Indian Tribal Histories: Pahvant – Puyallup. Our tribal history pages represent a cross-index of specific pages on our site relevant to a tribe. These pages are not meant to replace our search, which should be used to find a much larger number of mentions for each tribe, but to provide a quick reference point for researchers to find a larger quantity of material for a specific tribe. Beside some links are an author’s name or book title. To find more information about each author or book please view our main Indian Tribes of the United States page.
Pahvant Indians
Paiute Indians
- Paiute Tribe – Hodge
- Northern Paiute Indians – Swanton
- Southern Paiute Indians – Swanton
- Paiute Tribal Locations
- Idaho Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Utah Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Indian Missions of Middle Atlantic States
- Indian Chiefs I have Known
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Bishop Agency
- Carson Indian Agency
- Fallon Agency
- Fort Bidwell Agency
- Fort McDermitt Agency
- Goshute Agency
- Kaibab Agency
- Klamath Agency
- Moapa River Agency
- Nevada Agency
- Paiute Agency
- Paiute and Ute indians
- Pyramid Lake Agency
- Reno Agency
- Salt Lake Special Agency
- Shivwits Agency
- Southern Utah Agency
- Walker River Agency
- Warm Springs River Agency
Pakana Indians
- Muskogee Indians – Swanton
Paloos Indians
- Paloos Tribe – Hodge
Palouse Indians
- Palouse Indians – Swanton
- Palouse Tribal Locations
- Idaho Indian Tribes – Swanton
Pamlico Indians
- Pamlico Indians – Swanton
Pamunkey Indians
Panamint Indians
- Panamint Tribe – Hodge
- Northern Paiute Indians – Swanton
Papago Indians
- Papago Tribe – Hodge
- Papago Tribal Locations
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Pima Agency
- Papago Indians
- 1887 Pima Agency Census
- 1890-1891 Pima Agency Census
- 1894 Pima Agency Census
- 1895-1896 Pima Agency Census
- 1899 Pima Agency Census
- 1901 Pima Agency Census
- 1919-1921 Pima Agency Census
- 1922-1924 Pima Agency Census
- 1925-1926 Pima Agency Census
- 1927-1928 Pima Agency Census
- 1929 Pima Agency Census
- 1930 Pima Agency Census
- 1931 Pima Agency Census
- 1932 Pima Agency Census
- 1933 Pima Agency Census
- 1934 Pima Agency Census
- 1935-1936 Pima Agency Census
- 1937 Pima Agency Census
- 1938 Pima Agency Census
- 1939 Pima Agency Census
- Papago Indians
- San Xavier Agency
- Sells Agency
- Pima Agency
Pascagoula Indians
- Pascagoula Tribe – Hodge
- Pascagoula Indians – Swanton
- Pascagoula Tribal Locations
Passamaquoddy Indians
- Passamaquoddy Tribe – Hodge
- Passamaquoddy Tribal Locations
- Indian Missions of New England
- Passamaquoddy Folklore
Patchoag Indians
- Patchoag Tribe – Hodge
Patiri Indians
- Patiri Tribe – Hodge
Patwin Indians
- Patwin Tribe – Hodge
- Patwin Tribal Locations
Pawnee Indians
- Pawnee Tribe – Hodge
- Pawnee Indians – Swanton
- Houses of the Arikara Tribe
- Pawnee Tribal Locations
- Kansas Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Oklahoma Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Wyoming Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Pawnee Treaties
- Indian Missions of Middle Atlantic States
- Indian Chiefs and Leaders – NaNations
- A Brief History of the Indians of Nebraska – NaNations
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Pawnee Agency
- Ponca Agency
Pawokti Indians
- Pawokti Indians – Swanton
- Creek Confederacy – Swanton
- Pawokti Tribal Locations
Pecos Indians
- Pecos Tribe – Hodge
- Pecos Indians – Swanton
Pedee Indians
- Pedee Tribe – Hodge
- Pedee Indians – Swanton
Pend d’Oreille Indians
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Flathead Agency
- 1886-1893 Flathead Agency Census
- 1895-1897 Flathead Agency Census
- 1900-1905 Flathead Agency Census
- 1906-1907 Flathead Agency Census
- 1909-1913 Flathead Agency Census
- 1914-1918 Flathead Agency Census
- 1919-1923 Flathead Agency Census
- 1924-1928 Flathead Agency Census
- 1929-1931 Flathead Agency Census
- 1932-1934 Flathead Agency Census
- 1935-1937 Flathead Agency Census
- 1938-1939 Flathead Agency Census
- Flathead Agency
Pennacook Indians
- Pennacook Tribe – Hodge
- Pennacook Tribal Locations
- Indian Missions of New England
Penobscot Indians
- Penobscot Tribe – Hodge
- Penobscot Tribal Locations
- Indian Missions of New England
Pensacola Indians
- Pensacola Tribe – Hodge
- Pensacola Indians – Swanton
- Pensacola Tribal Locations
Peoria Indians
- Peoria Tribe – Hodge
- Peoria Tribal Locations
- Oklahoma Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Peoria Treaties
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
Pepikokia Indians
- Pepikokia Tribe – Hodge
Pequawket Indians
- Pequawket Tribe – Hodge
- Pequaket Tribal Locations
Pequot Indians
- Pequot Tribe – Hodge
Piankashaw Indians
- Piankashaw Tribe – Hodge
- Piankashaw Tribal Locations
- Oklahoma Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Piankashaw Treaties
- Indian Missions of Middle Atlantic States
Piegan Indians
- Piegan Tribe – Hodge
- Social Life of the Blackfoot Indians
In this third paper on the ethnology of the Blackfoot Indians, Clark Wissler examines the social culture of the Blackfoot Indians, particularly the Piegan division in Montana. Complete with pictures where appropriate this paper approaches the social life of Blackfoot Indians in a fair and unpretentious manner. Discussions concern marriage, child rearing, naming, games and amusements, government of tribe, picture writing, and other activities specific to the social organization of the Blackfoot Indians. While Clark relied heavily on the first hand knowledge of a Piegan Indian, he supplemented that information with known facts from a variety of sources. - Piegan Tribal Locations
- Montana Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Piegan Treaties
Pilthlako Indians
- Pilthlako Tribal Locations
Pima Indians
- Pima Tribe – Hodge
- Pima Tribal Locations
- Indian Missions of New Mexico and Arizona
- Famous Indian Chiefs I Have Known
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Phoenix Agency
- Pima Agency
- 1887 Pima Agency Census
- 1890-1891 Pima Agency Census
- 1894 Pima Agency Census
- 1895-1896 Pima Agency Census
- 1899 Pima Agency Census
- 1901 Pima Agency Census
- 1919-1921 Pima Agency Census
- 1922-1924 Pima Agency Census
- 1925-1926 Pima Agency Census
- 1927-1928 Pima Agency Census
- 1929 Pima Agency Census
- 1930 Pima Agency Census
- 1931 Pima Agency Census
- 1932 Pima Agency Census
- 1933 Pima Agency Census
- 1934 Pima Agency Census
- 1935-1936 Pima Agency Census
- 1937 Pima Agency Census
- 1938 Pima Agency Census
- 1939 Pima Agency Census
Pinal Coyotero Indians
- Pinal Coyotero Apache Tribe – Hodge
Piro Pueblo Indians
- Piros Tribe/Piro Tribe – Hodge
- Piro Pueblo Indians – Swanton
Pit River Indians
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
Pocomtuc Indians
- Pocomtuc Tribe – Hodge
- Pocomtuc Tribal Locations
Pohoy, Pooy, Posoy Indians
- Pohoy Indians – Swanton
Pomo Indians
- Pomo Tribe – Hodge
- Pomo Indians
- Pomo Basket Making
- Pomo Tribal Locations
Ponca Indians
- Ponca Tribe – Hodge
- Ponca Indians – Swanton
- Ponca Tribal Locations
- Minnesota Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Oklahoma Indian Tribes – Swanton
- South Dakota Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Houses of the Ponca Tribe
- Ponca Treaties
- Indian Missions of Middle Atlantic States
- Indian Chiefs and Leaders – NaNations
- Native American Land Patents
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Ponca Agency
- Santee Agency
- Winnebago Agency
- 1904-1907 Winnebago Agency Census
- 1909 Winnebago Agency Census
- 1910-1914 Winnebago Agency Census
- 1915-1924 Winnebago Agency Census
- 1925-1929 Winnebago Agency Census
- 1930-1931 Winnebago Agency Census
- 1932-1933 Winnebago Agency Census
- 1934-1936 Winnebago Agency Census
- 1937-1939 Winnebago Agency Census
- Yankton Agency
Poospatuck Indians / Poosepatuck Indians
- Poospatuck Tribe – Hodge
Pooy Indians
- Pohoy Indians – Swanton
Port Madison Indians
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Tulalip Agency
- 1885-1897 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1898-1910 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1911-1915 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1916-1920 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1921-1923 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1924-1926 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1927-1929 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1930 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1931 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1932-1933 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1934-1936 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1937-1939 Tulalip Agency Census
- Tulalip Agency
Posoy Indians
- Pohoy Indians – Swanton
Potano Indians
- Potano Indians – Swanton
Potawatomi Indians
- Potawatomi Tribe – Hodge
- A Sketch of the Pottawatomie
- Pottawatomie Treaties
- Treaty of January 9, 1789
- Treaty of August 3, 1795
- Treaty of June 7, 1803
- Treaty of July 4, 1805
- Treaty of Aug. 21, 1805
- Treaty of November 25, 1808
- Treaty of November 17, 1807
- Treaty of September 30, 1809
- Treaty of July 18, 1815
- Treaty of September 8, 1815
- Treaty of August 24, 1816
- Treaty of Sept. 29, 1817
- Treaty of September 17, 1818
- Treaty of October 2, 1818
- Treaty of August 29, 1821
- Treaty of August 19, 1825
- Treaty of October 16, 1826
- Treaty of September 19, 1827
- Treaty of August 25, 1828
- Treaty of September 20, 1828
- Treaty of May 29, 1829
- Treaty of July 29, 1829
- Treaty of October 20, 1832
- Treaty of October 26, 1832
- Treaty of October 27, 1832
- Treaty of September 26, 1833
- Treaty of December 4, 1834
- Treaty of December 10, 1834
- Treaty of December 16, 1834
- Treaty of December 17, 1834
- Treaty of March 26, 1836
- Treaty of March 29, 1836
- Treaty of April 11, 1836
- Treaty of April 22, 1836
- Treaty of April 22, 1836 (2)
- Treaty of August 5, 1836
- Treaty of September 20, 1836
- Treaty of September 22, 1836
- Treaty of September 23, 1836
- Treaty of February 11, 1837
- Treaty of June 5 And 17, 1846
- Treaty of March 29, 1866
- Treaty of November 15, 1861
- Treaty of March 29, 1866
- Treaty of February 27, 1867
- Potawatomi Tribal Locations
- Illinois Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Kansas Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Ohio Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Oklahoma Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Wisconsin Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Indian Missions of Middle Atlantic States
- Indians of the Chicago Region
- Shau-be-na, Pottawatomie Chief
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Absentee Shawnee Agency
- Citizen Potawatomi
- 1904-1906 Absentee Shawnee Agency Census
- 1915-1919 Absentee Shawnee Agency Census
- 1920-1923 Absentee Shawnee Agency Census
- 1924-1929 Absentee Shawnee Agency Census
- 1930-1931 Absentee Shawnee Agency Census
- 1932-1933 Absentee Shawnee Agency Census
- 1934-1936 Absentee Shawnee Agency Census
- 1937-1939 Absentee Shawnee Agency Census
- Citizen Potawatomi
- Carter Agency
- Great Lakes Agency
- Haskell Agency
- Kickapoo Agency
- Laona Agency
- Potawatomi Agency
- Absentee Shawnee Agency
Potter Valley Indians
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Round Valley Agency
- Sacramento Agency
Powhatan Indians
- Powhatan Tribe – Hodge
- Powhatan Indians – Swanton
- Indian Races of North and South America
Pshwanwapam Indians
- Pshwanwapam Tribal Locations
Pueblo Indians
- Pueblo Tribe – Hodge
- Puebo Indians – Swanton
- Pueblo Tribal Locations
- Nevada Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Albuquerque School
- Laguna Pueblo Agency
- Laguna Pueblo
- Moqui Agency
- Navajo Agency
- Northern Pueblo Agency
- Pueblo Day Schools
- Pueblo Agency
- Santa Fe Agency
- Southern Pueblo Agency
- 1920-1921 Southern Pueblo Indians Census
- 1922-1923 Southern Pueblo Indians Census
- 1924-1925 Southern Pueblo Indians Census
- 1926-1927 Southern Pueblo Indians Census
- 1928 Southern Pueblo Indians Census
- 1929 Southern Pueblo Indians Census
- 1930 Southern Pueblo Indians Census
- 1931 Southern Pueblo Indians Census
- 1932 Southern Pueblo Indians Census
- 1933 Southern Pueblo Indians Census
- 1934-1935 Southern Pueblo Indians Census
- United Pueblos Agency
Puntlatsh Indians
- Puntlatsh Tribe – Hodge
Puyallup Indians
- Puyallup Tribe – Hodge
- Puyallup Treaties
- Washington Indian Tribes
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940