“History of the City of Buffalo and Erie County” by Henry Perry Smith offers a comprehensive account of the development and significant events in Buffalo and Erie County, New York. Published in 1884 by D. Mason & Co. in Syracuse, New York, this two-volume work delves into the early settlement, growth, and transformation of the area. Volume II focuses on the history of Buffalo, New York. For the detailed history of Erie County, readers should refer to Volume I.
The book begins by exploring Buffalo’s pre-War of 1812 period, detailing the initial settlement, the establishment of the village, and the key figures and events that shaped its early years. It provides vivid descriptions of the village’s layout, the first residents, and notable occurrences, including the first birth, the first preacher, and early political and social activities.
The narrative continues through the War of 1812, highlighting the destruction and fortifications of Buffalo and Black Rock, and recounting personal stories and incidents from this turbulent period. The post-war era sees Buffalo’s rebirth as a village and its subsequent incorporation as a city, marking significant milestones such as the arrival of the canal, the first election of city officers, and the cholera epidemics.
The author also dedicates chapters to various aspects of Buffalo’s development, including the influence of the German community, commerce and navigation, the financial sector, manufacturing, and the insurance industry. Detailed accounts of the city’s churches, educational institutions, journalism, and secret societies are provided, offering insights into the social and cultural fabric of the time.
Smith’s work features biographical sketches of prominent men and pioneers, shedding light on their contributions to Buffalo’s growth. Additionally, the book includes illustrations and portraits of notable individuals and maps of the city at different stages of its development.
Table of Contents
Chapter I: Buffalo Before the War of 1812 (pages 13-55)
The First Settler–The Site of the City–Wm. Johnston–Martin Middaugh’s Arrival–A French Nobleman’s Description of Buffalo in 1795–The First Inn-Keeper– James Brisbane’s Notes on Buffalo in 1798–The First Mechanic–Mrs. Ransom’s Heroism–The First Birth in Buffalo–Joseph Ellicott and the Survey–A Prospective City–Wm. Peacock Describes Buffalo in 1799–Application for School Lot–The Name “Buffalo” vs. “New Amsterdam”–Dr. Cyrenius Chapin–The First Preacher–The First Murder–Survey of the Village–Street Names–The First Blacksmith–His Quarrel with “Young King”–A Politician’s Arrival–Outer and Inner Lot Maps–Lots Sold in 1804– Prices of Lots–The First Carriage in Erie County–An Indian Thief and his Punishment– Arrival of Wm. Hodge–Louis Stephen Le Couteulx de Caumont–The First Post Route– Rev. Timothy Dwight’s Description of Buffalo–The Contractor’s Store–Judge Samuel Tupper– Other Early Settlers–Buffalo in 1811–Early Merchants–A Reform Society–The First Newspaper– Extracts from Early Numbers–The Approaching Conflict–Black Rock Before the War of 1812– Boundaries of the Proposed Villages of Upper and Lower Black Rock–The Old Ferry and its Lessees– The “Rock” and its Uses–The Firm of Porter, Barton & Co.–Prices of Salt in Early Years– The First Rivalry Between Black Rock and Buffalo.
Chapter II: Buffalo and Black Rock in the War (pages 56-75)
Destruction of the Two Villages–Their Fortifications–Cannonading of Black Rock– William Dorscheimer’s Account of the Burning of the Villages–Incidents–Mrs.Bidwell’s Flight–A Late Breakfast–Peace Movements–The Riot at Pomeroy’s Hotel–“Hank” Johnson’s Heroism–The St. John Family–A Heroic Woman–Massacre of Mrs. Lovejoy–Preservation of Valuables–Alfred Hodge’s Escape–Samuel Wilkeson’s New Acquaintance–Flight of William Hodge’s Family–Job Hoysington’s Last Shot–Mr. Keep’s Death–The Killed and Captured–General Flight–Treachery under a Flag of Truce.
Chapter III: The Second Buffalo as a Village (pages 75-113)
Peace–General Rejoicing over the Event–Departure of the Army from Buffalo–The Second Newspaper–Prominent Arrivals–Rebuilding of the Village–Revival of Business–Opening of the Courts–Brickyard Established–A Period of “Hard Times”–The Canal Project–Incorporation of the Village–New Ordinances Passed–Last Relic of Slavery–Population in 1820– The Harbor Project–How the Work as Done–The Terminus of the Canal–Rivalry between Black Rock and Buffalo–Final Settlement of the Question in Favor of Buffalo–Millard Fillmore–Completion of the Canal–The Village in 1825–The Buffalo Hydraulic Company–Jubilee Water Works–A Disastrous Fire–A Young City–List of Purchasers of Lots of the Holland Company.
Chapter IV: Buffalo as a City (pages 113-150)
First Election of City Officers–The Cholera Epidemic of 1832–Incidents of the Scourge–The Board of Health and “the Old Sexton”–First Meeting of the Board of Aldermen–The Panic of 1835-’36–The City in 1836–The Patriot War–Death of Dr. Chapin–Reorganization of the School System–Establishment of a Recorder’s Court and the Superior Court–The Great Flood of 1844–The “University” of Buffalo–The Cholera Epidemic of 1849–Enlargement of the City in 1853–The Financial Crisis of 1857–The War of the Rebellion–Comparison of the City of 1862 with that of 1836–The Park System–City Improvements.
Chapter V: The Germans of Buffalo (pages 150-180)
Characteristics of the German Element–Proportion of German Population in Buffalo–Whence they Emigrated–The Old Lutherans–Mecklenburgers and Alsatians–The First German Settler in Buffalo–“Water John”–Jacob Siebold’s Arrival–the First Brewer, Rudolph Baer–An Early Teacher of Languages–The First Potter in Buffalo–The Oldest German Resident of the City–The German Element in 1828–Arrivals of Settlers in 1831–The German Press–The German Young Men’s Association–Its Objects–First Members–Music Hall and its Projectors–German Musical Societies–Secret Societies–The German Bank of Buffalo–German American Bank–Buffalo German Insurance Company–The German Churches.
Chapter VI: Commerce and Navigation (pages 180-214)
Commercial Importance of Buffalo–First American Vessel on Lake Erie–Other Early Vessels–Porter, Barton & Co.’s Fleet in 1806–Augustus Porter’s Reminiscences–Pioneer Commanders and their Vessels–Buffalo as a Port of Entry–Entries at the Port August 15th, 1815,–Porter, Barton & Co.’s Warehouse at Black Rock–Early Transportation Firms–Lake Marine of 1816–Enrollment of Vessels in the District of Buffalo Creek in 1817, 1818 & 1819–Townsend & Coit–Shipping owned in Buffalo in 1818–The First Steamer–Her Passage up the River–The Second Steamer–Captain Levi Allen’s Reminiscences–Captain Sam Ward’s Trip to New York–Captain Daniel Dobbins–Captain Fred S. Miller and other Early Commanders–Development of Lake Commerce–Incident upon the Construction of the Canal–First Shipments of Wheat–Captain A. Walker’s Memories of the Early Commercial Men of Buffalo–Shipbuilding–The First Propeller on the Lake–The Tug Fleet–Transportation Companies–The Lumber Interest–Coal Trade of Buffalo–The Live Stock Interest–Canal Commerce.
Chapter VII: The Elevators of Buffalo (pages 214-222)
The First Steam Grain Elevator in the World–A High Honor for Buffalo–Old Methods of Loading and Unloading Grain–Joseph Dart’s Experiment–Its Pronounced Success–The First Vessel Unloaded by Steam–Contrast Between Old and New Methods of Handling Grain–Increase of Grain Receipts–Incident upon the Establishment of Elevators–Rapid Building of Elevators–Consequent Completion in Elevator Charges–Organization of the Western Elevating Company–Its Permanence and Success–Record of the Building, Burning and Rebuilding of Buffalo Elevators.
Chapter VIII: Financial Interests of Buffalo (pages 222-237)
The First Bank in Buffalo–The Bank of Niagara and its Officers–Its Early Reverses–A Second Bank Projected–The U.S. Bank and its Directors–Opening of Subscription Books for the Bank of Buffalo–An Injunction upon the Project–Its Removal–The First Board of Directors–A Speculative Mania in 1835-’36–Marvellous transactions in Land–The Final Crash and its Disastrous Effects–The Banks Involved–Injunctions against the Banks–A Panic Meeting–The Era of “Hard Times”–Benjamin Rathbun’s Career–The Panics of 1857 and 1873-’74–History of the Banks of Buffalo–Savings Aid Associations.
Chapter IX: Manufacturing and Wholesale Interests of Buffalo (pages 237-269)
Advantages of Buffalo as a Manufacturing Center–Development of Manufacturing Interests–The “Association for the Encouragement of Manufacturing in the City of Buffalo”–The Iron Industry–Early Iron Works–Review of the Industry–Furniture Manufacturing–The Leather Industry–The Brewing Interest–Malting in Buffalo–The Milling Interest–Manufacture of Boots and Shoes–Miscellaneous Manufacturers–The Wholesale Trade of Buffalo–Growth of Trade in the City.
Chapter X: Insurance Companies of Buffalo (pages 269-275)
Magnitude of the Insurance Business–The First Company in Buffalo–Its Officers and Changes–Some of its First Policies–The “Mutual Insurance Company of Buffalo”–The Second Local Company–The “Western Insurance Company of Buffalo”–Companies Organized in Buffalo and now in Existence–The German Insurance Company–Its Unqualified Sucess–Its Magnificent Building–The “Union Fire Insurance Company of Buffalo”–“The Erie County Mutual Insurance Company”–“The Buffalo Insurance Company”–General Insurance Interests of the City.
Chapter XI: The Churches of Buffalo (pages 275-309)
The First Preacher in Buffalo–Early Missionary Work–The First Buffalo Church Society–The First Church Building–Organization of the First Presbyterian Society–Names of the Members–History of the Church–Other Presbyterian Churches–Their Pastors and Officers–Episcopal Churches of Buffalo–History of St. Paul’s–Other Societies of this Denomination–The First Baptist Church and its Successors–Separate Church Societies–Catholic Churches–The Israelites and their Religious Societies.
Chapter XII: Educational Institutions of Buffalo (pages 309-326)
The Early Schools–Meagre Facilities for Obtaining Education before the War of 1812–The Literary and Scientific Academy–The First Public School Building–A Quaint Subscription Paper–History of the Old School House–The First Teachers–A School Tax Roll of 1818–Districts No.’s 1 and 2–The “High School Association”–Reorganization of the City Schools–The Work of Oliver G. Steele, as Superintendent–Ward Committes on School Improvement–Sucess of the Plans Adopted–List of School Superintendents–Description of Schools at the Present Time–The Normal School–Private and Parochial Educational Institutions.
Chapter XIII: Journalism in Buffalo (pages 326-351)
Influence of the Press–The First Newspaper in Buffalo–Its Legitmate Successor the Courier–The Largest Show Printing House in the World–The Commercial Advertiser–Details of its Growth–The Express–Successive Owners, Editors and Managers–The First Successful Sunday Newspaper in Buffalo–The Sunday News–Establishment of the Daily News– The Daily Telegraph–The Sunday Times–Establishment of the Daily Times–The Sunday Truth–Religious, Medical and Temperance Journals– Literary Papers–The Mortuary Record of Buffalo Newspapers.
Chapter XIV: Secret Societies in Erie County (pages 351-413)
Freemasonery–Beginning of the Order among the Early Settlers–The First Lodge–History of Western Star Lodge–Its First Officers–Records of Succeeding Lodges–List of District Deputy Grand Masters–History of Chapters, Councils, Commanderies, etc.–Ceremonies in which Masonic Organizations Have Taken Part–Odd Fellows’ Lodges–Other Secret Societies of Buffalo.
Chapter XV: The Medical Profession of Erie County (pages 414-452)
The Medical Profession in Early Days–Eminent Names at the Beginning of the Century–Imperfect Medical Education–Attempt to Rescue the Science from Obscurity–Legislative Action–Medical Societies–The Profession in Erie County–The first County Society–Dr. Cyrenius Chapin–An Opposition Society–Dr. Ebenezer Johnson–Sketch of Dr. J.W. Trowbridge–The Buffalo Medical Association–Dr. J.E. Marshall–Other Biographical Sketches.
Chapter XVI: The Bench and Bar of Erie County (pages 452-487)
Organization of Niagara County–Formation of Erie County–The First Court in Buffalo–The First Judges–The Attorneys of Buffalo Before 1812–Prominent Lawyers of the Next Decade–Riding the Circuit–Compensation of Early Lawyers– The Courts of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace–Their Character– The Recorder’s Court of Buffalo–Sketch of Judge Ebenezer Walden–Biographic Notes of Other Deceased Attorneys and Justices–Present Courts and Judges of Erie County–The Present Bar of the County.
Chapter XVII: The Park System of Buffalo (pages 487-501)
Benefits of Public Parks–Their Influence on Communities–A City without a Healthful, Free Resort–First Movement Looking to the Establishment of a Great Park in Buffalo–The Men who Instigated it–Action by the Mayor and Council–Engagement of Frederick Law Olmstead–Extracts from His Report–Adoption of His Plans–Beginning of the Work–First Commissioners’ Issue of Bonds– Progress of Work from Year to Year–Present Extent of the Park–Description of its Different Sections.
Chapter XVIII: Buffalo Cemetaries (pages 502-513)
The First Burial Place in Buffalo–Its First Occupant–Capt. William Johnston’s Burial–The Old Franklin Square Burying Ground–Who Established It–Its First Tenant–Other Prominent Interments–Description of Other City Burying Grounds–The Black Rock Burying Ground–The Matthews & Wilcox Burial Ground–Church Cemetaries–Soldiers’ Burial Places–Forest Lawn–Its Beginnning, Dedication, etc.–Its Enlargement and Improvement–Value of the Cemetary Property–Dedication Ceremonies.
Chapter XIX: City Departments and Institutions (pages 513-530)
The Buffalo Fire Department–First Organization–The First Fire Company–Construction of Cisterns–List of All Companies and Dates of Organization–The First Chief Engineer–His Successors to the Present Time–Demoralization of the Department–First Board of Fire Commissioners–Fire Alarm Telegraph Introduced–Establishment of a Paid Department–Disastrous Fires–The Fireman’s Benevolent Association–Buffalo Police Force–First Chief of Police–Successive Chiefs and Superintendents–Present Force and Precincts–The Health Department–The First Cholera Epidemic–The First Board of Health and Their Labors–List of Health Physicians–Health Department as at Present Constituted–The City Water Works–The First Water Company–Organization of the City Water Works Company–Incorporators–Different Plans–Details of Construction–Magnitude of the Works–Change in Officials–The Postal Service in Buffalo and Black Rock–List of Postmasters–Early Mail Routes–Gas and Electric Light Companies–Street Car Lines.
Chapter XX: Literary and Religious Associations (pages 530-541)
The First Literary Association in Buffalo–The “Buffalo Lyceum”–Organization of the “Young Men’s Association”–Its First Officers–A Hard Struggle and Final Triumph–Tabular History–Present Management of the Association–The Buffalo Historical Society–Organization and Objects–Constitution–Incorporation–List of Presidents of the Society–The Grosvenor Library–A Beneficent Bequest–A Valuable Library–The Young Men’s Christian Association–The Parent “Union”–Change of Name–Financial Struggles–The New Building–List of Presidents and Present Officers–The Young Men’s Catholic Association–A Valuable Library–The Mechanics’ Institute–Law Library–The Catholic Institute and its Library–Other Associations.
Chapter XXI: Public Amusements, Clubs, etc. in Buffalo (pages 542-549)
The First Public Amusements in Buffalo–A Pioneer Caravan–The Egyptian Mummy Show–The First Theatre in Buffalo–Old Time Performances–The First Circus–The Old Eagle Street Theatre–The First Gas Used in Buffalo–The Opening Night in the Eagle Street Theatre–An Old Announcement–Burning of the Theatre–A Complimentary Benefit–The New “Metropolitan Theatre”–Rebuilding of the Eagle Street Theatre–Its Transformation into St. James’ Hall–The Academy of Music and its Management–The Buffalo Opera House, now the Adelphi–Wahle’s Opera House–The Clubs of Buffalo–The Buffalo Club and its Incorporators–The City Club of Buffalo–The Lotus, Press, Polo, and Other Clubs.
Chapter XXII: Hospitals, Asylums, Charities, etc. (pages 549-554)
The Buffalo General Hospital–The First Hospital Meeting–Successive Presidents of the Institution–The Training School for Nurses–Hospital of the Sisters of Charity–The Good Samaritan Eye and Ear Infirmary–The Homeopathic Hospital–Buffalo Eye and Ear Infirmary–Buffalo Surgical Infimary–The City’s Dispensaries–The Charitable Institutions and Asylums of the City.
Abell, William H., portrait, (part I,) facing, 216
Adams, James, portrait, (part 2,) facing, 1
Austin, Stephen G., portrait, (part I,) facing, 460
Bailey, Daniel E., portrait, (part 2,) facing, 26
Bennett, David S., portrait, (part 2,) facing, 2
Bennett, Philander, portrait, (part I,) facing, 458
Birge, Martin H., portrait, (part I,) facing, 258
Brush, Alexander, portrait, (part 2,) facing, 8
Brayton, S. N., M. D., portrait, (part 2,) facing, 6
Bryant, William C, portrait, (part I,) facing, 482
Buffalo City, map of in 1847, (part I,) 105
Buffalo Harbor, view of in 1825. (part I,) 100
Buffalo Harbor, view of in 1826, (part I,) 191
Buffalo Village, map of in 1825, (part I,) 101
Buffalo Village, map of the inner lots, (part I,) 31
Buffalo Village, map of the outer lots, (part I,) 30
Buffalo Village, view of from the light-house in 1826, (part I,) 194
Burwell, Bryant, portrait, (part I,) facing, 424
Clark, John Whipple, portrait, (part 2,) facing, 10
Clark, Thomas, portrait, (part 2,) facing, 12
Coit, George, portrait, (part I,) facing, 80
Cutler, Abner, portrait, (part I,) facing, 242
Daboll, Garrett C, portrait, (part I,) facing, 450
Dick, Robert, portrait, (part 2,) facing, 18
Fargo, Jerome F., portrait, (part 2,) facing, 22
Firmenich, Joseph, portrait, (part I ,) facing, 254
Gates, George B., portrait, (part 2,) facing, 24
Gay, Charles C. F., M. D., portrait, (part I,) facing, 550
Glenny, W. H., portrait, (part I,) facing, 266
Greene, J. C, M. D., portrait, (part I,) facing, 442
Greene, William H., portrait, (parti,) facing, 474
Guthrie, S. S., portrait, (part 2,) facing, 102
Hammond, William W., portrait, part I,) facing, 484
Harbor improvements, map of proposed in 1836, (part I.) 97
Harrison, James C, portrait, (part I,) facing, 228
Holmes, Britain, portrait, (part I,) between 256, 257
Holmes, Edward, portrait, (part I,) between 256, 257
Howard, Ethan H., portrait, (part 2,) facing, 32
Howard, George, portrait, (part I,) facing, 512
Howard, R. L., portrait, (part I,) facing, 238
Jewett, Elam R., portrait, (part I,) facing, 328
Jewett, Sherman S., portrait, (part 2,) facing, 40
Kip, Henry, portrait, (part 2,) facing, 44
Lake Erie and the Bay in 1816, view of from Buffalo, (part r,) 83
Lang, Gerhard, portrait, (part 2,) facing, 76
Lynde, U. C , M. D., portrait, (part I,) facing, 444
Lyth, John, portrait, (]3art 2,’> facing, 46
Manning, John B., portrait, (part 2,) facing, 50
Marshall, John E., portrait, (part I,) facing, 420
Marshall, O. H., portrait, (part I,) facing, 534
Masten, Joseph G., portrait, (part I,) facing, 118
McCune, C. W., portrait, (part I,) facing, 334
McMichael, L. D., M. D., portrait, (part I,) facing, 548
Mesmer, Michael, portrait, (part 2,) facing, 56
Mixer, S. F., M. D , portrait, (part I,) facing, 436
Moore, A. C, portrait, (part 2,) facing, 58
Moulton, John F., portrait, (part I,) facing, 200
New Amsterdam, map of the village of, in 1804, (part I,) 27
Norton, Charles D., portrait, (part I,) facing, 476
Noye, John T., portrait, (part 2,) facing, 50
Palmer, George, portrait, (part 2,) facing, 52
Pease, Sheldon, portrait, (part 2,) facing, 74
Phelps, Orson, portrait, (part 2,) facing, 54
Potter, W. W., M. D., portrait, (part 2,) facing, 66
Pratt, G. F., M. D., portrait, (part I,) facing, 426
Pratt, Samuel F., portrait, (part I,) facing, 24
Putnam, James O., portrait, (part 2,) facing, 53
Ramsdell, Orrin P., portrait, (part r,) facing, 264
Richmond, J. M., portrait, (part I,) facing, 230
Rockwell, Augustus, portrait, (part 2,) facing, 33
Rogers, Henry W., portrait, (part I,) facing,
Rogers, Sherman S., portrait, (part I,) facing, 128
Rumrill, Henry, portrait, (part 2,) facing, 32
Rumsey, Aaron, portrait, ( part I,) between 244, 245
Rumsey, Bronson C., portrait, (part I,) between 244, 245
Scheu, Solomon, portrait, (part I,) facing, 152
Schoellkopf, J. F., portrait, (part 2,) facing, 84
Skinner, John B., portrait, (part 2), facing, 86
Smith, Moses, portrait, (part I,) facing, 222
Smith, William Henry, portrait, (part 2,) facing, 90
Stevenson, Edward L, portrait, (part I,) facing, 284
Stewart, Robert G., portrait, (part 2,) facing, 92
Thompson, Sheldon, portrait, (part I,) facing, 188
Tifft, George W., portrait, (parti,) facing, 268
Tillinghast, James, portrait, (part 2,) facing, 94
Townsend, Charles, portrait, (part I,) facing, 46
Tucker, J. K., portrait, (part I,) facing, 500
Urban, George, portrait, (part I,) facing, 154
Utley, Horace, portrait, (part 2,) facing, 108
Warren, Joseph, portrait, (part I,) facing, 332
Watson, Stephen V. R., portrait, (part I,) facing, 530
Wells, Chandler Joseph, portrait, (part 2,) facing, 112
White, Russell J., M. D., portrait, (part 2,) facing, 116
Williams, Gibson T., portrait, (part I,) facing, 234
Wright, Alfred P., portrait, (part I,) facing, 232
Wyckoff, C. C, M. D., portrait, (part I,) facing, 440
Young, Charles E., portrait, (part I,) facing, 392
Ziegele, Albert, Sr., portrait, (part I,) facing, 158
Biographical Sketches
Abell, William Hawks, 25
Adams, James, 1
Austin, Stephen Goodwin, 1
Bailey, Daniel E., 26
Bennett, David S., 2
Bennett, Philander, 5
Birge, Martin H 6
Brayton, Samuel Nelson 6
Brush, Alexander, 8
Burwell, Bryant, l0
Butler, Edward Hubert, 47
Clark, John Whipple, 10
Clark, Thomas, 12
Coit, George, 14
Creswell, John A., 46
Cutler, Abner, 16
Daboll, Garrett C., 18
Dick, Robert, 19
Fargo, Jerome Freeman, 22
Fargo, William George, 54
Gates, George B., 23
Gay, Charles Curtis Fenn, M. D., 21
Glenny, William H., 26
Greene, Joseph C, 27
Greene, William Henry, 27
Guthrie, Solomon Sturges, 102
Hammond, William W., 30
Harrison, James Cooke, 75
Held, Frederick, 47
Holmes, Edward and Britain, 31
Howard, Ethan H., 32
Howard, George, 32
Howard, Rufus L., 34
Jewett, Elam R., 36
Jewett, Sherman S., 40
Kip, Henry, 44
Lang, Gerhard, 77
Lynde, Uri C, 46
Lyth, John, 47
Mack, Norman E., 50
Manning, John Baker, 51
Marshall, Dr. John Ellis, 52
Marshall, Orsamus Holmes, 53
Matthews, James N., 56
McCune, Charles Willard, 48
Mesmer, Michael, 57
Mixer, Sylvester Frederick, 58
Moore, Augustus C., 59
Moulton, John F., 59
Norton, Charles Davis, 60
Noye, John T., 61
Palmer, George, 63
Pease, Sheldon, 74
Phelps, Orson, 64
Potter, William Warren, 65
Pratt, Gorham Flint, 70
Pratt, Pascal P., 87
Pratt, Samuel F., 67
Putnam, James O., 68
Ramsdell, Orrin P., 71
Reinecke, Ottomar, 118
Richmond, Jewett Melvin, 72
Rockwell, Augustus, 88
Rogers, Henry W., 77
Rogers, Sherman S., 79
Rohr, Mathias, 80
Rumrill, Henry, 81
Scheu, Solomon, 84
Schoellkopf, Jacob F., 85
Skinner, John B., 85
Smith, Moses, 89
Smith, William H., 90
Stevenson, Edward L., 90
Stewart, Robert G., 92
Thompson, Sheldon, 97
Tifft, George W., 104
Tillinghast, James, 94
Townsend, Charles, 108
Urban, George, lO9
Utley, Horace, 109
Warren, James D., 110
Warren, Joseph, 110
Watson, Stephen Van Rensselaer, 118
Wells, Chandler J., 112
White, Russell Jesse, 115
Williams, Gibson T., 116
Wright, Alfred P., 117
Wyckoff, Cornelius C, M. D., 122
Young, Charles Edward, 120
Zesch, Frank H., 119
Ziegele, Albert, Sr., 119
Gallery of Photographs and Maps

Smith, Henry Perry, History of the city of Buffalo and Erie County : with illustrations and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers, 2 volumes, Syracuse, N.Y. : D. Mason & Co., 1884.