Agreement of January 3, 1818

Contract entered into under the authority of the United States, between governor Thomas Posey, superintendent of Indian affairs, and Chekommia or Big River, principal chief of the Piankeshaws.

This indenture, made this third day of January, 1818, between governor Thomas Posey, superintendent of Indian affairs, on the one part, and Chekommia or Big River, principal chief of the Piankeshaw tribe of Indians, acting as well in his own name, as in the name and behalf of the said Piankeshaw tribe of Indians, on the other part, witnesseth:

Whereas, at a treaty held under the authority of the United States, with the chiefs and head men of the said Piankeshaw nation of Indians, at Vincennes, in the Indiana territory, the 27th day of August, 1804, and William Henry Harrison, governor of the Indiana territory, superintendent of Indian Affairs, and commissioner plenipotentiary of the United States, for concluding any treaty or treaties with said tribe, it was agreed by said William Henry Harrison, on the one part, and the chiefs and head men of said tribe, on the other; that the Piankeshaw tribe, for the consideration therein mentioned, should cede and relinquish to the United States forever, all that tract of country, which lies between the Wabash and the tract ceded by the Kaskaskia tribe, in the year one thousand eight hundred and three, and south of a line to be drawn from the northwest corner of Vincennes tract, northerly seventy-eight degrees west, until it intersects the boundary line which has heretofore separated the lands of the Piankeshaws from the said tract ceded by the Kaskaskia tribe.
And it was also further agreed by the chiefs of the said Piankeshaw tribe, on the one part, and the said William Henry Harrison, on the other part, that the said tribe should reserve to themselves, the right of locating a tract of two square miles, or twelve hundred and eighty acres: the fee of which is to remain with them forever.

And whereas the said Piankeshaw nation, being reduced in number, and being unable to occupy the land reserved to them, by the treaty concluded between the chiefs of said tribe, and William Henry Harrison as aforesaid: therefore be it known, to all to whom these presents shall come, greeting: That the said Chekommia, commonly called Big River, principal chief and head man of the Piankeshaw tribe of Indians, as well in his own name and behalf of the said Piankeshaw tribe, for the consideration of one thousand dollars received to our full satisfaction, of governor Thomas Posey, superintendent of Indian affairs, and with full power and authority from the President of the United States, to act concerning the within named premises, have relinquished, and do by these presents, cede and relinquish to the United States, all that tract of land two miles square, and containing twelve hundred and eighty acres, being the same tract which was reserved to us by the treaty concluded at Vincennes, as aforesaid, between governor William Henry Harrison, on the one part, and the chiefs and head men of the said Piankeshaw nation, on the other.

In testimony whereof, the said Thomas Posey, superintendent of Indian affairs, and Chekommia, principal chief, and representing the said Piankeshaw tribe, have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals.

Done at Vincennes, this third day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, and of the independence of the United States the forty-second.

Th. Posey
Chekommia, or Big River, his x mark

Signed, sealed, and executed, in presence of:
John Law, Attorney at Law
H. Lasselle
Caleb Lownes
Joseph Barron, Indian Interpreter
Macatamanguay, or Loon, a Wea chief, his x mark
This may certify, that Chehommia, or Big River, who has signed the above, is principal chief and head man of the Piankeshaw tribe, and with full power and authority from said tribe, to sign and execute the above contract, on behalf of said tribe.
Macatamanguay, or Loon, a Wea chief, his x mark
Little Eyes, or Washington, a Wea chief, his x mark


Collection: Indian Treaties Acts and Agreements. Web. © 2016.

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