1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Incorporated Companies

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Incorporated Companies
Canada Company
Incorporated By Act Of Parliament And Royal Charter, 1836.
Capital £1,000,000 sterling, with power to increase it to £2,000,000 sterling.
Office in London Canada house, St. Helen’s place, Bishopsgate st. Offices in Canada-Toronto, Frederick st., and at Goderich, Huron district, where emigrants or intending emigrants can receive or be supplied, by applying personally or by letter, with all necessary information, free of charge. Commissioners resident in Canada West Thomas Mercer Jones, and Frederick Widder. Any information respecting the Company’s lands can also be obtained from Richard Birdsall, Asphodel, Colborne district; and J. C. W. Daly, Stratford.
The Canada Company have for sale about 1,000,000 acres in the Huron district, and 1,000,000 acres in blocks and scattered lots, in every township in Canada West. The Canada Company remit from London to Canada any sum of money by letters of credit upon their commissioners; and likewise transmit any sum of money from Canada to any part of Europe.

Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara, And St. Catherines Electro-Magnetic Telegraph Company.
T. D. Harris, president;
Daniel McNab, Hamilton, vice-president;
P. R. Marling, secretary.

Montreal Telegraph Company.
Office, 22 Front street. H. P. Dwight, manager.

Toronto Building Society
Charles Berczy, president
T. W. Birchall, vice-president
J. L. Robinson, solicitor
W. C. Ross, secretary and treasurer

Bankers-Bank of British North America.
Office, Bank of British North America buildings, Wellington near Yonge street.

Farmers And Mechanics Building Society. Toronto street.
Incorporated In 1847.
J. D. Ridout, president
Thomas Champion, vice-president
Muttlebury and Jones, solicitors
W. B. Crew, secretary and treasurer.

Home District Building Society, Church street, near St. Andrew’s Church.
Joseph Workman, M. D., president
Hugh Miller, vice-president
Richard Dempsey, solicitor
I. C. McMullen, secretary and treasurer.

The People’s Building Society, Liddell’s buildings, Front street.
Thomas Bell, president
Alexander McGlashan, vice-president
C. W. Lount, solicitor
Charles Stotesbury, secretary and treasurer.

Upper Canada Building Society.
Incorporated March 28th 1848.
Hon. John Hillyard Cameron, president
W. Antrobus Holwell, vice-president
Cameron, Brock and Robinson, solicitors

Bankers-Toronto Branch Commercial Bank, Midland district;
E. Shortis, secretary and treasurer.

County Of York Building Society, Colborne, near Church street.
Incorporated 1850.
William Wakefield, president
Joseph C. Morrison, vice-president
Thomas Galt, solicitor
W. Scott Burn, secretary and treasurer.

Ontario Building Society.
Incorporated 1850.
William M. Gorrie, president;
Francis Richardson, vice-president;
Angus Morrison, solicitor;

Bankers-Bank of B. N. A.; Church street, one door north of Courthouse.
Nathan Gatchell, secretary and treasurer.

Commercial Permanent Building And Investment Society. Corner of King and Nelson sts.
Thomas Clarkson, president;
John McMurrich, vice-president;
Charles Robertson, A. Wilson, Q. C:, E. H. Rutherford, John Shaw, Alexander McGlashan, directors
Adam Wilson, Q. C., solicitor;
Joseph Sheard, inspector;

Bank of Upper Canada, bankers.
Church Of England And Metropolitan Building Society.
Incorporated February, 1850.
John Arnold, president;
James Beaven, D. D., vice-president;
Heath and Irving, solicitors;
Bankers-Bank of Upper Canada;
George A. Barber, secretary and treasurer;

Consumers’ Gas Company. Office, Wellington st., next the Post Office.
Incorporated By Act Of Parliament. Works on Lake shore, Palace st.
Charles Berczy, president;
R. Kneeshaw, vice-president;
H. Thompson, manager.

Water Works.
Situated on Lake shore, foot of Peter st.; reservoirs south side of St. Mary st., head of Peter street. Office, Wellington st.
Charles Berczy, president;
Thomas Brown, manager;
W. B. Leather, engineer.

Bank Of Upper Canada. Head Office, Duke, corner of George’s street.
Board Of Directors-William Proudfoot, president;
J. G. Chewett, vice-president
A. Bethune, T. Helliwell, F. Boyd, J. D. Ridout, W. Cawthra, Hon.. P.. Baldwin, G. J. Goodhue, F. Kirkpatrick, J. L. Robinson, A. B. Hawke, Hon.. Chr. Widmer, C. B. Turner.
Thomas G. Ridout, cashier;
E. Goldsmith, chief clerk;
C. S. Murray, 1st accountant;
John Mosley, 2nd accountant;
R. G. Anderson, 1st teller;
M. Scollard, discount clerk;
Henry McCutcheon, assistant book-keeper;
Frederick Stow, second teller;
T. S. Shortt, private book-keeper;
W. M. Westmacott, bill clerk;
James Brown, Philip Brown, clerks.
Branches And Agencies In Canada Montreal, Jos. Wenham; Kingston, W. G. Hinds; Port Hope, E. P. Smith; Cornwall, J. F. Pringle; Niagara, S. M. Cornish; Darlington, Henry Read; Chippawa, James Macklem; St. Catherines, T. L. Helliwell; London, James Hamilton; Chatham, George Thomas; Goderich, John McDonnell; Barrie, Edmund Lally; Stratford, J. C. W. Daly; Hamilton, Alfred Stow; Brockville, J. F. Church; Belleville, Erastus Holden.

Bank Of British North America.
Incorporated By Royal Charter. Paid Up Capital, One Million, Sterling.
Head Office St. Helen’s PIace, London, England, G. de B. Attwood, secretary; Thomas Paton, inspector of branches.
Toronto Branch Local Directors-Lewis Moffatt and Frederick Perkins; W. G. Cassels, manager.
Officers W. W. Ransom, accountant; G. H. Sootheran, teller; Geo. Bishop, book-keeper; H. Jack, discount clerk; Samuel Coulson, messenger. Office, corner Yonge and Wellington streets.
Discount days-Tuesdays and Fridays.
All the Branches grant Bills of Exchange on the Court of Directors in London, and on the Branches and Agencies of the Provincial Bank of Ireland, and the National Bank of Scotland, from whom letters of credit on the colonies can be obtained.

Commercial Bank Of The Midland District, Kingston. Capital, £500,000.
Officers John Cameron, cashier;
A. Drummond, teller;
A. Cameron, accountant;
W. Pyper, discount clerk;
James George, assistant bookkeeper;
R. O’Brien, messenger.

Bank Of Montreal.
Capital, X750,000.
Toronto Branch Office, corner of Front street.
Officers J. F. Smith, president;
W. Wilson, casheir;
J. G. Horne, accountant;
W. G. Telfer, discount clerk;
G. H. Wilson, teller;
W. Liddell, bookkeeper.

Branch Of The City Bank Of Montreal.
Samuel Workman, John Mulholland, directors;
Robert James, jun., manager;
Henry Legge, accountant;
Charles J. Scott, teller;
John Harper, jun., clerk.

Farmers Joint Stock Banking Company. Office King, st., west of Yonge street.
Officers J. W. Sherwood, president;
W. B. Phipps, manager.
Agents-New York-Drew, Robinson & Co. Buffalo-Merchant’s Bank.

County Of York (Formerly Home District) Savings Bank,
For The Earnings Of Journeymen Tradesmen, Mechanics, Servants, Labourers, &C.
Wm. Proudfoot, chairman;
Hon. George Crookshank, Hon. John S. Macaulay, directors;
James Henderson, treasurer.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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