Marriage Records of Shelby County, Alabama – 1885-1905

This is a series of record extracts which Don Thompson published by the Shelby County Historical Society in Columbiana, Alabama. While the series covers the years of 1824-1905, only the years of 1885-1905 are currently included online.

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Henry J. Hill

(See Adair)-Emma, the daughter of William E. and Fannie L. (Wright) Dupree, was born in Tex., Dec. 13, 1888; educated at Willie Halsell College at Vinita, and the Northeastern State Normal at Tahlequah, Okla. She married at Vinita on Dec. 22, 1915, Henry J., son of Frederick W. and Catherine Hill. He was born May 5, 1885, in Asherville, Mitchell County, Kansas. They are the parents of Frederick William, born October 2, 1916, in Birmingham, Alabama; Anna Catherine, born December 25, 1917, in Memphis, Tennessee, and Henry Marion Hill, born January 28, 1920, in Vinita, Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs. Hill … Read more

Shelby County, Alabama Cemetery Records

Most of these cemetery listings are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Shelby County Hosted at Shelby County, USGenWeb Archives Project Acton Cemetery, Shelby, Alabama Beaver Creek Cemetery, A Partial Listing, Shelby, Alabama Bethlehem Baptist (Partial)- Shelby Co., Al Blackmon Cemetery, Shelby County, Alabama Grigley Jackson Cemetery, Shelby, Alabama Moore’s Crossroads Cemetery, Shelby, Alabama New Salem Cemetery, Shelby, Alabama Quinn Cemetery (Chelsea Area) – Shelby County, Al Ray Cemetery, Shelby Co., Al Salem Cemetery Spring Creek Baptist Church Cemetery Williams Cemetery, Shelby, Alabama Hosted … Read more

Shelby County Alabama Marriage Records

The following information details the Shelby County Alabama Marriage Records available online. Hosted at Alabama GenWeb Archives Shelby County Marriages to 1825 Marriage Records, 1824-1850, Brides Marriage Records, 1824-1850, Grooms Marriage Records, 1849-1859, Brides Marriage Records, 1849-1859, Grooms Marriage Records, 1859-1867, Brides Marriage Records, 1859-1867, Grooms Marriage Records, 1860-1869, Brides Marriage Records, 1860-1869, Grooms Marriage Records, 1891 – 1896, Brides Marriage Records, 1891 – 1896, Grooms Marriage Records, 1896 – 1899, Brides Marriage Records, 1896 – 1899, Grooms Assorted Shelby County Marriages 1841- 1937 Hosted at Shelby County ALGenWeb (Shelby County Alabama Historical Society) Early Shelby County Alabama Marriages – … Read more

Alabama Mortality Census Records

1850 Madison County Alabama Mortality Schedule optimized

The 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, and 1885 censuses included inquiries about persons who had died in the twelve months immediately preceding the enumeration. The 1850, 1960, 1870, and 1880 mortality census for Alabama all survived. Mortality schedules list deaths from 1 June through 31 May of 1849–50, 1859–60, 1869–70, 1879–80, and 1884–85. They provide nationwide, state-by-state death registers that predate the recording of vital statistics in most states. While deaths are under-reported, the mortality schedules remain an invaluable source of information.

Shelby County, Alabama Census Records

  1820 Shelby County, Alabama Census Hosted at Tracking Your Roots 1820 Alabama State Census for Shelby Co, AL (pdf) 1830 Shelby County, Alabama Census Free 1830 Census Form for your Research at – Ancestry Free Trial  1830 Shelby County, Census (images and index) $ 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems $ Hosted at Tracking Your Roots 1830 Shelby Co., AL Census (pdf) Hosted at Census Guide 1830 U.S. Census Guide 1840 Shelby County, Alabama Census Free 1840 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial  1840 Shelby County, Census (images and index) $ 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing … Read more

Muskogee Indians

Yoholo-Micco. A Creek Chief, from History of the Indian Tribes of North America

The Muskogee, often referred to as the Creek tribe, are a Native American group whose name’s origin is uncertain, possibly deriving from Shawnee language referring to swampy ground. The Cherokee called them Ani’-Gu’sa, meaning “Coosa people,” and they were known by various names among different tribes. The Muskogee language belongs to the Northern division of the Muskhogean language family. Historically, the Muskogee inhabited areas from the Atlantic coast of Georgia to central Alabama, with numerous towns and villages. Their significant role in regional history includes interactions with European explorers and settlers, alliances, and conflicts, culminating in their forced relocation to Oklahoma in the 19th century. The Muskogee population has fluctuated over time, with early estimates in the thousands and later censuses reflecting both decline and dispersal. Their cultural and historical impact is notable, especially in the formation of political confederacies and mound-building traditions.

Garner, B. Joyce Colter – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon B. Joyce Colter Garner, 59, of La Grande died Nov. 15 at St. Alphonsus Hospital in Boise. No public services are planned at this time. Arrangements are under the care of Daniels Chapel of the Valley. Joyce was born March 21, 1947, in Birmingham, Ala., to Hermit and Opal Garner. She was educated in Alabama and moved to Oregon in 1970. She loved spending time with her grandchildren and talking with her family living in the South. She also enjoyed crocheting and knitting. Survivors include her daughters, Erica Garner, Lillian Keeling and Kelly Thweatt, all of La … Read more

Biography of Judge James P. Wood

Integrity, intelligence and system are qualities which will advance the interests of any man or any profession, and will tend to the prosperity to which all aspire. The life of Judge James P. Wood in the professional arena has been characterized by intelligence, integrity, sound judgment and persevering industry. He is one of Cleburne County’s most popular and capable attorneys, who has acquired prominence because he is worthy of it. He was born on a farm in Barbour County, Ala., in 1843, a son of James and Nancy (Byrd) Wood, who were born, reared and married in the Old North … Read more

Biography of William W. Rose

William W. Rose has been practicing his profession as architect in the metropolitan district of Kansas City for thirty years. Without question he ranks as one of the ablest men both in the artistic and practical branches of his profession. Mr. Rose had also been prominently identified with civic affairs, and is well remembered as mayor of Kansas City, Kansas, during a very critical period of municipal affairs. He is now head of the architectural firm of Rose & Peterson, with offices in the Barker Building. He was born at Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York, March 12, 1864, second … Read more