Rogers Family Records

Last Updated on January 6, 2015 by Dennis

Prominent British Rogers of Today

ARTHUR WILLIAM: Sc.D., F.R.S., 1918; Director of Geological Survey, South Africa; b. 1872; s. of George; educ. Clifton Coll. Pubs.: “On the Geology of South Africa”. Add.: Pretoria.

BERTRAM MITFORD HERON: B.A., M.D., B.Ch. (Oxon), M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.; Consulting Physician to the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Bristol; b. 1860; s. of James E. Thorold; educ. Westminster School; a past President of the Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Society. Pubs.: numerous articles in medical papers. Add.: Bristol.

CHARLES COLTMAN COLTMAN: M.P., Radnor; J.P. Salop, Herefordshire; b. 1854; e. s. of Rev. John; educ. Eton; Brasenose College, Oxford; a member of Council of Polo Pony. Pubs.: “Characteristics of Conifers”. Add.: London.

CHARLES GILBERT: C.I.E., 1919; V.C. (India); F.C.H.; F.L.S.; Imperial Forest Service of India (retired list); 4th s. of Henry; educ. Tavistock Grammar School; Royal Indian Engineering College; joined the Imperial Forest Service of India, 1888; appointed Chief Conservator of Forest, Burma, 1913; retired from Service 1919. Pubs.: “A Manual of Forest Engineering for India”. Add.: London.

REV. CLEMENT FRANCIS: M.A.; Lecturer on Pastoral Theology, King’s Coll., Univ. of London, 1907-19; Professor since 1919; b. 1866; s. of Professor James Edwin Thorold; educ. St. Peter’s College, Westminster; worked in parishes in Yorkshire and London and took an active part in the work of the London Charity Organization Society. Pubs.: “Baptism and Christian Archaeology”. Add.: London.

EDWIN JOHN: C.M.G. 1927; J.P.; retired from business; b. 1858; 2nd s. of late Richard John; educ. Somerset House Academy, Hobart; a member Executive of Hobart Benevolent Society. Add.: London.

REV. FREDERICK ARUNDEL: Ass’t Secretary of Missionary Council of Church Assembly since 1925; b. 1876; s. of Rev. W.M.; Head of S. African Church Railway Mission, 1911. Add.: London.

GEORGE JOSEPH: I.S.O., 1912; late Extra Assistant Resident, Kashmir; b. 1861; s. of late George Joseph; retired from the Kashmir Residency. Add.: Natal, S. Africa.

SIR HALLEWELL: Kt., cr. 1904; J.P.; M.P. (C.U.) Moseley Division of Birmingham; b. London, 1864; s. of late George; educ. private schools. Add.: Birmingham.

LT.-COL. HENRY: D.S.O. 1917; R.A.M.C. (retired); s. of Harry Rogers; b. 1876; served European War, 1914-17; Add.: Somerset.

SIR HENRY MONTAGU: Kt., cr. 1926; J.P. Cornwall; Chairman of various Companies; b. 1855; e. s. of late Henry; educ. University College School; President Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association, 1925. Add.: London.

LT.-COL. HENRY SCHOFIELD: C.M.G. 1919; D.S.O. 1916; late R.E.; Surveyor of Prisons, Prison Commission, Home Office; b. Canada, 1869; s. of late Col. H.C. served in France as Staff Officer, R.E., L. of C. Pubs.: articles to technical journals. Add.: London.

HERBERT LIONEL: Headmaster King’s College School since 1910; b. 1871; s. of John Robert Fydell; educ. St. John’s School, Leatherhead. Pubs.: Articles on Higher Education of Boys in England, 1909. Add.: Wimbledon.

LT.-COL. HUGH HENRY: D.S.O., 1917; late R.F.A.; a Military Knight of Windsor since 1927; b. 1858; 3rd s. of late Reginald; educ. Sherborne; Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Went out to France in May with the 9th Division, Lt.-Col. 1915, and transferred to 7th Division. Add.: Windsor Castle.

CAPTAIN HUGH HEXT: M.V.O., O.B.E.; R.N.; b. 1883; 2nd and o. surv. s. of late Reginald N.; educ. The Old Bide, Bournemouth; Vanguard at commencement of European War. Add.: London.

BRIG.-GEN. HUGH STUART: C.M.G. 1919; D.S.O., 1916; b. 1878; educ., Wellington College; served European War. Add.: Hants.

LT.-COL. JAS. SAMUEL YEAMAN: D.S.O., 1916; R.A.M.C. (T.); attached 4th Black Watch; b. 1868; s. of James S.; educ. Stanley House, Crieff; Territorial officer in 4th Black Watch for 21 years. Add.: Dundee.

LT.-COL. JOHN MIDDLETON: D.S.O. 1900; late 1st Dragoons; J.P., D.L., Kent; b. 1864; e. s. of late Capt. John Thornton; served South Africa, 1899-1901. Add.: London.

COLONEL JOSEPH BARTLETT: C.M.G., 1919; D.S.O., 1917; M.C.; Hon. A.D.C. to Governor-General of Canada. Served European War, 1914-19. Add.: Toronto, Canada.
LIEUT.-COL. SIR LEONARD: Kt., cr. 1914; C.I.E., 1911; F.R.S. 1916; M.D., B.S., F.R.C.P., F.R.C.S., Indian Medical Service; retired; member of Medical Board, India Office; educ. Plymouth College; entered Indian Med. Service, 1893. Pubs.: “Recent Advances in Tropical Medicine, 1928”. Add.: London.

LEONARD JAMES: M.A., Mus. Bac.; F.R.S.; b. 1862; s. of James E. Thorold; educ. home; Balliol Coll., Oxford. Pubs.: various articles in Mathematical journals. Add.: Oxford.

MARK: R.B.S., Member Art Workers’ Guild; b. London 1848; s. of Mark; educ. first in schools of south Kensington Museum, and later in the Art school of Lambeth. Pubs.: During the last few years engaged in writing and illustrating a book on “Thames Street and its Churches”. Add.: London.

PHILIP GRAHAM: B.A., C.I.E., 1924; Deputy Director-General, Post Office since 1927; s. of John Charles; educ. Keble College, Oxford. Joined Indian Civil Service 1901; Postmaster-General, Bombay. Add.: London.

HON. ROBERT: Minister of Public Works, Canada, 1901-12; and 1915-17; b. Quebec, 1864; Minister of the Interior, Manitoba, 1912-15. Add.: Winnipeg.

REV. TRAVERS GUY: M.C., B.D.; Chaplain to the King; Hon. Canon of Birmingham; Proctor in Convocation; s. of late David Gregory; educ. Trinity Coll., Dublin. Pubs.: Joint Editor and Contributor, Liberal Evangelicalism, 1923. Add.: Birmingham.

MAJOR VIVIAN BARRY: D.S.O., 1919; M.C.; Mayor of Westminster, 1928; Councilor for the Victoria Ward on Westminster City Council; b. London, 1887; 6th s. of late William Bennett; educ. Marlborough Coll.; Partner in firm of Rogers, Chapman & Thomas, chartered surveyors, auctioneers and valuers, London and elsewhere. Add.: London.

LIEUT.-COLONEL WALTER LACY YEA: D.S.O.; commanding 2nd Brigade R.H.A.; b. 1878; 3rd s. of Walter Lacy; educ. Rugby school; served India, 1909-14; commanded 76th. Brigade R.F.A. in France and Italy for 18 months, 2nd battle of Ypres, etc.



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