Ancestors of Charles W. Milliken of Barnstable, MA

Last Updated on February 4, 2016 by Dennis

CHARLES WARREN MILLIKEN, M. D., of Barnstable, Barnstable Co., Mass., engaged as a general practitioner of medicine, has high professional and social connections which have brought him a wide acquaintance. The Millikens, though not one of the oldest Colonial families, have become allied with the posterity of the most distinguished early settlers, and the Doctor traces his line back to many whose names are suggestive of the interesting and important events of the ancient history of this region. There follows in chronological order from the first known American ancestor the genealogical and family history of his branch of the Milliken family.

Hugh Mulliken or Milliken (the former orthography being found in the early church records of Boston, where three families of the name appear contemporaneously) appears in Boston toward the close of the seventeenth century. His name is found in the membership of the Scots Charitable Society of Boston in 1686 and with reason it has been assumed that he was a Scotchman. The Christian name of his wife was Eleanor or Ellison.

John Milliken, of Boston, reputed son of Hugh, was probably born in Scotland, as no record of his birth is found in New England. He married Elizabeth Alger, born in 1669, daughter of John and Mary (Wilmot) Alger, of Boston. John Milliken and his wife lived many years in Boston, where he was a prominent member of the Scots Charitable Society, 1685-1717. He is styled in old records house carpenter. After the death of his father-in-law, John Alger, he possessed in his wife’s right an extensive land estate at what is now Scarboro, Maine, and finally settled there. In 1720 he and his son John were present at the reorganization of the town government, when he was chosen one of the selectmen. He carried on extensive farming operations. He died in 1749. His widow died Feb. 7, 1754, aged eighty-five. Their children, all born in Boston, were:

  1. John, born Dec. 27, 1691
  2. Thomas, born April 27, 1693
  3. James, born Sept. 4, 1694
  4. Joseph, born Nov. 25, 1696
  5. Benjamin, born April 1, 1699
  6. Samuel, born Sept. 21, 1701
  7. Joseph, baptized Feb. 20, 1704
  8. Edward, baptized July 6, 1706
  9. Nathaniel, baptized April 24, 1709
  10. Elizabeth, born Dec. 16, 1711

Edward Milliken, son of John, baptized July 6, 1706, at the Brattle Street Church in Boston, married Abigail Norman, probably granddaughter of John Mulberry, of Boston. He settled in Scarboro in 1729; was admitted to the First Church there Oct. 31, 1736. He was appointed a judge of the Inferior court in 1760, and was widely known as “Justice Milliken,” continuing in that office until 1771. He had the reputation of being a man of sound judgment and sterling integrity, a useful citizen and public-spirited townsman. He was a grantee of Trenton, on Union river, and acted a prominent part in its settlement. The children of Edward and Abigail were:

  1. Benjamin, baptized Feb. 1, 1727, in Boston
  2. Benjamin (2), baptized Aug. 5, 1728, and again in Scarboro, May 29, 1729
  3. Joseph, baptized May 29, 1732, in Scarboro
  4. Abigail, born May 29, 1731
  5. William, baptized May 10, 1734, in Scarboro
  6. Daniel, baptized March 10, 1734
  7. Edward, born March 10 (or 5), 1733-34, in Scarboro
  8. Susanna, born Sept. 30, 1736, in Scarboro
  9. John M., born June 7, 1739, in Scarboro
  10. Rebecca, born Nov. 14, 1741
  11. Rachel, born June 16, 1744
  12. Lemuel, born in 1745
  13. Samuel, born Feb. 14, 1746
  14. Jeremiah, born Nov. 6, 1751

Edward Milliken (2), son of Edward, born March 5 (or 10), 1733-34, in Scarboro, married May 23, 1754, Elizabeth Harmon, of that town. He was one of the grantees of Trenton, Maine, in 1763. He lived on the homestead in Scarboro until 1805, when he removed to Buxton and lived until the time of his death with his son Nathaniel. He died about 1812. His children, all born in Scarboro, were:

  1. Nathaniel, born Nov. 26, 1755
  2. Rebecca, born Oct. 10, 1757
  3. Hannah, born May’ 10, 1760
  4. Jerusha, born June 15, 1762
  5. Edward, born Sept. 15, 1764
  6. Abigail, born Nov. 4, 1768
  7. Abigail (2), born March 26, 1771
  8. Anna, born Nov. 19, 1773
  9. Joseph, born Feb. 6, 1776
  10. Dorcas, born Nov. 3, 1778

Joseph Milliken, son of Edward (2), born Feb. 6, 1776, in Scarboro, Maine, married Nov. 23, 1800, Mary Belcher Tarbox, born Oct. 16, 1777. After marriage he moved with his wife and two children to Farmington, Maine, making the journey, which occupied nearly a week, in the winter of 1805. In 1807 he purchased land upon which he settled and brought up his family of nine children, giving all the advantages of an education. His eight sons were trained in agricultural pursuits, which, however, they abandoned, choosing professional and mechanical vocations, which were more congenial to their tastes. The family, one of great vitality, remained unbroken during the lifetime of the parents, who died, Mr. Milliken Aug. 7, 1850, and Mrs. Milliken May 31, 1848. Their children were:

  1. Zachariah T., born Aug. 21, 1801
  2. Mehetabel C, July 29, 1803
  3. Ebenezer C., March 14, 1805 (all in Scarboro, Maine)
  4. Joseph, Feb. 26, 1807
  5. Elias T., April 10, 1809
  6. Jonathan S., March 21, 1811
  7. John J., May 23, 1813
  8. Edward, April 1, 1815
  9. Loren J., Feb. 7, 1820 (all in Farmington, Maine)

Edward Milliken (3), son of Joseph, born April 1, 1815, in Farmington, Maine, married Nov. 27, 1837, at Winthrop, Maine, Lucia A., born Sept. 10, 1812, daughter of Jabez Bacon, of that town. He was reared on his father’s farm, attending the public schools, and learned the blacksmith’s trade. In 1835 he removed to Winthrop, Maine, where he followed the business of smithing; removed in 1837 to Windsor, in that same State, remaining until 1846. At Windsor he carried on a store in addition to his smith work. He studied law, became a trial justice, and lived in Maiden, Mass., from 1846 to 1849, doing business there as a wholesale grocer. He removed thence to New Bedford, where, with his brothers, Dr. E. C. and E. T. Milliken, he engaged in the oil refining business on Bay street, the firm later removing to North Water street, near High. About the beginning of the Civil war Mr. Milliken, associated with his son Lewis E. Milliken, engaged in the grocery business, their location being at the corner of Purchase and Hillman streets. He retired from the firm and active business in 1880.

In 1855 and 1856 Mr. Milliken was representative from his district – the Fifth Bristol – in the lower house of the Massachusetts Assembly. He was a member of the common council of New Bedford in 1854 and 1859, and an alderman in 1855; and for many years he was an active member and officer of the Pleasant Street M. E. Church. Mr. Milliken died Oct. 22, 1896, at his home on Pleasant street, New Bedford, Massachusetts.

The children born to Edward and Lucia A. (Bacon) Milliken were:

  1. Albert Fairchild, born April 6, 1839, in Windsor, Maine, was killed June 26, 1862, at the battle of Gaines’s Mill.
  2. Edward Russell, born July 23, 1841, in Windsor, Maine, married Oct. 25, 1866, Harriet J. Chase, and died Aug. 4, 1892, leaving children
    1. Lucy C.
    2. Edward N.
  3. Eben Coolbroth, born Aug. 6, 1843, in Windsor, Maine, married Sept. 15, 1869, Ellen M. Darling, and had children, Albert D. and William B.; he served three years as State senator from the New Bedford district.
  4. Lewis Elmer was born June 3, 1846.
  5. Charles Edwin was born Jan. 3, 1848, and was killed in the action at Mobile Bay in August, 1864.
  6. Frank Albion, born March 18, 1854, in New Bedford, Mass., studied law and was admitted to the bar Jan. 3, 1876; was admitted to practice in the United States courts June 14, 1882, and was appointed special justice of the Third District court of Bristol county in 1878 by Gov. Alexander H. Bice. He married Jan. 29, 1879, Mary C. Allen, and their only child is
    1. Allen W., born May 11, 1881

Lewis Elmer Milliken, son of Edward (3), was born June 3, 1846, in Windsor, Maine. About the beginning of the Civil war, associated with his father, he engaged in the grocery business at New Bedford, at the corner of Purchase and Willis streets, removing later to the corner of Purchase and Hillman streets. He is now engaged in that business, being the senior member of the firm of L. E. Milliken & Co. Like his father and several of his brothers, he served as a member of the common council of New Bedford several times. Mr. Milliken married Sept. 7, 1870, Rebecca Bennett Morse, and they had children as follows:

  1. Edith E., born July 6, 1871
  2. Charles W., born Feb. 3, 1873
  3. Frederick L., born March 1, 1876

Charles W. Milliken was born Feb. 3, 1873, at New Bedford. He graduated from the New Bedford high school in 1891, and entered the medical department of the University of the City of New York in the fall of 1892, graduating in 1895. For a time he was connected with the medical staff of the House of Relief, a surgical hospital on Hudson street, New York City, but soon located for practice in New Bedford, Mass., remaining there three years. Thence he came to Barnstable, where he has ever since followed his profession, devoting himself to general medical practice and to advancing the profession generally. He is well known in its various organizations, being president of the Barnstable district of the Massachusetts State Medical Society for 1911 and 1912, a member of the Massachusetts Medico-Legal Society, medical examiner for the second district of the county of Barnstable, a United States pension examiner, and medical examiner for several large insurance companies. He is a Mason, belonging to Fraternal Lodge, A. F. & A. M., of Hyannis. The Doctor is entitled to membership in the sons of the American Revolution, his sister, Mrs. Edith Edward (Milliken) Pickins, of Ottawa, IL., being a member of the D. A. E. They are also entitled to membership in the Society of Mayflower Descendants.

On Dec. 28, 1893, Dr. Milliken married Agnes E. Braley, of New Bedford, and they have four children:

  1. Ralph Emerson
  2. Dorothy Bacon
  3. Lucia Braley
  4. Frances Adelaide

The Doctor and his wife are members of the Baptist Church.

Jerome Bonaparte Braley, grandfather of Mrs. Charles W. Milliken, married Hannah B. Tobey, daughter of William (2) and Euamy (Sherman) Tobey, who resided on their homestead at Tobey’s Pond, now called Sassaquin Lake.

Ceorge F. Braley, one of the deceased children of Jerome Bonaparte and Hannah B. (Tobey) Braley, was born just outside the city of New Bedford. He became a sailor, and at the time he was lost at sea was mate of the bark “Vigilant,” which was sent out by the United States government to look for the bark “Jenette,” lost on a government exploring expedition to the north pole. The last heard from Mr. Braley was that they were frozen in the polar ice, and communications were received from him occasionally for a year, but he never returned. He married H. Minerva Reynolds, who survived him with four children:

  1. Eugene F., who was head nurse for seven years at St. Luke’s hospital in New Bedford, married Eunice Westgate, and they had one son
    1. Frederick
  2. Harriet (deceased) married Elmer Leslie (they had no children)
  3. Agnes Estella married Dr. Charles Warren Milliken
  4. Adelaide Boutelle (deceased) married Louis F. De Moranville, and had two children
    1. Minerva
    2. Marjorie

Dr. Milliken is descended from John Alden, born in 1599, died in September, 1686, who was married in Plymouth to Priscilla Mullins and lived in Duxbury. They had eleven children.

Elizabeth Alden, born in Plymouth, son of John and Priscilla, married William Paybody, of Duxbury, son of John and Isabel. She died in her ninety-third year, May 31, 1717, at Little Compton, R. I., where a monument, suitably inscribed, has been erected to her memory. William and Elizabeth (Alden) Paybody had thirteen children.

Dr. Milliken is also descended from Henry and Agnes Sherman, of Dedham, County of Essex, England, through the following:

  1. Henry and Agnes Sherman.
  2. Henry and Susan (Hills) Sherman.
  3. Samuel and Phillipa or Phillis Sherman.
  4. Phillip Sherman, born in Dedham, England, Feb. 5, 1610, married Sarah Odding, daughter of Mrs. John Porter by a former husband.
  5. Hannah Sherman married William Chase, son of William Chase and grandson of William and Mary Chase.
  6. Isaac Chase married Elizabeth, daughter of John and Jane (Marks) Blethen.
  7. Waitt Chase married Francis Tripp, son of James and Elizabeth (Cudworth) Tripp, grandson of John and Mary (Paine) Tripp, and great-grandson of Anthony Paine.
  8. Waitt Tripp married Thomas Wood, son of Hervey and Content (Thurston) Wood, grandson of Edward and Elizabeth (Mott) Thurston, and great-grandson of Adam and Sarah (Lott) Mott.
  9. Rachel Wood married Jonathan Potter, a descendant through Jonathan, Ichabod and Nathaniel, of Nathaniel, who came to this country from England in 1639. Jonathan Potter, father of the above Jonathan, married Rebecca Southworth, daughter of Thomas and Patience (Thurston) Southworth, granddaughter of William and Rebecca (Paybody) Southworth, and great-granddaughter of Constant Southworth, who married Elizabeth, daughter of William Collier, Rebecca Paybody, who married William Southworth, was the daughter of William Paybody, who married Elizabeth (Betty) Alden, daughter of John and Priscilla (Mullens) Alden.
  10. Phebe Potter married Seth Terry, son of Thomas and Sarah (Winslow) Terry, and grandson of Benjamin and Joanna (Pope) Terry.
  11. Caroline Terry married Edward Morse.
  12. Rebecca Bennett Morse married Lewis Elmer Milliken.
  13. Charles Warren Milliken.

Dr. Milliken is a descendant in the eleventh generation from Alexander Carpenter, the line being as follows:

  1. Alexander Carpenter
  2. Juliana Carpenter married George Morton
  3. Patience Morton married John Faunce
  4. Thomas Faunce married Jane Nelson, daughter of William and Martha (Ford) Nelson
  5. John and Abigail Faunce
  6. Jane Faunce married Joshua Swift, a descendant in the fifth generation from (I) William and Joan Swift, his line being through William and Ruth Swift, William and Elizabeth Swift and Joseph and Mercy Swift
  7. Joanna Swift married Malatiah Morse, who was born in 1765 and died March 8, 1842
  8. Joshua Morse married Parnel (Mason) Smith, a widow
  9. Edward Morse married J Caroline Terry
  10. Rebecca Bennett Morse married Lewis Elmer Milliken
  11. Charles Warren Milliken

Through Malatiah Morse, who married Joanna Swift, the Doctor traces his line back to Anthony Morse, through

  1. Joseph and Mary Morse
  2. Joshua and Elizabeth (Doty) Morse
  3. Edward and Margaret (White) Morse
  4. Joshua and Mary (Goodenough) Morse, the parents of Malatiah

Elizabeth Doty, wife of (III) Joshua Morse, was a daughter of John and Elizabeth (Cook) Doty and granddaughter of Jacob and Demarist (Hopkins) Cook and Edward and Faith (Clark) Doty.

  1. John Jenne, another early ancestor, married Sarah Carey.
  2. Sarah Jenne married Thomas Pope.
  3. Seth Pope married Deborah.
  4. John Pope married Elizabeth Bourne, daughter of Elisha and Patience (Skiff) Bourne, the latter the daughter of James Skiff, Esq. Elisha Bourne was the son of Richard and Bathsheba (Hallet) Bourne.
  5. Sarah Pope married Zaccheus Tobey, son of Samuel and Abiah (Fish) Tobey, grandson of Thomas and Martha (Knott) Tobey and great-grandson of George and Martha Knott.
  6. John Tobey married Mary Bennett, daughter of William and Desire (Manchester) Bennett, granddaughter of Robert and Amey Bennett, great-granddaughter of Robert and Anne (Cory) Bennett, great-great-granddaughter of William and Mary (Earle) Corey, and great-great-great-granddaughter of Ralph and Joan (Savage) Earle.
  7. Thankful Tobey married Capt. Reuben Mason, who was born in 1756-57 and died Nov. 2, 1806, in his fiftieth year. He was a descendant of Sampson and Mary (Butterworth) Mason through Isaac and Hannah Mason, Hezekiah and Rebecca (Martin) Mason and Hezekiah (2) and Parnel (West) Mason. Rebecca (Martin), wife of Hezekiah Mason, was a daughter of Melatiah and Deborah (Brooks) Martin, granddaughter of John and Johanna (Esten) Martin and great-grand-daughter of Richard Martin.
  8. Parnel Mason married Joshua Morse.
  9. Edward Morse.
  10. Rebecca Bennett Morse married Lewis Elmer Milliken.
  11. Charles Warren Milliken.

  1. Dr. Joseph Bacon, from whom Dr. Milliken descends through his grandmother, Lucia Ann (Bacon) Milliken, practiced medicine in Attleboro or Ipswich. He married Anna Carpenter, and they had two children:
    1. Jabez
    2. Joseph. Joseph went to Savannah, Ga,, where he married and had children:
      1. Edward Jabez
      2. George Eben
      3. Mary (who married a Prescott)
      4. Annie (who married a Tisdell)
  2. Jabez Bacon, son of Dr. Joseph, married Sally Kimbal, and they had five children:
    1. Lucia Ann
    2. Lucinda
    3. Clarissa
    4. Ann
    5. Abbie

Of these Lucia Ann married Edward Milliken, grandfather of Dr. Charles Warren Milliken.

Civil War,

Representative Men and Old Families of Southeastern Massachusetts: containing historical sketches of prominent and representative citizens and genealogical records of many of the old families. 3 Volumes. Beers & Chicago. 1912.

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