Richards, Franklin B.; iron merchant; born, North Andover, Mass., Nov. 12, 1862; son of Albert D. and Mary Preston Richards; educated, grammar and high school, Somerville, Mass.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass., 1884, degree S. B.; married, Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 8, 1886, Caroline A. Dimick; two daughters, Katherine E., and Dorothy; chemist Stafford Mining Co., North Stafford, Vt.; 1885, asst. chemist, Joliet Steel Works: chemist Bonner Hill Iron & Coal Co., Youngstown, O., 1886; supt. same Company, 1888; mgr. Ore Sales, Tod, Stambaugh & Co.. Cleveland; mgr. Buena Vista Iron Co., Virginia, 1890-1893; Ore Dept., M. A. Hanna Co.; 1893; mgr. Pig Iron and Ore Dept., 1894; vice pres. and director Detroit Iron & Steel Co.; treas. and director United Iron & Steel Co.; director in the following companies: Pennsylvania Iron & Coal Co., Penner Iron & Coke Co., Pittsburgh Ore Co., Cuyahoga Coal Co., Milwaukee Coke & Gas Co.; member American Institute of Mining Engineers and American Iron & Steel Institute; member Union, Country, Mayfield, Hermit, and Euclid Clubs, Cleveland; Duquesne Club, Pittsburgh, Buffalo Club, Buffalo, N. Y., Detroit Club, Detroit, Mich., University and Engineers Clubs, New York. Fond of Golf, Tennis and Yachting.