1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Medical Societies and Colleges

Last Updated on December 30, 2012 by Dennis

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Medical, Surgical And Benevolent Society
Toronto School Of Medicine.
The Toronto School of Medicine opens the last Monday in October, and closes the Iast Monday in April. The lectures correspond to the requirements of the medical faculty of the University of McGill College, Montreal. This school having been recognised by that Institution, qualifies for graduation according to its rules.
Dr. Workman, Dr. Morrison, Dr. Langstaff, Dr. Aikin and Dr. Rolph.
Medical Board, Canada West.
Established by Act of Parliament.
President: Hon. C. Widmer, M. D., F. R. C. S., England.
Members: W. C. Gwynne, M.D.; W. Beaumont, F. R. C. S., England; R. Hornby,

M. D. George Herrick, M. D.; Walter Telfer, surgeon; William B. Nicol, M. D.; William Durie, K. H. and M. D.; John King, M. D.; E. Clarke, M. R. C. S., England, secretary.
The Board meet at Toronto for the examination of candidates, on the first Monday in January, April, July and October.

Toronto Hospital. Incorporated .9. D., 1847.
Trustees: The Mayor; the President of the Board of Trade, Toronto, ex officio;
Clarke Gamble; John King, M.D.; Rev. H. J. Grasett, M. A.; Hon. C. Wid-,M. D.
Attending Physicians And Surgeons
Hon. C. Widmer, M. D., F. R. C. S., England
John King, M. D.
Walter Telfer, surgeon
George Herrick, M. D.
William Beaumont, F. R. C. S., England; resident surgeon
Edward Clark, M. R. C. S., England.

Provincial Lunatic Asylum, Toronto.
Two and a half miles from the City Hall, on Queen street.
Conducted by a Board of twelve directors, who meet monthly or oftener, as may be needed. Chairman of the Board
The Hon. C. Widmer, M. D.
Members: Revds. H. J. Grasett, J. Roaf, J. Carroll, J. G. Chewett, M. J. O’Beirne, J. Beaty, W. McMaster, W. Mathers, J. Eastwood, G. Gurnett, and Captain Eccles.
Officers Of The Institution
John Scott, M. D., superintendent;
James McKirdy, clerk and storekeeper;
William Ramsey, steward; Eliza Ramsey, matron.
The building is designed to contain 250 patients, but 300 may he accommodated in it. There are at present within it, about 240 patients.

Toronto Eye Dispensary
Surgeon-Dr. S. J. Stratford, M. R. C. S., London.

Toronto General Dispensary And Lying-In Hospital
Corner Of Victoria And Richmond Streets,
Established 1st June, 1848.
Supported by Voluntary Contributions.
This Institution has received within its walls 174 females, and was the first establishment of the kind opened in Toronto. The patients are regularly visited by a committee of ladies.

Patroness-Counties of Elgin and Kincardine.
Medical Officers-Dr. Hodder, Dr. Melville, Dr. Bovell, Dr. Bethune, Dr. Badgley, and Dr. Hallowell.
Matron Mrs. Buchanan.
The Committee have resolved that four beds shall be set apart for the treatment of diseases of females. Students are permitted to attend the House on payment of a fee of X1 15s., which goes to the treasury of the Hospital.
Patron-His Excellency the Governor General.
Patroness-The Countess of Elgin and Kincardine.
Directors-James G. Chewitt, chairman;
Hon. John Elmsley, Rev. Mr. Carroll, Messrs. Wakefield, Barron, Lewis, Yates, O’Beirne and Cheney.
Directresses-MRS. Justice Sherwood, president; Mesdames Chewitt, Elmsley, Todd,
King, Keefer, Crawford, Dunlop, Hallowell, Barron, Cheney and Jacques.
Medical Attendants-Drs. Hallowell, Bethune, Primrose, McIlmurray, and Trenor.
Consulting Physicians-Drs. King and Herrick.

Maternity Lying-In Hospital And General Dispensary
In Connection With The Toronto School Of Medicine. No. 36 Adelaide street (first house west of Bay street, on south side.)
Medical Officers-Drs. Rolph, Morrison, Workman, Russell, Aikins.
Committee:Mrs. Kneeshaw, Mrs. Captain Dick, Mrs. Mathers, Mrs. Latham, Mrs.. McCord, Mrs. Dr. Rolph, Mrs. Dr. Morrison, Mrs. Brewer, Mrs. Elliott.

Mercantile And Literary Associations. Board Of Trade.
Council-George P. Ridout, president; T. Clarkson, vice-president; R. H., Brett,. treasurer; J. W. Brent, secretary; E. F. Whittemore, R. Kneeshaw, S. Thompson, D. Paterson, J. Harrington, W. M. P. Hayes, William McMaster, D. Macdonell, William M. Gorrie, John Shaw, L. Perrin, R. Brewer, P. Paterson, V. P.; R. H. Brett, treasurer.

Arbitration. P. Freeland, William Henderson, J. Mitchell, E. H. Rutherford, James. Shaw, R. Beekman, J. D. Ridout, J. McMurrich, J. Lesslie, E. Michie, H. Row sell, H. Scobie.
Rooms over Carless’s Depository, Yonge street.

Toronto Atheneum And Commercial News Room.
Incorporated by act of Parliament.
Officers For 1851.
Patrons His Excellency the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, K. T., Governor General, &c., &c., &c. the Hon. and Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Toronto; the Hon. Chief Justice Robinson; the worshipful the Mayor and Corporation of Toronto.
Thomas D. Harris, president;
Rev. H. Scadding, M. A.; Hon. J. H. Cameron, M. P. P.,. Jos. C. Morrison, M. P. P.; Hon. J. Elmsley,
J. G. Bowes, mayor; W. L. Perrin, John Cameron, James Bovell, M.D.; Thomas Champion, D. Paterson,. Jos. D. Ridout, A. T. McCord, R. Kneeshaw, P. Paterson, vice-presidents;
E. H. Rutherford, treasurer;
S. Thompson, secretary;
M. P. Hayes, Geo. Brooke, Geo. Bishop, R. Brewer, and A. Leith, general committee;
T. D. Harris, J. D. Ridout,. E. F. Whittemore, E. H. Rutherford, and S. Thompson, News Room committee;.

Society Of Arts
W. Thomas, president
J. G. Howard, vice-president
P. March, secretary and treasurer

Philharmonic Society.
Patrons-His Excellency the Governor General, and the Hon. Chief Justice Robinson.
The Hon. Justice Draper, president;
George Dupont Wells, and Dr. Holmes, vice-presidents.
Committee-Instrumental–A. S. Nordheimer, J. Ellis, J. Cochrane, and H.-Eccles.-Vocal-W. L. Perrin, J. W. Brent, L. W. Smith, and George Draper; Henry Rowsell, treasurer; J. Pardy, secretary.

Mechanics’ Institute.
The library contains-1300 volumes, and is opened for distribution and reference every evening. The reading room is also open every evening. Public lectures every Friday evening during the winter season. Annual subscription, 7s. 6d.; junior members, 5s. Robert Edwards, librarian.

Typographical Association.
J. L. McIntosh, president;
James Mallon, vice-president;
George Dye, secretary;
R. W. Clendinning, treasurer.

Universities, Colleges, Schools, &C. University Of Toronto.
(Formerly King’s College, Toronto,)
Visitor-His Excellency the Right Hon. the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, K. T., Governor General of British North America, &c. &c.
Members Of Convocation-
The Hon. P. B. DeBlaquiere, chancellor;
H. H. Croft, vice-chancellor;
the Rev. J. McCaul, L. L. D., president;
Larrat W. Smith, B. C. L., pro-vice-chancellor;
the Rev. J. Beaven, D. D.; Professors Gwynne, King, Beaumont, Herrick, Nicol, Rev. R. Murray, Professors O’Brien, Connor, Rev. F. J. Lundy, D. C. L.; S. Lightbourne, F. W. Barron, M. A.; Henry Boys, Jesse Hurlburt, Henry Ramsay, James Bovell, M. D.; John Scott, M. D.; William Wedd, M. A.; George Crookshank, M. A.; Rev. W. Stennett, M. A; John Roaf, M. A.; Rev. E. Grasett, M. A.; J. Lewis, M. A.; R. G. Westropp, M. A.; S. S. McDonell, M. A.; Rev. H. B. Jesopp, M. A.; Rev. E. Baldwin, M. A.; J. Helliwell, M. A.; W. G. Draper, M. A.; T. A. McLean, M. A.; Arthur Wickson, M. A.; John Boyd, M. A.; J. Patton, B. C. L.; D. Mc-Michael, B. C. L.; James Richardson, M. B.;
Edward Hodder, C. M.; E. Nation, secretary.
Members Of Senate-The chancellor, the vice-chancellor, the pro-vice-chancellor, the president, professors Beaven, Gwynne, King, Beaumont, Herrick, Nicol, Murray, O’Brien, Connor, Richardson, Hon. Christopher Widmer, Hon. J. H. Cameron, Hon. S. B. Harrison, Joseph C. Morrison, James John Hayes, M. D.; Oliver Springer, John Bowes, Rev. Egerton Ryerson, D. D.; Rev. Michael Willis, D. D.; Rev. John Jennings, Rev. Adam Lillie, Rev. Bernard O’Hara; Allan Cameron, secretary.
Members Of Caput-Rev. John McCaul, L. L. D., president; S. Connor, L. L. D., dean of Iaw; W. B. Nicol, dean of medicine; Rev. J. Beaven, D. D., dean of arts; George Crookshank, M. A.
Faculty Of Law-S. Connor, L. L. D., professor of law and jurisprudence.
Faculty Of Medicine-H. H. Croft, professor of chemistry and experimental philosophy; W. C. Gwynne, M. B., professor of anatomy and physiology; John King, M. D., professor of theory and practice of medicine; William Beaumont, F. R. C. S., England, professor of principles and practice of surgery; G. Herrick, M. D., professor of obstetrics and diseases of women and children; W. B. Nicol, professor of materia medica and botany; L. O’Brien, M.D., professor of medical jurisprudence; James Henry Richardson, M. B., M. It. C. S. E., professor of practical anatomy.
Faculty Of Arts-Rev. J. McCaul, L. L. D., professor of classics, Iogic, rhetoric and belles lettres; Rev. James Beaven, D. D., professor of metaphysics and moral philosophy; Rev. R. Murray, professor of mathematics and natural philosophy.
Members Of Endowment Board-D. Buchan, chairman; J. J. Hayes, M. D.; G. P. Ridout, University members; Hon. J. H. Cameron, J. C. Morrison, Upper Canada College members.
Allan Cameron, bursar; S. Connor, L. L. D., solicitor; Henry RowselI, bookseller and
printer; Daniel Orris, acting superintendent of grounds, steward and beadle.
BURSAR’S OFFICE-The duties of this office are the managing of the financial and land
affairs of the University of Toronto, and Upper Canada College.
James Nation, senior clerk; Edward Nation, second clerk; M. Drummond, bookkeeper; Hon. William Hume Blake, chairman; Hon. John Hillyard Cameron, John Wilson;
M. P. P., D. Buchan, and Dr. Richardson; J. Burns, secretary.

Trinity College.
Council. The Hon. and Right Reverend the Bishop of Toronto; the Venerable George O’Kill Stuart, D. D., L. L. D., Archdeacon of Kingston; the Venerable A. N. Bethune, D. D., Archdeacon of York; Alexander Burnside; the Hon. Chief Justice Robinson; Rev. H. J. Grasett, M. A.; the Hon. Chief Justice Macaulay; John Arnold; Lewis Moffatt,; the Hon. James Gordon; the Hon. Vice-Chancellor Spragge; Philip M. Vankoughnet; the Hon. Robert S. Jamieson; Edward M. Hodder, M. C.; James M. Strachan; Sir Allan N. M’Nab, M. P. P.
Trustees. Rev. H. J. Grasett, M. A.; George W. Allan; Lewis Moffatt. Treasurers. The Hon. George Crookshank; William Allan; James Gordon. Secretary. Thomas Champion.
The Medical Faculty has already been formed, and is now in operation. It consists of
Edward Hodder, M. D., and member of the Royal College of Surgeons, England midwifery and diseases of women and children.
N. Bethune, B. A., M. D., member of the Royal College of Surgeons, England-anatomy and physiology.
James Bovell, M. D., licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, London-principles and practice of medicine.
William Hallowell, M. D., member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh-materia medica and pharmacy.
R. Melville, M. D. principles and practice of surgery.
Francis Badgley, M. D., late lecturer on medical jurisprudence in the University of M’Gill College-medical jurisprudence. Practical anatomy is under the superintendence of the lecturer on anatomy. Clinical lectures on medicine and surgery are delivered to, and obstetrical cases provided for those students who avail themselves of the advantages offered by the Toronto Dispensary, and Lying-in Hospital. The lecturers illustrate their respective subjects by suitable preparations, diagrams, and plates. Ample materials are provided for the anatomical department. A choice and extensive library is placed at the disposal of the students, under certain regulations. Terms for each course, £2 10s., except anatomy, which is £3, and medical jurisprudence, £2.

Upper Canada College.
Visitor-His Excellency the Right Hon. the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, K. T., Governor General of British North America, &c., &c.
Council The Principal of U. C. College; Hon. J. H. Cameron, Q. C., M .P. P.; Jos. C. Morrison, M. P. P.; J. H. Richardson, M. B., M. R. C. S. L.
Endowment Board D. Buchan, chairman; Hon. J. H. Cameron, Q. C., M. P. P., J. C. Morrison, M. P. P., G. P. Ridout, and J. J. Hayes, M.D. PRINCIPAL-Frederick William Barron, M.A.
Masters-The Rev. H. Scadding, M.A., 1st classical master; Rev. G. Maynard, M. A., mathematical master; Rev. W. Stennet, M. A., 2nd classical master; W. Wedd, M.A., 3rd classical master; J. P. De la Haye, French master; M. Barrett, B. A., 1st English master; C. Thompson, 2nd English master; J. G. Howard,

Knox’s College, Ontario terrace, Front street.
Rev. Michael Willis, D. D., professor of systematic theology, biblical criticism, and the pastoral care; Rev. Robert Burns, D. D., lecturer on ecclesiastical history; Rev. Henry Essen, A.M., professor of mental and moral philosophy; J. M. Hirschfelder, teacher of Hebrew.

Toronto Academy, Ontario terrace, Front street.
Principal-Rev. Alex. Gale, A. M.
2nd master, Thomas Henning
assistants, John Laing, George Wardrope
French master, Monsieur Deslandes
writing master, J. S. Stacey
drawing master, E. C. Bull
music master, J. P. Clarke, Mus. Bac.

County Of York Grammar School Nelson street.
Head Master, Mr. Crombie;
1st classical and mathematical assistant, E. M. A. Crombie;
2nd classical and mathematical assistant,
French master, Mons. Deslandes;
drawing master, G. F. Price.

Department Of Public Instruction For Upper Canada.
Education office in the Normal School building, Goold street, between Yonge and Church streets.
The Rev. Egerton Ryerson, D. D. chief superintendent of schools;
J. George Hodgins, chief clerk and deputy superintendent;
Thomas Hodgins, 2nd clerk.
Educational Depository-In connexion with the Education office, there is an Educational depository for the sale of books, maps, apparatus and other school requisites, at reduced prices, to public schools throughout the Province.

Council Of Public Instruction For Upper Canada
Appointed to manage the Normal and Model schools for Upper Canada-to make general regulations for the government of common schools, and classification of teachers; and to select and recommend text and library books for schools and libraries, under the control of the educational department.

Office, in the Normal School building, Goold street.
The Hon.. Samuel Bealy Harrison Q. C., chairman;
the Rev. Egerton Ryerson, D. D., chief superintendent of schools;
the Right Rev. Armand Francois Marie de Charbonnel, D. D., Roman Catholic Bishop of Toronto; the Rev. Henry James Grasett, A. M.; Joseph Curran Morrison, M. P. P., Hugh Scobie, James Scott Howard, the Rev. John Jennings, and the Rev. Adam Lillie;
John George Hodgins, recording clerk.

Provincial Normal And Model Schools. Goold street, between Yonge and Church streets.
tinder the management of the Council of public instruction, and the general superintendence of the chief superintendent of schools.

Normal School-For the instruction and training of common school teachers. The semi-annual sessions commence on the 15th May and 15th November in each year, and. continue for five months: Thomas Jaffray Robertson, head master; Henry Youle Hind, mathematical master, and lecturer in chemistry and natural philosophy; Patrick Walsh, teacher of music; James Samuel Stacy, teacher of writing; Archibald McCallum, teacher of book-keeping; Patrick Scully, superintendent of grounds; Thomas Johnston, janitor; John Murphy, messenger.

Model School-In which the Normal school teachers in training practice the art of teaching-designed to accommodate 300 boys and 300 girls. Archibald McCallum, senior male teacher; John Sangster, assistant male teacher; Patrick Walsh, teacher of music; James Samuel Stacy, teacher of writing. Female department not yet organized.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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