1851 Three Rivers Canada Directory

Last Updated on November 7, 2012 by

Tax District Town of the District of Three Rivers, is situated at the confluence of the Rivers St. Maurice and St. Lawrence in the Seigniory of St. Marguerite, County of St. Maurice, C. E. The Town is an electoral district, returning one Member to the Provincial Parliament, and the Courts of Law for the District are held here, distant from Montreal, 90 miles usual steamboat fare, 6s. 3d. usual stage fare, 25s., distant from Quebec, 90 miles-stage and steamboat fares, same as to Montreal. Population about 4000.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Public Officers
POLETTE, A., M. P. P. for Three Rivers and mayor.
PAPINEAU, HON. LOuis JOSEPH, M. P. P. for St. Maurice.
MONDELET, HON. D., judge of the superior court.
BARNARD, EDWARD, prothonotary and clerk of the crown.
HUGHES, H. B., clerk of the peace.
Ogden, J., sheriff
Guillet, V., coroner.
Garceau, J. D., revenue inspector.
Lor, Henry, crown lands agent.
Robertson, Captain John, postmaster.
Burns, Phillip, high constable.
ThOmson, A., clerk of market.
Vezina, P. A., secretary and treasurer, municipal council.
John McDougall, Louis Claire, F. Bellefeuille, Joseph Bureau, Ignace Caron, Olivier Gouin, councilors.

Agencies Of Assurance Companies, Banks, &C.
Canada Life Assurance Company, Captain J. Robertson, agent.
Coloniel Life Assurance Company, James Dickson, agent.
Equitable Fire Assurance Company, L. J. McNair, agent.
National Loan Fund. Life Assurance Company, P. B. Dumoulin, agent.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
ANDERSON, JOHN, dealer in dry goods, hardware, groceries, &c., Notre Dame st.
BADE AU, Dr., physician and surgeon; Forges st.
BURN, J., advocate. Notre Dame st.
CANADIAN INSTITUTE, Hypolite Pacaud, president, Notre Dame st.
COOK, VERY REV. THOMAS, Roman Catholic, P. V. G.
DuMOULIN, P. B., advocate, Deschamps st.
GIROUX, JOSEPH, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, &c., Notre Dame st.
HART, A. E., advocate, Notre Dame st.
HOULISTON, JOHN, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, &c., Notre Dame st.
KEENAN, JOHN, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, books, stationery, and medicines, also auctioneer and commission merchant, Notre Dame st.
LAJOIE; J. B., dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, &c., Main st.
LANDRY, LOUIS, E. M. D., Notre Dame st.
LANIGAN, RICHARD, dealer in dry goods, hardware, groceries, &c., Main st.
LARUE, AUGUSTIN, dealer in dry goods, hardware, groceries, &c., Main st.
LOUTHWOOD, CHARLES, dealer in groceries, crockery, provisions, &c., Water st.
MCDOUGALL, JOHN, dealer in groceries, crockery, provisions, dry goods, liquors, &c.,
and steamboat agent, Water st.
RITTER, J. U., tobacco and snuff manufacturer, and dealer, Platin st.
ROYER, FRANCIS, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, &c., Main st.
SIMMONS, JOHN C., lumber merchant.
STOBBS, GEORGE, bookseller, printer, and publisher of Le Journal des Trois Rivieres, Forges st.
Non Members
Adair, W., shoemaker, corner Notre Dame and Forges sts.
Anderson, T., Three Rivers hotel, Notre Dame st.
Anderson, Mrs., brewer, Notre Dame st.
Badeau, G. M., notary, Forges st.
Beaudry, Charles, baker, St. Réné st.
Bernard, C., innkeeper, Water st.
Bereau, Francois, advocate, Notre Dame st.
Bereau, Napoléon, advocate, Notre Dame st.
Betty, James, shoemaker, Platin st.
Boudreau, Z., pilot, Notre Dame st.
Brunelle, L. C., storekeeper, Forges st.
Burns, T., advocate, Royal st.
Bureau, J., saddler, Notre Dame st.
Bureau. J., land surveyor, Notre Dame st.
Campbell, Rev. Thomas, Wesleyan.
Craig, E., advocate, Craig st.
Craig, J. C. H., storekeeper, Forges st.
Corbeille, J., blacksmith, Notre Dame st.
Desfosses, Pierre, storekeeper, Forges st.
Derocher,________, tobacconist, Forges st.
Desoleter, Emi, advocate, Platin st.
Desonault, A., advocate, Platin st.
Desylva, Francois, advocate, Notre Dame st
Deveau, P., leather store, Notre Dame st.
Deslaurier, A., shoemaker, Notre Dame st.
Degris, J., shoemaker, Notre Dame st.
Fearon, H. C., tobacconist, Notre Dame st.
Fearon, J., baker, Notre Dame st.
Fisette, F., baker, Notre Dame st.
Gilmor, Dr., Forges st.
Ginnis, W., storekeeper, Platin st.
Godin, L., wheelwright, Notre Dame st.
Goodwin, Joseph, shoemaker, Notre Dame st.
Guillet & LatanviIle, notaries, Notre Dame st.
Hart, Moses, notary, Notre Dame st.
Hart & Son, storekeepers, Platin st.
Kernan, C., tailor, Craig st.
Labarre, Denis, furreyr, Notre Dame st.
Labarre, D., notary, Forges st.
Lamontagne, ________, shoemaker, Forges st.
Lannegan, George, schoolmaster, Notre Dame st.
Lasalle and Brother, Notre Dame st.
Lor, S., saddler, Notre Dame st.
Louthard, Charles, storekeeper, Platin st.
Luckerhoff L., tinsmith, St. Antoine st.
McKelvie, A., tinsmith, Notre Dame st.
NevervilIe, Charles, advocate, Bonaventure st.
Ostrom, L., innkeeper, Water st.
Pellisson, Dr., Platin st.
Peneton, Joseph, crockery store, Forges st.
Platt, T., tailor, Notre Dame st.
Pleau, A., baker, Notre Dame st.
Pothier, J. B., hardware store,
Platin st. Rickaby, T., cabinetmaker, Notre Dame st.
Robitaille, L., tailor, Notre Dame st.
Robichaud, L., painter, Notre Dame st.
Richelieu, O.. tailor, Noire Dame st.
Ryan, John, painter, Notre Dame st.
Thomson & Co., storekeepers, corner of Platin and Notre Dame sts.
Trudelle, Mrs. O., storekeeper, Notre Dame st.
Trudelle, J. B., saddler, Notre Dame st.
Turcotte, J. E., advocate and Q. C., Notre Dame st.
Thorn, Rev. James, Church of Scotland.
Vierge, J. B., saddler, Notre Dame st.
Vézina, Peyrre, advocate, Bonaventure st.
Vézina, Edouard, advocate, Bonaventure st.
Whiteford, John, watchmaker, Platin st.
Wood, Rev. S. S., Church of England.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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