Prominent American McDonalds of Today
ANGUS DANIEL: railway official; b. Oakland, Calif., 1878; became v. p. and controller, Southern Pacific R. R. Co.; now v.-churn., exec. committee. Add.: New York.
ARCHIBALD ARNOTT: educator; b. Hartley, Ia., 1876; s. Archibald; supt. schs., Sioux Falls, since 1907. Add.: Sioux Falls, S. D.
ARCHIBALD LEETE: M.D., surgeon; b. Grand Forks, N. D., 1879; s. Donald; organized dept. A anatomy and physiology, med. dept. U. of N. D. Add.: Duluth, Minn.
CHARLES HENRY: lawyer; b. Manchester, Wis., 1872; s. Daniel; chmn. of’ law and joint bds. of Review of Federal Trade Commn. Add.: Wittenberg, Wis.
CHARLES SANFORD: b. Cromwell, Ia., 1879; s. Charles Walker; mem. of . numerous learned societies; S. Dak. Ho. of Rep., 1923-25 (speaker of House1925). Add.: Sioux Falls, S. Dak.
ETTA AUSTIN BLAISDELL: author; b. Manchester, N. H., 1872; d. Clark. Author of many books, incl. “Kathleen In Ireland”; “Child Life in Tale and Fable, etc. Add.: West Medford, Mass.
HOWARD: educator; b. Duncan Falls, O., 1876; s. Emesiah; prof. Greek and Latin, Knoxville Coll., 1902-03. Add.: Fairfield, Ia.
HUNTER: civil engr., b. Winchester, Va., 1860; s. Angus W.; chief engr., Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Ry., since 1892. Add.: Nashville, Tenn.
JAMES GROVER: chairman Foreign Policy Assn.; b. Coldwater, O., 1886; s. Kenneth; mem. of numerous societies incl. Federal Council Chs. of Christ in America. Add.: New York.
JAMES RICHARD: editor; b. Brunswick, Me., 1867; s. Thomas; editor and ednl. mgr., Little, Brown & Co. (estab. schoolbook bus.). Add.: West Medford, Mass.
JESSE FULLER: ex-governor; b. Ashtabula, O., 1858; s. Lyman; elected State Senate, 1902; elected It.-gov. of Colo., 1904; and presided over Senate and joint sessions of 15th Gen. Assembly; gov. of Colo., 1905-06. Add.: Leadville, Colo.
JESSIE CLAIRE: educator; b. Indianapolis, Minn.; d. Ezekiel; Prin. National Cathedral School, Washington, D. C., 1913. Add.: Washington, D. C.
JOHN BACON: army officer; 1859-1926.
JOHN DANIEL: naval officer; b. Machias, Me., 1863; served on Montery, Spanish-Am. War, 1898; apptd. commandant Navy Yard, N. Y., 1918. Add.: Washington, D. C.
JOHN JOSEPH: lawyer; b. Boston, Mass., 1889; s. David; asst. counsel for U. S. in Am. and British Claims Arbitration, 1922-24; asso. counsel 192325. Add.: Washington, D. C.
MORRIS: railway official; b. New Albany, Ind., 1865; pres. Me. Central R. R., since 1914; also prs. Portland Terminal Co. Add.: Portland, Me.
ROBERT ALEXANDER: educator; b. Winnipeg, Man., 1878; s. Rev. Alexander; mem. of numerous learned societies, incl. Nat. Soc. Study of Edn. and Nat. Conf. on Ednl. Method. Add.: Lewiston, Me.