Treaty of October 20, 1832 – Potawatomie

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at Camp Tippecanoe, in the State of Indiana, this twentieth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, between Jonathan Jennings, John W. Davis and Marks Crume, Commissioners on the part of the United States of the one part, and the Chiefs and Headmen of the Potawatamie Tribe of Indians of the Prairie and Kankakee, of the other part.

Article 1. The said Potawatamie Tribe of Indians cede to the United States the tract of land included within the following boundary, viz:

Beginning at a point on Lake Michigan ten miles southward of the mouth of Chicago river; thence, in a direct line, to a point on the Kankakee river, ten miles above its mouth; thence, with said river and the Illinois river, to the mouth of Fox river, being the boundary of a cession made by them in 1816; thence, with the southern boundary of the Indian Territory, to the State line between Illinois and Indiana; thence, north with said line, to Lake Michigan; thence, with the shore of Lake Michigan, to the place of beginning.

Article 2. From the cession aforesaid the following tracts shall be reserved, to wit:
Five sections for Shaw-waw-nas-see, to include Little Rock village.
For Min-e-maung, one section, to include his village.
For Joseph Laughton, son of Wais-ke-shaw, one section, and for Ce-na-ge-wine, one section, both to be located at Twelve Mile Grove, or Na-be-na-qui-nong.
For Claude Laframboise, one section, on Thorn creek.
For Maw-te-no, daughter of Francois Burbonnois, jun. one section, at Soldier’s village.
For Catish, wife of Francis Burbonnois, sen. one section, at Soldier’s village.
For the children of Wais-ke-shaw, two sections, to include the small grove of timber on the river above Rock village.
For Jean B. Chevallier, one section, near Rock village; and for his two sisters, Angelique and Josette, one half section each, joining his.
For Me-she-ke-ten-o, two sections, to include his village.
For Francis Le Via, one section, joining Me-she-ke-ten-o.
For the five daughters of Mo-nee, by her last husband, Joseph Bailey, two sections.
For Me-saw-ke-qua and her children, two section, at Wais-us-kucks’s village.
For Sho-bon-ier, two sections, at his village.
For Josette Beaubien and her children, two sections, to be located on Hickory creek.
For Therese, wife of Joseph Laframboise, one section: and for Archange Pettier, one section, both at Skunk Grove.
For Mau-i-to-qua and son, one half section each; for the children of Joseph Laframboise, one section, at Skunk Grove.
For Washington Burbonnois, one section, joining his mother’s reservation (Calish Burbonnois).
For Ah-be-te-kezhic, one section, below the State line on the Kankakee river.
For Nancy, Sally, and Betsey Countreman, children of En-do-ga, one section, joining the reserves near Rock village.
For Jacque Jonveau, one section, near the reservation of Me-she-ke-ten-o.
For Wah-pon-seh and Qua-qui-to, five sections each, in the Prairie near Rock village.

The persons to whom the foregoing reservations are made, are all Indians and of Indian descent.

Article 3. In consideration of the cession in the first article, the United States agree to pay to the aforesaid Potawatamie Indians, an annuity of fifteen thousand dollars for the term of twenty years. Six hundred dollars shall be paid annually to Billy Caldwell, two hundred dollars to Alexander Robinson, and two hundred dollars to Pierre Le Clerc, during their natural lives.

Article 4. The sum of twenty-eight thousand seven hundred and forty-six dollars, shall be applied to the payment of certain claims against the Indians, agreeably to a schedule of the said claims, hereunto annexed.

The United States further agree to deliver to the said Indians, forty-five thousand dollars in merchandise immediately after signing this treaty; and also the further sum of thirty thousand dollars in merchandize is hereby stipulated to be paid to them at Chicago in the year 1833.

There shall be paid by the United States, the sum of one thousand four hundred dollars to the following named Indians, for horses stolen from them during the late war, as follows, to wit:

Name Amount
To Pe-quo-no, for two horses $80
To Shaw-wa-nas-see, for one horse  40
To Francis Sho-bon-nier, for three horses 120
To Sho-bon-ier, or Cheval-ier, for one horse  40
To Naw-o-kee, for one horse  40
To Me-she-ke-ten-o, for one horse  40
To Aun-take, for two horses,  80
To Che-chalk-ose, for one horse,  40
To Naa-a-gue, for two horses,  80
To Pe-she-ka-of-le-beouf, one horse,  40
To Naw-ca-a-sho, for four horses, 160
To Nox-sey, for one horse,  40
To Ma-che-we-tah, for three horses, 120
To Masco, for one horse,  40
To Wah-pou-seh, for one horse,  40
To Waub-e-sai, for three horses, 120
To Chi-cag, for one horse,  40
To Mo-swah-en-wah, one horse,  40
To She-bon-e-go, one horse,  40
To Saw-saw-wais-kuk, for two horses,  80

The said tribe having been the faithful allies of the United States during the late conflict with the Sacs and Foxes, in consideration thereof, the United States agree to permit them to hunt and fish on the lands ceded, as also on the lands of the Government on Wabash and Sangamon rivers, so long as the same shall remain the property of the United States.

In testimony whereof, the commissioners, and the chiefs, head men, and warriors of the said tribe, have hereunto set their hands, at the place and on the day aforesaid.

Jonathan Jennings
John W. Davis
Marks Crume

Ah-be-te-ke-zhic, his x mark,
Shaw-wa-nas-see, his x mark,
Wah-pon-seh, his x mark,
Caw-we-saut, his x mark,
Shab-e-neai, his x mark,
Chi-cag, his x mark,
Te-ca-cau-co, his x mark,
Chah-wee, his x mark,
Mas-co, his x mark,
Sho-min, his x mark,
Car-bon-ca, his x mark,
O-gouse, his x mark,
Ash-ke-wee, his x mark,
Ka-qui-tah, his x mark,
She-mar-gar, his x mark,
Nar-ga-to-nuc, his x mark,
Puc-won, his x mark,
Ne-be-gous, his x mark,
E-to-wan-a-cote, his x mark,
Quis-e-wen, his x mark,
Wi-saw, his x mark,
Pierish, his x mark,
Cho-van-in, his x mark,
Wash-is-kuck, his x mark,
Ma-sha-wah, his x mark,
Capt. Heeld, his x mark,
Man-itoo, his x mark,
Ke-me-gu-bee, his x mark,
Pe-shuc-kee, his x mark,
Pat-e-go-shuc, his x mark,
Aun-take, his x mark,
Me-she-ke-ten-o, his x mark,
Shay-tee, his x mark,
Ce-na-je-wine, his x mark,
Ne-swa-bay-o-sity, his x mark,
Ke-wah-ca-to, his x mark,
Wai-saw-o-ke-ah, his x mark,
No-nee, his x mark,
No-che-ke-se-qua-bee, his x mark,
She-bon-e-go, his x mark,
Mix-e-maung, his x mark,
Mah-che-wish-a-wa, his x mark,
Mac-a-ta-be-na, his x mark,
Ma-che-we-tah, his x mark,
Me-gis, his x mark,
Mo-swa-en-wah, his x mark,
Ka-che-na-bee, his x mark,
Wah-be-no-say, his x mark,
Mash-ca-shuc, his x mark,
A-bee-shah, his x mark,
Me-chi-ke-kar-ba, his x mark,
Nor-or-ka-kee, his x mark,
Pe-na-o-cart, his x mark,
Quar-cha-mar, his x mark,
Francois Cho-van-ier, his x mark,
Ge-toc-quar, his x mark,
Me-gwun, his x mark,
Ma-sha-ware, his x mark,
Che-co, his x mark,
So-wat-so, his x mark,
Wah-be-min, his x mark.

Signed in the presence of:
John Tipton
Th. Jo. Owen, United States Indian agent
J. B. Beaubien
B. H. Laughton, interpreter
G. S. Hubbard, interpreter
William Conner, interpreter
Thomas Hartzell
Meadore B. Beaubien
James Conner
Henry B. Hoffman

After the signing of this treaty, and at the request of the Indians, three thousand dollars was applied to the purchasing of horses; which were purchased and delivered to the Indians by our direction, leaving the balance to be paid in merchandise at this time, forty-two thousand dollars.

Jonathan Jennings, Commissioners
J. W. Davis, Commissioners
Marks Crume, Commissioners

It is agreed, on the part of the United States, that the following claims shall be allowed, agreeably to the fourth article of the foregoing treaty, viz:

To Gurdon S. Hubbard, five thousand five hundred and seventy three dollars.
Samuel Miller, seven hundred and ninety dollars.
John Bt. Bobea, three thousand dollars.
Robert A. Kinzie, four hundred dollars.
Jacque Jombeaux, one hundred and fifty dollars.
Jacque Jombeaux, senior, fifteen hundred dollars.
Medad B. Bobeaux, five hundred and fifty dollars.
Noel Vasier, eighteen hundred dollars.
Joseph Balies, twelve hundred and fifty dollars.
Joseph Shawnier, one hundred and fifty dollars.
Thomas Hartzell, three thousand dollars.
Bernardus H. Lawton, three thousand five hundred dollars.
George Walker, seven hundred dollars.
Stephen J. Scott, one hundred dollars.
Cole Weeks, thirty eight dollars.
Timothy B. Clark, one hundred dollars.
George Pettijohn, fifty dollars.
Thomas Forsyth, five hundred dollars.
Antoine Le Clerc, fifty-five dollars.
James B. Campbell, fifty-three dollars.

Schedule referred to in Treaty

From the cession aforesaid, the following reservations are made, (to wit:)

  • The reservation at Po-ca-gan’s village for his band, and a reservation for such of the Potowatomies as are resident at the village of Notta-we-sipa, agreeably to the treaties of the nineteenth of September, eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, and twentieth of September, 1828.
  • For the band of Kin-Kash, four sections
  • For O-ca-chee, one section
  • For the band Mes-qua-buck, four sections, to include his village
  • For the band of Che-kase, four sections, to include his village
  • For the band of Che-Chaw-kose ten sections, to include his village
  • For the Potowatomies, two sections, to include their mills on Tippecanoe river
  • For the band of To-i-sas brother Me-mot-way, and Che-quam-ka-ko, ten sections to include their village
  • For the band of Ma-sac, four sections
  • For the band of Ash-kum and Wee-si-o-nas, sixteen sections, to include their village
  • For the band of Wee-sau, five sections of land, including one section, granted to him by the Treaty of eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, and to include his present residence
  • For the bands of Mo-ta and Men-o-quet. four sections, each, to include their village
  • For Be-si-ah, four sections

The United States agree to grant to each of the following persons, the quantity of land annexed to their names, which lands shall be conveyed to them by patent:

  • For Mon-i-taw-quah, daughter of Swa-gaw, one section, to include Wi-me-gos village
  • For Wee-saw, three sections
  • For Po-quia, the sister of Jose, one section
  • For Ben-ack, eight sections
  • For Ursule Du-quin-dre, one section
  • For Ge-neir, one section
  • To To-pen-ne-bee, principal chief, one section
  • To Poch-a-gan, second Chief, one section
  • To Pet-chi-co, two sections
  • To Sau-gana, one section
  • To Louis Barnett, one section
  • To Mam-qua, daughter of Sau-ga-na, one section
  • To Mish-a-wa, adopted daughter of Pit-e-chew, one section
  • To Kesis-Shadana, one section
  • To Louis Chadana, one half section
  • To Charles Chadana, one half section
  • To John B. Chadana, one section
  • To Pier Navarre’s wife, one section
  • To John B. Ducharm, one section
  • To Mie-saw-bee, one quarter section
  • To Baptiste L. Clare, one half section
  • To Mary Lacombe’s children, one half section
  • To Joseph Bertrand’s, jr. children, one half section jointly
  • To Francis Page, jr. one half section
  • To Alexander Rollane, a half blood, one half section
  • To Re-re-mo-sau, (alias) Panish, one section and one half section, on the McCou, on the river Raison, in the Michigan Territory, which was reserved to his use at St. Joseph’s treaty, of eighteen hundred and twenty-eight
  • To Mary Nedeau, one quarter section
  • To Saw-grets, son of Pier Moran, one half section
  • To Isadore Mo-mence and Wa-be-ga, sons of Pier Morans, one quarter section each
  • To Poch-a-gan’s wife, one section
  • To Pet-qua and Kee-see, sons of Ma-kee-sa-be, one half section
  • To Pe-nem-chis, one half section
  • To Neu-a-tau-naut, one half section
  • To Francis de Jean, one section
  • To Mary Ann Ben-ack, wife of Edward McCartney, three sections of land, to be located on the south side of the Turkey creek prairie
  • For Francis Besion, one half section
  • For Miss-no-qui, a chieftess, four sections
  • For Luther Rice, one quarter section
  • For Med-lin Aucharm, one quarter section
  • For Sheaupo Truckey, one section
  • For Ju-be Actrois, one section
  • For Ash-kum, two sections
  • For Pee-pees-kah one section
  • For Po-ka-kause, one half section
  • For Nas-wau-kee, one section
  • For Man-me-nass, one half section
  • For Paul Longlois, one half section
  • For Peter Longlois, junr., one half section
  • For Shaw-bo-wah-tuck, one quarter section
  • For Betsey Rousau, one quarter section
  • For John Davis, one half section
  • For Nancy Cicott, one quarter section
  • For Amelia Cicott, one quarter section
  • For Lazette Allen, one quarter section
  • For Polly Griffith, daughter of Ne-bosh, two sections
  • For Chop-y-tuck, or John Payne, one section
  • For Joe Borisau, one quarter section
  • For Quash-mau, one quarter section
  • For Mas-co, one quarter section
  • For Mis-sink-qu-quah, six sections
  • For Aub-e-naub-bee, ten sections
  • For Nee-kaw Dizzardee, one quarter section
  • For Mog-see, one half section
  • To Kaubee, one half section
  • To old Ann Mac-i-to, one half section
  • To old Wee-saw, one half section
  • To Pe-te-no-on, one half section
  • To Tou-se-qua, the wife of Joe Baily, one section
  • To Au-taw-co-num, daughter of the Crane, one section
  • To Sen niss-quah and her daughter Nancy, two sections
  • To James Burnett, one section
  • To To-gah, a Potawatomie woman, one quarter section
  • To Mary Ann Bruner, one quarter section

The foregoing reservations shall be selected, under the direction of the President of the United States, after the lands shall have been surveyed, and the boundaries to correspond with the public surveys.

Land Tracts

From the cession aforesaid the following tracts shall be reserved, to wit:

  • Five sections for Shaw-waw-nas-see, to include Little Rock village.
  • For Min-e-maung, one section, to include his village.
  • For Joseph Laughton, son of Wais-ke-shaw, one section, and for Ce-na-ge-wine, one section, both to be located at Twelve Mile Grove, or Na-be-na-qui-nong.
  • For Claude Laframboise, one section, on Thorn creek.
  • For Maw-te-no, daughter of Francois Burbonnois, jun. one section, at Soldier’s village.
  • For Catish, wife of Francis Burbonnois, sen. one section, at Soldier’s village.
  • For the children of Wais-ke-shaw, two sections, to include the small grove of timber on the river above Rock village.
  • For Jean B. Chevallier, one section, near Rock village; and for his two sisters, Angelique and Josette, one half section each, joining his.
  • For Me-she-ke-ten-o, two sections, to include his village.
  • For Francis Le Via, one section, joining Me-she-ke-ten-o.
  • For the five daughters of Mo-nee, by her last husband, Joseph Bailey, two sections.
    For Me-saw-ke-qua and her children, two section, at Wais-us-kucks’s village.
  • For Sho-bon-ier, two sections, at his village.
  • For Josette Beaubien and her children, two sections, to be located on Hickory creek.
    For Therese, wife of Joseph Laframboise, one section: and for Archange Pettier, one section, both at Skunk Grove.
  • For Mau-i-to-qua and son, one half section each; for the children of Joseph Laframboise, one section, at Skunk Grove.
  • For Washington Burbonnois, one section, joining his mother’s reservation (Calish Burbonnois).
  • For Ah-be-te-kezhic, one section, below the State line on the Kankakee river.
  • For Nancy, Sally, and Betsey Countreman, children of En-do-ga, one section, joining the reserves near Rock village.
  • For Jacque Jonveau, one section, near the reservation of Me-she-ke-ten-o.
  • For Wah-pon-seh and Qua-qui-to, five sections each, in the Prairie near Rock village.

The persons to whom the foregoing reservations are made, are all Indians and of Indian descent.

Collection: Indian Treaties Acts and Agreements. Web. © 2016.

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