Biographical Sketch of Owen N. Wilcox

Wilcox, Owen N.; attorney; born, Cleveland, Jan. 29, 1880; son of Frank N. and Jessie F. Snow Wilcox; educated, Cleveland public schools and Central High School, Adelbert College, Western Reserve University Law School; Bachelor of Letters, Adelbert, 1902; Bachelor of Laws, Western Reserve University Law School, 1905; married, Cleveland, Oct. 24, 1905, Margaret Knowlton; issue, two sons; pres. and treas. The Gates Legal Publishing Co.; member Delta Tau Delta (College) Fraternity, and Phi Delta Phi (Law School) Fraternity. AN, N. R.; commercial paper; born, Pitchur, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1879; son of Elijah and Elsie Newton Wildman; educated, public schools, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. K. Gatch

Gatch, E. K.; cashier Graselli Chemical Co.; born, Milford, O., in 1865; common school and graduated from the High School of Milford, came to Cleveland in 1884; went to work for E. G. Graselli & Son, as office boy; promoted to shipping clerk, book-keeper and finally cashier; heavy stockholder in the company; member Y. M. C. A., Business Men’s Club, and Athletic Club. Recreations: Baseball.

Biographical Sketch of W. P. Congalton

Congalton, W. P.; real estate; born, Guelph, Can., 1875; came to Cleveland when a boy; public school and Spencerian Business College Education; business career, clerk for several years Relief Dept. of the Pennsylvania R. R.; asst. bookkeeper Standard Tool Co.; for three years charge of Real Estate Dept. of the Old Savings & Trust Co.; previous to its consolidation with the Citizens Savings & Trust Co.; in 1902, became associated with John H. Blood in the capacity of real estate salesman; in 1906, started in business for himself, making a speciality of business realty; member Chamber of Commerce, Athletic Club, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alfred J. Stevens

Stevens, Alfred J.; oil business; born, Cleveland, July 28, 1867; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, October, 1894, Agnes E. Rowan; issue, one son; has been in the oil and grease business twenty-seven years; pres. The Stevens Grease & Oil Co.; member Elks, Chamber of Commerce, Athletic, Auto, and Gun Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Adam William Kuechle

Kuechle, Adam William; treasurer; born, Sandusky, Aug. 3, 1873; son of Adam and Otilda Kilcher Kuechle; educated, public schools and business college; married, Cleveland, Oct. 19, 1904, Mable Rose Miller; issue, Katherine Mabel and Helen Louise Kuechle; started, in 1893, as private sec’y to L. E. and Albert F. Holden; sec’y Cleveland Sarnia Saw Mill Co., Ltd., of Sarnia, Ont.; director and treas. The Hollenden Hotel Co.; director, sec’y and treas. Hub Transfer & Storage Co.; director Goodhold Farms Co.; member Halcyon Lodge, F. & A. M., McKinley Chapter, Forest City Commandery, K. T., Al Koran Temple, N. M. S. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Thomas Wellman

Wellman, Samuel Thomas; mechanical engineer; born, Wareham, Mass., Feb. 5, 1847; son of Samuel K, and Mary L. Besse Wellman; educated, Norwich University, Vermont, B. S. and C. E. (hon.); married, Stoneham, Mass., Sept. 3, 1868, Julia A. Ballard; issue, Mina Bessie, Aug. 11, 1870, Addle Lena, June 1, 1872, Wm. S., Nov. 1, 1874, Holley G., May 19, 1881, Frederick S., Dec. 8, 1887; served as corporal Co. F, 1st New Hampshire Heavy Artillery, 18641865; built first open hearth furnace in United States to make steel commercially, Bay State Works, Boston, 1870; engineer and supt. Otis Steel Co., 18731889, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. Loomis Spriggs

Spriggs, E. Loomis; realty and building; born, Washington, Pa., Oct. 17, 1880; son of Edward and Josephine E. Greenlee Spriggs; educated, Ohio Northern University, Ada, O.; treas. The Commonwealth Realty & Building Co.; identified with the agency force of The Pittsburgh Life & Trust Co.; subsequently in the Federal service at Pittsburgh until 1906, when he resigned, to become associated with his brother, C. H. Spriggs, as Cleveland real estate operators; this partnership became the basis for the formation of The Commonwealth Realty & Building Co.; member Lakewood Chamber of Commerce, and Lakewood Lodge, F. & A. M.; Progressive Republican … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank Edward Cudell

Cudell, Frank Edward; architect; retired; born, Herzogenarth, Germany, May 11, 1844; studied architecture in Aix-La-Chapelle, Germany; came to New York in 1866; then came to Cleveland and has resided here since; four years employment by local architects; opened own office in 1871; at the end of a year, formed partnership with J. N. Richardson, firm name Cudell & Richardson; drew plans for the Perry Payne, Beckman, McBride Brothers, Jewish Orphan Asylum, Educational Alliance, Masonic Temple Buildings, and St. Joseph’s and St. Stephen’s Churches; in 1890, with-drew from the firm, because of ill health; in 1878, invented ball sewer gas trap, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nils B. Nelson

Nelson, Nils B.; steamboat inspector; born, Sweden, Jan. 5, 1856; educated in Sweden; having come of a sea-faring family, spent his summer vacations from his early youth on board sailing vessels; after leaving school and before coming to this country, served his apprenticeship on board sailing vessels on long voyages; in 1873, came to Cleveland; for sixteen years, served on sailing vessels and steamers of various grades; in 1905, appointed local inspector of steamboats; in 1912, was appointed U. S. supervising inspector of steamboats for the 9th District; past pres. of the Ship-Masters Ass’n; member Athletic Club, Forest City Commandery, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. William Neale

Neale, A. William; insurance; born, Columbus, O., May 14, 1863; son of William and Emma B. Lennox Neale; educated in Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Nov. 20, 1890, Clara Chandler; issue, one son and one daughter; began work at 14 years of age in a planing mill; held various office positions until 26, when appointed contracting agt. for Illinois Central R. R., at Pittsburgh, entered insurance business in Cleveland with Geo. H. Olmsted & Co.; later with Fred P. Thomas, insurance; with brother, E. E. Neale, formed firm of Neale Bros. & Co.; merged with the Phypers Bros. Co., as … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gilbert Lee Sigler

Sigler, Gilbert Lee; merchant; born, Fowler, O., Feb. 28, 1874; son of Lucius M. and Alice L. Silliman Sigler; educated, Cleveland public schools and Case School of Applied Science; graduated, 1896; married, Cleveland, Oct. 6, 1897, Sarah Louisa Martin; issue, four children; treas. The Sigler Bros. Co.; member Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, Athletic, Automobile, and Country Clubs; children’s birth record, Gilbert Lee Sigler, born Sept. 3, 1899; Lucius Martin Sigler, born June 28, 1903; John Martin Sigler, born March 2, 1911; Gilbert Martin Sigler, born Sept. 30, 1913.

Biographical Sketch of Abner H. Bedell

Bedell, Abner H.; insurance; born, Shalersville, O., July 29, 1872; son of H. C. and Sarah L. (Horr) Bedell; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, March 29, 1913, Bertha R. Lewis; paymaster, Ohio Battalion Naval Reserves to 1896; quartermaster 10th 0. V. Inf. 1898; War with Spain; entered insurance business, 1890; treas. and director 0. M. Stafford-Goss-Bedell Co.; Coventry Road Land Co.; West Ninth Co.; Cleveland Athletic Club; director Guarantee Title and Trust Co.; member Military Order of Foreign Wars; member Union, Cleveland Athletic, Hermit, Euclid and Mayfield Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of John Gould Jennings

Jennings, John Gould; treas. The Lamson & Sessions Co.: born, Cleveland, Sept. 28, 1856; son of John Giles and Caroline Read Conkling Jennings; educated, Central High School, Cleveland, and Yale University, class of 1878; married, Cleveland, Jan. 23, 1884, Lillian M. Lamson; one son, Isaac Lamson Jennings, Jan. 14, 1885; bookkeeper Wilcox, Treadway & Co. (now Peck, Stow & Wilcox Co.), 1880-1882; bookkeeper Melton Mining Co., Grizzly Flat, Cal., 1883; since 1883, treas. The Lamson & Sessions Co.; sec’y The Johnston & Jennings Co.; director The Ferry Cap and Set Screw Co.; pres. Clifton Club Co.; trustee Cleveland Federation for … Read more

Biography of Hiram B. Miller

Hiram B. Miller. Kansas wheat and corn and other farm products have been so much emphasized as partly to obscure the fact that the great basic industry of the state up to twenty-five or thirty years ago was live stock. Older residents of the state, now a little past their prime, will recall that the leading industry of their youth, except perhaps in the few counties along the eastern border, was the raising of live stock on the great ranges. Of the men who stood pre-eminent in that industry special mention should be made of the late Hiram B. Miller, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William E. Wall

Wall, William E.; pres. Fred G. Clark Co.; born, Chatham, Ont., Can., Aug. 23, 1868; educated, common schools and Chatham High School and Collegiate Institute; came to Cleveland in 1890; engaged in the oil business, for the past 24 years identified with the Fred G. Clark Co.; elected pres. of the National Petroleum Ass’n, 1903; pres. the Tiona Refining Co., Indianapolis, Ind., treas. the Conewango Refining Co., Warren, Pa.; director the Monitor Oil Co.; Great Western Oil Co., and Manufacturers Oil Co.; elected sec’y of the Cleveland Petroleum Ass in, 1904; member Euclid, Hermit, and Clifton Clubs; Chamber of Commerce; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert W. Woodruff

Woodruff, Albert W.; automobile business; born, Boston, Mass., April 2, 1882; son of Frederick and Fannie Sturtevant Woodruff; educated, Brookline High School, Stones (private school), Boston; married, Cleveland, May 20, 1907, Ellen M. Andrews; issue, one child, not living; has been with following concerns in order mentioned: Cleveland Plain Dealer, Western Reserve Motor Car Co., The F. B. Stearns Co., Southern Motor Works, Nashville, Tenn., as gen. mgr.; F. B. Stearns Co., The Peerless Motor Car Co., Lozier Motor Car Co., Detroit; The Lozier Sales Co., city, as gen. mgr.; member Cleveland Athletic and Automobile Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Hoyt V. Shulters

Shulters, Hoyt V.; sec’y and treas. The East Ohio Gas Co.; born, Chautauqua, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1868; son of Edwin and Martha (Camp) Shulters; educated, public school and business college; married, August, 1890, Mary E. Courtright, of Painesville, O.; business career, office position with the Tiffin Natural Gas Co. for four years; went to Toledo for the Northwestern Ohio Natural Gas Co.; in 1895, became asst. sec’y and treas. until 1902; came to Cleveland, and was elected sec’y and treas. East Ohio Gas Co.; sec’y and treas. Green River Coal Co.; director Connecting Gas Co., and East Ohio Gas … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harry Norris Rickey

Rickey, Harry Norris; newspaper man; born, Aug. 12, 1871, Cincinnati, O., son of John M. and Marinda Paine Rickey; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, 1899, Virginia Nelson Odor, Cleveland; three children; twenty-five years in newspaper business, as reporter, editor and publisher; vice pres. Scripps Pub. Co.; pres. and trustee Newspaper Enterprise Ass’n; director Des Moines News Co.; member Cleveland Athletic Club.

Biographical Sketch of Charles C. Bolton

Bolton, Charles C.; capitalist; born, Cleveland, March 23, 1855; son of Judge Thomas Bolton; educated, public schools, Miss Guilford’s Academy, the Phillips Exeter Academy, of Exeter, N. H., and Harvard University, B. A., 1877; married, Cleveland, Nov. 24, 1880, Miss Julia Castle, daughter of William Castle, a former mayor of Cleveland; four surviving children: Chester, Irving, Newell and Julian; after graduating, spent two years traveling abroad; became identified with Rhodes & Co., the predecessors of M. A. Hanna & Co.; remained with that firm 25 years; retired in 1904, devoting time to private interests; charter member of Troop A; served … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James B. Shields

Shields, James B.; cigar mnfr.; born, New Castle, Pa., Nov. 1, 1874; son of Louis and Lena Winternitz Shields; educated, New Castle High School; married, Cleveland, March 6, 1902, Fannie M. Meisel; issue, two sons; J. B. Shields & Co., started in business in 1895; incorporated under the name of Shields-Wertheim Co., 1906; at that time he was elected pres. of the company, and still continues in that capacity; pres. Southern Ohio Coal Co., and Superior Slide Co; director Up-to-Date Laundry Co., H. R. Pollock Co , J. E. Meisel Co.; member Elks, Chamber of Commerce, B’Nair B’rith, Cleveland Commercial … Read more