Mackinac Baptism Records 1780-1789

August 13, 1781, was privately baptized Domitille, legitimate daughter of Sieur Charles Gautier and Madelaine Pascal, his lawful Wife, born the same Day at Noon.

John Coates, Notary Public. 1

I certify you that, according to the due and prescribed order of the Church, at noon on this day and at the above place, before divers Witnesses, I baptized this Child Charlotte Claves.

Patt. Sinclair, Lt. Governor, & Justice of the Peace. 2

Witnesses signed: William Grant; John L Macnamaa; Geo. Mc Beath; D. Mc Crae; George Meldrum.

John Coates, Notary Public. 3

July 15, 1786, I, the undersigned Priest, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Magdelaine, aged seven years less about two months, daughter of Sieur Charles Gauthier and of Magdelaine Paschal Chevalier, his wife. 4 The Godfather was Sieur Joseph Hains; and the godmother Genevieve Beaubien Cuillerie, Dame Barthe, who signed with us, as did also the father.

Payet, Miss. Priest. 5

Ainse; C. Gautier.

July 15, 1786, I, the undersigned Priest, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Domitille, 6 five years old, daughter of Sieur Charles Gauthier and of Magdelaine Paschal Chevalier, his wife. The Godfather was Sieur Etienne Campion; and the godmother Demoiselle Felicité Carignan, who signed with us as did also the father.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Felicité Carignant; Etne. Campion; C Gauthier.

July 6, 1786, I, the undersigned priest, supplied the ceremonies of baptism to Pierre, about two months old, son of a Negress belonging to Monsieur Carignan, Notary public. The Godfather was Sieur Etienne Campion; and the Godmother Susanne Hirbou, widow Pelleiter, who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Etne. Campion.

July 16, 1786, I, the undersigned priest, supplied the ceremonies of baptism to Augustin, natural son of Augustin Sarasin and of a savage mother, about four years old, adopted by monsieur Charles Gauthier. The Godfather was Sieur Louis Carignan; and the Godmother Magdeleine Paschal Chevalier, Dame Gauthier, who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Missn. priest.

L. Carignan.

July 16, 1786, I, the undersigned priest, supplied the ceremonies of baptism to Daniel, born on June 22, 1780, of Sieur Daniel Bourassa and of Marguerite Bertrand, his wife. 7 The Godfather was monsieur Pierre Grignon; The Godmother dame Jean baptiste Barth, who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Pierre Grignon; Dl. Bourassa.

July 16, 1786, I, the undersigned priest, supplied the ceremonies of baptism to Marguerite Bourassa, 8 born May 25, 1782, of Sieur Daniel Bourassa and of Marguerite Bertrand, his wife. The Godfather was Sieur Jean Baptiste Laframboise; and the godmother Dame Charles Gauthier, who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, priest.

Laframboise, fils; Dl Bourassa.

July 16, 1786, I, the undersigned priest, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Archange, born March 8, 1784, of sieur Daniel Bourassa and of Marguerite Bertrand, his wife. The godfather was Sieur Luc Chevalier; the Godmother Susanne Hirbou who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Miss. priest.

Dl Bourassa; Luc Chevalier.

July 16, 1786, I, the undersigned priest, supplied the ceremonies of baptism to Jean Baptiste, born June 24, 1786, of Sieur Daniel Bourassa and of Marguerite Bertrand, his wife. The godfather was Sieur Charles Danglade; and the Godmother Madame Carignan, who signed with us as did also the father.

Payet, Missn. priest,

Langlade fils; Pillet Carignan; Dl. Bourassa.

July 17, 1786, I, the undersigned priest, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Joseph Marie, born November 1, 1785, the natural son of Joseph Mersier and of a savage mother. The Godfather was Jean Rives; and the Godmother Felicité Carignan, who signed with us as did also the father.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Joseph Mersier; Jean Reeves; Felicité Carignan.

July 17, 1786, I, the undersigned priest, supplied the ceremonies of baptism to Marie, born February 1, 1783, the natural daughter of Joseph Mersier and of a savage mother. The godfather was Sieur Etienne Campion; and the Godmother Dame Jean Baptiste Barthe, who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Joseph Mersier; Etne. Campion.

July 19, 1786, I, the undersigned priest, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Michel, about two years old, natural son of Michel Labat and of a savage mother. The Godfather was Pierre Grignon; and the Godmother Dame Bourassa who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Michell Labatt; Pierre Grignon.

July 19, 1786, I, the undersigned priest, supplied the ceremonies of baptism to Marie Magdelaine, about three years old, natural daughter of a stranger, called Jean Waters, and of a savage mother. The Godfather was Sieur Etienne Campion; and the Godmother Dame Gauthier who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, priest.

J. Bte Laframboise, fils 9 ; Etne. Campion.

July 19, 1786, I, the undersigned parish Priest, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Marie, about seven years old, natural daughter of Antoine Guillory and of a savage mother. The Godfather was Sieur Etienne Campion; and the Godmother Madame Gauthier who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Etne. Campion; Antoine Guillory.

July 19, 1786, I, the undersigned priest, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Charles, about fifteen months old, natural son of Sieur Danglade, the younger, 10 and of a savage mother. The Godfather was Pierre Joseph Hains; and the Godmother Dame Jean Baptiste Barthe who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Ainsse; C. Langlade fils.

July 20, 1786, I, the undersigned priest supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Joseph, born April 17, 1782. The godfather was Sieur Joseph Hains; and the godmother Madame Gauthier who declared that she could not sign her name. The child is the issue of Monsieur Luc Chevalier and of a savage mother.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Ainsse; Luc Chevalier.

July 20, 1786, I, the undersigned priest, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Jean Baptiste, born February 14, 1785. The Godfather was Monsieur Louis Chaboyer; and the Godmother madame Daniel Bourassa who declared that she could not sign her name. The child belongs to Monsieur Luc Chevalier and a savage mother.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Luc Chevalier; L. Chaboillez.

July 20, 1786, I, the Undersigned priest, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Marguerite, born December 23, 1778. The godfather was Monsieur Carignan, Notary Public; and the Godmother Felicité Pillet, his wife, who signed with us. The child is the issue of Monsieur Luc Chevalier and of a woman savage, his marriage with whom he proposes to have ratified in the manner prescribed by our mother the holy church.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Pillet Carignan; L. Carignan; Luc Chevalier.

July 20, 1786, I, the undersigned Priest, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Joseph, born October 8, 1778, of Laurent Bertrand and the late Marie Therese Dulignon, his father and mother, in lawful marriage. The Godfather was Sieur Joseph [Jean] Rives; and the Godmother Madame Bourassa, sister of the child, who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Miss, priests

Laurent Bertrand; Jean Reeves.

July 20, 1786, I, the undersigned priest, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Eustache, born at midnight September 20, 1782, of the lawful marriage of Laurent Bertrand and Marie T. Dulignon. The Godfather was Mr. Louis Cardin; and the Godmother Madame Gauthier.

Payet, Missn. priest,

Laurent Bertrand; Louis Cardin.

July 22, 1786, I, the undersigned priest, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Posalie, about six years old, daughter of a Negro called Joas Bongas and of Marie Jeanne, a Negress, living with monsieur Robertson, Captain, Commandant of Michilimakinac and dependencies. 11 The Godfather was Monsieur Antoine Barthe; and the Godmother Madame Jean baptiste Barthe, who declared that she could not sign ber name, as did also the father.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Antoin Barthe.

July 22, 1786, I, the undersigned Priest, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Joachim born in the month of June, 1776, of the lawful marriage of Louis Dumouchel and Françoise of the nation of the Courtes Oreilles. The Godfather was Mr. Alexis Campion; and the Godmother Mde. Gauthier, who declared that she could not sign her name, as did also the father.

Payet, Missn. priest.

A. Campion.

July 22, 1786, I, the undersigned priest, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Josephte, born December 26, 1777, of the lawful marriage of Louis Dumouchel and Françoise of the nation aforesaid. The Godfather was Sieur Pierre Thierry; and the Godmother Mde. Bourassa, who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Missn. priest

P. Thierry.

July 22, 1786, I, the undersigned Priest, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Magdelaine, born August 7, 1784, of the lawful marriage of Louis Dumouchel and Françoise, of the nation above mentioned. The Godfather was Mr. Jean Hives; and the Godmother Mde. Carignan, who signed with us. The father declared that he could not sign his name.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Pillet Carignant; Jean Reeve.

July 22, 1786, I, the undersigned Priest, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Gabriel, born February 17, 1783, a natural son of Gabriel Hattinas dit Lavio[le]tte and of a savage mother. The Godfather was Mr. Etienne Campion; and the Godmother Dame Jean Baptiste Barthe, who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Miss. Priest.

Gabriel Hattina; Etne. Campion.

July 22, 1786, I, the undersigned Priest, baptized Marguerite, two years, four months and six days old, natural daughter of Barthelmi Chevalier and of a savage mother. The Godfather was Mr. Jean Baptiste Chevalier; and the Godmother Madame Bourassa, who declared that she could not sign her name, as did also the father.

Payet, Miss. Priest.

J. Bapte. Chevalier.

July 22, 1786, I, the undersigned priest, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Genevieve, sixteen months and some days old, born of the lawful marriage of Louis Dufau and of Marie Louise of the Sauteux Nation. The Godfather was Mr. Hypolite Derivière; and the Godmother dame Jeanne Baptiste Barthe who declared that she could not sign her name, as did also the father.

Payet, Miss. Priest.

Hypolite Derivière.

July 30, 1786, I, the undersigned Priest, supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to François, about a year and a half old natural son of François Roy and of a savage mother. The Godfather was Monsieur Etienne Campion; and the Godmother Madame Carignan, who signed with us, the father declaring that he could not sign his name.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Pillet Carignan; Etne. Campion.

August 1, 1786, I, the undersigned Priest, solemnly baptized a Savage Chief of the Courts Oreilles or Outaois nation to whom the name of Charles was given. The Godfather was Monsieur Charles Viarville Gauthier, King’s interpreter; and the Godmother Madame Daniel Bourassa, who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Missn. priest. C. Gautier.

August 1, 1786, I, the undersigned Priest, solemnly baptized a Panis (belonging to Madame, widow Hiacinte Amelin) about twenty years old. He received the name of Francois Xavier. The Godfather was Monsieur Paul Lacroix; and the Godmother Susanne Hirbou, who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Paul Huber La Croix.

August 1, 1786, I, the undersigned Priest, baptized Therese, about ten years old, daughter of Sieur Jean Baptiste Marcot and of Thimotée, of the Outaois nation, his lawful wife. 12 The Godfather was Mde. Jean Baptiste Chevalier; and the Godmother Mr. Carignan, who signed with us.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Pillet Carignan; j. Bapte. Chevalier.

August 1, 1786, I, the undersigned Priest, baptized Magdelaine, 13 about six years old, legitimate daughter of Sieur Jean Baptiste Marcot and of Thimotée of the Outaois nation. The Godfather was Sieur Antoine Barthe; and the Godmother Madame Charles Gauthier, who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Antoin Barthe.

August 13, 1786, I, the undersigned priest, baptized Magdelaine, born March 17, 1782, natural daughter of Dominique Chévaré and of a savage mother. The Godfather was Sieur Carignan, Notary public; and the Godmother Demoiselle Carignan, who signed with us.

Payet, Missn. priest.

L. Carignan; Felicité Carignan.

August 13, 1786, I, the undersigned Priest, baptized Etienne, born on February 5, 1785, natural son of Dominique Chéveré and of a savage mother. The Godfather was Monsieur Etienne Campion; and the Godmother Mde. Daniel Bourassa, who declared that she could not sign her name, as did also the father.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Etne. Campion.

August 15, 1786, I, the undersigned priest. Baptized a Panis, about nine years old, belonging to monsieur Jean Baptiste Barthe. The Godfather was monsieur Jean Baptiste Laframboise, the younger; and the Godmother Mademoiselle Carignan, who signed with us.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Felicité Carignant; J. Bte. Laframboise.

August 15,1786, I, the undersigned priest, baptized a female panis slave of Monsieur Jean Baptiste Barthe, about twenty years old. The Godfather was Sieur Gabriel Coté; and the Godmother madame Jean Baptiste Barthe, who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Missn. priest.

G. Cotti.

August 18, 1786, I, the undersigned Priest, baptized Louis, born this morning of the lawful marriage of Louis Maur and of Marie Moran, his wife. The Godfather was François Duquet; and the Godmother Demoiselle Carignan, who signed with us. The father declared that he could not sign his name.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Felicité Carignant; François Duquéte.

July 26, 1787, by us, the undersigned priest, was baptized Pierre, born seven months ago, legitimate son of Louis Dufaux and of a savage mother, called Marie Louise of the Sauteurs Nation. The godfather was Pierre Thierry; and the godmother Felicité Pilot, madame Carignan, both of whom signed. The father declared that he could not sign his name.

Payet, Missn. priest.

P. Thierry; Felicité Pillet Carignan.

July 31, 1787, by us, the undersigned priest, was baptized Marie, about three months old, natural daughter of a female panis slave of Mr. Barthe. The godfather was Jean Rives; and the Godmother Magdelaine Chevalier, dame Gauthier, who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Jean Reeves.

August 3, 1787, by us, the undersigned priest, was baptized Domitille, born four months and thirteen days ago, legitimate daughter of Pierre Grignon and of Louise Domitille Langlade, his wife. The godfather was Sieur Alexis Laframboise; and the Godmother Genevieve Beaubien Cueillieré, dame Barthe, who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Al. Laframboise; Pierre Grignon; Domitille Langlade.

August 5, 1787, by us, the undersigned priest, was baptized Antoine, about six years and four months old, natural son of Antoine Guillory and of a savage mother. The godfather was Paul Tenier; and the Godmother dame Daniel Bourassa, who signed with us, as did also the father.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Antoine Guillory; Paul Tenier.

August 5, 1787, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized conditionally Pierre Antoine, 14 born October 21, 1797 [1777], son of Pierre Grignon and of Domitille Langlade, his wife. The godfather was Sieur Gabriel Cotté; and the godmother Magdelaine Chevalier, who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, priest

G. Cotté; Pierre Grignon.

August 5, 1787, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized Jean Baptiste, born on November 25, 1783, natural son of Antoine Guillory and of a savage mother. The godfather was Nicolas Marchessau; and the Godmother Felicité Pilot, dame Carignan, who signed with us, as did also the father.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Marchessau; Antoine Guillory.

August 6, 1787, by us, the undersigned priest, was baptized conditionally Charles, born June 14, 1779, son of Pierre Grignon and of Louise Domitille Langlade, his wife. The godfather was Charles Langlade, maternal uncle of the child; and the godmother Marie Souligni, who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Missn. priest.

C. Langlade; Pie. 15

August 6, 1787, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized conditionally Augustin, 16 born on June 27, 1780, son of Pierre Grignon and of Louise Domitille Langlade, his wife. The godfather was Sieur Joseph Ainse; and the Godmother dame Daniel Bourassa, who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Pierre Grignon; Ainsse.

August 6, 1787, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized conditionally Louis, 17 born on September 23, 1783, son of Pierre Grignon and of Louise Domitille Langlade, his wife. The Godfather was Sieur Alexis Laframboise; and the Godmother dame Carignan, who signed with us.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Felicité Pillet Carignan; Pierre Grignon; Alexis Laframboise.

August 6, 1787, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized conditionally Jean baptiste, 18 born July 23, 1785, son of Pierre Grignon and of Louise Domitille Langlade, his wife. The godfather was monsieur Etienne Campion; and the godmother Demoiselle Felicité Carignan, who signed with us, as did also the father.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Felicité Carignan; Pierre Grignon; Etne. Campion.

August 7, 1787, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized conditionally Magdelaine, about seven years old, natural daughter of Hypolite Larrivée and of a savage mother. The Godfather was Sieur Hyppolite Derivière; and the godmother dame Jean Baptiste Barthe, who declared that she could not sign her name, as did also the father.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Hypolite Derivières.

August 8, 1787, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized conditionally Paul, about eleven years old, natural son of Joseph Bouche and of a savage mother. The godfather was Sieur Paul Tenier; and the godmother madame Carignan, who signed with us.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Felicité Pillet Carignan; Paul Tenier.

In 1787, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized conditionally Louise, about eleven years old, natural daughter of Joseph Roc and of a savage mother. The godfather was Sieur Antoine Barthe; and the Godmother madame Gauthier, who declared that she could not sign her name, as did also the father.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Antoin Barthe.

August 8, 1787, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized conditionally, Angelique, nine years old, natural daughter of Joseph Roc and of a savage mother. The godfather was Sieur Louis Chaboiller; and the godmother madame Carignan, who signed with me.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Felicité Pillet Carignan; L. Chaboilliez; Antoine Barthe.

August 8, 1787, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized conditionally Charlotte, six years old, natural daughter of Joseph Roc and of a savage mother. The godfather was Sieur Pierre Thierry; and the godmother madame Daniel Bourassa, who declared that she could not sign her name, as did also the father.

Payet, Missn. priest.

P. Thierry.

August 8, 1787, was baptized Augustin, seven months old, natural son of Joseph Roc and of a savage mother. The godfather was monsieur Joseph Ainse; and the godmother madame Barthe, who declared that she could not sign her name, as did also the father.

Payet, Missn. priest.


August 9, 1787, by us the undersigned priest, Was baptized Antoine, two years old, natural son of Antoine Guigere and of a savage mother. The godfather was Jean Alexis Campion; and the godmother madame Gauthier, who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Filogigere; A Campion.

August 12, 1787, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized Pierre, about three years old, natural son of one Charles Valé and of a savage mother. The godfather was Sieur Alexis Laframboise; and the godmother madame Carignan, who signed with us, the father being absent.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Felicite Pillet Carignan; A. L. Laframboise.

August 15, 1787, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized Marie, four and a half years old, legitimate daughter of Amable Chevalier, a savage of the Outaouais nation, and of Catherine Kimiouenan of the same nation. The godfather was monsieur Ainse; and the godmother madame Jean Baptiste Barthe, who declared that she could not sign her name, as did also the father.

Payet, Missn. priest.


August 15, 1787, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized Amable, thirteen years old, natural son of Pierre Grignon and of a savage mother. 19 The godfather was Sieur Antoine Tabeau; and the godmother Mademoiselle Carignan, who signed with us as did also the father.

Payet, Missn. priest.

A. Tabeau; Felicité Carignan; Pierr Grignon.

August 19, 1787, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized conditionally Josephete Lesable, about fifty years old, a Sauteux woman savage. The godfather was Sieur Etienne Campion; and the Godmother Mde. Jean Baptiste Barthe, who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Missn. priest.

L. Hamelin; 20 Etne. Campion.

August 19, 1787, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized conditionally, Josette, 21 born August 4, 1769, natural daughter of Louis Hamelin and of Josephete Lasable. The godfather was Sieur Pierre Grignon; and the godmother Mde. Carignan, who signed with us.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Pierre Grignon; Felicité Carignan; L. Hamelin Father.

August 19, 1787, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized conditionally Charlotte, born October 15, 1771, natural daughter of Louis Hamelin and of Josephte Lasable, her father and mother. The godfather was Sieur Charles Courtois; and the godmother Madame Gauthier, who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Charle Courtois; L. Hamelin Father.

August 19, 1787, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized conditionally Jean Baptiste, born January 24, 1774, natural son of Louis Hamelin and of Josette Lasable, his father and mother. The godfather was Sieur Carignan; and the godmother Madame Grinon, who signed with us, as did also the father.

Payet, Missn. priest.

L. Carignan; Madame Grignon; L. Hamelin Father.

August 19, 1787, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized conditionally Catherine, born on June 17, 1776, natural daughter of Louis Hamelin and of Josette Lesable, her father and mother. The godfather was Sieur Charles Langlade; and the Godmother mademoiselle Carignan, who signed with us, as did also the father.

Payet, priest.

L. Hamelin Father; C. Langlade; Felicité Carignan.

August 19, 1787, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized conditionally Augustin, born February 7, 1779, natural son of Louis Hamelin and of Josephte Lasable, his father and mother, a savage of the Sauteurs Nation. The godfather was monsieur Jean Baptiste Barthe; and the godmother madame Daniel Bourassa, who declared that she could not sign her name.

Payet, Missn. priest.

J. B. Barthe; L. Hamelin Father.

August 25, 1787, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized Louise, natural daughter of Jacques Levasseur and of a savage mother, 22 about six months old. The godfather was François Souligni; and the godmother madame Carignan, who signed with us, the father being absent.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Felicité Pillet Carignan; F. Souligny.

August 25, 1787, by us the undersigned priest, was baptized François Louis, twenty months old, natural son of François Souligni and of a savage mother. The godfather was Monsieur Carignan; and the godmother Mademoiselle Felicité Carignan, who signed with us, as did also the father.

Payet, Missn. priest.

Felicité Carignan; L. Carignan; Frs Souligny.

September 1, 1789, in the afternoon, by the undersigned notary, was privately baptized Marie Louise, daughter of Amable Chevalier, a Savage, and of Catherine Chenier, another savage, both Baptized. The child is about 7 months old.

L. Carignan.


  1. For this official see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 434, note 45.[↩]
  2. The preceding entry is written in English by the British commandant. Probably the child baptized belonged to one of the garrison. The witnesses were prominent Mackinac traders. For a sketch of Sinclair see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xi, p. 141, note 1.[↩]
  3. Following this in the register is an entry for 1804, which has been placed in its proper chronological sequence.[↩]
  4. For their marriage see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, pp. 490-492. This elder daughter, Magdelaine, became the wife of Henry Monroe Fisher, an American resident of Prairie du Chien.[↩]
  5. For this missionary see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 493, note 25.[↩]
  6. For her marriage see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 499.[↩]
  7. For their marriage see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 492.[↩]
  8. She married Guillaume Varin; see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, pp. 506, 511.[↩]
  9. In the margin was written: “Marie Waters adopted by Jean Baptiste Laframboise the younger.”[↩]
  10. In the margin appears: “Charles, an added word, correct. Payet, Priest.” For this person see sketch in Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 495, note 29.[↩]
  11. For Capt. Daniel Roberstson, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 436, note 50.[↩]
  12. This entry gives another form for the Ottawa wife of Jean Baptiste Marcot, spoken of in preceding and later entries as Marie Nesketh. Her daughter Thérèse, whose baptism is here recorded, became first the wife of Pierre Lasalière, later of George Schindler. See Wisconsin Historical Collections, xiv, p. 17, note; xviii, p. 508.[↩]
  13. She married Joseph la Framboise; see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xi, pp. 373 374; xiv, pp. 38-40; xviii, p. 507.[↩]
  14. This was the eldest son of the Grignon family, known as Pierre the younger, or “Fanfan.” After his father’s death he became head of the family, dying at Green Bay, March 4, 1823; see Wisconsin Historical Collections, vii, pp. 178, 242, 243, and post.[↩]
  15. The signature of the father, Pierre Grignon, begun and for some reason not completed. This son Charles lived at one time on the site of Oshkosh; previous to this he had lived in Canada for some years. Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 349; xv, pp. 19, 20; and post.[↩]
  16. Augustin Grignon became a well-known character in early Wisconsin history. Like his forbears, he early engaged in the fur-trade, wintering in northwest Wisconsin for several years. He then undertook for a time the business of transportation at the Fox-Wisconsin portage. His later home was at Kaukauna, where he lived in patriarchial fashion, with Indian, half-breed, and white relatives and employees. About 1830 he removed to the village of Butte des Morts in Winnebago County, where in 1857 he was interviewed by Dr. Lyman C. Draper, and the results embodied in “Seventy-two Years’ Recollections of Wisconsin,” in volume iii of the Collections (see his portrait in the reprint edition). In his reminiscences he describes this visit to Mackinac to be baptized by the priest Payet. He notes the commandant’s name as Robinson (Robertson, in fact); see Wisconsin Historical Collections, iii, p. 261. He died in 1860.[↩]
  17. Louis Grignon (1783-1839) was one of the most progressive and intelligent of the French settlers at Green Bay. An early patron of schools, he had his children educated and made his home a centre of hospitality and culture. See Wisconsin Historical Collections, vii, p. 244.[↩]
  18. Jean Baptiste Grignon was still living in Green Bay as late as 1832. Less progressive than his brothers, he occupied his time with farming, and was employed by the British in the War of 1812-15.[↩]
  19. This child died while at school in Montreal; Wisconsin Historical Collections, iii, p. 242. The younger Amable Grignon was born in 1795.[↩]
  20. The margin informs us that she was the wife of Louis Hamelin, who signed the register.[↩]
  21. Married in 1797 to André Charlebois; Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 499.[↩]
  22. The parents were not married until 1799; see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 503. For her marriage to Joseph Gautier dit Caron, see pp. 504, 507.[↩]

Baptism Records,

Translation from a copy of the original in possession of the parish church of Ste. Anne at Mackinac.

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