Biographical Sketch of George Collins

George, son of Guy Collins, was born at East Bloomfield, June 20. 1833. He attended the district schools and the academy at Bloomfield. He devoted his attention chiefly to farming. but was also an auctioneer. and traveling salesman for the Walter A. Wood Company of Hoosick Falls, and in 1862-63-64 was in England for the purpose of introducing and selling the agricultural machinery of this concern. In politics he was a Democrat and he served two terms as supervisor of the town of Farmington and for several years was postmaster. He was a member of Victor Lodge, No. 29, Free … Read more

1850 Gazetteer of Wembury England

WEMBURY, a scattered village near the sea cliffs between Plymouth Sound and the mouth of the Yealm, 6 miles S.E. by S. of Plymouth, has in its parish 616 souls and 3670 acres of land, including the hamlets of Knighton and Down Thomas. The manor of Wembury belonged to Plympton Priory till the dissolution, and afterwards passed to various families. In the 16th century it belonged to Sir John Hele, sergeant at law, who built here a magnificent mansion, at the cost of £20,000, and enclosed a park, which had a salt water lake, supplied by the tides. After his … Read more

Biography of George H. Storer

The roster of state officials of Idaho for 1898 embraced the name of George H. Storer as filling the responsible position of treasurer. He is a practical, progressive businessman, of sound judgment and keen executive ability, and upon the basis of a practical business experience he conducted the financial affairs of the state. His history is in many respects remarkable. From an humble position he has risen to one of prominence, and the success which has attended his efforts is the outcome of his own unaided labors. A native of England, he was born on the 17th of February, 1860, … Read more

1850 Gazetteer of Little Hempston England

LITTLE HEMPSTON, a small scattered village, in a valley opening to the Dart, 2 miles N.E. of Totnes ; has in its parish 268 souls, and 1270A. 3R. 17P. of fertile land. The manor, anciently held by the Arundells, belongs to the Duke of Cleveland and the Countess of Sandwich ; but F. Cornish, Esq., and other freeholders have estates here. Gatcomb, a seat which was rebuilt by the late C. Cornish, Esq., was the birth place of Zachary Bogan, a learned divine, who published treatises on the idioms of Homer and Hesiod. The Church (St. John,) is a small … Read more

Biography of William A. Hall

Honored and respected by all, there is no man in northern Idaho who occupies a more enviable position in professional circles than William A. Hall, who for many years has devoted his energies to the practice of law and to the spread of the gospel among his fellow men. Born in England, February 15, 1847, he was five years of age when brought to America by his parents, William and Lucy (Atkinson) Hall, who crossed the Atlantic with their six children and became residents of Walworth county, Wisconsin. There the father engaged in farming up to the time of his … Read more

Biography of Benjamin F. Hastings

It has been the discovery of the rich mineral deposits of the northwest that has led to the development of this section of the country, and among those who have been prominent in promoting the mining interests of Idaho is Benjamin F. Hastings, late mining inspector of the state. An excellent judge of the value of ore, and a man of unimpeachable integrity, he was well qualified for the position which he so acceptably filled, and all concerned commended him for the straightforward, prompt and reliable manner in which he discharged his duties. A native of Mississippi, Mr. Hastings was … Read more

Biography of William Ernest Barker, M. D.

William Ernest Barker, M. D. Prominent among the medical men of Southeastern Kansas is Dr. William Ernest Barker, who since 1881 has been engaged in practice at Chanute. During this long period of devotion to his profession he has built up a large and representative professional business, and is justly regarded in medical circles and by the general public as a thoroughly learned, skilled and reliable physician and surgeon. Doctor Barker is a native of Birmingham, England, and a son of William and Martha (Timmins) Barker. William Barker was born in England, served in the regular army during his youth, … Read more

Hunt Family Genealogy

Lee Hunt

Hunt Family Genealogy: A book, written by Henry Seaver, which provides a quick study into the genealogies of the Hunt Family – English and American. Reliable authorities have the following to say in regard to the origin and meaning of the name “Hunt”: “Huntsman. As Hunter the name of the office remains, a surname; shortened also to Hunt. Hunt-`to pursue,’ and is applied to the sports of the chase-to follow game. Old Norse-Hundi (a dog), Norman French-le Huant, German-Hund, Hundt, Dutch-Hunt, Welsh-Hund, Hunti. It may not be known to all our “Hunts” that theirs, the shorter form, was the most familiar term in use; hence the number that at present exist. We are told in the `Knight’s Tale’ of the-`Hunte and horne, and houndes him beside’; while but a little further on he speaks of-`The hunte ystrangled with the wilde heres.’ “

Lewis C. Baker Family

American Bakers of Royal Descent Lewis C. Baker Family ROBERT BRUCE, KING OF SCOTLAND, father of: PRINCESS MARY: m. Walter, Lord High Steward. Their son was: ROBERT II, KING OF SCOTLAND; had, by his first wife: PRINCESS CATHERINE: m. David, Earl of Crawford. LADY ELIZABETH LINDSAY: m. Sir William Douglas. SIR HENRY DOUGLAS: of Lochlevan; m. Eliz. Erskine. ROBERT DOUGLAS: m. Elizabeth Boswell. SIR ROBERT DOUGLAS: m. Margaret Balfour. THOMAS DOUGLAS: m. Elizabeth Boyd. ELIZABETH DOUGLAS: m. Alexander Alexander. ANDREW ALEXANDER: of Menstrie, eldest son. JOHN ALEXANDER: of Gogar, 2nd son. ALEXANDER ALEXANDER: of Mill-Nab. DAVID ALEXANDER: of Muthill, 2nd … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Carpenter

(IX) William (3), son of William (2) Carpenter, was born in England in 1576. He was a carpenter by trade, and lived in London. He came to America in 1638, in the ship “Bevis,” with his son William, son’s wife Abigail and their children. He returned to England on the return voyage. It appears that all the family were Dissenters, and obliged to leave London. Child, William, mentioned elsewhere.

Biography of Matthew H. Truscott

The leading merchant and efficient postmaster of Mount Idaho, Matthew H. Truscott, has been a resident of this state since 1865, and has therefore been a witness of the greater part of its growth and development, has seen its wild land reclaimed for purposes of cultivation, its rich mineral storehouses give forth their treasures, and the forests yield their trees to be converted into the homes of white men, who thus replaced the tents of the Indians. He was a young man of only twenty years when he arrived in the territory, his birth having occurred in England, March 20, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas William Hill

Hill, Thomas William; banker; born, England, May 30, 1847; son of Thomas R. and Mary Alice Hunt Hill; public school education; married, Detroit, Mich., July 15, 1870, Harriette C. De La. Hooke; one son, Harold H.; came to America with parents in 1850; located at Flint, Mich.; enlisted, September 1863, with the Michigan Cavalry (Custer Brigade), (Sheridan’s Cavalry Corps); served until the close of the war; with the W. U. Telephone Co. at Toledo until 1869; with the same company at Detroit, as bookkeeper and cashier, 1869-1885; transferred to Cleveland, as mgr. of their Cleveland office, 1885-1892; elected cashier Cleveland … Read more

1850 Gazetteer of Buckfast Abbey England

BUCKFAST ABBEY, in the Dart valley, about a mile north of Buckfastleigh, was founded by Ethelwerd, son of Wm. de Pomeroy, in 1137, for monks of the Cistercian order, and was richly endowed by him and subsequent benefactors. Its clear yearly income was valued at the dissolution at no less than £466. 11s. 2¾d. The site of the abbey was granted to Sir Thomas Dennis, and the manor of Buckfast was afterwards held by the Bakers and Doyleys, but was sold in parcels many years ago. The abbey ruins were extensive, but they were mostly taken down about 1806, except … Read more

1850 Gazetteer of East Allington England

ALLINGTON, (EAST) a pleasant scattered village, four miles N.E. by E. of Kingsbridge, has in its parish 729 souls, and 3500 acres of land, generally having a light fertile soil, and including Combe, Harleston, Yetson, and other scattered farms. W. B. Fortescue, Esq., owns nearly half the parish, and is lord of the manor, and has a handsome seat here, called FALLAPIT HOUSE, where his family has been seated for many generations. The present house is a large and handsome mansion, in the Elizabethan style, erected about 35 years ago, near the old one, an ivy mantled portion of which … Read more

1850 Gazetteer of Bickleigh England

BICKLEIGH is a small village on the western side of the river Plym, in the picturesque vale to which it gives name, six miles N. by E. of Plymouth. Its parish contains 469 souls, and 2980 acres of land, including the village of Jump, and many scattered houses. Bickleigh Vale is much reorted to by anglers and the lovers of woodland scenery, who find excellent entertainment at Maristow Inn. The Plymouth and Devonport leats, and Dartmoor Railway, cross this parish; and at Jump are two annual fairs, on the third Wednesdays in April and September. The manor was long held … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Tarlton C. Miles

Tarlton C. Miles, Charleston, is a native of Franklin Co., Ky.; he was born near Frankfort, on the 18t of May, 1825; he is a son of Dr. James I. Miles, a physician of that county; his early life was spent in the subscription schools in his neighborhood; in 1845, he came to Coles Co. He was married Oct. 3, 1848, to Miss Sophia 0. Van Deren, a daughter of Joseph Van Deren, of Coles Co.; she was born in Cynthiana, Harrison Co., Ky., Jan. 18, 1829, and came to Illinois with her parents in 1835; they have six children … Read more

1850 Gazetteer of Diptford England

DIPTFORD, a small village, on rising ground, in the vale of the river Avon, 5½ miles W.S.W. of Totnes, has in its parish 755 souls, and 4144A. 3R. 15P. of land, including many scattered farm-houses, and lying in several manors. The Rev. W.C. Johnson is lord of the manor of Diptford, formerly held by the Boteler, Courtenay, Fitzcourt, Mules, Sture, and Taylor families. The heiress of the latter married the present owner. The manor of Bendley and the barton of Stert belong to Mr. Henry Weeks, and were long the property and seat of the Heles. Diptford Court is the … Read more

1850 Gazetteer of East Portlemouth England

PORTLEMOUTH, (EAST) a small village, five miles S. of Kingsbridge, is picturesquely seated on an eminence on the east side of Salcombe haven, near its confluence with the sea. Its parish contains 429 souls, and 1973 acres of land, including Rickham and Holset hamlets, and bounded on the south by the lofty cliffs, extending to Prawle Point. An entrenchment on the hill is supposed to have been used in assaulting Salcombe Castle, on the opposite side of the estuary. The Duke of Cleveland is lord of the manor of Portlemouth, but that of West Prawle belongs to Blundell’s School at … Read more

Prominent British Bakers of Today

ALFRED BAKER: M.A., LL.D.; Prof. of Math.; b. Toronto; educ., Univ. of Toronto; mem. of var. committees, including Senate of Univ. of Toronto. Add.: Muskoka. PROF. ALFRED THOMAS: Litt. D.; Ph.D.; F.R.S.L.; Prof. of French and Lt.; b. 1873, s. of late Rev. Thomas; educ., Univ. of Heidelberg. Publications: Sur Robert de Blois. Add.: London. COMMANDER ARTHUR BANNATYNE: D.S.O., 1918, R.N.; y. s. of Major Richard; commanded (B.M.S.) Cyclamen in Persian Gulf, 1924. Club: United Service. BRIG.-GEN. ARTHUR SLADE: C.M.G. 1915; b. 1863; served in S. Africa, 1900-01. Club: Junior Constitutional. Add.: Peans Wood, Sussex. LT.-COL. BERNARD GRANVILLE: D.S.O. 1918, … Read more

1850 Gazetteer of Stoke Fleming England

STOKE FLEMING is a pleasant modernised village, on a commanding acclivity, rising from the northern coast of Start Bay, 2½ miles S.S.W. of Dartmouth. Its parish contains 736 souls, and 3332 acres of land, mostly having a light fertile soil, resting on dunstone and slate. It includes the small hamlets of Ash, Buckford, Blackpool, and Emeridge, and several neat mansions, but Stoke House is now unoccupied. Sir H. P. Seale, Bt., is lord of the manor. Robt. Leach and John and H. N. Netherton have estates here, and Sir R. L. Newman and several smaller freeholders own part of the … Read more