1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Public Offices

Last Updated on December 30, 2012 by Dennis

The Capital City of Western Canada, is situated on a fine bay of Lake Ontario, in the Township and County of York; the City is an electoral district, returning tow members to the Provincial Parliament, and the Courts of Law for the County are held here. Toronto possesses many natural advantages for trade, which will be greatly increased when the projected railroad lines, of which she will be the centre, are completed, distance from Kingston, 165 miles, usual stage fare, 45s, usual steamboat fare, 20s, distant from Hamilton, 45 miles usual stage fare 7s 6d, usual steamboat fare, 7s 6d.
Population, including the troops usually in garrison, estimated at 30,000.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

City Council
His Worship John G. Bowes, mayor.
St. George’s Ward
Aldermen, Wakefield and Thompson;
Councillors, Ashfield and Wright.
St. Andrew’s Ward
Aldermen, Ridout and Cameron;
Councillors, Ritchey and Carr.
St. Patrick’s Ward
Aldermen, Robinson and Sheard;
Councillors, Brigg and Dunn.
St. James’ Ward
Aldermen, Bowes and Whittemore;
Councilors, Hayes and Price.
St. David’s Ward
Aldermen, Dempsey and Kneeshaw;
Councilors, McLean and Beatty.
St. Lawrence Ward
Aldermen, R. Beard and T. G. Beard;
Councillors, Smith and Patt.

Officers Of The Corporation
George Duggan, jun., recorder
John King, M. D.
George Duggan, senior, coroners
A. T. McCord, chamberlain
John Boyd, assistant chamberlain
Charles Daly, city clerk
John Wilson, assistant clerk
George L. Allen, chief constable
John Watkins, high bailiff
Christopher Wright, clerk of market
John Dempsey, clerk of fish market
G. S. Howard, city surveyor
Thomas Garlic, Charles McLennan, city inspectors
P. Steers, inspector of wood market
Robert Hamilton, William Brown, fire inspectors
Thomas, Dean, George A. Barber, auditors
James Trotter, Joseph Dixon, William Osborne, C. Stotesbury, assessors.

The recorder’s court is held on the second Monday in January, April, July and October, its jurisdiction extends over the city and liberties.
Number of police constables, 8; stations-City Hall, and corner of Queen and John sts.

Fire Brigade
James Ashfield, chief engineer
John Carr, 1st assistant engineer
N. Leonard, 2nd assistant engineer
James Armstrong, fire warden
Fire Engine No. 1, York-Captain Thomas Humphry, Church st.
Fire Engine No. 2, Toronto-Captain A. Ardagh, Church st.
Fire Engine No. 3, British America-Captain H. Sproat, Bay st.
Fire Engine No. 4, Victoria-Captain J. Beatty, Queen st.
Hook and Ladder No. 1, Toronto-Captain James Bird, Church st.
Hook and Ladder No. 2, Hercules-Captain William Hill, Bay st.
Hose Co. No. 1, Niagara-Captain William Stephens, Bay st.

Judges, Legislative Councillors And Members Of Parliament
Usually Resident In Toronto.
ROBINSONN, HON. JOHN BEVERLEY, chief justice, court of Queen’s Bench.
MACAULAY, HON. J. B., chief justice, court of common pleas.
BLAKE, HON. WILLIAM H., chancellor.
Draper, Hon. W. H., judge of court of Queen’s Bench.
Burns, Hon. It. E., judge of court of Queen’s Bench.
McLean, Hon. Archibald, judge of court of common pleas.
Sullivan, Hon. R. B., judge of court of common pleas.
Spragge, Hon. J. G., vice-chancellor.
Esten, Hon. J. C. P., vice-chancellor.

Public Offices And Institutions
BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, W. G. Cassels, manager, corner Yonge and Wellington sts.
BANK OF MONTREAL, W. Wilson, cashier, corner Yonge and Front sts.
BANK OF UPPER CANADA, Thomas G. Ridout, cashier, corner Duke and George sts.
Board of Trade, J. W. Brent, secretary, George st.
CANADA COMPANY, F. Widder, commissioner, Frederick st.
City Hall, Front st.
City Clerk, Charles Daly, City Hall.
City Chamberlain, A. T. McCord, City Hall.
City Surveyor, G. S. Howard, City Hall.
City Bank Of Montreal, Robert James, jun., manager, Church st.
City Superintendent Of Education, George A. Barber, John st.
Chief Engineer Fire Department, John Carr, City Hall.
Church of England and Metropolitan Building Society, George A. Barber, secretary and treasurer, Albany Chambers, King st.
Clerk of the Crown, John Radenhurst, Court-house.
Clerk of the Peace, George Gurnett,
Courthouse;-deputy-clerk, John H. S. Dolmage, Court-house.
Clerk of the County Council. J. Elliott, Court-house.
Clerk of the County Court, Walter McKenzie, Court-house.
Clerk of the Division Court, A. B. Sullivan, Court-house.
Collector of Customs, W. F. Mendell, Custom-house, Front st.
Commercial Bank, M. D., John Cameron, cashier, Wellington st.
Commissariat Office, Wellington st.
Consumers’ Gas Company, H. Thompson, manager, Wellington st.
Coroners for the City, Geo. Duggan, senior, Duke st.; John King, M. D., Richmond st. County Engineer, F. Cumberland, office, Court house lane.
County Registrar, Samuel Ridout, Toronto st.
County Treasurer, James S. Howard, Courthouse.
County Warden, F. Jackes, office, Courthouse lane.
County of York Savings Bank, James Henderson, treasurer, Duke st.
County of York Building Society, W. S. Burn, secretary and treasurer, Colborne st.
Crown Lands Agency and office for collecting rents on Clergy Reserves, C. W., Thomas Baines, agent; Thomas Shortis, clerk, corner King and York sts.
Education Department
C. W., Rev. Dr. E. Ryerson, superintendent, corner King and York sts.
Emigrant Office
A. B. Hawke, chief agent,
W. J. M’Kay, clerk, Scott st.
Farmers Joint Stock Banking Company,
W. B. Phipps, manager, King st. west.
Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Building Society, W. B. Crew, secretary and treasurer, TOronto st.
Female Emigration Society, J. W. Brent, secretary and treasurer.
Harbour Master, Hugh Richardson, Custom house.
Heir and Devisee Commission, William H. Lee, clerk, Court-house.
Home District Building Society, R. McMullen, secretary and treasurer, Church st.
House of Industry, Edward Perry, superintendent, Elm st.
Inspector of Flour and Meal, Archibald Macdonnell, Maitland’s wharf.
Inspector of Weights and Measures, H. Piper, 50 Yonge st.
Marriage Licenses, Andrew Mercer, agent, 1S Bay st.
Mayor of the City, J. G. Bowes, City Hall.
Maternity Lying-in Hospital, 36 Adelaide st.
Mechanics Institute, Robert Edwards, librarian, lane, off Church st.
Montreal Telegraph Office, H. P. Dwight, manager, 22 Front st.
Ontario Building Society, Charles Stotesbury, secretary and treasurer, Church st.
Police Office, George L. Allen, chief constable, City Hall.
Post Office, Charles Berezy, postmaster, Wellington st.
Provincial Lying-in-hospital, and Vaccine Institution, 30 Richmond st. west.
Provincial Lunatic Asylum, Dr. Scott, superintendent, Queen st.
Peoples Building Society, N. Gatchell, secretary and treasurer, Front st.
Revenue Inspectors, James McDonnell, 1st Division;
Peter Morgan, 2nd Division;
John Rose, 3rd Division, Courthouse.
Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, Hon. J. Elmsley and Dr. Hayes, visitors, Richmond st.
Royal Engineer Office, Captain Freeth, commanding, Front st.
Royal Magnetic Observatory, Captain Lefroy, in charge, University grounds.
Sheriff, W. B. Jarvis, Courthouse; deputy sheriff, T. W. Jarvis, Courthouse. Toronto Athenaeumm, and Commercial News Room, St. Lawrence Hall.
Toronto Buiiding Society, W. C. Ross, secretary and treasurer, Wellington st.
Toronto Commercial Permanent Building and Investment Society, Joseph Sheard, inspector, corner King and Nelson sts.
Toronto Eye Dispensary, Dr. S. J. Stratford, Church st.
Toronto General Dispensary and Lying-in-hospital, Mrs. Buchanan, matron, corner Victoria and Richmond sts.
Toronto Hospital, Dr. Edward Clarke, resident surgeon.
Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara, and St. Catherines Telegraph, P. R. Marling, secretary, 22 Front st.
Toronto, Simcoe, and Lake Huron Railroad Co., F. C. Capreol, secretary, 6 Colborne st. Toronto Water Works, Thomas Brown, manager, foot of St. Peter st., Lake shore. Toronto Theatre Royal, T. P. Besnard, lessee, King st. west.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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