1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Customs and Military

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Custom House. Foot of Yonge street.
William Fabean Meudell, collector
T. C. Scott, surveyor
John Cameron, 1st clerk
George Henderson, 2nd clerk
George T. Warren, assistant clerk
R. Emery, Dunn, T. McCarthy, landing waiters.

Military Departs
Royal Engineers-Captain. S. Freeth, officer commanding
W. M. Noble, lieutenant
J. Bennett, clerk of Works
W. Mahony, foreman of Works
W. Graves, office keeper-Office, Front st., foot of Peter st.

Royal Artillery-At Old Fort- Present establishment-One corporal and four gunners.
Royal Magnetic Observatory-University Grounds-Present establishment:
Captain J. H. Lefroy, R. A
Sergeant James Walker
Corporal Thomas Menzies
Bombardiers Charles Jones, and. James Liley.
Barrack Department
J. Hogg, barrack master
James Robertson, barrack sergeant
Canada Directory
W. Stanton, assistant commissary general
J. R. Goold, deputy assistant commissary general
A. Neave, commissariat clerk
J. Manghan, assistant clerk
Charles Lynes, storekeeper
James Wheeler, assistant storekeeper
John Ballard, writer, James Nolan, messenger.

Reserve Battalion 71st Light Infantry.
(Stationed partly at Old and partly at New Barracks.)
Sir Hew Dalrymple, Bart., lieutenant colonel commanding (and commandant); A. R. L’Estrange, major.

Public Notaries
John Armstrong, Charles Berczy, James Boulton, John Bell, Robert Beekman, William Henry Boulton, George Brooke, James W. Brent, George Bishop, Allan Cameron, Hon. J. H. Cameron, Thomas Champion, George Crookshank, jun., George Duggan, jun., Charles Daly, Andrew Drummond, John Elliott, Edward Goldsmith, Clarke Gamble, Alexander Grant, John George Horne, John George Howard, Samuel B. Harrison, Edward H. Hawke, John O’Brien Heward, John Helliwell, Lawrence Heyden, W. C. Keele, William Kissock, Simon Lee, Joseph C – Morrison, Robert B. Miller, Robert C. McMullen, F. Muttlebury, John. Maulson, Robert Mitchell, John William Marling, Edward G. O’Brien, William Osborne, William Brown Phipps, John Ridout, Robert Stanton, John Shuter Smith, John Somerville, F. P. Stow, Larratt W. Smith, James Maxwell Strange, Maurice Scotlard, Samuel Spreull, Alfred B. Townley, Andrew Wilson, William Henry Weller, William M. Westmacott.

Commissioners For Taking Affidavits In The Court Of Queen’s Bench,
Residing in the City of Toronto.
W. Andrews, jun., George W. Allan, William Henry Boulton, Henry John Boulton, jun., George Brooke, Secker Brough, William H. Coxwell, Allan Cameron, J. H. Cameron, R. P. Crooks, John Crawford, Skeffington Connor, Charles W. Cooper, F. Carruthers, Joseph Cathcart, Thomas Champion, George A. Dewson, Robert Dalton, Charles Durand, George T. Denison, Richard Dempsey, Thomas Ewart, Henry Eccles, Charles T. Fitzgibbon, W. J. Fitzgerald, William H. Fellows, Clarke Gamble, Alexander Grant, Thomas Galt, John Hector, John H. Hagarty, S. B. Harrison, John Helliwell, Edward H. Hawke, Charles W. Heath, Charles Jones, Edward C. Jones, S. M. Jarvis, W. C. Keele, Alexander Leith, Charles Magrath, J. C. Morrison, Angus Morrison, John Moore, J. W. Muttlebury, Archibald G. McLean, Samuel G. McDonnell, Walter McKenzie, John McNab, Thomas A. McLean, Henry M. O’Brien, William Proudfoot, George A. Philpotts, John Roaf, jun., John Radenhurst, Stephen Richards, jun., J. L. Robinson, D. B. Reed, A. B. Sullivan, Larratt W. Smith, John Shuter Smith, Charles C. Small, J. G. Spragge; P. M. VanKoughnet, Adam Wilson, George D. Wells, Henry Weller.

County Jail, Situated at foot of Berkeley street, Lake shore.
John Kidd, gaoler; Henry May, James Boyan, Samuel Beatty, turnkeys.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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