Alabama Mortality Census Records

The 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, and 1885 censuses included inquiries about persons who had died in the twelve months immediately preceding the enumeration. The 1850, 1860, 1870, and 1880 Alabama mortality census all survived. Mortality schedules list deaths from 1 June through 31 May of 1849–50, 1859–60, 1869–70, 1879–80, and 1884–85. They provide nationwide, state-by-state death registers that predate the recording of vital statistics in most states. While deaths are under-reported, the mortality schedules remain an invaluable source of information.

Mortality schedules asked the deceased’s name, sex, age, color (white, black, mulatto), whether widowed, his or her place of birth (state, territory, or country), the month in which the death occurred, his or her profession/occupation/trade, disease or cause of death, and the number of days ill. In 1870, a place for parents’ birthplaces was added. In 1880, the place where a disease was contracted and how long the deceased person was a citizen or resident of the area were included (fractions indicate a period of time less than a year).

Before the National Archives was established in 1934, the federal government offered the manuscripts of the mortality schedules to the respective states. Those schedules not accepted by the states were given to the National Library of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Copies, indexes, and printed schedules are also available in many libraries.

The United States Census Mortality Schedule Register is an inventory listing microfilm and book numbers for the mortality schedules and indexes at the Family History Library. An appendix lists where the records are found for twelve states whose schedules are not at the library. Originally compiled by Stephen M. Charter and Floyd E. Hebdon in 1990, the thirty-seven-page guide was revised by Raymond G. Matthews in 1992. The second edition includes twelve pages of introduction to this important material. While the reference is not available in book form outside the reference area of the Family History Library, the library has reproduced it on microfiche that can be borrowed through LDS Family History Centers and a few other libraries. 1

Mortality schedules are useful for tracing and documenting genetic symptoms and diseases, and for verifying and documenting African American, Chinese, and Native American ancestry. By using these schedules to document death dates and family members, it is possible to follow up with focused searches in obituaries, mortuary records, cemeteries, and probate records. They can also provide clues to migration points and supplement information in population schedules.

Alabama Mortality Census Images

1850 Madison County Alabama Mortality Schedule optimized
1850 Madison County Alabama Mortality Census

U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1885 $$$
This database contains an index to individuals enumerated in these mortality schedules. In addition, each individual is linked to the census image on which they appear. Not all information that is recorded on the actual census is included in the index. Therefore, it is important that you view the image on which your ancestor is recorded to obtain all possible information about him/her. This database often included the names of the slave owners whose slaves had passed – please search in the ‘Other’ field to locate slave owners.

United States Census (Mortality Schedule), 1850
Name index and images of mortality schedules listing inhabitants of the United States who died between June 1849 and May 1850. This was the first time a mortality schedule was included with the general population census schedule. Searchable data and browse are available for the following: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Virginia. Mortality schedules are not available at all for other states.

Free Alabama Mortality Census Records by County Alabama

These free listings provide access to indices and transcriptions of the Alabama mortality census records. Some transcriptions only recorded black deceased, and are therefor incomplete to non-blacks.

Autauga County Alabama

Baker County Alabama

Baldwin County Alabama

Barbour County Alabama

Bibb County Alabama

Blount County Alabama

Butler County Alabama

Calhoun County Alabama

Chambers County Alabama

Cherokee County Alabama

Choctaw County Alabama

Clarke County Alabama

Clay County Alabama

Coffee County Alabama

Colbert County Alabama

Conecuh County Alabama

Coosa County Alabama

Covington County Alabama

Dale County Alabama

Dallas County Alabama

Fayette County Alabama

Hancock County Alabama

Henry County Alabama

Hood County Alabama

Jackson County Alabama

Jefferson County Alabama

Lauderdale County Alabama

Lowndes County Alabama

Macon County Alabama

Marengo County Alabama

Marion County Alabama

Morgan County Alabama

Randolph County Alabama

Shelby County Alabama

Walker County Alabama

Washington County Alabama

Wilcox County Alabama

Winston County Alabama

  1. United States Census Mortality Schedule Register, FHL microfiche 6,101,876. [↩]


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