Mackinac Baptism Records 1745-1749

Feb. 1, 1745, I baptized in the church of this mission Pierre Louis, legitimate son of Sieur Charles Chaboyer and of Marianne Chevalier, His wife, residing at this post – the said child having been born last night. The godfather was Louis Chevalier; and the godmother Charlotte Parent. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

C. Chaboillez; Marianne Chaboillez Parent.

April 30, 1745, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission Thomas, legitimate son of Thomas Blondeau and of Demoiselle Marie Joseph de Celle, his lawful wife, residing at this post – the said child having been born last Sunday, the 25th of this month. The godfather was Mr de L’anglade; and the godmother Agathe Villeneuve, wife of Sieur Boisguilbert who signed here with me. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Agathe la Boiguilber; Thomas Blondeau.

He died on the 9th of July following.

May 16, 1745, I solemnly baptized (Conditionally, however, because he had been privately baptized the day he was born by a servant) Joseph, legitimate son of Gabriel Bolon and of Susanne Menard, his wife, now residing at this post – the said child having been born at Quiquanamaso, the wintering place, 1 on the 20th of March last. The godfather was Sieur Joseph des Caris, voyageur; and the godmother Agathe Villeneuve, wife of Sieur Boisguilbert. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Joseph Decary; Agthe Laboiguilber; Gabriel Bollon.

July 11 [1745], I solemnly baptized a young Sauteux Woman Savage, Sister of the late Marie Athanase, wife of Sieur

Charles Hamellin, now residing at Sault Ste marie, the said woman being about 30 years old, desiring holy Baptism and being sufficiently instructed; she took the name of Marie Charlotte in holy baptism and was held over the sacred font by Mr Charles du Plessis de Morampont, the Officer Commanding for the King at Camonettiqouia; 2 and by Angelique, wife of Sieur de Lignon; the former signed here with me. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Du Plessis de Morampont; Coulonge, witness.

The same day, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission a young female slave of Sieur Charles Hamelin, about 20 years of age, desiring holy Baptism and sufficiently instructed, who took the name of Marie Athanase according to the desire of her deceased mistress and was held over the sacred font by Mr de Coulonge, and Mde Bourassa the elder who signed here with me. Done at Michilimakina this 11th of July, 1745.

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Coulonge; Marie Cterinne Lerige de Bourassa.

She died *** on January 24, 1748, and was buried in the church the following day beside her deceased mistress.

August 25, 1745, I solemnly administered holy Baptism to Elizabeth Louise, legitimate daughter of Pierre Locat, voyageur, and of Josette Chevalier, his wife, now residing at this post. The godfather was Mr de Noyelle, the younger, an officer of the troops. Second in command for the King at this post; 3 and the godmother Manon Alavoine, wife of Sieur Chevalier, voyageur, who signed here with me. The said child was born yesterday morning. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Noyelle; Manon Lavoine Chevalier.

September 28, 1745, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission Marianne, legitimate daughter of André Skayamick dit Landroche, voyageur, and of Anne Parent, his wife, now residing at this post. The said child was born this morning. The godfather was Sieur Jean Marie Blondeau, voyageur; and the godmother Marianne Chaboyer, wife of parent, who signed here with me. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Marianne Chabilles Parant; J. M. Blondeau.

October 3, 1745, I solemnly baptized in the church of tHia mission Joseph augustin, legitimate son of Claude Germain Gautier and of Therese villeneuve, his wife, now residing at. this post; the said child having been born this morning. The godfather was MR langlade; and the godmother agathe villeneuve, wife of Boisguilbert who signed here with me. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Langlade; La Boiguilber.

March 4, 1746, I supplied the ceremonies of holy Baptism to and baptized conditionally Therese, 4 born on the 2nd of the same month and privately baptized by the midwife because she was considered in danger of death, being the legitimate daughter of Sieur Parent, voyageur, and of Marianne Chaboyer, his wife, residing at this post. The godfather was Alexis Sejournée, sergeant of the troops of the garrison of this post; and the godmother Marie Françoise, daughter of Sieur Parent and sister of the newly baptized infant. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Alexis Sejourné; Pierre Parant.

May 4, 1746, I administered holy baptism to Marianne Marthe, legitimate daughter of Charles Chaboyer and of Marianne Chevalier, his wife, residing at this post, the said little girl having been born on Friday, the 8th of April on the other side, at the settlement of St Pierre and St Paul, where they spent the winter. The godfather was Noel Piquet; and the godmother the wife of Sieur Chevalier, voyageur, who signed here with me. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Noelle Piquette; Manon Lavoine Chevalier; Charles Chaboillez; Marie Anne Chevalier Chaboillez.

June 14, 1746, I administered holy baptism to Louis, legitimate son of Amiot and Marianne, his wife, now at this post; the said child having been born at the Rivière aux Plains 5 near Chikago at the beginning of the month of October last. The godfather was Mr. Louis de la Corne, Captain Commanding for the King at this post; 6 and the godmother Mlle. Catherine la Plante, wife of Mr. Bourassa who signed here with me. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Lacorne; Marie Caterinne Lerige; Amiot.

June 29, 1746, I Solemnly baptized in the church of this mission a woman Sauteux Savage, Sister of the late Françoise, wife of Rocheveau, about 25 years of age. Sufficiently instructed and desiring holy Baptism; who took the name of Françoise. The godfather was Mr de Noyelle, second in Command at this post; and the godmother Mlle Bourassa, who signed here with me. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Noyelle, fils; Marie C. Laplate.

June 29, 1746, I Solemnly baptized in the church of this mission Elisabeth, daughter of Françoise, baptized this morning, and of a French father not yet declared, aged about three years. The godfather was Paskal Chevalier; and the godmother Catherine Rocheveau. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Louis Pascal Chevalier.

July 3, 1746, I Solemnly baptized in the church of this mission Angelique, daughter of a woman savage belonging to Sieur Chevalier, voyageur, whose father the mother declared to be Louis Fleurs d’Épée, born this morning. The godfather was one Marcot; and the godmother Esther Chevalier, daughter of Sieur Chevalier, both of whom declared that they could not sign their names. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

September 26, 1746, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission Josephe Marguerite, daughter of Thomas Blondeau and of Demoiselle Marie Joseph de Selle, his lawful wife; the said child was born last night. The godfather was Mr de Noel, the younger, Commandant of this post, and the godmother Anne Villeneuve, wife of Sieur Blondeau, called Nanette.

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Noyelle, fils; Anne Villeneuve; Thomas Blondeau.

October 9, 1746, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission Agathe, daughter of Marie Charlotte, a woman Savage baptized last year and of a French father not yet declared, born in the month of February last. The godfather was François Jerosme, a Savage; and the godmother Agathe Villeneuve, wife of Sieur Boishibert [Boisguilbert] ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

F. Sauvage; Agathe Villeneuve.

March 17, 1747, I supplied the ceremonies of holy baptism to Anne Catherine, daughter of René Bourassa, the younger, and of Anne Chevalier, his wife, born the day before and privately baptized at once because she was deemed in danger of death. The godfather was Mr Chevalier; and the godmother Mlle Bourassa, wife of Monsieur Bourassa, the elder. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

M Caterine Lerigé.

May 7, 1747, I baptized (S. C.) in the church of this mission Therese, daughter of Pierre Locat and of Josephe Chevalier, his lawful wife, now residing at Sault Ste Marie, 7 where she was born on the 29th of January last. The godfather was Michel Rocheveau, voyageur, residing at Sault Ste Marie; and the godmother the wife of Mr langlade. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Michel Rocheveau.

May 23, 1747, I solemnly baptized (S. C.) Charles Stanislas, legitimate son of Mr Caesaire de Quindre d’Ouville and of Mde Françoise Marianne Belêtre, his wife, returning from St. Joseph and about to start for Montreal. The said child was born at St Joseph on April 29, 1746. The godfather was Mr du Plessis Morampont, an officer of a company of the marine detachment, commanding for the King at Cammanettigoia; and the godmother the wife of Mr L’anglade. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Duplessis de Morampont; Cesere de Quindre; Bélestre de Quindre.

June 17, 1747, I solemnly baptized (S. C.) Joseph Marguerite, 8 legitimate daughter of Sieur de lignon, voyageur, and of Angelique, his wife, residing at Sault Ste Marie. The said child was born at the beginning of the month of May last at the said Sault Ste Marie. The godfather was Mr de Noyel, the younger, commandant of this post; and the godmother dlle Marie Joseph de Celle, wife of Thomas Blondeau who signed here with me. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Noyelle, fils; de Selle Bondeau.

June 20, 1747, I solemnly baptized (S. C.) Marie Joseph, 9 legitimate daughter of Jean Baptiste Jourdan and of Josephe Reaume, residing at la Baye, the said child having been born at la Baye in the month of April last. The godfather was Mr de Noyel, the younger, commandant of this post; and the godmother Mlle Bourassa, wife of Mr Bourassa, the elder, who signed here with me. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Noyelle, fils; Marie la Plente Bourassa,

July 7, 1747, I solemnly baptized marie Françoise, legitimate daughter of Gabriel Bolon and of Susanne Menard, his wife, residing at this post; the said child having been born yesterday evening. The godfather was Etienne Auger, voyageur; 10 and the godmother Marie Françoise La Croix. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Etienne Auger; Mari Fransose la Crix; Gabriel Bollon.

July 22, 1747, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission a female neophyte, sufficiently instructed and desiring holy baptism, about 35 years old, born at Nipissing, and her two children: the elder about three [thirteen] years, and the younger about nine years of age, both born in the direction of

Matchidock of the aforesaid neophyte and of Jean Baptiste Tellier dit la Fortune. 11 The neophyte took the name of Marie Josephe in holy baptism. Her godfather was Mr de Noyelle, the younger, the commandant of this post; and the godmother dlle de Selles, wife of Sieur Thomas Blondeau, voyageur. The older child took the name of François Xavier; his godfather was Sieur Baribeau, voyageur; 12 and his godmother Agathe Villeneuve, wife of Sieur Boishibert. The other took the name of René François; his godfather was René Bourassa, the younger; and his godmother Esther Chevalier, all of whom signed here with me. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Noyelle, fils; F. Baribeau; Marie Joseph de Selle; Agathe Villeneuve; Jean Tellier; Rene Bourassa, fils.

July 22, 1747, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission, three children of Jean Baptiste Tellier dit la Fortune and of Marie Josephe, a Nipissingue woman baptized this morning: the first about six years, the second about three years old, the last one born in the month of February last, all three born in the direction of Matchidock. The godfather and godmother of the 1st were Ignace Bourassa and Charlotte Parent who gave him the name of Ignace. The godfather and godmother of the second were Antoine St Germain and Susanne Bolon who gave him the name of Joseph. The godfather and godmother of the 3rd were Mr de Coulonge and Manon Chevalier, wife of du May who gave her the name of Marie Joseph – who signed here with me. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Ignace Bourassa; Coulonge; Antoine St Germain; Jean Tellier.

July 22, 1747, I supplied the ceremonies of holy Baptism, to Jean Baptiste, born in the month of March of the previous year of a female slave of Sieur Chaboyer and privately baptized a few days afterward. The said slave, called Madeleine, declared that the father of the child was Daniel Villeneuve. The godfather and godmother were Charles L’anglade and Angelique Chevalier. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Charle Langlade.

I, the undersigned, baptized solemnly and according to the rite of our mother, the holy Catholic, apostolic and roman Church, a female slave of Mr Marin de la Periere. The godfather was Mr de Noyelle, the younger, commandant of the post of Michilimakina; and the godmother Madame Magdelaine Viliers de la Pereire. In testimony whereof I have signed on the 1st of September 1747. 13

Jean Baptiste Lamorinèe, Jesuit

Noyelle, fils; Magdelaine De Villiers Laperierre. 14

October 25, 1747, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission a child about a year old, the illegitimate son of one Dion, a voyageur, and of a slave now belonging to Catherine, an Ylinois woman, the lawful wife of one Cadieu residing at Ylinois. The godfather was Mr Bourassa, the elder; and the godmother the aforesaid Catherine, wife of Cadieu, who gave him the name of Louis René at the Sacred font. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

+ mark of the said Catherine; Bourassa.

On the [blank in MS.] of the month of August, 1747, Reverend father de la Morinée Baptized a young child about 3 years old, natural son of Charles Chevalier Tallier and of a Sioux slave. The said child was born at Lac de la Pluye [Rainy Lake]. The godfather was Poncelet Batillot dit Clermont, a soldier of the garrison; and the godmother Louise Bolon, who gave him the name of Pierre in holy Baptism, in the presence of the other witnesses, undersigned, whom I have heard on October 31, 1747 at Michilimakina.

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Ponalet Batillot Dit Clermont, Soldier; Colonge; 15 Bourassa.

December 6, 1747, I baptized in the church of this mission Pierre Charles, natural son of Charles Hamelin and of a female Savage called Catherine, of the Sauteux nation, daughter of the pagan Savage called Mouus – born on the 15th of February of the previous year at Sault Ste Marie. The godfather was Mr Langlade Esquire; and the godmother Anne villeneuve, wife of Sieur Blondeau. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Langlade; Anne Villeneuve; Blondeau.

Died a few days afterward.

February 1, 1748, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission a female Saulteux Savage about twenty years old, daughter of the savage called Mouus, mother of the child mentioned above, desiring holy Baptism and being sufficiently instructed, who took the name of Marie Athanasie in holy Baptism. 16 Her godfather was Mr d’Ailleboût de Coulonge; and her godmother Mde L’anglade. ***

Père du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.


February 28y 1748, I supplied the ceremonies of holy Baptism to Jacques, son of Jacques du May and of Marie Madelaine Chevalier, his wife, residing at this post. The said child was born on Sunday last, the 25th, and was privately baptized the same day, being in danger of death. The godfather was Mr Jacques le Gardeur de St Pierre, lieutenant in a company of the marine detachment and commanding for the King at this post; 17 and the godmother Demoiselle Marie Catherine la Plante, wife of Mr Bourassa. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Legardeur de St Pierre; Marie Caterine Lerige; Jacque Dumay.

March 17, 1748, I supplied the ceremonies of holy baptism to Angelique, legitimate daughter of Pierre Pelletier and of Marie Françoise Parent, his wife, residing at this post. The said child was born January 18 last on the other side where they spent the winter and was privately baptized shortly afterward through fear of unforeseen accidents. The godfather was René Provancher; and the godmother Charlotte Parent, her aunt. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

René Provanche

July 7, 1748, I Supplied the ceremonies of holy baptism to and baptized conditionally Augustin, son of the late Augustin L’Archeveque and of Marie Reaume, his wife, residing at St Joseph. The said child was born at St Joseph on January 9, 1746, and was privately baptized the same day. The godfather was Mr. Augustin Moras de L’anglade, esquire; and the godmother mlle. Bourassa, the elder. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Langlade; Marie Catherinne Lerige.

July 21, 1748, I supplied the ceremonies of holy Baptism to and baptized conditionally Catherine, daughter of Charles Personne dit La Fond, blacksmith, and of Susanne Reaume, his wife, residing at la Baye. The said child was born at la Baye on the 14th of April last and was privately baptized, being considered in danger of death. The godfather was Mr. de Coulonge; and the godmother Catherine L’archeveque, wife of Sieur Joutras. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Catherine Lathre [Larche]; Susane Reaume

September 8, 1748, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission, an adult woman sufficiently instructed, about twenty years of age, the slave of Sieur Bourassa, the elder, a former voyageur, desiring holy baptism. She took the name of Marianne and was held over the baptismal font by Mr de Coulonge, her godfather; and by Mlle Bourassa, her mistress and godmother, who signed here with me.

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Coulonge; Caterine la Plente [Lerigé Bourassa]

January 21, 1749, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission Marie Josephe, legitimate daughter of the late Joseph Charles Hamelin and of Marie Athanasie, his lawful wife. The said child was born last month. The godfather was Mr Jacques le Gardeur de St Pierre, Captain Commanding for the King at this post; and the godmother Demoiselle Marie Catherine L’erige de la Plante, wife of Sieur Bourassa, a former voyageur, ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Legardeur de St Pierre; Marie Catherinne La Plante Bourassa.

January 27, 1749, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission, Blaise, legitimate son of Jean Baptiste Amiot, Armorer, and of Marianne, his lawful wife. The said child was born this morning. The godfather was Mr. the Chevalier de Repentigny, the officer second in Command; 18 and the godmother Agathe Amiot, sister of the said child. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Amiot; Le Gardeur, chr Repentigny.

Died at the beginning of October, 1750

March 11, 1749, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission, Angelique, 19 born yesterday evening, legitimate daughter of Sieur Alexis Sejournée surnamed Sans Chagrin, a Sergeant of the troops, and of Angelique Taro, his lawful wife. The godfather was Mr le Gardeur de St Pierre, Captain commanding for the King at this post; and the godmother Agathe Villeneuve, wife of Sieur Boisguilbert. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Legardeur De St Pierre; Agathe Villeneuve; Sanchagrin.

March 22, 1749, I baptized conditionally an illegitimate child born of Constante Chevalier, widow of the late Hins and of a father whom she would not name. The child was privately baptized through fear of accident. The godfather was Antoine Janis who gave him his name and signed here with me; and the godmother was Esther Chevalier. ***

The father of the child is Mr Dequindre, according to the declaration of the lady.

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Antoine Janisse; Barthelemi Blondeau.

July 4, 1749, I supplied the ceremonies of holy baptism and baptized conditionally Jean Baptiste, legitimate son of Jean Baptiste Jourdain and of Marie Joseph Reaume, his wife, born at la Baye in the month of November last and privately baptized through fear of accident. His godfather was Ignace Bourassa and his godmother Agathe Amiot. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Ignace Bourassa.

July 17, 1749, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission a young man about 15 years old, a slave of one Texier dit la Vigne, voyageur, who was ill, had been sufficiently instructed previously and desired baptism for a long while. The Catechumen took the name of Antoine in holy baptism. The godfather was Mr. la Plante; and the godmother Mde Bourassa, his sister, who signed here with me. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Marie Catherinne Laplante; Barthélémi Blondeau; Urbain Texier.

August 29, 1749, I solemnly administered holy baptism to Anne Esther and Marie Josephe, daughters of Jean Manian L’esperance and of a Sauteux woman Savage of la Pointe; 20 the former about six years and the latter about three years old. The godfather of Anne Esther was Mr. Godefroy, an officer of a company of the marine detachment; 21 and the godmother Mlle Esther Chevalier. The godfather of Marie Josephe was Mr de Coulonge; and the godmother Mlle Angelique Chevalier. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Godefroy; Coulonge; Barthelemi Blondeau.

August 13, 1749, I Solemnly baptized Alexis, son of Jean Manian L’esperance, about eight years old, and Rose, a Sauteux woman Savage of la Pointe, about thirty-five years old, sufficiently instructed and desiring holy baptism, the mother of the aforesaid Alexis. The godfather of Alexis was Mr. Alexis Sejourne dit Sans Chagrin, a sergeant of the troops; and the godmother Agathe Amiot. The godfather of Rose was Mr Bourassa, a former voyageur; and the godmother Mde langlade. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Sanschagrin; Bourassa

November 19, 1749, I Solemnly baptized in the church of this mission, Angelique, legitimate daughter of Sieur Pierre Parent, voyageur and of Marianne Chaboiller, his wife, residing at this post. The said child was born yesterday evening. The godfather was Jean Baptiste Jasmin, voyageur; and the godmother Charlotte Parant. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

J. B. Jasmin: Parant.


  1. Quiquanamoso (usually spelled Kikkanamazoo) is the Indian word for the river now corrupted into the form Kalamazoo. The word is said to signify “bubbling or boiling water.” Such entries as this and similar ones in the register show how French traders scattered along the shores of the lakes and rivers of the upper country, returned to Mackinac in the summer to traffic for their skins, and brought with them their families for marriage, baptism, etc.[↩]
  2. Charles Denis Duplessis, Sieur de Morampont, was born in 1704 and married in 1742. After his term of service at Kamanistigoya, he was appointed (1749) prevost of the court at Quebec, which office he held until the British conquest. He would appear to have then retired to France, where in 1774 his wife applied for a pension.[↩]
  3. Charles Joseph des Noyelles, for whom see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xvii, p. 462. He appears to have retired to France after 1760.[↩]
  4. She was married in 1763; see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 486.[↩]
  5. Now Des Plaines River, in Illinois. The word is derived from a French term for the soft swamp maple tree.[↩]
  6. On this officer consult Wisconsin Historical Collections, xvii, p. 448.[↩]
  7. For the marriage of these residents of Sault Ste. Marie, see Wisconsin Historical Collections xviii, p. 470.[↩]
  8. For her marriage see Wisconsin Historical Collections xviii, p. 485.[↩]
  9. One of the two sisters married July 24, 1764; see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, pp. 486, 487.[↩]
  10. For this person see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 8, note 14.[↩]
  11. For the marriage of these two persons see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 474, In the names and ages of the children the two entries do not agree.[↩]
  12. Possibly the person for whom Baraboo River in Sauk County, Wisconsin, was named.[↩]
  13. Note on original MS.: “This entry is badly put down in the register because I was interrupted while writing.”[↩]
  14. She was the eldest daughter of Nicolas Antoine Coulon, Sieur de Villiers, killed at Green Bay in 1733. Her first husband was François Duplessis-Fabert, the cadet killed with her father (see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xvii, p. 189). In 1837 she married Claude Marin, Sieur de la Perrière, brother of Capt. Paul Marin, commandant in Wisconsin. Her third husband was Joseph Damours, whom she married in 1754 at Quebec.[↩]
  15. Coulange signed here by mistake, instead of after the second succeeding entry. This having been noticed, he signed again In the proper place.[↩]
  16. For her marriage see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 475.[↩]
  17. This officer’s career is noted in Wisconsin Historical Collections, xvii, pp. 165, 166.[↩]
  18. A note on this officer is given in Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, pp. 35, 36.[↩]
  19. This child was married May 4, 1764; Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 486.[↩]
  20. For the marriage of these persons, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 476.[↩]
  21. Jean Baptiste Godefroy, member of the younger branch of the same family as the Sieurs de Linctot. He was born in 1723, made second ensign in 1748, first ensign in 1751, and lieutenant in 1757. During the French and Indian War he served on the Ohio in 1756, and the following year accompanied Rigaud’s detachment to the reinforcement of Crown Point. He was present at the siege of Montreal in 1760, and went to France with the returning troops. In 1763 he received a passport to return to Canada, where he appears to have died before 1767.[↩]

Baptism Records,

Translation from a copy of the original in possession of the parish church of Ste. Anne at Mackinac.

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