1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Public Offices

The Capital City of Western Canada, is situated on a fine bay of Lake Ontario, in the Township and County of York; the City is an electoral district, returning tow members to the Provincial Parliament, and the Courts of Law for the County are held here. Toronto possesses many natural advantages for trade, which will be greatly increased when the projected railroad lines, of which she will be the centre, are completed, distance from Kingston, 165 miles, usual stage fare, 45s, usual steamboat fare, 20s, distant from Hamilton, 45 miles usual stage fare 7s 6d, usual steamboat fare, 7s 6d. … Read more

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Mineral Water to Railroad Agents

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Mineral Water Depot Goedike, E., Plantagenet water depot, King st., west. Music And Musical Instrument Store NORDHEIMER, A. & S., publishers and importers of music and musical instruments, 14 King st. east an extensive assortment of the celebrated piano fortes of Chickering, and Stodart & Dunham, at manufacturers prices. Publishers And Importers Of Music Teachers Ambrose, C. & J., Church st. Clarke, J. P., Church st. Mustard Manufacturer CRAWFORD, D., & Co., mustard, ink and blacking manufacturers, York mills, corner of King and … Read more

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Medical Societies and Colleges

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Medical, Surgical And Benevolent Society Toronto School Of Medicine. The Toronto School of Medicine opens the last Monday in October, and closes the Iast Monday in April. The lectures correspond to the requirements of the medical faculty of the University of McGill College, Montreal. This school having been recognised by that Institution, qualifies for graduation according to its rules. Lecturers Dr. Workman, Dr. Morrison, Dr. Langstaff, Dr. Aikin and Dr. Rolph. Medical Board, Canada West. Established by Act of Parliament. President: Hon. C. … Read more

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Incorporated Companies

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Incorporated Companies Canada Company Incorporated By Act Of Parliament And Royal Charter, 1836. Capital £1,000,000 sterling, with power to increase it to £2,000,000 sterling. Office in London Canada house, St. Helen’s place, Bishopsgate st. Offices in Canada-Toronto, Frederick st., and at Goderich, Huron district, where emigrants or intending emigrants can receive or be supplied, by applying personally or by letter, with all necessary information, free of charge. Commissioners resident in Canada West Thomas Mercer Jones, and Frederick Widder. Any information respecting the Company’s … Read more

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Hatters to Millers

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Hatters And Furriers BASTEDO, JAcoB, hatter, furrier, and cap manufacturer, 9 King st. east, nearly opposite the “Globe” office-buffalo robes, ladies and gentlemen’s fur gloves, gauntlets, &c. always on hand cash paid for fur skins. Joseph, H. A., 66 Yonge st. Phipp, George, 73 King st. west. ROGERS, JOSEPH, hatter and furrier, sign of the Indian Chief, City buildings, 7 King st. east, opposite the new cathedral. SALT, JOHN, importer and manufacturer of hats, caps, furs and straw goods, 62 King st. east, … Read more

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Ginger Beer to Hardware Merchants

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Ginger Beer Maker Sproat, Henry, 60 King st. west Glover Smith, Henry 150 Yonge st Glue Maker Cave, Samuel, Church st. Gunsmiths ASHFIELD, James, gun and rifle manufacturer, 21 King st west, guns neatly percussioned, gunpowder and shooting materials of every description Green, S. F., Yonge st Greene, John, 5 Martime place General Merchants BRETT, R. H., general merchant, 161 King st. east. BROWN, A. V., & Co., wholesale dealers in groceries, teas, wines, liquors, &c., also shelf and heavy hardware and crockery … Read more

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Daguerreotype to Furniture Brokers

Daguerreotype Artists Blakeley, Alex., City buildings, King st., east. Palmer, E. J., 74 City buildings, King st., east. Dentists KAHN, CHARLES, surgical and mechanical dentist, 46 King st., west, 2 doors from Bay st. all operations in dental surgery performed upon the most approved scientific principles, and warranted to prove effective. Kahn, Charles, Bay st. Wood, Samuel, 43 King st., west. Smith, J. F., 5 King, st., east. Dry Goods Merchants (Wholesale). BOWES & HALL, wholesale importers of dry goods, Yonge st. BRYCE, MCMURRICH & Co., wholesale dry goods importers, 5 Yonge st. EWART, JOHN, jun., & Co., wholesale importers … Read more

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Customs and Military

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Custom House. Foot of Yonge street. William Fabean Meudell, collector T. C. Scott, surveyor John Cameron, 1st clerk George Henderson, 2nd clerk George T. Warren, assistant clerk R. Emery, Dunn, T. McCarthy, landing waiters. Military Departs Royal Engineers-Captain. S. Freeth, officer commanding W. M. Noble, lieutenant J. Bennett, clerk of Works W. Mahony, foreman of Works W. Graves, office keeper-Office, Front st., foot of Peter st. Royal Artillery-At Old Fort- Present establishment-One corporal and four gunners. Royal Magnetic Observatory-University Grounds-Present establishment: Captain J. … Read more

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Clergy and Churches

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Resident Clergy, Churches, And Hours Of Divine Service. Church Of England. The RIGHT REV. JOHN STRACHAN, D. D., L. L. D., Bishop of Toronto. Ven. A. N. Bethune, D. D., Archdeacon of York. Rev. H. J. Grasett, M. A., examining and domestic chaplain, and secretary to the Bishop. Parochial Clergy REV. H. J. Grasett, M. A., rector of St. James, and officiating chaplain to the forces Rev. Stephen Lett, L. L. D., minister of St. George’s church Rev Richard Mitchele, B. A., minister … Read more

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Cabinetmakers to Cutlers

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Cabinetmakers And Upholsterers FRENCH, RICHARD, chair manufactory, wholesale and retail 54 King st., west. JACQUES & HAY, cabinetmakers and upholsterers, Windsor and cane seat chair, and patent bedstead manufacturers wholesale and retail, 42 King st., west, corner of Bay st., manufactory, Bay shore. PARKER, THOMAS D., cabinetmaker, 63 Queen st., west every description of furniture constantly on hand, or made to order in the best manner, on reasonable terms. ROBERTS, GEORGE, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 115 Yonge st., opposite Elgie’s hotel a choice stock … Read more

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Booksellers to Butchers

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Booksellers, Stationers, And Binders ALLANSON, J., Yonge st., near Alice st., dealer in English periodicals, &c. ARMOUR, ANDREW. H., & Co., wholesale and retail booksellers, stationers, and binders, 14 King st., west. BALFOUR, JOHN, bookseller and stationer, job and ornamental printer, 119 King st., east. Bentley, John, 65 and 67 Yonge st. BREWER, M’PHAIL, & Co., wholesale stationers and publishers (by authority of the Council of Public Instruction of Upper Canada) of the series of national school books, 46 King st. Carless, James, … Read more

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Assurance Companies

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Assurance Companies, Life, Fire And Marine. Albion Life Assurance Company, Hon. W. Cayley, agent, Wellington st. American Live Stock Assurance Company, George H. Cheney, agent, King st. Etna Fire and Life Assurance Company of Hartford, Whittemore, Rutherford & Co., agents, King st. east. Britannia Life Assurance Company, Francis Heward; Agent, Front St. British America Fire, Life And Marine Assurance Company, Hon. W. Allan, Governor; G. P. Ridout, deputy governor; Joseph Beckett, Hon. James Gordon, T. D. Harris, T. Helliwell, David Paterson, Peter Paterson, … Read more

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Accountants to Boarding Houses

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Professions, Trades, &C., Arranged Under their Respective Heads. Accountants And Agents. MANNING, JAMES, general insurance agent, 35 Yonge st. SPREULL, SAMUEL, accountant and notary, 61A Yonge st. Bell, Thomas, corner King and Church sts. Williamson, William, Wellington buildings, King St.,east. Fraser, Jas., Wellington buildings, King st., east. Architects And Civil Engineers. CUMBERLAND & RIDOUT, architects and civil engineers, corner King and Nelson sts. Fraser, W. W.. Agnes st. HOWARD, J. G., architect and civil engineer, 82 King st., west. PASSMORE, F. F., architect, … Read more

1851 Three Rivers Canada Directory

Tax District Town of the District of Three Rivers, is situated at the confluence of the Rivers St. Maurice and St. Lawrence in the Seigniory of St. Marguerite, County of St. Maurice, C. E. The Town is an electoral district, returning one Member to the Provincial Parliament, and the Courts of Law for the District are held here, distant from Montreal, 90 miles usual steamboat fare, 6s. 3d. usual stage fare, 25s., distant from Quebec, 90 miles-stage and steamboat fares, same as to Montreal. Population about 4000. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of … Read more

1851 Thorold Canada Directory

A Village situated on the Welland Canal, in the Township of Thorold, County of Welland, C. W. distant from St. Catherines, 4 miles usual stage fare, 1s. 3d. Population about 1000. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &E. COWAN, (WILLIAM) & PARK, JAMES) Welland Canal flour GIBSON, JAMES, Niagara flour mills. HENDERSHOT, WILLIAM B., general merchant. KEEFER, JACOB, commissioner and conveyancer. KEEFER, GEORGE, flouring mills. KEEFER, PETER, postmaster and clerk of divisiOn court. ROLLS, HENRY, M. D. WARD, WILLIAM H., saw and planing mills,and … Read more

1851 Thornhill Canada Directory

A Village situated in the Townships of Markham and Vaughan. County of York, C. W. distant from Toronto, 12 miles usual stage fare, 1s. 101/2d. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Arnold, _______, miller. Balf, Dr., physician and surgeon. Blake, Rev. D., Church of England. Bray, P., innkeeper. Brunskell, John, storekeeper, miller, and J. P. Burwick, R., innkeeper.. Cameron, A., blacksmith. Edey, John, carpenter. Gallenaugh, M., blacksmith. Jamieson, Dr., physician and surgeon. Lemon, Samuel, innkeeper. Martin & Jewett, carpenters. Mason & Cogswell, wagonmakers. … Read more

1851 Thamesford Canada Directory

A Village situated in the Township of Nissouri, County of Oxford, C. W. distant from Toronto, 102 miles-usual stage fare to Hamilton, 10s. Population about 175. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Hueston, Thomas, innkeeper. M’Carty, Joseph and Eleazer, flour, saw, and fulling mills. M’Clelland, Robert, general store, pot and pearl ash factory. Morrison, John, cooper. Ross, Alexander, millwright.

1851 Terrebonne Canada Directory

The County Town of the County of Terrebonne, is situated in the Seigniory of the same name on the Riviere des Prairies-distant from Montreal, 15 miles. Population of the parish about 2000. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. FRASER, JOHN, notary public and J. P. GORRIE, ALEXANDER, notary public, registrar of the county of Terrebonne, secretary and treasurer of the county municipality. LEPAGE, B. S., notary public, and clerk of the circuit court. MASSON, EDWARD, manufacturer and mill owner. MASSON, MADAME, seignioress of … Read more

1851 Temperanceville Canada Directory

A Village situated in the Townships of Malahide and Yarmouth, County of Middlesex, C. W. distant from Toronto, 140 miles from St. Thomas, 10 miles, and from London, 27 miles. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &E. Bingham and Aitken, general merchants. Broas, H. F., tailor. Ganson, Elisha S., J. P. Hoover, John, cabinetmaker.

1851 Tam Worth Canada Directory

A VILLAGE situated on the Salmon River, in the Township of Sheffield, County of Addington, C. W.-distant from Shannonville, 30 miles-from Kingston, 36 miles. Population about 125. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. WHEELER, CALVIN, postmaster and township treasurer. Non Members Bence, Nicholas, shoemaker. Dimerest, Dr. E. G. G., physician and surgeon. Helm, Robert, blacksmith. Hooper, Henry, tailor. Kirk, James, blacksmith. Millon, William, tailor. Miller, George, tanner and currier. Ring, David, wheelwright. Robertson, Samuel, cooper. Selden & Gordon, merchants and millers Storring, John, … Read more