Prominent American MacDonalds of Today
ALEXANDER MacDONALD: conservation commr.; b. Nova Scotia, Can., 1867; s. Alexander; dep. conservation commr. of N. Y., 1916-22; conservation commr. since 1922. Add.: Albany, N. Y.
ANNA ADDAMS: librarian; b. Scottsville, Va., 1871; d. Abraham Addams; in charge traveling free libraries Commn., Pa., 1908; war library work for A.L.A., at Gettysburg, Pa., and in France, 1918-19. Add.: Harrisburg, Pa.
ARTHUR: anthropologist; b. Caledonia, N. Y., 1856; s. Angus; author of Study of the U. S. Senate”; “Scientific Political Training of President Coolidge”; etc. Add.: Washington, D. C.
CARLOS FREDERICK: psychiatrist; b. Niles, O., 1845; s. John; called to Buffalo by Erie Co. Bar Assn. to determine mental condition of Czolgosz, assassin of President McKinley; med. Counsel to Dist. Atty. Jerome in the trial of Harry K. Thaw, 1907. Add.: New York.
CHARLES: civil engr.
CHARLES BLAIR: stockbroker; b., Niagara Falls, 1855 e. s. of Godfrey; educ., Univ. of St. Andrew’s, Scotland. Add.: Southampton, Long Island.
DUNCAN BLACK: theol. prof; b. Glasgow, Scotland, 1863; s. Thomas; head of Mohammedan dept., Kennedy Sch. of Missions, Hartford, 1911-25. Add.: Hartford, Conn.
K GEORGE ALEXANDER: lawyer, capitalist; b. New York, 1869; s. Alexander Forties; apptd. by Supreme Court of Can. to take testimony in New York; Campaign speaker for Rep. party since 1896. Add.: New York.
J. CARLISLE: journalist; b. N. Y. City, 1894; s. John James; corr. New York Herald and 30 associated papers during entire Peace Conf., accompanied Pres. Wilson on a European tour. Add.: Paris, France.
JAMES ALLAN: capitalist.
JESSE JUAN: mining engr.
JOHN BACON: army officer; b. Athens, Ala., Feb. 8, 1859; d. 1926; H General, U. S. M. A., 1881; Brig.-Gen., U. S. A., 1823; Brig.-Gen. 181st Brigade, 91st Div. A. E. F.; awarded D. S. C., D. S. M., Croix de Guerre with Palm (France), Croix de Guerre (Belgium), ItalianWar Cross; officer of Legion d’Honneur, etc. For his pedigree see Chapter (G), page 35.
PIRIE: photographer; b. Chicago, 1867; s. Dr. George; has been awarded Gramer grand prize cup; 7 gold, and 2 silver medals by Photographers’ Assn. of America. Add.: New York.
ROBERT: clergyman.
STEWART LINCOLN: mathematician; b. Boscoe, O., 1873; s. James William; E mem. of various learned societies incl. Am. Math. Assn. and Am. Assn. Univ. Profs. Add.: Ft. Collins, Colo.
THOMAS HARRIS: engineer; b. Leadville, Colo., 1881; s. John; was largely instrumental in building up in Ia. one of the best highway systems in the U. S. Add.: Washington, D. C.
WILLIAM: author, journalist; b. Providence, R. I., 1863; s. Rev. William; author of “History and Government of Maine”; “Larger History of the U. S.” etc. Add.: New York.
WILLIAM J.: congressman.
WILLIAM TOWNLEY: mining and metal engr.; b. Red Willow Co., Neb., s. of Samuel Franklin; asst. supt. and supt. mills, Chino Cooper Co., Hurley, N. M., 1911-1915. Add.: Nacozari, Sonora, Mexico.
This info is wrong. DM and Mary had 9 children. My great great grandfather was one of the children and I have his bible in my basement with the correct names and dates. Also Donald Malcolm was NOT the name he used when he came to America in 1822.