MacDonald McDonald Family Records

Last Updated on May 1, 2021 by Dennis


O217 …. MCDONALD: of Ireland; descended from a Scotch family of Protestant faith who emigrated to Ireland during the Persecution.

(1) Robert: b. in Ireland, either in County Down or Tyrone; went to America about 1830; went South to St. Louis, Missouri; stood with Confederacy and was captain of a battery of a artillery during Civil War; m. Rebecca Miller, dau. of Thomas N. Miller, one of the builders of Pittsburgh and its iron industries.

(A) W. T.: b. 1852, in Allegheny, Pa.; m. Mary Swain, 1874, in Texas; minister of the M. E. Church, South; 31 years in active service, 18 of which were spent as chaplain of the State Penitentiary in Huntsville, Texas; served 4years as Representative in Texas Legislature; father of three sons. Add.: 5515 Pershing Ave., St. Louis, Missouri.

(a) G. N.: only surviving son.

(B) Robert Alex: m. Nannie Miller; had 7 children, 4 now living. Add.: Smithville, Texas.
(2) John: a contractor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Macdonald, McDonald,



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