Pulaski County, Georgia Marriages to the year 1930

Pulaski County Georgia Marriage Records through 1930.

A Surnames

Abney, Bailey A., to Caroline S. Bolinger, Aug. 28,1845. By David Roberts, M. G.
Abney, B. F., to Pit Faucett, Jan. 20, 1907. By W. B. Richardson, J. P.
Abney, Henry I., to Mamie Floyd, March 17, 1901. By R. C. Sanders, M. G.
Abney, James S., to Mattie Jones, Dec. 27, 1896. By T. J. Meadows, J. P.
Abney, J. F., to S. C. Crumpler, Aug. 20, 1899. By T. J. Meadows, J. P.
Abney, John F., to Dollie Coley, Dec. 24, 1880. By E. H. Godwin, M. G.
Abney, Joseph, to Ada Holland, May 18, 1902. By A. S. E. Jones, J. P.
Abney, Robert D., to Sibbie M. Coley, June 10, 1875. By E. H. Godwin, M. G.
Abney, Robert D., Jr., to Vera E. McGowen, April 6, 1928. By Alger Haskins, Ordy.
Abney, Thomas, to Lula Dunn, Dec. 26, 1897. By R. D. Abney, J. P.
Abney, William, to Hezekiah Bolingo, Oct. 11, 1864. By G. R. McCall, M. G.
Abney, William, to Elbira Dykes, Nov. 24, 1895. By J. P. Holland, J. P.
Abraham, Abe, to Pearl Rudich, Nov. 15, 1916. By Rec. Henry Weiss.
Adams, Adiel L. to Nannie Bunn, April 21, 1886. By E. J. Coates, M. G.
Adams, Berry, to Sarah Joiner, Aug. 20, 1865. By James Hartley, J. P.
Adams, Berry, to Zelpha Harrell, June 29, 1870. By James Hartley, J. P.
Adams, Charlton B., to Eva Coney, Nov. 11, 1885. By E. A. Burch, M. G.
Adams, Hollis, to Earnestine Hornesly, May 21, 1933. By H. A. Haskins, Ordy.
Adams, Isham, to Elizabeth Barrow, Dec. 30, 1817. By James Powell, J. P.
Adams, Jack, to Charlotte Holmes, Feb. 17, 1875. By Abney Roberson, M. G.
Adams, James B., to Martha E. Mann, Sept. 6, 1892. By Chas. D. Adams, M. G.
Adams, John Quincy, to Francis McDaniel, Jan. 18, 1864. By James Hartley, J. P.
Adams, Joseph M., to Sarah Mannie, Aug. 21, 1912. By Guyton Fisher, M. G.
Adams, Levin, to Winney Edwards, Oct. 4, 1821. By William Yarbrough, J. I. C.
Adams, Meloin, to Mattie Overstreet, July 17, 1908. By D. L. Ridley, J. P.
Adams, O. B., to Blanch Hearn, Nov. 30, 1933. By J. L. Drake, M. G.
Adams, Shady W., to Martha J. Horne, Aug. 10, 1882. By D. L. Ridley, J. P.
Adams, Solomon, to Margarett Mullis, March 24, 1868. By C. D. Henson, J. P.
Adams, Thomas, to Charity Goff, March 2, 1830. By John Bozeman, J. I. C.
Adams, T. Alva, to Richard Lancaster, June 22, 1905. By William Kichen, M. G.
Adams, Valda L., to Rosa A. Walker, June 21, 1911. By Wade H. Parks, M. G.
Addison, Colonel, to Rosa C. Holder, Feb. 4, 1903. By J. W. McAllister, J. P.
Adkins, C. T., to Nevin Barlow, Jan. 2, 1910. By R. A. Wilson, M. G.
Adkins, Frank, to Hattie Adkins, Dec. 27, 1903. By A. S. E. Jones, J. P.
Adkins, Ira, to Annie Little, July 21, 1912. By Nathan H. Burch, M. G.
Adkins, John, to Maxie Ann Jones, Feb. 5, 1893. By J. S. Evans, M. G.
Adkins, John, to Olla May Horne, Jan. 15, 1911. By J. H. Tripp, J. P.
Adkins, Paul, to Ruth Ragan, Aug. 18, 1925. By F. B. Asbell, M. G.
Adkins, Rufus, to Samantha Parker, Feb. 14, 1904. By A. S. E. Jones, J. P.
Adkinson, J. L., to Jane Nobles, Oct. 31, 1869. By Reubin Reynolds, J. P.
Adkinson, Walter F., to Ethel Fleming, Dec. 9, 1903. By Otho P. Simmons, M. G.
Agelly, Alezander, to Rachel Nazworth, June 5, 1856. By Larkin Joiner, M. G.
Aiken, Augustus, to Rebecca Johnson, July 5, 1914. By F. M. Chalker, J. P.
Aikin, John F., to Ebbee Sapp, Jan. 31, 1897. By G. W. Stapleton, M. G.
Akins, Arthur, to Maggie Scarborough, Dec. 23, 1933. By H. A. Haskins, Ord.
Alderman, E. S., to V. A. Molar, Dec. 25, 1878. By B. A. Bacon, M. G.
Alezander, Samuel D., to Wilma I. Scarborough, July 10, 1924. By S. P. Pattisol, M. G.
Alford, Briant, to Alla Morris, Jan. 9, 1820. By Green Brown, J. P.
Alford, Foy, to Jewell Finleyson, Jan. 10, 1922. By John M. Woodward, M. G.
Alexander, A. C., to Lily Scarborough, April 26, 1925. By D. L. Ridley, J. P.
Alford, Ivy, to Mrs. Jewell Finleyson, Jan. 10, 1922. By John M. Woodward, M. G.
Allbriton, Matthew H., to Letitia McAdams, Sept. 27,1875. By Arch. Harris, M. G.
Allegood, David F., to Lucy Beck, Feb. 25, 1912. By W. J. Coleman, J. P. D. C.
Allegood, Wm. E., to Pearl Bellflower, Dec. 26, 1910. By E. M. Horne, J. P.
Allen, Alfred, to Mary McLeod, June 23, 1842. By R. H. Burkhalter, J. P.
Allen, Dennis, to Laura N. Anderson, Sept. 22, 1924. By W. D. Ogletree, M. G.
Allen, Gillam, to Mary Allgood, Jan. 30, 1875. By P. A. Jessup, M. G.
Allen, H. M., to M. E. Buchan, Dec. 24, 1871. By D. N. Fann, M. G.
Allen, James, to Eliza King, Oct. 31, 1894. By R. C. Sanders, M. G.
Allen, John J., to Violet Holder, March 28, 1861. By John Evans, M. G.
Allen, John W., to Ella Mae Rainey, Jan. 4, 1899. By J. A. Harmon, M. G.
Allen, Jordan, to Rachael Bryan, Dec. 27, 1849. By D. C. McPhail, J. P.
Allen, Joseph W., to Eddie Tripp, June 30, 1904. By T. E. Grimsley, J. P.
Allen, Lafatte, to Thulian Jackson, Feb. 13, 1876. By D. N. Fann, M. G.
Allen, Laurence C., to Lula Dent, Nov. 13, 1907. By Chas. L. Greaves, M. G.
Allen, Lawrence C., to Edna C. Lancaster, June 30, 1901. By E. F. Dye, M. G.
Allen, Oscar, to Bessie Speer, Oct. 9, 1912. By Wade H. Parks, M. G.
Allen, Robert A., to Sarah Donalson, Aug. 11, 1857. By J. E. Jones, J. P.
Allen, Robert E. Lee, to Pearl Pettus, Sept. 1, 1904. By J. A. Taylor, M. G.
Allen, Rufus H., to Mrs. S. E. Mullis, Nov. 29, 1892. By P. A. Jessup, M. G.
Allen, Samuel, to Belle Bridges, May 15, 1884. By W. H. Hosford, J. P.
Allen, S. J., to Ruther Dease, Jan. 4, 1903. By R. C. Sanders, M. G.
Allen, Thomas H., to Kizzie A. Rozar, Sept. 9, 1900. By Levi H. Harrell. J. P.
Allen, William, to Martha Pritchett, July 12, 1870. By W. H. Darsey, J. P.
Allen, Willie C., to Talula Partin, Jan, 20, 1899. By J. C. Newman, J. P.
Allen, Wm. Thomas, to Lou Skipper, Dec. 17, 1891. By J. C. Newmans, J. P.
Allen, William, to Nancy Lee, Feb. 2, 1832. By Stephens Lee, J. P.
Allen, William J., to Polly Rollins, March 11, 1849. By Jesse Peacock, J. P.
Allen, Willis G., to Mary E. Bridget, Sept. 20, 1865. By Richard Smith, M. G.
Allen, W. G., to E. E. Pritchett, July 12, 1875. By W. J. Baker, M. G.
Allen, William N., to Elmira Smith, Dec. 21, 1851. By John Lee, J. P.
Allgood, David R., to Mattie Sanders, Dec. 26, 1886. By J. C. Newmans, J. P.
Allgood, James, to Margarett J. Lee, Oct. 12, 1873. By Archibald Harris, M. G.
Alsworth, Fred C., to Mattie Lou Southerland, Sept. 15, 1901. By R. C. Sanders, M. G.
Alterman, Samuel, to Susie A. Douglas, May 3, 1865. By Daniel N. Fann, M. G.
Amos, Oscar C., to Emmie S. DeLamar, Nov. 7, 1923. By J. Lytle Jones, M. G.
Anderson, Arelzaman, to Sarah E. NeSmith, Dec. 16, 1869. By James Hartley, J. P.
Anderson, Charles Eugene, to Nina Warren, Feb. 20, 1895. By T. W. Ellis, M. G.
Anderson, Charlie I., to Willotie Hendley, Aug. 31, 1892. By J. W. Simmons, M. G.
Anderson, Council, to Bessie Watson, Sept. 30, 1894. By W. A. Nelson, M. G.
Anderson, Doughlas Robert, to Grace Allen, July 15, 1923. By W. D. Ogletree, M. G.
Anderson, Frank P., to Anna Mary Bailey, Dec. 8, 1909. By Chas. H. Nash, M. G.
Anderson, H. B., to Clarence E. Lane, Dec. 28, 1892. By A. A. Lowe, J. P.
Anderson, Harry Pipkin, to Christine Poole, Oct. 14,1920. By W. L. Wright, M. G.
Anderson, James T., to Annie Lee Bennett, Dec. 22, 1897. By R. VanDeventer, M. G.
Anderson, John, to Maridley Mays, Sept. 3, 1829. By E. Ryan Bancher, J. I. C.
Anderson, John H., to Maggie Lee, Oct. 4, 1901. By J. M. Pritchett, M. G.
Anderson, John H., Jr., to Willie Belle Wood, Aug. 27, 1933. By H. A. Haskins, Ordy.
Anderson, John L., to John M. Booth, June 29, 1869. By G. R. McCall, M. G.
Anderson, John J., to Mrs. Sarah Wilcox, Nov. 20, 1851. By James Williamson, M. G.
Anderson, John L., Jr., to Evelyn McK. Lovejoy, June 12, 1907. By E. H. McGehee, M. G.
Anderson, J. L., to Amanda L. Kendrick, March 5, 1872. By G. R. McCall, M. G.
Anderson, Joseph J., to Mary Louise Dortch, Dec. 8, 1915. By Aquilla Chainlee, M. G.
Anderson, Lawson, to Henrietta Macatherine, July 13,1874. By S. M. Blount, J. P.
Anderson, Lawrence, to Maranda Ann Bias, Jan. 31, 1839. By Garland Edge, J. P.
Anderson, L. N., to Ola Pipkin, Nov. 20, 1892. By J. W. Simmons, M. G.
Anderson, Robert Sanders, to Katherine Lavenia Cochran, July 28, 1921. By S. M. Anderson, M. G.
Anderson, Ruel, to Agnes Merritt, Feb. 4, 1864. By James Williamson. -M. G.
Anderson, Simon M., to Rhoda Smith, Feb. 6, 1907. By Chas. L. Greaves, M. G.
Anderson, Stephen G., to Myrna Harrell, May 21, 1931. By W. H. Budd, M. G.
Anderson, Weston O., to Minnie McLendon, Jan. 20,1901. By A. M. Simms, M. G.
Anderson, W. M., to Catherine Harrell, Feb. 1, 1857. By James Williamson, M. G,
Anderson, William, to Mary M. Harrell, Nov. 30, 1876. By Arch. Harris, M. G.
Anderson, William L., to Susan F. Reeves, Feb. 7,1892. By Chas. D. Adams, M. G.
Anderson, William M., to Mary E. Lewis, Dec. 11, 1860. By S. D. Everett, M. G.
Anders, Frederick, to Mrs. Elizar Odome, May 1, 1828. By A. Odom, M. G.
Andrews, Benjamin E., to Aline Hobbs, Nov. 28, 1928. By L. E. Dutton, M. G., Unadilla, Ga.
Andrews, C. C., to Julia Fleming, July 16, 1868. By A. W. Collier, M. G.
Andrews, Earnest Emmett, to Lois Spradley,. April 21, 1928. By Z. T. Taylor, J. P.
Andrews, Edgar E., to Lucile Horne, July 14, 1928. By Z. T. Taylor, J. P.
Andrews, J. T., to E. D. Morris, Feb. 10, 1887. By Daniel H. Fann, M. G.
Andrews, Samuel D., to Irene Scarborough, June 21, 1860. By S. T. Everett, M. G.
Andrews, William H., to Susie Thompson, Aug. 3, 1927. By Alger Haskins, Ordy.
Arde, Andrew W., to Annie Lou Coley, Dec. 10, 1893. By John Davidson, J. P.
Argo, Leonard W., to Odessa Elines, Sept. 5, 1932. By Elder S. 1. Crenshaw.
Argo, Rufus, to Essie Poole, June 12, 1902. By A. C. Pipkin, J. P.
Argo, Robert, to Mary Jones, Jan. 20, 1863. By J. W. Feltz, J. P.
Argo, Russell, to Gladis Piper, Dec. 23, 1923. By Elder H. B. Coleman.
Armstrong, Berry B., to Mrs. Tiny Woodward, July 14, 1906. By George F. Hendricks, J. P.
Armstrong, E. H., to Rilla Carson, July 30, 1911. By David J. Skipper, M. G.
Armstrong. Hugh F., to Jesse Floyd, May 9, 1889. By W. R. Stealy, M. G.
Armstrong, James, to Mattie Coody, April 15, 1880. By S. M. Blount, J. P.
Armstrong, James E., to Maggie Aikins, Feb. 29, 1880. By J. B. Carroll, J. P.
Armstrong, James P., to Lou Thompson, Feb. 16, 1890. By J. S. Haskins, J. P.
Armstrong, James P., to Mary Frances Stroup, March 19, 1893. By G. W. Floyd, M. G.
Armstrong, Thomas D., to Mary Ann Thompson, Dec. 29, 1850. By James Kinchen, J. P.
Armstrong, James, to Elender Clement Sept. 16, 1824. By Baker Adams, J. P.
Arnold, Buregard, to Ella Fann, Sept. 22, 1889. By T. B. Green, J. P.
Arnold, George, to Marie Pattisol, Oct. 29, 1928. By Elder H. B. Coleman.
Arnold, Horace, to Maud Chapman, April 3, 1904. By H. C. Bush, M. G.
Arnold, James, to Jennie Holland, Jan. 2, 1896. By J. M. Henderson, M. G.
Arnold, James E., to Ava Lou Timmerman, March 11, 1927. By Alger Haskins, Ordy.
Arnold, James J., to Nancy J. Smith, Feb. 26, 1880. By G. F. Powell, M. G.
Arnold, Joe, to Charity Holland, July 25, 1897. By S. A. Sheffield, M. G.
Arnold, John, to Mary Thompson, Dec. 17, 1877. By E. H. Goodwin, M. G.
Arnold, John, to Emma Hagan, Nov. 20, 1910. By T. J. Giddens, J. P.
Arnold, John W., to Cora F. Anderson, Dec. 23, 1896. By R. VanDeventer, M. G.
Arnold, Jordan, to Hennie Nasworthy, Sept. 10, 1898. By Gideon Horne, J. P.
Arnold, Readham, to Mary A. Stafford, April 4, 1870. By James Hartley, J. P.
Arnold, Richmond, to Elizabeth Baker, Feb. 22, 1881. By G. F. Powell, M. G.
Arnold, Senette, to Winnie Pipkin, Oct. 14, 1888. By T. J. Mills, M. G.
Arnold, Stephen, to Donie Darsey, May 12, 1901. By T. J. Giddings, J. P.
Arnold, William, to Harriet Thomas, Aug. 28, 1844. By Burwell B. Dykes, J. I. C.
Arnold, William, to Antonett Wheeler, April 17, 1850. By James J. Kinchen, J. P.
Arnold, William, to Martha Cool, July 14, 1867. By J. I. Morgan, M. G.
Arnold, William, to Fannie Bush, April 14, 1872. By H. L. Barlow, J. P.
Arnold, W. J., to Vallie Wilson, April 19, 1903. By Gideon Horne, J. P.
Arnold, W. L., to Lillie Mae Poole, Dec. 7, 1913. By D. L. Ridley, J. P.
Arrington, H. C., to Cora Odell Naylor, Oct. 15, 1911. By Chas. L. Greaves, M. G.
Asbell, Bryant, to Ada Taylor, Dec. 29, 1895. By G. W. Floyd, M. G.
Asbell, Ralph, to Maggie Lunsford, June 16, 1912. By T. J. Giddens, J. P.
Asbell, Robert L., to Evelyn Norris, Sept. 30, 1924. By Henry A. Pierce, M. G.
Ashley, Charles W., to Jane Atkins, March 11, 1852. By Calvin Menshew, J. P.
Ashley, John R., to Lilley M. Wilson, April 10, 1851. By Calvin Menshew, J. P.
Ashley, S. H., to M. E. Wright, Feb. 11, 1875. By J. F. Ryles, N. P.
Askew, Harry, to Lucille Trawick, April 7, 1907. By Albert P. Segars, M. G.
Askew, Thomas R., to Mary Anderson, Sept. 19, 1865. By J. L. Warren, M. G.
Atkins, Clarence Allison, to Emma Thomas, May 27,1917. By J. H. Scruggs, M. G.
Atkins, Henry, to Emma Wynne, Nov. 24, 1886. By J. M. Henderson, M. G.
Atkins, J. C., to W. M. Wynne, Nov. 4, 1869. By R. E. Mills, M. G.
Atkins, John T., to Martha Danfuth, April 11, 1867. By J. N. Wood, J. P.
Atkins, L. Berry, to Nancy Jordan, March 17, 1835. By H. L. Davis, J. P.
Atkins, Richard G., to Harriett Nobles, Feb. 2, 1847. By John Pierce, J. P.
Atkinson, Christopher C., to Mrs. Lana Newsome, Dec. 14, 1927. By W. H. Ketchem, M. G.
Atkinson, Columbus C., to Sallie M. Denson, April 5, 1883. By John Ross, M. G.
Atkinson, Hezekiah, to Louisa Butler, April 22, 1841. By Daniel Dupree, J. P.
Atkinson, Henry, to Molly M. DeLamar, Jan. 25, 1882. By R. E. Mills, M. G.
Atkinson, John H. M., to Jane Lancaster, Aug. 8, 1839. By Wright Lancaster, M. G.
Atkinson, Leonard G., to Eleanor Hatcher, Jan. 30, 1918. By J. S. Hartfield, M. G.
Attaway, Alexander S., to Nettie Carruthers, Dec. 11, 1892. By A. A. Lowe, J. P.
Attaway, Cicera, to Bell Metts, Dec. 3, 1890. By J. E. Lee, J. P.
Attaway, Hercule, to Essie Faircloth, May 9, 1920. By J. L. Holmes, M. G.
Attaway, William H., to Carrie Delamar, Aug. 27, 1885. By John Ross, M. G.
Aurrell, James A., to Emma V. Murray, Oct. 7,1888. By Crawford Jackson, M. G.
Austin, Benjamin F., to Mildred Lee Collins, Feb. 23, 1902. By Lamar Simms, M. G.
Austin, William J., to Earline Overstreet, May 24, 1916. By John T. Harvard, J. P.
Autry, Richard L., to Carrie A. Marchman, June 21, 1910. By H. P. Myers, M. G.
Avant, Augustus C., to Dora Cook, Dec. 19, 1897. By F. B. Asbell, M. G. Avery,
Alexander, to Martha Ann McCarthy, Dec. 29, 1853. By H. C. Horniday, M. G.
Avery, Floyd J., to Tommie D. Lovett, Oct. 16, 1925. By L. C. Ryan, J. P.
Avery, Walter, to Geneva West, Oct. 31, 1919. By Jno. T. Harvard, J. P.
Ayers, Grady, to Ada Maud Strickland, Nov. 12, 1922. By D. H. Holt, J. P.
Ayres, John, to Marilda Stephens, May 25, 1837. By Simeon Russ, J. P.

Pulaski County GA,

AccessGenealogy.com Georgia Marriage Collection. Transcription from original records.

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