1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Accountants to Boarding Houses

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Professions, Trades, &C., Arranged Under their Respective Heads.

Accountants And Agents.
MANNING, JAMES, general insurance agent, 35 Yonge st.
SPREULL, SAMUEL, accountant and notary, 61A Yonge st.
Bell, Thomas, corner King and Church sts.
Williamson, William, Wellington buildings, King St.,east.
Fraser, Jas., Wellington buildings, King st., east.

Architects And Civil Engineers.
CUMBERLAND & RIDOUT, architects and civil engineers, corner King and Nelson sts.
Fraser, W. W.. Agnes st.
HOWARD, J. G., architect and civil engineer, 82 King st., west.
PASSMORE, F. F., architect, 8 King st., west.
Sheard, Joseph, McGill st.
THOMAS, WILLIAM, architect, Oakham house, Church st.
TULLY, KIVAS, architect and civil engineer, 8 King st., west.
Tunny, JOHN, architect and civil engineer, 43 King st., east.
Young, Thomas, 108 Queen st, west.

Meyer, Hoppener, 8 King st., west. Price, G. F., 51 King st., east.

Auctioneers And Commission Merchants
Aaron, I., auctioneer, appraiser, and general commission merchant and land agent,
79 Yonge st., corner of Adelaide st. auctioneer to H. M. Ordnance, C. W.
BEEKMAN, ROBERT, general auctioneer, wholesale commission agent and accountant, 43 Yonge st. consignments strictly attended to.
MACDONALD, A., auctioneer, stock and produce broker, general agent and commission merchant, 61 Yonge st. liberal cash advances made on consignments.
MCMULLEN, ROBERT C., city auctioneer and general commission merchant, Church st., adjoining St. Andrews church.
RUSSELL, JOHN, auctioneer and general dry goods merchant, 15 and 23 King st., east liberal advances made on goods for positive sale.
WAKEFIELD, WILLIAM, auctioneer and general commission merchant, 38 King st., east Crew, W. B., Toronto st. O’Donoughue, M., 55 King st., east.
Henderson, T., 123 King st., east.
Wilson & McCabe, 11 King st., east.
O’Donoughue, J., 7 King st., east.

Baker, Charles, 85 Duke st.
Barrett, W. & E., Queen st., west.
Brunt, George, 95 King st., west.
Coles, George, Yonge st.
Earl, T., Queen st., west.
Mathers & Brown, Yonge st.
NASMITH, JOHN, fancy bread and biscuit baker, 17 Nelson st.
Rattray, Alexander, 99 Yonge st.
Reeves, Arthur, 95 King st., west.
Reeves, Richard, 56 York st.
Reeves, William, 157 Queen st., west.
Reynolds, William, 256 Yonge st.
Ryan, J., Queen st.. west.
Simpson, George, 111 Queen st., west.
SLEIGH, SAMUEL, English and French biscuit baker, wholesale and retail, 122 and 124 King st., east.

Barristers And Attorneys At Law
BACON, WILLIAM VINNE, attorney and solicitor in chancery, City buildings, corner of King st., east, and Church st.
BELL & CROWTHER, barristers and attorneys at law, City buildings, corner of King st., east, and Church st.
BouLTON, H. J., jun., barrister and attorney at law, Church st.
BOULTON, HON. J., Church st.
BOULTON, JAMES, barrister and attorney at law, Church st.
BOULTON, W. H., barrister and attorney at law, John st.
BOYD, J., attorney at law, Wellington buildings, King st., east.
BROCK, GEORGE, barrister and attorney at law, Wellington st., opposite Commercial Bank.
BROOKE, GEORGE, barrister and attorney at law, corner King and Nelson sts.
BROUGH, BROCK & ROBINSON, barristers and attorneys at law, Wellington buildings, Wellington st.
CAMERON, HON. J. H., barrister and attorney at law, Wellington chambers, opposite Commercial Bank.
CARRUTHERS, F. F., barrister and attorney at law, Liddell’s buildings, Church st.
CATHCART, J. A., attorney at law, Bath st., corner of Adelaide st., off M’Donald’s square.
CRAWFORD, HAGGARTY & CRUICKSHANKS, barristers and attorneys at law, Church st.
CAYLEY & CAMERON, barristers at law, Church st.
COOPER, R., barrister and attorney at law, King st., east.
CRICKMORE, JOHN, barrister and attorney at law, Church st.
CROOKS, R. P., barrister at law, Bank buildings, Wellington st.
DALTON, R. G., barrister and attorney at law, Wellington buildings, King st.
DEMPSEY & KEELE, barristers at law, Church st.
Dempsey, J. W. & R., barristers, Church st.
DENISON & DEWSON, barristers at law, new market buildings.
DUGGAN & MORPHY, barristers at law, Church st.
Duggan, Geo., jun., barrister, city recorder, Ades
DURAND, C., barrister at law, 109 King st., west.
Eccles, Henry, barrister, Toroto at.
Elliott, J., attorney, Church st.
FITZGERALD & FITZGIBBON, barristers and attorneys at law, 43 King’ st.
FREELAND, PATRICK, barrister, attny at law and notary, two doors west of court house, Church st.
GALT, THOMAS, barrister and attorney at law, Liddell’s buildings, Church st.
GAMBLE, C., barrister and attorney at law, Church st.
Grant, A., barrister, 65 Yonge st.
GWYNNE, J., barrister and attorney at law, King. st., west.
HALLINAN, JAMES, barrister and attorney at Iasi, 26 King st.
HAWKE, E. H., barrister and attorney at law, Wellington. buildings, King st.
HEATH & IRVINE, barristers and attorneys at law, Albany chambers, King st.
HECTOR & WELLER, barristers and attorneys at law, Wellington st., east,
HORNE, JAMES, attorney at law, Church st,
HOUGHTON, G. W., attorney at law, 3 King st., east.
JARVIS, S. M., barrister and attorney at law Wellington buildings, King st., east.
KEEPER, ALEXANDER, barrister at law, City buildings, corner of Church and King sts.
LOUNT, CHARLES W., barrister and attorney at law, City buildings, corner of King and Church st.
MACDONNELL, ALEXANDER, barrister. at law, Wellington buildings, King st., east
MCLEAN, A. G., barrister and attorney at law, Church st.
McNAB, J., barrister and attorney at law, Preston buildings, Church st.
MORRISON, ANGUS, barrister and attorney at law, Preston buildings, Church st.
MORRISON, CONNOR & MCDONALD, barristers and attorneys at law, 43 King st., west.
MOWAT, EWART & HELLIWELL, barristers and attorneys at law, 44 Yonge st.
Read & LEITH, barristers and attorneys at law, Church st.
ROAF, J., attorney at law, Toronto st,
ROBINSON & ALLAN, barristers at law, Bank buildings, Wellington st.
SHERWOOD & PHILPOTTS, barristers and attorneys at law, Liddell’s buildings, Church st.
SOMMERVILLE, JOHN, attorney, at law, Wellington buildings, King st.
Sherwood, Hon. Henry, barrister, John st.
Smith, L. W., barrister, Toronto at.
Strachan, James McGill, barristor, York st.
STRONG, S. H., barrister and attorney at law, 4 Wellington buildings, King st., east.
Strong, S. H., solicitor in chancery, Toronto st.
TURNER, J., attorney at law, Toronto st.
VAN NORMAN & MCMICHAEL, barristers and attorneys at law, 53 King St.
VANKOUGHNET & BROTHER, barristers and attorneys at law, Church st.
Wells, George B., barrister, Albany chambers,
WILSON & SMITH, barristers and attorneys at law, 4 King st , west.

Boarding Houses
Bernard, Mrs., 131 King st., west.
Casper, Samuel, Adelaide st.
Cullen, Mrs., Bond st.
Fisher, J. T., 1 King st., west.
Fitzgerald, Miss, corner Adelaide and York sts.
Graham, Mrs., Duke st.
Henderson, Mrs., corner Queen and Simcoe sts.
Kennedy, Mrs., Shepherd st.
Monroe, Mrs., Yonge st.
Naughton, Mrs., Queen st., east.
Odell, Mrs., York st.
Robinson, Miss, Gerrard. st.
Thompson, Mrs., Front st.
Toronto Club House, corner King and York sts.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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