History of Erie County New York

View of Buffalo Harbor, 1826

“History of the City of Buffalo and Erie County” by Henry Perry Smith, published in 1884, offers an extensive and detailed account of the development of Buffalo and Erie County. This two-volume work, enriched with illustrations and biographical sketches, serves as a comprehensive resource for understanding the historical progression of the region from its earliest days through the 19th century. Volume I focuses on the history of Erie County, New York, and its townships, excluding Buffalo. For the detailed history of Buffalo, readers should refer to Volume II.

Biography of James A. Lounsbury M.D.

James A. Lounsbury, M. D. In the career of Dr. James A. Lounsbury there had been demonstrated the fact that an individual can dominate in more than one direction, and that some of the most prominent citizens and successful business men are those who have branched out from their original field of endeavor and directed their abilities towards perfecting various business interests as well as raising the standard of their communities. When he entered upon his active career it was as a laborer in the prolific field of medicine, but subsequent interests wooed him away from his profession and took … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Egbert Nelson Fairchild

Fairchild, Egbert Nelson; flour mfgr.; born, Peekskill, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1868; son of Egbert Henry and Mary Seymour Fairchild; public school education; married, Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1893, Gertrude A. Kenny; two daughters Catherine and Mary; in flour milling business twenty-seven years; becoming pres. of the Cleveland Milling Co. in 1910; before that mgr. Pittsburgh Flour Co., Minneapolis; member Cleveland Athletic and Euclid Golf Clubs.

Biography of Judge John T. Morgan

The gentleman whose name heads this review has been a conspicuous figure in the legislative and judicial history of two states. Probably the public life of no other illustrious citizen of Idaho has extended over as long a period as his, and certainly the life of none has been more varied in service, more constant in honor, more fearless in conduct and more stainless in reputation. His career has been one of activity, full of incidents and results. In every sphere of life in which he has been called upon to move he has made an indelible impression, and by … Read more

Biography of Richard Watson Argue

Richard Watson Argue, who died April 24, 1916, was very well and prominently known in the oil industry of the Mid-Continent field, lived at Independence a number of years, and Mrs. Argue, his widow, is still a resident there and had proved her resourcefulness as a business woman in looking after the extensive properties left by Mr. Argue at the time of his death. He was born near Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, March 1, 1845, a son of John Wilson Argue, who was born in County Cavan, Ireland, went to America early in life, and followed farming in Canada. He died … Read more

Julian, Marland R. “Marv” – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Marland R. “Marv” Julian, 65, of Baker City June 28, 2002, at his home. His memorial service will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 2177 First St. He was born Aug. 7, 1936, in Springdale, Ark. He was a son of Clyde Julian and Rhetta Grace “Mulkey” Julian. He attended high school at Shreveport, La. He entered the U.S. Air Force and was a weather officer from 1954 to 1958. He was based at Goose Bay, Labrador. After his discharge from the service, he worked in restaurants at Buffalo, N.Y., and Madison, Wis., … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George C. Hascall

Hascall, George C.; manufacturer; born, Yipsilanti, Mich., Jan. 17, 1852; son of Philander and Mary A. Christy Hascall; common school education; married, Alden, N. Y., April 10, 1889, Hattie M. Fuller; one son, Robert G., born March 14, 1893; pres. The Tropical Oil Co., The Hascall Paint Co., The Union Products Co.; pres. The Attan Vic Paint Co., New York, and The Knickerbocker Paint Co.; director The Texas Mnfg. Co., Fort Worth Tex.; member Knights Templar, Oriental Commandery, Mystic Shrine (Al Koran), N. M. S., Lake Erie Consistory, Webb Chapter, Iris, No. 229, F. & A. M., member Chamber of … Read more

Ancient Battlefield on Buffalo Creek

Ancient Work On Buffalo Creek

Site of an ancient battlefield, with vestiges of an entrenchment and fortification on the banks of the Deoseowa, or Buffalo creek. The following sketch conveys an idea of the relative position of the several objects alluded to. Taken together they constitute the distinguishing feature in the archaeology of the existing Indian cemetery, mission station, and council-house on the Seneca reservation, five or six miles south of the city of Buffalo. As such, the site is one of much interest, and well worthy of further observation and study. The time and means devoted to it, in the preparation of this outline, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nicholas Pfeil

Pfeil, Nicholas; rector St. Peter’s Church; born, Cleveland, Nov. 4, 1859; son of Lawrence and Frances Reinhart Pfeil; educated, St. Mary’s and St. Stephen’s Parochial schools, Canisius College, Buffalo, N. Y., B. A., St. Mary’s Theological Seminary, Cleveland, Ohio; graduated at Canisius College, June, 1878; entered St. Mary’s Theological Seminary, September, 1878; was ordained to the Priesthood, July 1, 1883, at a little over 23 years of age; appointed pastor of St. Patrick’s Church, Hubbard, O., August, 1883; transferred to Holy Trinity Church, March 2, 1884; appointed irremovable rector of St. Peter’s Church, Cleveland, May 9, 1897; director of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jay D. Fuller

Fuller, Jay D.; manufacturer; born, Alden, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1872; son of Spencer J. and Mary A. Smith Fuller; educated, Alden High School; married, Cleveland, June 4, 1896, Florence Helen Quayle; one daughter, Helen; with the Haserot Canneries Co. fifteen years; established The Fuller Canneries Co. in March, 1904; pres. of the company; in November, 1912, became identified with The Weideman Co., Canned Foods and Mnfg. Dept.; Mason; member Union and Athletic Clubs.

Biography of Charles A. Straub

Charles A. Straub, a veteran oil worker in Western Pennsylvania, came to Kansas about the opening of the fields in the southern part of this state, and in recent years had become the responsible factor in developing much of the oil and gas interests in and around Moran, where he resided. Mr. Straub is manager, secretary and treasurer of the Eastern Kansas Oil Company, Limited, whose home and headquarters are in Moran. Mr. Straub was born at Sheldon, Wyoming County, New York, March 29, 1863. His father, A. B. Straub, was born in 1838 and by the accident of birth … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Clement Connelly

Connelly, William Clement; mfr.; born, Cleveland, 1875; son of Daniel and Kate Laughlin Connelly; education, St. Ignatius College and Case School of Applied Science; married, Buffalo, Nov. 12, 1907, Mary C. Schaefer; issue, Daniel, born April 6, 1909; on leaving college, entered employ of his father, who had been established as a boiler manufacturer in Cleveland since 1875; business incorporated in 1905, and taken into firm as secretary and treasurer; elected president of the D. Connelly Boiler Co., on death of father, in 1911; member Chamber of Commerce and Cleveland Athletic Club.

Biography of W. P. Ferguson

It is not the distinctive and specific purpose of biography to give expression of a man’s modest estimate of himself and his accomplishments, but rather to leave the record establishing his position by the consensus of public opinion. Judged in this manner W. P. Ferguson is numbered among the eminent representatives of the Iowa bar and for many years has been termed “the first citizen of Shenandoah,” not only in the fact that he was the first to establish himself in business here, but also because he has ever stood as a leader in the work of public progress and … Read more

Biography of Alfred Gray

Alfred Gray, a pioneer of Topeka and always active in promoting the agricultural and industrial interests of the state, was born at Evans, Erie County, New York, December 5, 1830. He was educated in his native state, and in the spring of 1857 located at Quindaro, Kansas. Mr. Gray was a member of the first State Legislature; was secretary of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture from 1872 to 1880, and was one of the commissioners to the Contennial Exposition at Philadelphia. His death occurred at Topeka on January 23, 1880, and his memorial monument stands in the cemetery at … Read more

Biography of Hon. John M. Bacon

HON. JOHN M. BACON. – There are three places in the Northwest that have almost antique associations. These are Astoria, Vancouver and Oregon City. Of none of them is the flavor of old times more pronounced than amid the rocks and bluffs and by the falls and the old buildings of the latter place. Here one of the old pioneers may be found in the person of a gentleman whose portrait appears on the opposite page. It was as to the last place to go that Mr. Bacon came to Oregon. A native of Buffalo, New York, born in 1822, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Vernon H. Burke

Burke, Vernon H.; attorney-at-law; born, Saybrook, O., Dec. 22, 1865; son of John F. and Minerva C. Stewart Burke; educated, Canisius College, Buffalo, N. Y., Stratton’s Business College, The University of Notre Dame; B. A., C. E., LL. B. degrees; married, Cleveland, Dec. 21, 1892, Matilda B. Hahn; one son, Vernon A. Burke, Jr.; Republican; served on police bench by appointment; senator from Cuyahoga county, 1896-1900; vice chairman Cuyahoga County Republican Committee; has been a trial lawyer; pres. James F. Allen Contracting Co., Cleveland Smelting Co., Idle-wild Co.; sec’y Guest & Buell Co., Fleishman & Smith Co.; director The Cleveland … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mathias Clouse

Mathias Clouse was a pioneer of Silver Creek Township, Ida County, Ia. He was born in Alsace-Lorraine, France, in 1843. He was the son of Charles and Elizabeth (Fisher) Clouse, natives of same country. The Clouse family had once lived in Amsterdam, and were a trading family. When the sons became of age they were sent up the Rhine River to establish trading posts. They emigrated to America and settled in Erie County, New York. Mathias received his early training and education principally in New York state. The grandfather Clouse also emigrated to the country, dying in Ohio at the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Arthur Nathan Doud

Doud, Arthur Nathan; civil engineer; born, New York, 1872; son of George C. and Martha Dunbar Doud; graduated High School, Winthrop, N. Y., class of 1895; took three years special engineering course at Clarkson Technical School, Potsdam, N. Y., finished there in 1900; married, Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1901, Nellie M. Wilson; two daughters; followed surveying and engineering work in New York state for three years; then engaged on the hydro-electric development on the St. Lawrence River; for two years and nine months member of the engineering corps, War Dept., U. S. Army, as chief of field party on … Read more

Biography of Robert Grostein

Robert Grostein, one of Idaho’s most successful pioneer merchants, has carried on business in Lewiston since 1862 and through the intervening years has borne an unassailable reputation in trade circles, never making an engagement which he has not kept nor contracting an obligation that he has not met. His sagacity and enterprise and moreover his untiring labor have brought to him a handsome competence, and the most envious could not grudge him his success, so honorably has it been acquired. Mr. Grostein is a native of Poland, born in 1835, and is the eldest in the family of four children … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Sherman Van De Boe

Van De Boe, Joseph Sherman; real estate; born, Jan. 20, 1859, Cooperstown, N. Y.; son of John Leeland Van De Boe; common school education; married in December, 1881, Miss Mary A. Wood, of Lebanon; issue, one son, Hugh Robert, born Oct. 14, 1885; Mrs. Van De Boe died in December, 1909, while visiting her son, in Hong Kong, China; business career, began to work when 12 years of age; worked on a farm; mgr. Drug Co. in Andover, N. Y.; realizing the need of further education, worked in country store in Ulysses, Pa., and attended Academy there; then went to … Read more