Rogers Family Records

Last Updated on January 6, 2015 by Dennis

THE Rogers Family is among the forty-nine “best families” selected by the American Historical-Genealogical Society for whom the Society has published family histories during the past few years. The Rogers family has been prominent in the British Empire and in the United States, its members having played important r“les in war and in peace. Family pride is a commendable trait and should be cultivated. All Rogerses have just cause to be proud of their family history and traditions.

In references No. 7 and No. 14 we find the following regarding the origin and meaning of the name Rogers:

The personal name of Roger was exceedingly common all over the country in the 13th century. It vied with Robert, John and William for popularity for several centuries. Early registers teem with the name and many persons bearing it are recorded as tenants in Domesday Book. The Christian name developed into the surname of Rogers, Rodgers, Rogerson, etc.

In the reign of Edward II, Rogers de Norbury had a grant of the estate of Home. His son took the name of Rogers and his posterity continue to reside at Home under that appelation.

The family of Rogers of Wisdome, Devon, baronets, descend from John Rogers, prebendary of St. Paul’s, the first victim of the Marian persecution.

The data in this volume is gathered from reliable sources. We have selected what we consider the most important material. Many of the daughters, and sons for whom no issue was shown, have been omitted from the pedigrees. A missing symbol indicates that a name has been omitted. Those desiring further information are advised to consult the volumes mentioned in the list of References.

The compiler hopes that, in producing this volume he is bringing to the Rogers family information which will be of interest and value to them, and that he is rendering an important service to the public. He and his associates will be glad to give their cooperation to members of the family who are interested in having a complete genealogy of the family published.

Unless otherwise plainly shown, the persons in this volume whose names are accompanied by three figures are children of the immediately preceding persons bearing immediately preceding numbers. All persons in each group bearing the same letter as a part of their numbers, are directly related. The generations of the descendants of those bearing numbers of three figures are represented as follows. However, some of our material is published as copied from various records without rearrangement according to this system.

Generations 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Symbols (1), etc. (A), etc. (a), etc. 1, etc. A, etc.
Generations 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Symbols a, etc. (I), etc. (i), etc. I, etc. i, etc.

Abbreviations: add., address; b., born; ch., children; coll., college; d., died; d.y., died young; d.w.i., died without issue; dau., daughter; grad., graduated; l., lives, lived; m., married, moved; s., son, succeeded; d.s.p., died without issue; d.v.p., died before father; univ., university.

Battle Hymn of the Rogers

TUNE: “Battle Hymn of the Republic.”

The name of Rogers shineth high upon the scroll of fame;
“Nos nos-traque Deo” is Rogers motto that we claim;
And nearly all the Rogers have pursued a lofty aim.
The clan goes marching on?

CHORUS: Glory to our grand old family,
Virile, worthy, brave and loyal!
Glory to the name of Rogers!
The clan goes marching on!

Joseph, Richard, John and James were fathers of our clan;
Posterity of Henry and Hugh Rogers never ran.
Sir Edward was quite virile, Robert was a sturdy man.
The clan goes marching on!

Our sires of Home, in England, raised their standards to the sky.
John was the martyr who would never yield but chose to die.
Robert led his Rangers with the Rogers battle cry.
The clan goes marching on!

When the good old ship Mayflower sailed across the sea,
In sixteen-twenty, Joseph came without a family;
Today his name is honored by a proud posterity.
The clan goes marching on!

When the first steamship ventured across the ocean blue
Moses Rogers was the captain of the ship and crew.
Edward served the Queen and to Her Majesty was true.
The clan goes marching on!

When danger threatened country, or a battle to be won,
Or righteous causes need defenders, or work to be done,
Brave Rogers were right there, and never did a Rogers run.
The clan goes marching on!

The Rogers Clan is mighty, with three hundred thousand strong
In seventy-six, a thousand Rogers fought to right a wrong.
Twenty towns bear Rogers names. Sure, let us sing that song–
The clan goes marching on!

The Rogers sons have courage any task or foe to face;
The Rogers girls are lovely with their beauty, charm and grace;
The Rogers leaven is a blessing to the human race.
The clan goes marching on!

The Rogers Coat of Arms

A COAT of Arms is an emblem or a device which is displayed by titled persons, persons of royal blood, and their descendants. Coats of Arms were originally used for purposes of identification and recognition on the field of battle as well as in civil life.

It is claimed by some writers that Coats of Arms, in a crude form, were used by Noah’s sons after the flood. There are records of other Coats of Arms, in one crude form or another, at different periods of ancient history. Heraldry, however, as we know it today, did not become of much importance until soon after the invasion of England by William the Conqueror, A. D. 1066. Heraldry became of general interest at about the time of the Crusades.

The Rogers Coat of Arms shown in the front of this volume is the Arms of the Rogers, Baronets of Devonshire, of which family was John Rogers, the Martyr, progenitor of several families whose pedigrees are contained in this book. Coats of Arms very similar to it are used by the Rogers of Wisdome, Co. Devon, Bart.; Yarlington; Barons Blackford, and many others. Numerous other branches of the family have Coats of Arms resembling it.

This is the most widely used of all Rogers Coats of Arms and has been in existence for many centuries. It is described in BURKE’S GENERAL ARMORY, BURKE’S LANDED GENTRY, BURKE’S PEERAGE AND BARONETAGE, BETHAM’S BARONETAGE and other reliable works on heraldry, in some cases accompanied by illustrations. It is the Arms of the New England families descended from the Martyr, and has been used for generations by their descendants and by many other American branches of the Rogers family.

Arms Argent, a chevron gules between three bucks courant sable. A silver shield bearing a red chevron between three running bucks, all black.
Crest On a mount vert, between two laurel branches of the last, a buck courant proper. On a green mount, between two green laurel branches, a buck in natural colors.
Motto Nos nostraque Deo. (Latin). We and ours to God.

Sir Bernard Burke, of Heralds College, London, said “Heraldry is prized by all who can show honorable ancestry or wish to found honorable families.”

Besides its family significance this Coat of Arms makes an excellent mural decoration and inspires the admiration and comment of all who see it.

It is quite appropriate that members of the Rogers family who have a pride in their ancestry should display the family Coat of Arms, in proper colors.



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