Indian Tribal Histories P Tribes

Indian Tribal Histories: Pahvant – Puyallup. Our tribal history pages represent a cross-index of specific pages on our site relevant to a tribe. These pages are not meant to replace our search, which should be used to find a much larger number of mentions for each tribe, but to provide a quick reference point for researchers to find a larger quantity of material for a specific tribe. Beside some links are an author’s name or book title. To find more information about each author or book please view our main Indian Tribes of the United States page.

Pahvant Indians

Paiute Indians

Pakana Indians

Paloos Indians

Palouse Indians

Pamlico Indians

Pamunkey Indians

Panamint Indians

Papago Indians

Pascagoula Indians

Passamaquoddy Indians

Patchoag Indians

Patiri Indians

Patwin Indians

Pawnee Indians

Pawokti Indians

Pecos Indians

Pedee Indians

Pend d’Oreille Indians

Pennacook Indians

Penobscot Indians

Pensacola Indians

Peoria Indians

Pepikokia Indians

Pequawket Indians

Pequot Indians

Piankashaw Indians

Piegan Indians

  • Piegan Tribe – Hodge
  • Social Life of the Blackfoot Indians
    In this third paper on the ethnology of the Blackfoot Indians, Clark Wissler examines the social culture of the Blackfoot Indians, particularly the Piegan division in Montana. Complete with pictures where appropriate this paper approaches the social life of Blackfoot Indians in a fair and unpretentious manner. Discussions concern marriage, child rearing, naming, games and amusements, government of tribe, picture writing, and other activities specific to the social organization of the Blackfoot Indians. While Clark relied heavily on the first hand knowledge of a Piegan Indian, he supplemented that information with known facts from a variety of sources.
  • Piegan Tribal Locations
  • Piegan Treaties

Pilthlako Indians

Pima Indians

Pinal Coyotero Indians

Piro Pueblo Indians

Pit River Indians

Pocomtuc Indians

Pohoy, Pooy, Posoy Indians

Pomo Indians

Ponca Indians

Poospatuck Indians / Poosepatuck Indians

Pooy Indians

Port Madison Indians

Posoy Indians

Potano Indians

Potawatomi Indians

Potter Valley Indians

Powhatan Indians

Pshwanwapam Indians

Pueblo Indians

Puntlatsh Indians

Puyallup Indians


Indian Tribes of the United States Compiled by AccessGenealogy. Copyright 1999-2020, all rights reserved.

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