Biography of Judge Henry Hodges Whitfield

Judge Henry Hodges Whitfield was born April 11, 1826, and died January 28, 1886. The Whitfields from whom the subject of this sketch is descended came originally from Lancashire, England. William Whitfield, in the early part of the eighteenth century, settled in Nansewood County, Virginia, and in 1713 married Elizabeth Goodman of Yates County, North Carolina. This couple had four sons and six daughters. The sons were: William, Matthew, Luke, and Constantine. Matthew and Luke married Misses Warren, from the Pee Dee section of South Carolina. Luke Whitfield moved to Craven County, South Carolina, and later lived in Marlborough County, … Read more

Biography of Eschol Wayne Graham

Born September 18, 1873, near McRae, Telfair County, Georgia. Attended local schools and North Georgia Agricultural College; graduated from the University of Georgia with a B.L. degree, in June 1899. He was admitted to the bar in Clarke County Superior Court with the University Law Class of 1899, on June 21, 1899; practiced in McRae, June, 1899-June, 1902; in Mount Vernon, Georgia, June, 1902, to January, 1905; and in McRae, January, 1905, until elected judge of Oconee Judicial Circuit in 1920. He was reelected judge in 1924, 1928, and 1932, which position he now holds. He is a Methodist, Democrat, … Read more

Roster of Pulaski County Georgia Volunteers

Company G, Eighth Regiment, Georgia Volunteers, Infantry, C. S. A., First company to leave Pulaski County. Compiled by the late D. G. Fleming: T. D. L. Ryan, captain. Enlisted May 23, 1861; resigned March 2, 1863. Geo. W. Carruthers, first lieutenant. Enlisted May 23, 1861; resigned January 1862. S. W. Taylor, Jr., second lieutenant. Enlisted May 23, 1861; resigned January 1863. John A. Young, first sergeant. Enlisted May 23, 1861; transferred to Regimental Band of Musicians, June 25, 1861; elected first lieutenant, February, 1862; promoted to captain, March 5, 1863, killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Daniel H. Mason, second … Read more

Biography of William Alexander Ferguson

The younger of two sons, only children of James B. and Martha Byrd Ferguson, William Ferguson was born in Bertie County, North Carolina, June 9, 1819. Grandparents on maternal side were John and Elizabeth Byrd. He married Margaret Ann Lee, December 16, 1836, whose early ancestors were from Virginia. She received her education from private tutors and Chawan College, Murfreesboro, N. C. Her father was William Henry Lee, her grandfather, Henry Lee. Her mother was Nancy Horne Lee, her grandmother, Annie Lee. Maternal side, her grandparents were Turner and Margaret Horne. Eight children were born to William and Margaret Ferguson. … Read more

Biography of Henry Marshall Bozeman

Henry Marshall Bozeman was born in Houston County, Georgia, November 1, 1837. His father was Col. John Bozeman, born April 27, 1793, died in White Springs, Fla., November 10, 1848. Colonel Bozeman served in the Florida Indian War, was several times elected to the State Legislature from the Milledgeville District. On February 14, 1837, he married Rebecca Jewell Pratt, born April 23, 1808. She was highly cultured and a noted musician. Her father was Henry Pratt of Winchester, N. H. Her brother, Marshall, was one of the first musicians of the United States of his day. She was first cousin … Read more

Biography of Mary Culler White

Mary Culler White, born May 12, 1875, in Perry, Georgia, moved to Hawkinsville when four years old. She is the daughter of George H. and Emma Culler White. Her early school years were spent in Hawkinsville. Later she attended Wesleyan College, was a member of the Adelphian Sorority, and graduated in 1891. She taught drawing and painting in the Hawkinsville public schools for seven years. During a meeting held in the Hawkinsville Methodist Church by Miss Emma Tucker she was deeply impressed and felt the direct call to the foreign field of mission work in 1899. After the necessary course … Read more

Old Schools Of Hawkinsville Georgia

The first schoolhouse in Hawkinsville was built in the block that is bounded by Jackson, Broad, Commerce, and Lumpkin Streets. It was a little nearer Jackson Street, almost behind what is now the Ford station. One feature of the teaching of this school was that the pupils studied aloud. The patrons decided that this school was too near the business section, so a new schoolhouse was built beyond E. J. Henry’s place on the road to what was then called “the Polhill Place.” Afterwards the Tomlin place. This building was burned. At this time, Uncle Jimmy Williamson, as he was … Read more

Biography of Washington Leonidas Grice

A family tree would show four Grices in a direct line, all residents of Johnston County, North Carolina: Francis, who died in 1750, a copy of whose will appears in the published Colonial Records of North Carolina; his son, William, a Revolutionary soldier; and next, Stephen, a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions, and his son, Garry, who in his youth was a civil engineer and laid out the town of Goldsboro, North Carolina. In 1822, Judge Stephen Grice, with his wife, who was formerly Miss Sally Simms, with their family, moved to Newton County, Georgia, … Read more

Nehemiah Posey – Certificate of Marriage, 1777

Posey, Nehemiah, to Anna Posey, Decm. 15, 1777. By John Brantley, J. P. (Certificate) North Carolina Whereas Anna Posey hath this day applied to me for a Chatham County Certificate of Marriage contracted between her that S. Anna Posey and Nehemiah Posey of the same County of said State on the 7th day of June in the year of our Lord 1777. I do hereby Certify that on the day and date above mentioned Nehemiah Posey and Anna Trountham was lawfully Joined together in the Holy Estate of Matrimony. Certified before me this 15th day of Decm 1777. John Brantly, … Read more

Slave Narrative of Alice Battle

Interviewer: Elizabeth Watson Person Interviewed: Alice Battle Date of Interview: 1936 Location: Hawkinsville, Georgia During the 1840’s, Emanuel Caldwell—born in North Carolina, and Neal Anne Caldwell—born in South Carolina, were brought to Macon by “speculators” and sold to Mr. Ed Marshal of Bibb County. Some time thereafter, this couple married on Mr. Marshal’s plantation, and their second child, born about 1850, was Alice Battle. From her birth until freedom, Alice was a chattel of this Mr. Marshal, whom she refers to as a humane man, though inclined to use the whip when occasion demanded. Followed to its conclusion, Alice’s life … Read more

History of Friendship Baptist Church, Pulaski County, Georgia

Friendship Baptist Church, of Pulaski County, Georgia, was organized May 6, 1843. This church was constituted at the home of Mr. Reubin E. Reynolds I who was born in 1795 and died in 1872) and wife, Winnie Cutts Reynolds, and his daughter, Cynthia Reynolds (who later became the wife of John Wesley Turner). The ministers constituting the presbytery were: Berry Hobbs and Joseph Ross. The charter members were: Benjamin Franklin Adams, William Ridley, Jesse Grantham, Reubin E. Reynolds, Martha Adams, Nancy Ridley, and Winnie Cutts Reynolds. Services were held in the Reynolds home until the first Friendship Church was built, … Read more

History of Antioch Baptist Church, Pulaski County, Georgia

Antioch Baptist Church was organized August 10, 1893. Rev. R. Bullington preached the organization sermon. The group entered into a conference and elected A. C. Fulghum clerk. The charter members were: Sarah Foster, W. J. Pirkle and wife, J. T. Stephens, Catherine Stephens, J. L. Stephens and wife, B. F. Bracewell, H. D. Vaughn, A. C. Fulghum and wife. Fellowship was the name given the church. After a few years some became dissatisfied with the name and it was changed to Antioch. The services were held under an arbor for three or four years before a house was erected. In … Read more

Biography of Captain R. W. Anderson

No history of Pulaski County would be complete without a sketch of that prominent and beloved citizen, Captain Ruel W. Anderson, son of Robert S. and Sallie Wooten Anderson, who was born near Hawkinsville, October 6, 1837, and died May 27, 1903. He was one of thirteen children, nine of whom reached the age of maturity five girls and four boys. He was reared and educated in Pulaski County. He was married while on furlough, February 4, 1864, to Mrs. R. W. Anderson. Agnes Merritt, only daughter of Simon and Maria Merritt, of Stonington, Conn. She died September 2, 1900. … Read more

Biography of Johnathan Joseph Jelks

Johnathan Joseph Jelks, third son of James Oliver and Mary Polhill Jelks, was born January 15, 1841, in Hawkinsville, Ga., spending his life there and in Florida and Macon, Ga., where he died May 11, 1911. In 1861, in the War Between the States, he enlisted in Company G of the Eighth Georgia Infantry. The gallant men of this famous regiment distinguished themselves at the first Battle of Manassas, and were saluted for their bravery by General Beauregard. He served with General Tige Anderson’s Brigade, Longstreet’s Corps, fighting at Dam No. 1, on the Yorktown line, in the Seven Days’ … Read more

Pulaski Greys: Company K, 49th Georgia Volunteer Infantry

Company K, 49th Georgia Volunteer Infantry, Army of Northern Virginia, C. S. A., as compiled by the late A. C. Pipkin. (Fourth Company, from Pulaski County) S. M. Manning, captain. Enlisted March 4, 1862; elected lieutenant-colonel, March 22, 1862; mortally wounded at Cedar Run, Va., August 9, 1862; died, 1862. H. H. Whitfield, first lieutenant. Enlisted March 4, 1862; promoted to captain, March 22, 1862; resigned, June 27, 1863. John H. Pate, second lieutenant. Enlisted March 4, 1862; promoted to first lieutenant, March 22, 1862; promoted to captain, June 27, 1862; elected major, July 28, 1863. E. A. Smith, second … Read more

History of Baptist Church at Corinth, Pulaski County, Georgia

In 1866, soon after the close of the “War Between the States,” John Godwin and Daniel Fann, two consecrated Baptist ministers, were appointed to act as a presbytery to draw up articles of faith for a Baptist Church at Corinth, an Old Field School, about three miles east of Hawkinsville. The following brethren and sisters assented to the articles drawn up and were duly constituted into a regular Baptist Church, October 12. 1866: M. B. Fann, Miles Bembry, W. G. Fleming, Jacob Fausky, J. E. Holmes, J. W. Lancaster, J. W. Sapp, Martha Fann, Sarah A. Bembry, Sarah L. Bembry, … Read more

Pulaski County, Georgia Marriages to the year 1930

Pulaski County Georgia Marriage Records through 1930. A Surnames Abney, Bailey A., to Caroline S. Bolinger, Aug. 28,1845. By David Roberts, M. G. Abney, B. F., to Pit Faucett, Jan. 20, 1907. By W. B. Richardson, J. P. Abney, Henry I., to Mamie Floyd, March 17, 1901. By R. C. Sanders, M. G. Abney, James S., to Mattie Jones, Dec. 27, 1896. By T. J. Meadows, J. P. Abney, J. F., to S. C. Crumpler, Aug. 20, 1899. By T. J. Meadows, J. P. Abney, John F., to Dollie Coley, Dec. 24, 1880. By E. H. Godwin, M. G. Abney, … Read more

Pulaski County Georgia School Superintendents and Teachers

Superintendents A. T. Fountain, 1888-1891 W. A. Jelks, 1892 A. T. Fountain, 1893-1899 R. C. Sanders, 1900-1912 F. B. Asbell, 1912-1916 A. W. Fountain, 1917-1920 A. G. McKinney, 1921-1925 M. W. Harris, 1925-1926 D. R. Pearce, 1926-1935 Teachers Professor Brantley Prof. M. T. Hodge Prof. W. L. Harvard Capt. J. H. Martin M. N. McCall Prof. G. R. Glover Prof. R. C. Sanders Mike Hodge Dick Carruthers John Polhill Prof. Lee Henderson Prof. N. E. Ware Prof. Hugh Ware Prof. Thomas Polhill Prof. H. D. Knowles Prof. W. W. Carter Rev. D. C. Bussell Rev. F. B. Asbell A. M. … Read more

Biographies of Pulaski County Georgia

Biographies of Pulaski County, Georgia: The following collection consists of 104 biographies of Pulaski County Georgia. These persons were either born and raised in Pulaski County or settled the county at an early date in it’s history (pre 1900). They consist of men in the County of Pulaski, who were considered by the author to be the religious, business, governmental, professional, and agricultural leaders of the various communities in Racine. Sometimes they were included simply because they “subscribed” to the manuscript prior to publication.

Pulaski County Academy’s Records

Pulaski County Academy’s Records Mt. Horeb Grand Valley Academy was organized 1808. The date of 1st record is 1840 (Acts 1840, p. 13; Cobb p. 1194, 12/19/1840). 1821 Pulaski County Academy. 1832 Pulaski Walnut Branch Academy. 1840 Pulaski Mt. Horeb Grand Valley Academy. Number chartered 3 (Secondary Education in Georgia 1732-1858) Boogher. Pulaski County Academy-Higher Branches of Education taught. The number of Students taught, according to report of Commission from Academy Returns 1833, is 91 total. 35 male and 56 female. (Second Ed. in Georgia 1732-1858) Boogher. Academies Pulaski County That Robert N. Taylor, Jacob Watson, John Rawls, William L. … Read more