Palouse Indians

Palouse Indians. Significance unknown. Also called:

  • Pallotepellows, by Lewis and Clark in 1806.
  • .spalu’.sox, so called by Sinkiuse, said to be from a place name.

Palouse Connections. The Palouse belonged to the Shahaptian division of the Shapwailutan linguistic stock, and were most closely connected with the Nez Perce.

Palouse Location. In the valley of Palouse River in Washington and Idaho and on a small section of Snake River, extending eastward to the camas grounds near Moscow, Idaho. The Palouse were included in the Yakima treaty of 1855 but have never recognized the treaty obligations and have declined to lead a reservation life.

Palouse Villages

  • Almotu, on the north bank of Snake River about 30 miles above the mouth of Palouse River.
  • Chimnapum, on the northwest side of Columbia River near the mouth of Snake River and on lower Yakima River.
  • Kasispa, at Ainsworth, at the junction of Snake and Columbia Rivers, Wash.
  • Palus, on the north bank of Snake River just below its junction with the Palouse.
  • Sokulk or Wanapum, on Columbia River above the mouth of Snake River.
  • Tasawiks, on the north bank of Snake River, about 15 miles above its mouth.

Palouse History. The Palouse are said to have separated from the Yakima.

Palouse Population. Estimated by Mooney (1928) at 5,400 in 1780. In 1805 Lewis and Clark gave 1,600. In 1854 they were said to number 500. The census of 1910 returned 82.

Connection in which the Palouse Indians have become noted. Palouse or Pelouse River, in Idaho and Washington, and the city of Palouse in Whitman County, Washington, preserve the name of the Palouse Indians.

Palouse, Shahaptian,

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