Fransoise la Croix Jacemain; Bartelemi Blondeau.

July 31, 1750, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission, a child, Marin, legitimate son of Jean Manian dit L’esperance and of Rose, his wife, born at the Rivière de Vasynagan on the 15th of last month [May]. The godfather was Mr Marin, the younger, commandant at la pointe de Chagouamigouay; 3and the godmother mlle Bourassa. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Marin, fils; La Baptiste; Bourassa.
He died the following winter.

October 12, 1750, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission Louis Poncelet, legitimate son of Jean Baptiste la Fatiere dit Jasmin and of Françoise Hubert de la Croix, his wife, residing at this post. 4 The said child was born last night.

The godfather was Sieur poncelet Batillo; and the godmother Mde Bourassa. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Poncelet Batillo dit Clermont; Jean Baptiste la Faitier; M. Caterinne Lerige.

February 11, 1751, I baptized in the church of this mission Marie Angelique, natural daughter of Constance Chevalier, widow Hins, born this month, whose father she did not declare. The godfather was Etienne Chenier; and the godmother the wife of Sieur Alexis Sejourné dit Sans Chagrin, Sergeant of the troops. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

E Chenie; Mari Angelique Taro.

October 8, 1751, I Solemnly baptized in the church of this mission François Hyppolite, legitimate son of Charles Chaboiller and of Marianne Chevalier, his wife, residing at this post. The said child was born last night. The godfather was Mr. du Plessis, the younger, an officer of the troops, second in command at this post; 5 and the godmother Angelique Chevalier, the aunt of the aforesaid child. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Chaboillez; Duplessis Faber, fils.

December 10, 1751, I Baptized according to the usages and rite of our mother the holy catholic, apostolic and roman church, Marie Anne [daughter of] Chartres and of Agnes Agathe Amiot, married together. Her godfather was Nicolas Amiot, her uncle; and her godmother Marianne Amiot her grandmother. She was ten days old when I Baptized her. In testimony whereof I have signed without a witness.

Jean Baptiste Lamorinie, Jesuit.

Bourassa, witness.

February 20, 1752, I, in the absence of the missionary, supplied the ceremonies of holy Baptism to and baptized conditionally Veronique Cardin, legitimate daughter of Louis Cardin and of Constante Chevalier, married together. 6 Her godfather was Alexis Sejourné; and her godmother Marie Françoise a La Voine. The said girl was born on the day and in the year above written.

In testimony whereof I have signed Lamorinie, Jesuit.

The godfather and godmother have also signed with me.

Cardin, father of the girl; Alexis Sejourne; Manon Lavoine Veuve Chevalier.

February 27, 1752, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission Augustin Laffertiere dit Jasmin, legitimate son of Jean Baptiste Laffetier dit Jasmin and of Françoise Hubert la Croix, his wife. His godfather was Monsieur Augustin Langlade; and his godmother Francoise Cardinal, his grandmother.

In testimony whereof I have signed. Lamorinie, Jesuits

The godfather, godmother and father of the child have also signed with me as witnesses.

Jasmin; Langlade; Françoise Cardinale.

This day, the first day of the month of [blank in MS.], 1752, I solemnly baptized Agnes, daughter of the slave of Chaboiller, a resident of this post. The godfather was Ive Ellien; and the godmother Angelique Chevalier.

In testimony whereof I have signed Lamorinie, Jesuit.

The godfather signed with me and the godmother made the usual mark.

Yve Ellien; ++++

July 3, 1752; Reverend father de la Morinie, a missionary of the society of Jesus, solemnly administered the Sacrament of holy Baptism to a young man about thirteen or fourteen years old, natural son of Mr. la Plante and of a woman Savage of Cammanettigouia, he being sufficiently instructed and desiring holy Baptism. He took the name of Louis at the sacred font. Tho godfather was Mr. de Gonneville; and the godmother Mlle Bourassa who signed here. ***

The child also made his mark of a cross, not being able to sign his name +

Lamorinie, Jesuit

Gonneville; Marie de La Plante.

September 10, 1752, I solemnly administered holy Baptism to a young female slave of Mr. Langlade, about fifteen years old, who had been instructed for a long time and greatly desired it. She took the name of Mari at the sacred font and afterward had the happiness of making her first Communion. Her godfather was Mr. de Coulonge; and her godmother Mme Langlade, her mistress. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.


September 17, 1752, I solemnly administered holy Baptism to a young child, slave of Sieur Beaubien’s wife, about three years old. The godfather was Pierre Poulain dit Sans Gêne; and the godmother Angelique Chevalier who gave her the name of Catherine in holy Baptism. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Pierre Polin dit Sangenne.

September 20, 1752, I baptized conditionally and supplied the ceremonies of holy Baptism to Therese Elizabeth, legitimate daughter of Joseph Couvret and of Charlotte, his wife, residing at Sault Ste. Marie. 7 The said child was born on the 26th of the month of December last. The godfather was Mr de Beaujeu, Captain Commanding for the King at this post; 8 and the godmother Mlle Bourassa. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Beaujeu; Couvrett; M Ct Lerige.

October 8, 1752, Reverend father le Franc, missionary of the society of Jesus, solemnly administered holy Baptism to Daniel, 9 legitimate son of Sieur Bourassa, the younger and of his wife, Anne Chevalier, now residing at this post. The said child was born this morning. The godfather was Mr. de Beaujeu. Captain Commanding for the King at this post; and the godmother Mde Langlade. ***

M. L. Lefranc 10 of the society of Jesus.

P. du Jaunay, miss. S. J.

Bjeaujeu; The godmother declared that she could not sign her name; Renée Bourassa, fils.

January 6, 1753, I, the undersigned priest, missionary of the society of Jesus, solemnly administered holy baptism to a young female slave about seven years old belonging to Sieur Sejourne dit Sans Chagrin, residing at this post. The godfather was Paul Amable Chaboier; and the godmother Marie Angelique Taro, wife of the said Sieur Sejourne, who gave her the name of Marie Catherine. ***

M. L. Lefranc of the society of Jesus.

April 4, 1753, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission, Charles Domitille, legitimate daughter of Sieur Chaboyer, voyageur, and of Marianne Chevalier, his wife, residing at this post. The said child was born this morning at daybreak. The godfather was Mr the Baron de Longueuil, the younger, a lieut. of the troops; 11 and the godmother Mlle Bourassa.

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Longueuil, fils; Laplante Bourassa.

April 21, 1753, I solemnly administered [omission in MS.] instructed and desiring it for a long while, who took the name of Catherine. The godfather was Mr Langlade; and the godmother Mlle Bourassa. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Langlade; M. Caterine Laplante.

June 14, 1753, I supplied the ceremonies of holy baptism to and baptized conditionally Marie Josephe, legitimate daughter of Jean Baptiste Tellier dit la Fortune, voyageur, and of Marie Josette, his wife, now here. The said child was born on the way while returning from where they spent the winter at Fond du Lac on the 18th of May last, and was hurriedly baptized privately being considered in imminent danger of death. The godfather was Monsieur Nicolas Volant, voyageur; and the godmother the wife of Sieur Sejournê dit Sans Chagrin. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Jean Telier dit la Fortune; Volant; Mari Taro.

July 15, 1753, I administered holy Baptism to Catherine, legitimate daughter of Sieur Beaulieu and of his wife Françoise, 12 residing at Sault Ste Marie, born on April 18 last. The godfather was Mr de Beaujeu, Captain Commanding for the King at this post; and the godmother Mlle Bourassa. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Beaujeu; Jean Brian dit Beaulieu; Ct. Laplante.

July 18, 1753, I supplied the ceremonies of holy Baptism to and baptized conditionally Daniel Augustin, born on August 9, 1751, legitimate son of Augustin L’éveillé and of Clotilde Girardin, his father and mother, residing at la Baie. The godfather was Mr de Beaujeau, Captain Commanding for the King at this post; and the godmother Mlle Bourassa. ***

M. L. Lefranc, miss, of the society of Jesus.

Beaujeu; Ct. Laplante.

July 18, 1753, I supplied the ceremonies of Baptism and re-baptized conditionally Clotilde, legitimate daughter of Augustin L’eveillé and of Clotilde Girardin, her father and mother, born on the twenty-eighth of January of the present year. The godfather was Mr Marin, an officer of the troops and commanding for the King at the post of la Baie; and the godmother Mlle Blondeau. ***

M. L. Le Franc, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Marin, fils; Anne Villeneuve

I, the undersigned missionary of the society of Jesus, baptized Louis Hubert, aged about three years, a slave of Monsieur the Chevalier de Repentigni. The godfather was Jacques Hamelin; and the godmother Charlotte Bourassa who signed in this register.

Done at Michilimakina, Sept. 14, 1753.

M. L. Le Franc, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Charlotte Bourassa; J. Hamelin.

January 9, 1754, I, the undersigned priest, miss. of the society of Jesus, solemnly baptized Charles Augustin, legitimate son of Charles Chartre dit Chantloup and of Agathe Amiot, his father and mother, 13 born this morning. The godfather was Mr Augustin Amiot; and the godmother Mlle Charlotte Bourassa. ***

M. L. Le Franc, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Amiot; Langlade; Charlotte Bourassa.

February 13, 1754, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission a young catechumen about fourteen years old, sufficiently instructed and desiring holy baptism, being a slave of Mr Bourassa, who took the name of Ignace in holy baptism. The godfather was the said Mr Bourassa; and the godmother the wife of Sieur Blondeau called Nannette. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Bourassa; Anne Villeneuve Blondeau

May 5, 1754, I supplied the ceremonies of baptism to and baptized conditionally Marie Charlotte Farley born on the twentieth of March of Jacques Farley and Josette du Mouchel, her father and mother. The godfather was Mr. Charles de Langlade; and the godmother Charlotte Bourassa who signed, as did also the father of the child. ***

M. L. Le Franc, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Jacque Farley; Langlade; Charlotte Bourassa

May 8, 1754, I supplied the ceremonies to and baptized conditionally Charlotte Cardin born this morning of François Louis Cardin and of Constance Chevalier, her father and mother. The godfather was Mr de Beaujeu, Captain Commanding for the King at this post; and the godmother Mlle. Bourassa. ***

M. L. Le franc, miss, of the society of Jesus.

Lavoin; Laplante Bourassa; Beaujeu.

June 9, 1754, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission a slave of Mr Langlade, about twenty years old, sufficiently instructed and desiring holy baptism, who took the name of Jean Baptiste. The godfather was Mr. Langlade, the younger; and godmother the daughter of Mr. Bourassa. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Langlade; Charlotte Bourassa.

July 28, 1754, I, the undersigned, solemnly administered Baptism to an adult slave of Monsieur the Chevalier de la Verandrie, about seventeen years old. He was given the name of Joseph. The godfather was Mr. Herbin, Captain commanding for the King at this post; 14 and the godmother Louise Bolon. ***

M. L. Lefranc, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Ch. de Laverandry; Herbin; Lizette Boullon.

August 14, 1754, I, the undersigned, administered holy Baptism to Jean Baptiste Reaume, son of Jean Baptiste Reaume and of Matchiouagakouat, whom I am to solemnly Baptize and marry tomorrow. 15 The child is eleven months old. The godfather was Pierre le Duc; 16 the godmother Anne Villeneuve. ***

M. L. Lefranc, miss, of the society of Jesus.

Anne Villeneuve; Reaume; + mark of Pierre le Duc.

August 14, 1754, I, the undersigned, administered holy baptism to Marie Renée Chaboiller, legitimate daughter of Charles Chaboiller and of Marie Anne Chevalier, her father and mother, born this morning. The godfather was René Bourassa; and the godmother Charlotte Bourassa. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Renée Bourassa, fils; Charlotte Bourassa; Chaboillez.

August 15, 1754, I, the undersigned priest, missionary of the society of Jesus, solemnly administered holy baptism to an adult instructed and desiring holy baptism. She is about twenty years old. I named her Marie, her savage name is Matchiougakouat. The godfather was Mr. Marin, the officer Commanding for the King [at La Baye]; and the godmother Marie Joseph du Mouchel. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Marin; Marie Joseph de Mouchellit Farley.

August 18, 1754, I administered holy Baptism to Marie Migouanounjan, daughter of Pierre Migouanounjan and of Marie Ouakkouaouagan, her father and mother. The godfather was Mr Augustin de Langlade. Esquire; and the godmother Marie josephe, wife of la fortune. ***

The child is about 25 days old.

M. L. Lefranc, of the society of Jesus.

Langlade; The others declared that they could not sign their names.

September 27, 1754, I, the undersigned, solemnly administered holy Baptism to Joseph Augustin Couvret, legitimate son of Joseph Couvret and of Charlotte, his wife, residing at Sault Ste Marie. He was born on the feast of St. Lawrence, the 10th of August. The godfather was Messire Augustin de Langlade; and the godmother Charlotte Bourassa. ***

M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.

Langlade; Charlotte Bourassa Langlade; J. Couvrett.


  1. For this officer, commandant at Mackinac (1750-53), see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xvii, p. 17; xviii, p. 61.[↩]
  2. Evidently Pierre Gautier de la Vérendrye junior, for whom see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 213, note 67.[↩]
  3. For this officer see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xvii, p. 315; xviii, p. 97.[↩]
  4. For the marriage of these persons see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 477.[↩]
  5. The son of the well-known Captain Duplessis-Fabert was made ensign in 1741; three years thereafter he was with his father in command at Niagara; in 1746 he led a war-party into Massachusetts, and two years later took part in the attack on Northfield. During the French and Indian War he was actively employed in scouting and similar duties, becoming lieutenant in 1757. Having retired to France, he was in 1767 living at Tours.[↩]
  6. For their marriage see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 478.[↩]
  7. For the marriage of the parents see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 476.[↩]
  8. For a sketch of this commandant see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 84, note 24.[↩]
  9. This child became an important resident of Mackinac. See Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, index.[↩]
  10. This is the earliest entry in the register, by Father Le Franc. See Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 480.[↩]
  11. Charles Jacques le Moyne, third baron de Longueuil, for whom see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 107, note 53. He was sent to Detroit in charge of a convoy in 1752, and as his letter shows, Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, pp. 126, 127, was interested in the fur-trade. He was probably in Mackinac on private business, although it is quite possible he went down from there with the spring convoy to Montreal.[↩]
  12. For their marriage see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 479.[↩]
  13. For their marriage see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 478.[↩]
  14. His brief biography is given Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 135, note 76.[↩]
  15. For this marriage see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 481.[↩]
  16. For this person consult Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 264, note 64.[↩]

Baptism Records,

Translation from a copy of the original in possession of the parish church of Ste. Anne at Mackinac.

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