Biography of Major Theodore J. Eckerson

MAJOR THEODORE J. ECKERSON. – Major Eckerson, so long and favorably known among the old pioneers of our coast, enjoys also a like enviable reputation in military circles. He was born January 22, 1821, in New York City, and on December 20, 1838, in his eighteenth year, entered the United States army. He served throughout the Seminole Indian war, 1840-42, and in the Mexican war from its commencement to its close. He was a member of the storming parties in the battles of Cerro Gordo and Churubusco. He came to Oregon with the first troops sent after the settlement with … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Wilfred S. Pollock

Pollock, Wilfred S.; dept. mgr. Weideman Co.; born, New York City, Sept. 3, 1863; son of Joseph and Sarah Beardsley Pollock; educated in New York schools; married, New York, April 14, 1887, Harriet A. Hotchkiss; issue, one son, Preston Ganson, March 13, 1902; came to Cleveland in 1893, as dept. mgr. with Weideman Co., which position he still holds; director Weideman Co.; member U. S. Geographical Society; member Chamber of Commerce, Sons of American Revolution, Cleveland Athletic, Hermit, and Rotary Clubs. Favorite recreations are Golfing and Farming.

Biographical Sketch of Robert James Frackleton

Frackleton, Robert James; manufacturer; born, Chandlorville, Ill., 1868; educated, Illinois College, Jacksonville, B. S.; married, New York City, 1907, Constance Louise Chandler; en-gaged in banking for six years and manufacturing for eighteen years; pres. The Chandler & Price C.; director Frackleton State Bank; director The Reliance Gauge Column Co.; director The Cleveland Folding Machine Co.; member the Union, University, and East End Tennis Clubs.

Corthell Genealogy of Hingham to South Abington, Massachusetts

Elmer Lawrence Corthell

Of the first generation of the Corthell family in America there are records somewhat contradictory. Robert Corthell appears at Hingham, Mass., at the commencement of the eighteenth century. Nothing earlier of him seems to be known. He married Oct. 13, 1708, Deborah, daughter of Benjamin and Deborah Tower, his wife being born in Hingham in February, 1685. Robert Corthell died March 5, 1737-38, aged fifty-two years.

Biography of Cecil K. Reiff

Cecil K. Reiff, principal of the Central high school at Muskogee, was born in Wabash county, Indiana, October 23, 1888, and is a son of Jacob and Catherine (Baer) Reiff, the former a native of Wurtemberg, Germany, while the latter was born in Ohio. The father was but thirteen years of age when he was brought to America by his parents, the family home being established in Ohio, where he completed his education and afterward took up the occupation of tilling the soil. During the period of the Civil war he served on guard duty near Washington, D. C., and … Read more

Albert Todd of Tarrytown NY

Albert Todd8, (Stephen7, Ira6, Oliver5, Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Nov. 20, 1826, died in New York City April 5, 1887, married June 12, 1861, Mary Hutchings Crane. Albert Todd graduated from Yale College in the class of 1850. For several years he corresponded for the New York Herald and other leading papers. He was a real estate dealer and lived in Tarrytown, N. Y. Children: 2222. Rosalie, b. March 2, 1864, d. Nov. 11, 1864. 2223. Caroline Evelyn, b. July 1, 1866; lived at 48 Grand St., White Plains, N. Y. 2224. Arthur Cleveland, b. Dec. 5, 1869, at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Benn

SAMUEL BENN. – There is a certain keenness amounting almost to prescience which enables a man to locate a successful town. The laws of a city’s development are so peculiar that few are able to make much of the riddle. Nevertheless some seem to know where to locate a townsite, and where to invest in real estate. It is a business instinct. Mr. Benn is one of these persons. He is the founder of Aberdeen. He was born in New York City, and, as a youth, learned the carpenter’s trade. In 1856 he came to San Francisco, and mined and … Read more

Biography of George F. Licht

George F. Licht, ex-mayor of the town of Geneva, Ontario county, New York, at present superintendent and assistant treasurer of the Patent Cereals Company of Geneva, New York, is one of the most prominent men in that section of the country, and has served it in a number of public offices. George F. Licht was born on Long Island, New York, August 18, 1860. He was educated in the Brooklyn and other Long Island schools, and was graduated from the Brooklyn high school. At the age of sixteen years he entered the employ of Tiffany & Company, jewelers, of New … Read more

Genealogy of the Whitney Family of New Bedford, Massachusetts

amasa whitney

The Whitney family of New Bedford, of which the late Amasa Whitney, one of the well known citizens of that place, was a worthy member, is one of the oldest and best known of the early families of America. Its members in every generation here from the Colonial ancestor have been noted for high attainments, vigorous intellect and the qualities which make for influential citizenship. Notable among the descendants of John Whitney, the emigrant ancestor, are Eli Whitney, whose fame as the inventor of the cotton gin and no less in other lines has won a place in the hall of fame; the late William Collins Whitney, lawyer and politician, famous as corporation counsel of New York City and secretary of war, 1885-89; and Henry M. Whitney, of Boston – illustrious names Which have added to the glory of their country as well as to the fame of an honored race.

Biography of Clayton A. Hoover, M. D.

It is a noteworthy fact that, wherever his lot may be cast, the up-to-date physician is a successful man also outside of his profession, and becomes a leader in the affairs of his town. This has been proven true many times, and the career of Dr. Clayton A. Hoover, of Montpelier, Idaho, is another conspicuous testimony to the same effect. Dr. Hoover located at Montpelier in 1882 and is the pioneer regular practicing physician of southeast Idaho. He is a native of Washington, D. C, and was born February 25, 1853, a son of William and Elizabeth (Hough) Hoover. In … Read more

Henry B. Todd of New York NY

Henry B. Todd8, (Walker7, Eli6, Jonah5, Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) married Louisa A.(???). Lived in New York City. Children: 2126. Charles J., b. Oct. 27, 1857; lived in New York City. *2127. Jotham M. K., b. Sept. 17, 1859.

Biographical Sketch of John Henry Lotz

Lotz, John Henry; head worker Alta Social Settlement House; born, Carrollton, O., Dec. 2, 1872; son of Daniel S. and Ella Hill Lotz; educated, Mt. Hemron Boy’s School, 1894; Williams College, 1898; Union Theological Seminary, 1904; post-graduate study, Columbia University; married, Middlebury, Conn., Aug. 17, 1904; May Louise Waters; one son; taught St. Paul’s School, Garden City, L. I., 1898-1901; director Bethany Memorial Boy’s Club, New York City, 1901-1904; since 1904 head of Alta House Settlement; member Grargoyle, Williams College, Chamber of Commerce, and City Club, Cleveland. Recreation: Farming.

Biographical Sketch of Rev. Charles A. Kingsbury

Rev. Charles A. Kingsbury, of Redlands, was born in Newton, Massachusetts, in 1839, the third of a family of five children. His father, Isaac Kingsbury, was a market gardener for a period of fifty years. The subject of this sketch was educated at Williams College, and also graduated at the Union Theological Seminary, in New York City, in 1867. After his graduation he filled two pastorates in the Congregational Church. In 1875 he married Miss Mary Augusta Donaldson, a native of New York City. They have one son: Homer Penfield Donaldson Kingsbury. Mr. Kingsbury came to California in 1889 on … Read more

Biography of Jacob Krohn

Jacob Krohn, Freeport, is the president of the Second National bank of that city, and his careful and conservative management has made it one of the solid institutions of the North-west, for its name and reputation extend far beyond the limits of city or county. Mr. Krohn was born in Pyritz, Pomerania, Prussia, February 22, 1832, exactly one hundred years after the birth of Washington, and received his early education in the schools of his native city. When he was twenty years old he left his Prussian home to found another under more kindly auspices on the soil of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Leslie Van Epps

Van Epps, Leslie; wholesale coal dealer; born, Cleveland, May 9, 1883; son of John L. and Fannie Noakes Van Epps; educated, Central High School and Case School of Applied Science; married, New York City, Sept. 29, 1908, Mabel E. Anderson; two children; supt. “Catherine Colliery,” of the Trevorton Co., of Trevorton, Pa.; sec’y and treas. The Van Epps Coal Co.; member Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity.

Biography of John H. Stephens

John H. Stephens, postmaster of Clifton Springs, New York, was for many years prominently identified with educational matters in various capacities. The family originally came from Germany. His father, William L., who was the son of Abraham Stephens, a native of Germany, was born in Rockland county, New York. He removed to the city of New York, where, for many years he conducted the Westchester Pie Bakery, in West Nineteenth street, which was the foundation of the present American Pie Baking Company. He married Elizabeth Wood. Children: William W.; James 0., deceased; John H., see forward; Margaret; Ella, and Elizabeth. … Read more

Biography of C. A. S. Prosser, M. D.

Dr. C. A. S. Prosser, born in 1864 in Lunenburg, Ontario, was a respected physician in Boise, Idaho. Descended from Loyalist ancestors who settled in Canada during the American Revolution, he pursued medical studies under his brother’s guidance before graduating from Bellevue Hospital Medical College in 1887. After practicing in New York and Iowa, he moved to Boise in 1893 due to health reasons, where he established a successful practice and served as a physician and surgeon at Wesleyan Hospital. He married Clara Raymond in 1889, with whom he had two daughters.

Biographical Sketch of Carl Lorenz

Lorenz, Carl; journalist; born, Stuttgaart, Germany, March 31, 1858; early education in Germany; at the age of 18, went to Switzerland for further study; remained three years; graduated from the University of Geneva, in 1879; taught school in Paris for two and one-half years; taught Languages in London for two years; came to the United States in 1881; engaged in newspaper work in New York City, for two years; in 1883, located in Portsmouth, O.; resumed teaching, and was principal of a German School until 1887; came to Cleveland, and in 1880, became connected with The Waechter and Anzeiger; now … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Rudolph Garfield

Garfield, James Rudolph; ex-Secretary of the Interior; born, Hiram, O., Oct. 17, 1865; son of James Abram (20th President of the U. S.) and Lucretia Rudolph Garfield (q. v.); brother of Harry Augustus G. (q. v.) ; A. B., Williams College, 1885; studied Columbia Law School.; (LL. D., University of Pittsburg, 1909) ; married, Helen Newell, of Chicago, Dee. 30, 1890; admitted to bar, 1888; member Ohio Senate, 1896-1899; member U. S. Civil Service Commission, 1902-1903; commissioner of corporations, U. S. Dept. of Commerce and Labor, 1903-1907; Sec’y of the Interior in cabinet of President Roosevelt, March 4, 1907-March 4, … Read more

Biography of Charles Tracey

CHARLES TRACEY A REPRESENTATIVE Albanian whose sterling qualities of the head and heart have brought him into popular favor, and who has already been honored by the bestowal of responsible political positions, is the Hon. Charles Tracey, our present congressman from this district. He is descended from a long and influential line of Irish ancestry. Born at No. 757 Broadway, Albany, on the 27th of May, 1847, he has thus passed his forty-third year, and is in the vigor of manhood, possessing the capabilities of performing efficiently the active and onerous duties of life. In 1838 his father, John Tracey, … Read more