1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Mineral Water to Railroad Agents

Last Updated on November 7, 2012 by

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Mineral Water Depot
Goedike, E., Plantagenet water depot, King st., west.

Music And Musical Instrument Store
NORDHEIMER, A. & S., publishers and importers of music and musical instruments, 14 King st. east an extensive assortment of the celebrated piano fortes of Chickering, and Stodart & Dunham, at manufacturers prices.

Publishers And Importers Of Music Teachers
Ambrose, C. & J., Church st.
Clarke, J. P., Church st.

Mustard Manufacturer
CRAWFORD, D., & Co., mustard, ink and blacking manufacturers, York mills, corner of King and George sts.

News Agent
NIMMO, JOHN, 7 City buildings, King st., east.

Newspapers and Periodicals
BRITISH COLONIST, semi-weekly newspaper, Hugh Scobie, King st. east.
CHRISTIAN GUARDIAN, weekly newspaper, A. Green, King st. east.
CHURCH, weekly newspaper, A. F. Plees, King st. west.
CHRiSTIAN OBSERVER, monthly periodical, J. M’Cord.
EXAMINER, weekly newspaper, James Lesslie, King st. east.
GLOBE, tri-weekly and weekly newspaper, George Brown, King st. east.
MIRROR, weekly newspaper, J. Dunlevy, corner of Nelson and King sts.
NORTH AMERICAN, weekly newspaper, W. M’Dougal, Yonge st.
PATRIOT, daily and weekly ,newspaper, Wellington buildings, King st. east, T. Thompson, editor, E. G. O’Brien, proprietor.
UPPER CANADA MEDICAL JOURNAL, monthly magazine, A. F. Plees, King St.
WATCHMAN, weekly newspaper, Rev. T. T. Howard, editor, Wellington buildings, King st. east.
YOUNG CHURCHMAN, monthly magazine, A. F. Plees, King st.

Notary Public
OSBORNE, W., notary public, land agent and conveyancer, 16 King st., west.
Armstrong, John, King st.

Nurserymen and Gardners
FLEMING, JAMES, seedsman and florist, Yonge st. seedsman to the Agricultural Association of Upper Canada.
LESSLIE, GEORGE, & Co., Toronto nursery, Kingston road.
TURNER, HENRY, gardener, nurseryman and florist, Kingston road, east, near the Don. Gordon, William, seedsman, 34 Yonge st.

Oculist and Aurist
CADWELL, DR., oculist and aurist, 5 King st., east-diseases of the eye and ear, treated by Dr. C. in the most approved scientific manner.

Oil Cloth Factory
Theim, Christian, 184 Queen st., west.

Painters, Glaziers, Paperhangers And Plumbers
CRAIG, J., house and sign painter, and glass stainer, 76 King st., west.
HANCOCK, W. G., house, sign and carriage painter, gilder, glazier, paperhanger, &e., 148 King st., east of the market.
MARCH, CHARLES, house and sign painter, carver and gilder, 29 King st., west.
ROGERS, S., painter and glazier, 45 Bay st.
Non Members
Carr, J., 46 Queen st., west.
Crapper, James, plumber, 85 King st., west. Cummings & Wells, plumbers, 93 King st., west. Hamilton, Alexander, Church st.
Hassard, R., 109 King st., west,
Impey, Henry, plumber, 133 King st., west. Iredale, William, 170 Yonge st.
Leonard, M. A.. 10 Queen st., west.
Maunder, John, Church st.
McLean, D. C., 112 King st., east.
Searle, Henry, paperhanger, 102 King st., west. Smith, Thomas, 21 Wellington st., west. Williams, William, 30 Adelaide st., west.

Paper Warehouses
EASTWOOD, JOHN, paper manufacturer, New Market buildings.
TAYLOR, JOHN, & BROTHERS, Toronto paper mills warehouse, 4 west side Market buildings.

Patent Leathermaker
Izzard, James, 208 Queen st., west.

Pianoforte Manufacturers
REYNOLDS & DUFFETT, pianoforte and melodeon manufacturers, 106 King st., musical instruments repaired.
Thomas & Son, 140 King st., west.

Physicians And Surgeons
Aikens, Dr., 53 Queen st., west.
Badgley, F., M.D., 17 Bay st.
Beaumont, William R., surgeon, 11 Bay st.
Bell, Dr., Franklin house, Yonge st.
Bethune, Dr., Bay st.
Bovell, Dr., Carlton st.
Bown, Dr., Bay st.
Buchanan, Dr., 35 Queen st., west.
Burnside, Dr., Yonge st.
Cadwell, Dr., 5 King st., east.
Crawford, Dr., Queen st.
Crew, Dr. H., Yonge st.
Derry, Dr., 39 Bay st.
Gamble, Dr. T. C., homeopathic, 135 King st.
Gwynne, Dr. W. C. professor of anatomy, York st.
Hallowell, Dr., 38 Queen st.
Herrick, Dr., 50 Church st.
Hodder, Dr., Queen st., west.
Holmes, Dr., 50 Adelaide st.
King, John, M. D., Richmond st.
Macdonald, Dr. A., 43 King st., west.
M’Ilmurray, Dr., 16 Richmond st., west.
Melville, Dr., Yonge st..
Morrison, Dr. T.., 35 King st., west.
Nicol, Dr. W., 56 Adelaide st., west.
O’Brien, Dr. L.,. 27 Bay st.
Primrose, F., M. D., Richmond st.
Richardson, Dr., 53 Bay st.
Robinson, Dr., 57 Church st.
Rolph, Dr. J., 53 Queen sty west.
Russell, Dr. Gavin, 85 Yonge st.
Scott, John, M. D., Lunatic asylum.
Stratford, W., surgeon, 53 Church st.
Telfer, W., surgeon, Church st.
Treanor, Dr., Bay st.
Widmer, Hon. C., Palace st.
Workman, Joseph, M. D., Queen st.

Printing Offices
BREWER & MCPHAIL, King st., east.
BROWN, GEORGE, King st., east.
CLELAND, JAMES, 61 Yonge st.
DUNLEVEY, J., corner of Nelson and King sts.
LOVELL & Gras ON, book and job printers, Front st.
MCDOUGAL, W., Yonge st.
LESSLIE, JAMES, King st., east.
O’BRIEN, E. G., King st., east.
PLEES, A. F., 7 King st., west.
ROWSELL, HENRY, general printing office, King st., west.
SCOBIE, HUGH, general printing office, King st., east.
STEPHENS, HENRY, 25 King St., west.
STEPHENS, JAMES, King st., east.
WESLEYAN METHODIST, general printing office, King st., west.

Provision Merchants
Gunn, R., 31 St. Lawrence market.
Newan, C. Palace st.
Hirst, John, St. Patrick’s market.
Smith, J. E., 29 St. Lawrence market.
Langrill, F., 33 St. Lawrence market.
Speers, William, 35 St. Lawrence market.

Railroad Agent
JONES, RALPH, agent for the Vermont Central and Northern, or Ogdensburg railroad, 22 Front st.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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