History of Hutchinson Kansas

Published in 1946 by McCormick-Armstrong Co., Wichita, Kansas, “Hutchinson, a Prairie City in Kansas” is an important historical resource that captures the quintessence of a small city transitioning through time. The author, Willard Welsh, has painstakingly collected stories, facts, and photographs—albeit photocopies of poor quality—to compose a narrative that preserves the memory of Hutchinson’s development from its early days to an expanding city center.

Welsh organizes the city’s extensive history into chronological chapters, starting with the early interactions with Native Americans and Spanish explorers and moving through the city’s struggles and triumphs. Key areas of focus include the growth of industry, education, religion, and governance, and how these have shaped the community and its identity.

Note: The photographs which originally appeared in this book were poorly photocopied and then placed onto microfilm. This resulted in barely visible photographs within the manuscript. We have found another copy of the book and retrieved those images. While we cannot incorporate these new images in the book, we can provide them to you for your genealogical research. You’ll find them at the bottom of the page in the gallery. They are named by page number.

Table of Contents

  1. Early Indian History, p. 1
  2. Spanish Explorers Visit Hutchinson, p. 2
  3. Hardships Endured by Early Pioneers, p. 6
  4. Development from Town to City, p. 10
  5. Development of Industries, p. 13
  6. The School System, p. 25
  7. Religious Activities, p. 33
  8. The Reno County Bar Association, p. 39
  9. Expansion of Postal Service, p. 41
  10. The Newspaper History, p. 43
  11. The Patriotic Record, p. 48
  12. Surrounding Rural Views, p. 56
  13. Growth of the Salt Industry, p. 57
  14. Development as Railroad Center, p. 65
  15. Life Stories of the Pioneers, p. 67
  16. Early Social Activities, p. 78
  17. “It Pays to Hang On” Says Emerson Cary, p. 82
  18. Development of City Government, p. 91
  19. The Chambers of Commerce, p. 98
  20. Outstanding Grain Market, p. 101
  21. The First Prairie Pow Wow, p. 109
  22. The Park System, p. 110
  23. The Municipal Band, p. 113
  24. Development as Oil Center, p. 115
  25. The Kansas State Fair, p. 116
  26. Flood Disasters are History Now, p. 117
  27. U. S. Naval Air Station, p. 119
  28. The Auxiliary Police, The Big Brothers, Boy Scouts – Girl Scouts, p. 122
  29. Manufacturing and Other Industries, p. 127
  30. Conclusion, p. 165

Gallery of Photos


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